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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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these factors have caused the market to be left out of the capital market from its rival markets, while we are currently facing one of the periods with the highest bank interest rates , of course, this trend also happened in the world . in the world, in the big markets, the interest rate is at its highest levels in history, and this causes a damage to the capital market, which makes the shareholders prefer to protect their capital in the short term , towards the risk-free markets that provide profits. it pays very high to find one the main reasons are this, but the long-term trend of the market.
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until almost the beginning of 2017, we had a period of recession when the index did not move at all, but then something happened that gave a heavy return , that's why when we compare the 10-year or 20-year returns in the capital market and competing markets
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, the government will pay at all. now, we will follow the discussions of violations with these companies. we had a meeting with this company because it was related to the non-payment of this month. most of them are facing lack of liquidity. some of these companies are even forced to study or issue bonds in order to pay their salaries . in fact, we advised them to be able to make this profit by june. collect and pay the dividend of adalat , god willing, considering the desire of people to invest in gold, is it possible
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to create an infrastructure for gold investment funds so that the money instead of staying in the fund let it be injected into the production body. by the way, in one last year, a very, very good thing happened in the capital market in the commodity exchange, when a tool called gold bullion certificate of deposit was introduced, the function of this tool was exactly what you said. the gold investment funds that exist in the market and are formed among the certificates of deposit buy the bullion and in fact become the owner of the gold bullion , this fund attracts people's money, people buy the investment units of the gold funds , the money is transferred he can go to the cash register and buy gold bars. who buys the gold from the gold mines
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, which makes the gold mines really sometimes, in the sale, their ingots face problems at all because there was no official defined market , now the ingots are struck in a standard way , they are graded, they are actually stored in the warehouse of the commodity exchange treasury, and they are stored in small form. it is sold through cash registers. when these resources enter these gold mines and factories, they are used for production. last year, more than 16 thousand billion tomans of resources were injected into gold producing companies, which can increase the gold production capacity, which has a very high capacity in the country, now with a very high percentage. a little of that capacity is actually being produced, and this helps production
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and increases the production of gold and gold reserves, which is definitely beneficial to the country. go to the markets and play on the consumer goods that have become capital goods. unfortunately, in our country, such as cars, property or land , the buyer does not have any benefits, he only uses the inflation shield, he actually uses the assets. this is a complete inflation shield. it is safe for investors that instead of investing their money in cars, housing and other places now, let's take it directly into the discussion of gold production . now this tool is working and is being developed by the commodity exchange . the treasury of the commodity exchange was also opened in the past days , so that more gold bars can
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actually be stored there. those who want to make deposits should deposit their gold there in gold mines and it should be bought by the fund, and other than the things you mentioned in the introduction , what kind of support did the stock exchange organization provide to the capital market last year? see the most important mission of the capital market. in the field of supervision in three areas the market has been monitoring publishers and monitoring financial institutions. i mentioned the important thing, we had a long line of licenses in the field. the financial institutions that reduced this to zero means that we spent a lot of energy in 401 and 4002 so that this number of licenses was actually zero. another thing we did was to intensify the regulatory discussions . we strengthened the market monitoring algorithms so that all transactions as soon as
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all the orders are entered into the trading systems, as soon as they are entered into the trading systems, they are checked in terms of to comply with all the regulations of the market, violation cases a number of cases have been formed to be introduced sometimes to the judicial system and sometimes to our violation committees. this was one of the topics that we addressed as the main mission of the stock exchange organization last year. one of the important topics was the discussion of financing . different countries are discussed. familiarization of economic enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises in the provinces , we followed up the capital market. an interesting thing that happened was that we encountered in the provinces that many economic enterprises
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have no familiarity with the concepts of the poison market, as well as government agencies. or public institutions such as municipalities are not familiar with capital market tools, while they have many assets, land , buildings, or various licenses in the field of mining, for example, and what we actually came to was that after referring to provinces we held financial extension conferences in almost 6 or seven provinces last year, which caused that after every visit to the province and the holding of that conference. at least 30 to 40 to 50 new admission requests or financing requests were submitted to the stock exchange organization and in the stock company or company the foreign exchange or commodity exchange is taking care of these issues, sometimes it has been reached, sometimes it is ongoing
