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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , you are accompanying us with the news section at 11 o'clock. since this morning , it has started raining in the southern provinces of the country, and according to the red warning of the meteorological organization , there is a possibility of flooding in the provinces of sistan baluchistan, hormozgan, bushar, kerman and fars. in order to find out about the latest rainfall and emergency management in fars province, i am talking to the journalist of the radio and television news agency, mr. reserve. greetings to you in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. at your service, my dear colleagues and dear and respected viewers. you mentioned it in several parts of
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it is raining in the country. in fars province , the recent rain system started yesterday afternoon. the east and south-east regions had very good rain yesterday afternoon and we saw good rainfall . last night, the rain continued in the center of the province . there is rain and it is predicted that this rain will continue until tomorrow . we are at the service of mr. gholami, the general director of crisis management of fars governorate, to provide you with information about the progress of this rain and the readiness of the province, mr. gholami. please, me too hello, i would like to serve you and all the good viewers of the national news network around god's power. the rain of god's mercy has been affecting fars province since yesterday. regarding the geographical situation of the province, we
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divided the province into two parts, the center and the north , which is the situation of orange. we announced that in the southern part of the province, the intensity of rainfall is more intense in the southern part of the province, and until now, when i am at your service , the cities of firozabad and farashband with more than 35 mm of rainfall have the highest statistics, and this rainfall is also up to tonight. to be continued. the crisis management headquarters of the province held its meeting yesterday the presence of all the member organizations of the headquarters and the executive organization was formed and the tasks of the organizations were announced. all devices are ready to go. the leave of all heads of departments, governors, prefects, mayors, villagers have been canceled and they are at work. education in the southern cities of
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fars province is following its programs through the happy system and non-virtual today . of course, tomorrow, if the situation is like this , we will inform again. do not move, do not move, stay in one place our sports and youth have announced to their mountaineering delegations to refrain from traveling to high altitudes because we will have lightning and hailstorms are not far from expected . physically, god willing , we hope that this rain of god's mercy, which is a good idea for the people of fars and our province, and hundreds of us will be filled with water, god willing
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, will be accompanied by minimal risks, and if it is a disaster, we will be able to manage it, god willing. thank you, mr. kholabi , i am at your service, dear colleague, if you have any special questions be. special thanks to you. in response to the telephone conversation of the head of the supreme political council of yemen, the president praised the courageous initiatives of yemen to stop the genocide of the palestinian nation. mr. raisi said that the resistance of the heroic nation of yemen is standing by the palestinian nation and trying to end it. the economic measures of the criminal sahoonist regime have been effective in deterring the crime of this regime. in this conversation, mr. mehdi al-mashad praised the operation of the armed forces of the islamic republic of iran against the aggressive action of the zionist regime and said: this is a brave action in punishing and punishing the enemy who does not adhere to any of the international laws. he gave honor and dignity to the islamic ummah again. the head of the supreme political council of yemen emphasized. the resistance is a
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united front and is with iran in confronting the zionist regime, the senior member of hamas said that iran's response to israel is a legitimate right and a brave action. was. judge hamad said: israel is now isolated and defeated and is losing its ability and credibility every day . the deputy general secretary of the people's front for the liberation of palestine also said: iran's attack raised the morale of everyone and not only the resistance groups. abu ahmad faad said: the small and big works of the zionist regime are done with the coordination of the american government and its military and security services it is implemented and america's statements about controlling tensions in the region are lies. the spokesperson of the palestinian ministry of health in gaza said that the discovery of a mass grave in the shefa hospital shows that the zionist regime is genocidating the people of gaza. the information office of the palestinian authority in the gaza strip also announced that the
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occupying regime martyred 400 palestinians in the shefa hospital complex, and the bodies of 9 of them were recovered from the rubble yesterday. last tuesday, the body of a 38-year-old palestinian was discovered around this hospital. in the last two weeks, the zionist regime has occupied and besieged shafa hospital and many patients he martyred the medical staff and destroyed many parts of this hospital. the president of venezuela said that the zionist regime, with the support of the united states, violates international laws and creates anarchy . nicolas maduro. he said: if another country in the world attacks the american embassy anywhere, america will not stay silent and attack that country . the president of venezuela warned the zionist regime against any escalation of tension. polls
