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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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the author of one of the historians of ben gurion asked me to write a study: you asked me to write a study that proves that the palestinians left voluntarily according to the demands of their leaders, that is, there is no attempt to say: i wrote a study here, the study does not show x, y or z, ben gurion wants you to write a history that will create a narrative. גביקי מ' i hope the palestinians will leave their desires. in 1988, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the independence war, and it was necessary to release the çel archive, a historical record of the war. people gathered in the archives and said: we can't release everything immediately, so they wrote a policy document that applies criteria to what type of weather it is. historically, we are safe. for example: the country
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states that it does not want to release material that leads to the expulsion of arabs or the eviction of settlements and residents, or it is my favorite, violent behavior against the jewish people, contrary to the laws of genba, or violent behavior against the arab population, cruelty, killing, murder, which is not in accordance with the terms of the battle, rape, rape, bizzah, damage بتدميت צל כצבא ךובש נטול ושיות מוסראים what are we learning? does the state of israel want to protect with all the means at its disposal the gifted hemitos of israel? that we are the moral army and the most moral army in the world. this is the dna of the zionist story. what is it? for us, the second public comes to the archives only for the material that has passed through. that is, it is only material. שמוקים שלא
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היה גירוש, שלא היה אחולוסיה, שלא היה ארס כפרים. now you have to say, this story is a false story, and therefore the country understands this matter and invests with the mighty in order to prevent the people of the land from knowing the truth about abraham. in the morning, after the battle, they center the women and children at the entrance of the village south of the cemetery near hasbars, and from there, after that, they send them to paradise. the question of the arabic language. the territories occupied
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by the jewish forces become an english question, what do we do with these people? in the case of tentura, there is another thing that they have the information and the memory of what happened in kfar. there is a secret here that we don't want him to be in the center of tel aviv and haifa. a thousand people who know him in the next generation are thousands of people. it is better that these people will not be here. בעשים שמטעבלת השלעם עשען את הפליטים شل تنتورة مفر هديسل معلومة لكيوم, the decision says also at the same time to do it as a public relations event. and وامع عت زه كلراش شل برورین زه ومر شعه مزمین جرامنیتیم ישראלים, אתה מזמינים זארוןים עזרים, אתה מזמין שבטי קינומא, this is something that is quite rare at that time. בעשים יש קאנ אישון, פקע שנעד לשידור בכל הולאמן. this is the most important part of paradise.
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the picture you get is that the story of the palestinian refugees is actually not so terrible, there is order here, there is logic here, that is to say, we have no account with tantura, the tanturaim have no account with us, see how we handle them beautifully.
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the mgm team was actually in the tent a day or two before, the material they shot there did not make it into the final film, but we got to the material. the originals, what's in those videos, that's it in staging the battle of tantoura, we don't see the original residents, we don't see shiuri on the soldiers, but actually we see the abandoned kfar toosh and the kind of exercise that was done to make the battle of tantoura look like a battle without cruelty and without unusual cases, etc., but the truth has its power. we look at the materials, we see the village that the residents left, we see the destruction, we see the hidden treasures in them, we
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see the remains of the loot, it is very easy not to engage in stories of this type. but the power of the truth cannot be exaggerated, and the heat of it is beginning to rise to the surface , and more people are asking questions. i want to find out more about you. i went to the guest house צהל ופישתי את כל המסמכים חובייםים להאיר מה שקרה by mistake , two documents came to me that i absolutely did not intend
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for them to reach me, and one of them was written by alexandroni: i am don tantura, i was charged by the department of arab affairs because our soldiers who entered tantura committed many acts of sabotage after the occupation without need. another letter from kail al-shashi from the base of tantorah to the commander of the army. yesterday, i checked the cemetery of אחים in tantura. i found that everything is fine, i don't mean the grave of אחים, and i don't mean the burial place in tantura, and i don't mean את הביטוי,
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המסמרר הזא, everything is fine. look at how the village of pistura was supposed to be in greece, and what is left of this village, this is the only house that we are sitting under, of all that you see. all around is destroyed, i heard what i heard here, that there was a murder here, the murder of amoni in tantura, and all the corpses that were left here, were not buried in the graves of the jews, and those
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who buried them are the people of pardis . the place where we buried people, in every place, that's how they said, at the height of the legs, actually the legs, a bit above the legs, that's the height, just to hide the body... and to cover the corpse. שנת 91 he wanted to make a sound. and while the diggers were digging, they uncovered the bones. where? bones of the chest הרחים here is behind. when i came to them, i tell him, what are you doing? they were digging here with mechfiron in this place, here is where i am standing. while working, i saw a lot of bones, full of bones, i ask him, what are these bones, what are these bones , as if i entered the market, he tells me, these bones are from the time of napoleon in nobert, i said to him, i think you have a mistake
