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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm IRST

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ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahlah ahla ahla ahla ahla ahla ahla ahla ahla ahla
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear and respected compatriots, we are in egypt . we present the news at 19:00 together with my colleagues . and announced the entry of 96 new drugs into the country's drug market in 1402. mr. pikampour said that last year, more than 20 million dollars of foreign exchange resources were saved for the purchase of newly produced drugs. general manager of eastern midi-traneh district office the world health organization, in a meeting with the minister of health of our country, said: the islamic republic of iran is one of the best in the field of basic sciences and therapeutic capabilities.
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hanan hassan balkhi added that the world health organization is trying to remove the bad effects of sanctions against iran. the director general of the eastern mediterranean regional office of the world health organization, who traveled to our country to learn about the progress of the health system in iran and the development of regional cooperation, met with the minister of health. every country is responsible for strengthening and self-care in its country. and with this strengthening of the systems , it helps the health of all the people of the world. the islamic republic of iran has made good progress in the field of basic sciences and therapeutic abilities. but the integration of medical education, service delivery system, providing people access to health services in remote and rural areas and creating variety in the family health program have been positive events that i have witnessed. in this meeting, the minister of health
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said about the capabilities of the islamic republic of iran in promoting the health of the region and holding global summits to reduce disease and scientific exchanges: we are either in terms of training people in different fields, whether in terms of health tourism, or in terms of using university and our research centers can cooperate in joint educational and research activities, whether related to our own experiences in the field of health. we hope that with the colleague.
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we are not the eastern mediterranean region of the world health organization has 22 members, and our country is one of the successful countries in this region in disease control and international cooperation. maryam beikpour, radio and television news agency. the head of the center for improving the business environment of the ministry of economy said that all holders of paper licenses have the opportunity to convert their licenses into new magus with unique knowledge until the end of may.
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according to mr. sayah, the provinces of lorestan, gilan and south khorasan has performed the best in converting paper magicians. we took action 20 days ago and it was ready in just 20 days. it was not a problem, with the implementation of the law on the effect of issuing business licenses , the job creation process became easier for entrepreneurs and economic activists. a process that was the result of the implementation of the law by removing obstacles and golden signatures, and was able to help the participation of as many people as possible in order to promote the growth of production. by taking more effective measures to facilitate the issuance of licenses , direct the investment path from non-productive markets such as the coin market, the broad market and the gold market to the productive markets. now after starting 2 after the implementation of the law on issuing business licenses through the national license portal, in the next step , the paper licenses of all economic operators and asalaf are supposed
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to be determined, and through a process , they will be converted into new unique financial licenses. by inserting 3 specific information of that unit. according to the latest statistics of the ministry of economy , so far only about 10% of the holders of snaf paper licenses have obtained a unique identification code by referring to the national identification portal. last year, about 30
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cases were converted into active unique identifiers if an economic person wants to get a service, the government systems recognize the unique id, they say give you the unique id . according to the law, from the beginning of june, government officials should only demand the unique id of the license, not the paper license, from the economic operators. farozhan ahsanpour, head of the country's technical and vocational education organization, from rushd. according to mr. azimi , one of this year's programs is technical and vocational training in low-income areas. technical and vocational education organization of the country with more than 657 government education centers
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in which there are about 4800 educational workshops in all parts of the country in all the centers of the province. and in the cities of our country, the training unit of our government sector is active, and alhamdulillah, last year we had more than 20 thousand people training courses in marginal areas and settlements that are actually on the edge of the country in our operation , and about 6 thousand people took courses in the border areas of the people of mashhad. the father of the martyrs, dehnavi , was buried from mehdiyeh of this city towards the shrine of reza teshri and in golzar behesht reza. the late rajabali dehnavi, in addition to presenting his three martyred children, his two other children were also honored as martyrs during the holy defense. in a message in the past, the president also mentioned this martyred father