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in the united states show that the people of this country no longer want the competition of trump biden in the upcoming presidential elections of this country. this survey ha also showed more than half of the parties. these two people in the election for the american people. the american people are really tired and saddened by the re-competition of biden and trump in the elections, but the american people are consumers of what
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has been prepared for them in these conditions, including problems such as biden's physical and mental disability, as well as the crisis of the influx of unmanaged immigrants. the seriousness of the american society and especially the poor economic performance and the increase in the inflation rate have caused joe biden's votes to fall. people are still angry about inflation, and of course the issue is more than just anger. and it has become a public dissatisfaction in the country. a new survey conducted by the reuters news agency together with absus institute showed that trump's base in american public opinion is even weaker than biden's. based on this, biden's votes are expected to be 41 and trump's votes are only about 37. we know that these candidates, trump and biden , are widely unpopular and most of the american people do not like these two choices. therefore
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, a large part of the american people is still undecided about the election. a new survey by the yoga institute showed that 57 of the americans who voted in the previous election presidency. the republic of this country voted for joe biden , they believe that the zionist regime committed genocide in gaza and the american government should not have supported this regime. this state of american public opinion is not good news for joe biden when only about 7 months remain until the next presidential election of this country. ali rajabi, new york broadcasting news agency. thank you very much for your companion . have a nice day. god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful. rahim, hello, good time , welcome to the football magazine program, what happened , did it have anything to do with that press conference and the previous game and the loss or not, what happened that mr. khamez decided he decided to leave and you also agreed. i'm sorry for your presence. well, after the bitter loss we had in that game, we immediately had a meeting at the club to investigate the cause of the failure and ways to overcome this problem and get rid of the crisis. which may arise because
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of this form of specialized assistants in the field of medicine, who were facing bottlenecks. we have allocated 3 thousand billion tomans of resources for this year with the pathology we did . this is the first time that we have actually predicted the resources that universities of medical sciences can use in the hands of specialized assistants. pay allowances and scholarships. significant resources for our deprived areas 15. we predicted that 500 billion tomans
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will be paid as a residence permit, which will motivate doctors to have a better presence in deprived areas . we separated the credits for medical education and research from the treatment sector. and we also predicted 4 thousand billion tomans for the purchase of strategic health services. treatment from the private sector, so these changes are significant changes. we think , god willing, this year in the health and treatment sector, we will see a new approach in providing more services and attracting god willing, more satisfaction in dear people. in the field of universities, we have increased the credits of universities and higher education more than the public budget, and sometimes the top universities have seen a 40% increase in their credits, and average universities
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have seen a 30% increase in their credits. more specifically in our field of science and technology for the frontiers of technological knowledge, especially microelectronics. and artificial intelligence , we predicted a line of credit in the amount of 7 thousand billion tomans, considering that artificial intelligence and microelectronics are growing rapidly in the world, it is moving the boundaries of science. we coordinated business and higher education so that, god willing, this year we will see a flourishing and extensive activity in this field. in the issue of married dormitories
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, we predicted good credits for feeding students. we hope that our higher education department will have a greater acceleration in providing services this year. we will attract 70,000 teachers in education this year. and the necessary resources are provided for them . in the area. we will see the opening of many projects this year. the projects that started in the past years, especially in the last two years, their credits have been strengthened, and this year ours we will use them until the end of the year . in the program organization, we have prepared the calendar for the operation of the infrastructure projects, which will be publicized. it takes place in the production jump program with the participation of the people, which in the implementation
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of this year's slogan program, the organization prepared the program in cooperation with the executive bodies and, god willing , it will be approved by the government tomorrow . which will help us to increase people's participation in the economy , to develop the economy of the people, and to in addition, all the institutions must do their own tasks in the production jump and supporting the production jump . this document, which is also a very detailed document and has more than 40 pages of rulings, tables, and few goals , god willing, it will be completed tomorrow. in this document, we have a we have an attachment under the title of attachment of