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. so he completely closed the matter, he covered everything , and he disappeared from the house . its name is the house of the grave, the house of glory is complete, and everyone knows that it is its name ביט אקברות שלם, אפש אקד לא הטיצרע דעזה, ישרו את כל הנייה ונעשה שם הנייה, where is the justice, where is the justice, where is the justice בקטע הזאז, אין צדק um rasmi , yes, zakir, where you are buried in the tomb, just don't put up al-kur, if you are strangers, you are the best, when you go there, you will see the tomb of the one who is the old man, you will see them. in the next plan , the next one is the next one, the next one, he has forgotten the al-bosate, and
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the right one is the right one. from the direction of the qibla to the palm trees, this is the maximum number of trees, three trees from the bottom, and to the north, about 30 meters from there.
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and i thought that the decisive and indisputable proof for two faces was if we had the
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ability to go and look for the mass graves and find them and excavate them, official israel, government , foreign ministry, mainstream academia would find a way of saying that what we see is not what we see, don't think it holds water, there is no reason to do it, i don't think the..." find anything there and i don't think it's worth the effort, don't you want to solve it once and for all? um, i don't care if it isn't for me, and i don't think for the state of israel, it doesn't work, it's a huge project if it is possible at all, which i very much doubt , and for what, because some idiot said.
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we have an aerial photograph of the tantoura area on the screen right now, it is an aerial photo from 1946, we see the village before the war, and all that is left of tantoura is a single house standing here on the beach, and the boats, which are surprising. they appear here in all the photographs along the length of the assignment. in this photo from 1946 , we can see the center of the village. see you here the main road, the entrance to the village, the area of ​​the cemetery, south of the cemetery, we have this section, which is actually fenced with cypresses, among which we recognize three trees. 1,2,3 . we can see that after the war there is something here that looks like a kind of load,
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open channel. its length is about 35 meters, width between three and five meters. this area, specifically, passed through this type of engineering operation. בעבר העשים טאלא טעעעיי, אתה פאפיטו לפה איזשהו טכטור, זה לא שעקים רשה אמן. download this layer here al-kharka אנים נגובר ל-49 ברואים פא בברור מישוע אשע עשה עשה עשה מאוד ממוקדת ועשונתיט. where is this day? we can see that it is here, and it is the parking lot of the beach and the museum, there is no road here, and there is no construction here, we can see that the base of the channel is 2.6 meters, and
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its highest part is about 3.5 meters, that is, it is an open channel with a depth of about a meter. . you have more or less the exact location of something that you think is something that can lead you to place the whole story . maybe not, maybe not, but i have a feeling. if you think that you will come here and dig and discover something here, then someone has already preceded you, this canal is a dug canal, and if you do not understand it because you see it here in two dimensions, but if you look at it now in three dimensions you will understand this area better, you will see it almost a year later, you will understand it, and someone will come here, someone will come here
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and open it. it's not preparation for it, but more like cleaning or changing the surface, evidence, one way or another, unfortunately and also for shame, the current generation doesn't
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understand it. going in this area of ​​tantore, لا they know that they are actually going to the graves of the people who buried the people who lived there before and they took care to hide it in such a way that in the future generations they will go there without knowing what they are going through. of course, it is much easier to ignore everything and then you go with a clean conscience, you don't see, you don't know, you don't know, everything is fine, i can't,
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there are people here. it doesn't matter to them, our history that they hand over to us and belong to us, it is far from the truth. you need to change your mind here, towards everything that was, to recognize the fact that there was a woman here, a point, and if there are places that you really need to do the kind of memorials on the graves of the jews, they should not be done, because this is history, this is the truth, they should not be ashamed, because there was a war here, everything is fine, okay, but there are people here who need to give them the last respect. acknowledgment, only recognition, no more without doing anything, as is the custom in australia. of course, al-borigins are still oppressed, suffering, and rejected, but the country is in a perfect way, with innumerable thanks, recognition of the wrong done to them, and this recognition is the starting point,
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to say in detail, ב-48'. נעשו אבלות איומת לפאלעשינטים, robbery and robbery nagid paradis , they are coming and they are coming, we want to put it memorial to our loved ones, i think they won't give it to them, all the kibbutz, not just me, they won't give it to them, because the moment they ask for it, it means it's important to them, the moment it's important. to the people, yes, but this, שמים הנדרתה so that you don't forget what it was, isn't it, this is what they want, no what, and it's what they want, and i don't want, i don't want, in my opinion, they have the right
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to remember, what do you want? ok, שיזכורו בשק, as we remember that we were in all european countries, they want to remember that they were here, it won't help, friends, it won't help . it doesn't end as soon as they say that they are done with it i am satisfied that we are here.