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to the people of khorasan razavi and the family of the deceased he offered his condolences. and here is the house of the dehnavis, the neighborhood down mashhad street
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, what a grand house there is. do kouhie barracks was known as do kohe barracks because of the boys of the house. they also had an uncle who was familiar with martial arts, and this place became a place of training for those who were willing to defend the revolution and the homeland. this was the center of basijia. and until the end of the war , the news of martyrdom spread twice more in this house. well, one person was not enough. haj, sir, when someone wants to defend islam , there is no need for one or two. no matter how many people you have, we will go as far as they don't go. do kohe is the same house in the neighborhood below mashhad muza street this was hajj's decision. it was rajab ali and he started to work
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. he put together the photos, the souvenirs, the books one by one so that the house would not fall from prosperity. may it still be used for the revolution . he was also the guide of his museum . may god bless you every time. he came to welcome the guests, all of you, people say , look, read a word and see what happens next. some of the trustees of the city came and gave haj rajabali new paint and water, according to his own words, they made it modern. these tools are the property of martyr hamid reza. he has all this for himself, but he started a memorial house in the basement with the same head and shape that he liked. i made this basement a museum myself. the well-spoken guide of the dahnaviha museum, the man
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of the dahnaviha house, left for the last visit to the neighboring imam hossein aziz before noon today. this time , the 97-year-old old man took sadaq jovan with him to visit him again. the findings of a research conducted on the behavior of teenage children in cyberspace in 15 countries show how they are left alone when using cyberspace and their vulnerability increases. to be the result of the research of the dutch non-governmental organization eurochild showed that children and teenagers prefer not to express their online activities clearly and do not talk to adults about the dangers they face in cyberspace. how much time do teenagers spend in cyberspace every day? two or three hours, even. 6, 8, 5
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hours, 5 hours . i don't know who was on what side but for example, i said, "if we catch you , we will kill you. you told his family that you informed him. yes, there are a series of links, for example, people want to abuse them . now by tagging under 14-15 years old , it is not recommended at all to use virtual space independently , i.e. phone or laptop. it is very important for parents to have independent supervision over children and teenagers in cyber space under my supervision. he sees things , he sees what i think is good, that's why he doesn't pick up his phone at all many times during the week and he doesn't
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see the way he shouldn't. i know that at the age of five, he wants to face things that are not suitable for his age and things that are not suitable for his age. how many hours a day does he hang out in the virtual space, it is more than half a day, but finally we check his phone, it is not like we want to leave him. yes. there must be a monitoring system for parents to set a series of rules for their children, for example, the history of chats should not be deleted, certain pages and certain spaces can only be visited, and children should be informed. that document of protection of children in the virtual space is also in the field of children special attention and providing the tools, services and platforms in which this security is formed, which is now
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also security in the field of children's privacy, security of data and content areas. ahmad amin fard of the sed and broadcasting news agency. thank you for your attention . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace and blessings be upon the prophet and reciting his tahaar, and greetings to you, the esteemed viewers of the night. janat's promotion was announced. this festival is held with the cooperation of the coordinating council of diocesan centers and with the aim of encouraging missionaries who have been involved in preaching. general and traditional advertising, specialized advertising and social advertising are among the axes of this
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the festival has a special section on the topic of family, life and youth identity. the deadline for registration in the janat festival has been announced until the end of december. missionaries can refer to janatir for more information . narrative of the life of the mujahideen scholar who was imprisoned and exiled by reza khan on the way to reviving the duty of enjoining good and forbidding evil. it was nowruz and ramadan and the year 1307 hijri was delivered. the shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him, was full of people for the moment of handover of the year, and the wife and some of reza shah's children had also come to the shrine for this ritual. disrespecting the sanctity of his family, he sent him without a hijab in masoumeh's original shrine, no one dared to protest, and the news