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construction plans for this year, which are scheduled. your service will be notified tomorrow. also , the plans that the private sector will exploit in this year's production. especially in the fields of industry, mining and power plants. we will inform you about these in another attachment. if yes, if no one has been present in the discussions before, i think that arrangements and coordination should probably be made, which has already been done, and i will give an interview based on that , based on the will of the government, in any case, this government has so far the work has shown that something is about to happen and the handover will be done. i think that compared
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to the previous governments , they have come much further in this field. the government suddenly announced that we have removed it from the cessions at all the reason is that we recognized these as cultural, but in this government, auctions have been held, so far we have all found this concern, but based on the process that the government has taken and the recent interview of the minister of economy , i think that the auction in the upcoming auction is probably the determination of the assignment. let it be, now that it really happens there. the stage of transfer of ownership was calculated, and the confederation is important, and the confederation of the asian football confederation, this company is the group that takes the middle ground in the meaning of transfer of ownership or not , this article of ownership takes place in that auction or not. yes, yes, we have to see it and accept it. as the transfer of ownership or when the appointment was held in the advertisement, it appeared on may 3rd and the deadline
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for uploading the documents is apparently until may 5th. apparently , as an exception, the asian football confederation has given us this deadline of 5 months , but extended it for about 10 days, that is, for about 10 days . after all, the confederation always likes that clubs and countries are present in football , it always has everyone's goals in mind in football. i did it because, if on may 3rd , the consortium that is said to be made up of banks or the banks' subsidiary companies participate in the auction and pay the 10% in cash, but they will probably refrain from depositing the rest in the future, what does it mean? this is the ownership from the point of view of the self-building organization, in all
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transfers, the ownership will be transferred when the deposit is specified, in the case of 10% of the payment , the necessary guarantees have been given, and then he will say that i will do the transfer. how long does it take ? consortiums of companies affiliated with banks, because they are under financial institutions, you can have some confidence that it will probably be done , there is financial support, and our discipline is better. can you give some confidence to this group? the transfer of the self-building organization becomes certain when, in terms of internal regulations, it becomes certain when 10% is deposited . there is also a 10-day deadline for 10%, which means that the 10% has not been given yet. i don't know if we can
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transfer the ownership according to efc consider ownership or not, probably accept, you respect the internal regulations , efessi. if we don't meet this problem, on the third day of may, that group will participate in the auction , hand over 10%, or deposit 10% in cash, or provide 10% of the required guarantees, according to the conditions mentioned in the advertisement, it can be said that the transfer will not be carried out at all. i don't know, in terms of time, all the administrative and legal procedures that you said can be completed in one or two days, and then the documents will be placed in the hands of the independent police so that they can carry them. the organization of fatigue and over-the-counter exchange has said that 10% has been paid and the winner of this auction be presented that they will definitely look for it. if the clubs receive this confirmation together with the documents they upload in this case, upload them in the system within the legal deadline . i think the asian football confederation
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will accept this, but now there is no place for that discussion. yes, we have to count on him. now, if you said this, of course, you were saying that maybe this consortium that is coming will want to pay all the money in one place. i think it will be another successful transfer, but if he gives the 10% and the documents related to the next payments and the necessary guarantees , they will accept that the documents are complete and there are no defects in order to comply with the conditions related to the handover , the approval will probably be given to the club and the clubs can
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upload the confirmation that 10% has been handed over, the rest of my documents are approved by the foreign exchange and self-organization , i think afc will accept this from us and now this problem will be solved afc his criterion is only about the professionalization of clubs the issue of lack of simultaneous ownership by one owner is not one of iran's major issues . there are definitely other criteria. now those criteria have their place, but i still find this date a little heavy for me, which can be done on this date, because i think this is the concern that you are now a fan of. esteghlal and presplis have to do it and its feasibility is a little bit scary , it is very close, the only thing that gives me hope as an expert, i think that because i belong to the group of buyers, based on the things that are mentioned in the media, the group there are companies affiliated with the financial group of banks if it should be them precisely because they have financial support and because