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his hands were empty, but his dreams were big. hassan
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tehrani moghadam, there is no generation and victory of children, except that it is on the side of god almighty, known as the father of iran's missile, the one who broke the borders and ended the expectations. the wait for the martyrs, especially for the martyr ahmed kazem, who was the founder of this work, was fulfilled and the wait was ended, and an authority of the islamic republic lied, it is only for the superpowers, the authority for the superpowers is a story with a lot to be heard and told in this documentary. a man with long-range dreams. he believed that the zionist regime is our enemy and one day we may get involved and need to we have this dimension of distance because we do not share a border
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, we should be able to hit israel with missiles. here is a view of iran's missile development in the complex conditions of sanctions along with the role of an iranian weapons scientist from this documentary story. written and made by one of the early years of the war, he said: when iraq invaded iran's territory, when the harsh conditions, complex arms embargoes and war equipment were not enough. people had only one wish. our people used to come to our prayers, we used to see the young missile. the missile and we were ashamed of the people and hassan tehrani moghadam who should have done something like this they are in daily contact with us, what happened sir, is he ready
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, bajm moghadam, bajm, do something, this sentence , do something, i will never forget the story of this rocket genius in the fall of 1963, all documented in six parts, a part of the story is told by martyr hassan tehrani moghadam. defect very technical in the single missile field, we were able to fix the parts, build them, replace them. tehrani moghadam stood empty-handed and fought frame by frame. at that moment, the body was close to 6 in the morning. his efforts around the clock paid off. 2165 he built the first missile , the first missile of the islamic republic for defense. from the province of destruction of blasphemy against the judicial system of the republic islam had grown tall and was thrown. in the name of iran , he started with the minimum to defend the iranian people, continued and doubted the monopoly of the superpowers. it is
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the great work of the children, the difficult path, the children with health and endurance, the children with a favorable iron will , with this view, the missile weapons made by iran have increased, from surface-to-surface missiles to intercontinental ballistic missiles, the special power of superpowers, the deterrent strategic ability that with playing the role of a martyr. hassan tehrani moghaddam was realized. a detailed story of the distances covered by iranian missiles in just a few minutes. an unfinished story of iran's defense and missile capabilities islamic a rising power that emerged under the heavy shadow of arms embargoes. to have
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a production method that can be transferred in a closed space without the need for huge and complex monasteries, with the management of a commander whose wish was to destroy israel , write on my grave, here is the burial place of the person who wanted to destroy israel, he was martyred. his place is empty, but now his dream is more attainable than ever. he believed that one day we might get involved and we should be able to hit israel with missiles. farzeneh azerpam of sed and cima news agency.
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2:00 pm
welcome to the half day news. heavy rain and the possibility of flooding in the five southern provinces of the country , relief agencies and service providers are on standby for political consultations, a serious warning to the zionist regime about a quick response to any calculation error of this regime, from the talks of the president with the emir of qatar and the head of the
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supreme council of yemen. my diplomatic women and


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