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reached the sheikh's ears. . i will not allow anyone or those to break the sanctity of the shrine, mujahid who rose up only in those days and stood up to his rise and went to prison. he was flogged and exiled from qom seminary for 13 years. he was ayatollah sheikh mohammad taqi bafqi, the son of haj mohammad baqir, a merchant bafqi. this brave cleric with the efforts of ayatollah hayiri after spending 6 months in prison azad and to the holy shrine. abdul azim was exiled in shahr ray and stayed here until the end of his life . whenever imam rahal came to tehran, abdul azim used to visit ziarat and then go to see him. finally , in the last days of april 1325 hijri, this divine scholar joined the kingdom of god at the age of 73 years and
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was buried in the balasar mosque of hazrat masoumeh, may god bless him and grant him peace . ayatollah moruj has provided invaluable services both after and before the islamic revolution at the end of the 26th, the beginning of the 27th, we went to beili qom in sar. ayatollah borujerdi, imam rehmatullah ta'ala, and ayatollah allameh tabataba'i attend the lesson of hazrat hazrat ayatollah boroujerdi, and later , when he returns to ardabil , they take action to revive the scientific field of ardabil, and after years of service, on 27 april 1380 death on
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the occasion of the twenty-third anniversary of the death of this great scholar, a memorial ceremony was held in ardabil with the presence of various groups of people, clerics, scholars and officials. ayatollah pourmohammadi, the imam of juma maraqah, in this ceremony, pointed out his humanity, humility and morals he said to ayatollah morouj: ayatollah morouj is a scientific, ethical, manager, resourceful, balanced, gentle person. and the hope of the people, being the refuge of the people and the hope of being warriors. during the holy defense. how many warriors he chased away, how many martyrs he prayed for, how much place this man had in the shadow of his people, his morals, his integrity, his people loved him, they loved ayatollah marosh and were proud that we have a friday imam, razmi sada news agency. and sima ardabil, thank you for
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your company, dear viewers, have a good night and god bless you. hello, good night. well, today was wonderful barashi's comment from all of the southern cities of the country . there are not a few cities that reported more than 50 mm of rain, but this number
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is increasing hour by hour, which means that tomorrow we will have more than 100 mm of rain from many cities in the southern regions. it rained, but it is expected to continue raining tonight . be it in the southern areas of bushe province, east of khuzestan province, south of isfahan province, chaharmahal bakhtiari, where we have the mercy of rain, the intensity of rains is still heavy in fars province, south of bushehr province. it will be kerman, hormozgan and sistan-baluchistan provinces, although rain will occur sporadically in the south of the province tonight, but it is predicted for tomorrow, although the rain will be less intense. it is possible, and out of the five provinces that are on red alert, only one province remains, that is only sistan baluchistan province, where we still
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have the risk of flooding for tomorrow in this province, especially in its southern areas, but we also have rain in other places, in kerman province, in hormozgan province. rainfall with less intensity will continue in yazd province, south khorasan, fars province and also. south we have rain in isfahan province and its east. considering that these rains last for two days, the penetration coefficient of the soil decreases. what is soil permeability? it means that the water that can be absorbed by the soil decreases. therefore, the probability of flooding will increase. in addition, it is predicted that we will continue to have rain for thursday, the next day, in eastern navai, it will be very weak and gradually for thursday. the eastern borders of the country will leave , but this is not the end of the matter, because from friday we have to wait again for the entry of a new rain system , which this time will enter from the northwest, friday after
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this system will arrive at noon and will affect the provinces of west azarbaijan, east ardabil and the shores of the caspian sea, as well as the southern slopes of alborz and central zykros. temporarily strong winds can cause damage in southern areas. for tomorrow, especially temporary structures, in these conditions , it is recommended to avoid accommodation, even temporary accommodation on the outskirts of dayhouses, and tehran is predicted to reach 24 degrees above zero tomorrow in its hottest hour. thank you for your company. good night.
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big iranian house is a well-equipped and specialized digital house
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in a mature area. in 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani qom has opened a variety of mobile phones , personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with incredible prices and long -term contracts, a digital equipped house in irani qom's big house , ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city. i don't have a check. goodbye everyone. goodbye. no, madam, i don't want a check . will you be my guarantor? i don't want a guarantor . i don't want a prepayment for home appliances. i don't want a prepayment. a special purchase for dear social security retirees from shahr home appliances city. household appliances
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, specialized reference for household appliances, first page of the meeting the first page of page sacrifice is there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, you who are sitting, sit down, stand up to justice. the burden of trust left on your shoulders, get up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row.


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