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usually our banking system has a better order and coordination in terms of payments than the rule of law . yes, for this reason, we can hope that if they participate in the auction, they will pay 10% in cash, related documents and guarantees. they will give the rest related to payment and with this confirmation. we will probably be able to convince the afc within the two days that we have time to upload the documents that the transfer of ownership of one of these will happen. yes , we have always said this. if one of these things happens, we have no problem with afc from this point of view, because his problem is that one person should not be the owner of two clubs in the same league . there is no need for the government to rush the handing over of esteghlal, or to hand over iraq , if esteghlal has been handed over , there is no need for presplis, if this happens in our own league, it is a story that they don't want us to be the champion and they want
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that one team to be the champion. yes, sir. in general, i always believe in myself , i always say that when it comes to the principle, you must forgive the principle let's defend the assignment. now it is possible to comment on the form of the assignment or some issues in the assignment. let's have an opposing opinion that he is doing the process that he is doing, but they may criticize the correct criticism, but the principle of handover is correct . when this handover happens, many of the problems that we have, i think will be solved in a gradual process, except for the issue of whether or not. the ownership of one person over two competition clubs will have a more real meaning, then everyone can support these clubs through the owner, industrial clubs or our other clubs.
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do it or do business, then say that the license has been issued but officially, naturally, it has not been announced yet, this will not create a problem. later, it is possible that the central bank, now the monetary and credit council is also possible. the central bank is the supervisor of banking trends. at this point , the monetary council can give permission to find money and credit. life center is done. well, once every two weeks
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, we measure the number of viewers of tv series , so if you assume that a series lasts for how many months, we have a number every two weeks , which means that a series may be surveyed 10 times, but if a serial has a limited airtime, maybe once or twice about it there should be a survey of index programs, in fact, once a month. the load is measured. remember , hundreds of programs are being aired on radio and television of the national media in national networks and provincial networks . basically, we don't have the time, we don't have the manpower, we don't have the budget to measure everything that goes on the air. our colleagues in the vice president of voice and the vice president of broadcasting inform us of the leading programs
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, we survey the leading programs, we actually measure the total audience of the national media every season, every season in person at homes in tehran and provincial centers. this is the width i would like to say that this is an introduction to the continuation of my statement that perhaps our most important and most accurate surveys about the audience of the national media are our so-called polls of our messengers, which are conducted seasonally. we will do it again at the end of spring. in these nowruz days that we passed and the holy month of ramadan , we actually measured the total audience here.
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we are only in tehran and provincial centers that actually sound. we have a center, our interviewers are stationed we have nearly a thousand questioners and controllers all over the country, and we use these dignitaries during polls, but the polls of our messengers are the polls that are happening in tehran and the provincial centers. the national media
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is more in the cities or in the villages or in tehran and the provincial centers, this is another hypothesis that we actually tested this and significantly the audience in the cities, subordinate cities and villages is more than in tehran and our provincial centers in all the messengers we do every season the size of the audience. this is done in tehran and the centers of the province. you can wait for us if we want. actually. let's cover the villages and cities as well. first of all , it will take a long time, and then we will have to spend a lot of money, for example, to reach the audience. until now, it was actually done at the door of homes in tehran and the provincial centers. let's test this assumption in practice , that the number of audience in the city and in the villages is more in these days. in march, we
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were conducting election polls and had to refer to the cities and villages. the survey of audience size is also included. have a good day, dear viewers , you are a viewer of the economy and market news section. the director general of supervision of basic goods of the ministry of jihad of agriculture said: considering the continued allocation of preferential width to basic goods, any price change in these goods is a violation. mr. amrollahi emphasized that if there is going to be a slight change in prices, it should be done with the decision of the market regulation headquarters. director general of supervision of basic goods of the ministry.


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