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, discussions on the financing of various projects have taken place and this process is ongoing, which i think is a very good thing, especially in the area that i discussed. . financing of small and medium-sized companies, because large companies are mainly based in tehran , they have access to large financial institutions, but small and medium-sized companies do not have this familiarity. this issue was on our agenda in 1402. now it has become so that stock exchange companies and our foreign exchange says to slow down this process a bit, we will reach it now. i think that there are nearly 20 companies in various stages of accepting the stock market and over-the-counter, which are reviewing the case, and how far do you think we are from being able to replace financing from the capital market with financing from the money and banking markets
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? traditional, well, our economy is a bank-oriented economy , and of course, we cannot necessarily say whether it is bank-oriented or capital-oriented in the world. in some countries, the market is actually their financing based on the bank, in some countries, it is based on the market. samisheh, we thought that he has a virtue from the capital market, not that he doesn't have this virtue. but according to the conditions of our banking system , our banking system has a special coordinate condition, now we have come to the conclusion that large companies and companies that want to finance mainly turn to the capital market to finance their investments and the working capital banking system should provide these, of course, but
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what is better for us is that because long-term instruments are usually used in the capital market, long-term instruments are used for capital. there are infrastructure and capital investments to buy building equipment for the purposes of the factory and for the capitalist to go through the bank system. you can see the new capital that enters the industry and is financed. when we compare the banking system with the toxic market, we are talking about the accumulation of banks over the past years from the roofs that we have collected from several years ago until now. when we want to calculate a number of the capital market , we say, for example, what number is the year 42?
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loaned by the banking system with the money that is in the capital market, the new money that entered the financing of the company let's compare this number around 30 in 1402, that is, the capital market financed 30% of the amount of financing that was done in the bank . we hope that according to the plans we have , we will increase this number to 50%, considering the reception that has been received now. and the request that exists, of course, it has some requirements. i said that it is a matter of trust-building, a matter of coordination between the policies that are adopted in the area of ​​financial stability , when we adopt a policy in, for example, the central bank or in the budget program organization. we consider its dimensions and its effects on capital market financial instruments let's consider that because they are related, if
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there is a problem in the capital market in the financial institutions in the fund, this problem will definitely be heard by other sectors. it is not like this sector is a completely separate island. if these arrangements are made , we hope that we can in fact , let's achieve the goal we have set in the next few years . there is one thing i would like to say. after all, our capital market is the capital market of corporate governance. these issues must be gradually progressed until we reach the maturity where we can, god willing,
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play the role of the majority in the discussion of financing. i hope we have some limits in the discussion of financing do private companies make transparent their financing speeds? see the private companies that you say are a part of the companies that are in the market and the acceptance of companies that are continuously reported to be accepted. based on the requirements of our disclosure documents , they provide monthly, six-monthly, and annual reports and upload them to the kodal system. there are a series of government companies and public institutions that are required to upload their financial statements in kodal system, which this year more than 2 thousand government companies and public institutions and government organizations by the ministry financial economics in the kodal system. uploading , which was much less last year , has increased this year and more than 2,000 have been published, and
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this process continues. as soon as the reports of the companies are prepared and the auditor gives his opinion , it will be disclosed in kodal samani. there is also a lot of discussion about to start-up companies, which are sometimes also large companies, and they are very willing to enter the stock market, but because of the developments they have, they usually make judging by their financial statements, they are not able to recognize profits, but the company is improving and that is why they cannot enter the capital market easily . yes, by the way, we started a movement last year to accept companies based on the economy of scholars, some of which are based on platforms, which means that all their services
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are in one. there are platforms on the internet based on customers. there are many of these. some of these are in a specific industry, for example, medicine in the automotive industry is actually electronic. we had admissions from these companies in various fields last year. even in the field of economic science, we had a successful company, which is one of the strategies that startup owners use. what they follow is that when they establish a company , it reaches a certain level of maturity. they should exit amicably. developed, even the money that the major shareholder had
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to get for the admission was invested in the company itself, that is, the initial expansion was done by spending shares, money came in. the company was developed and the full shareholder left successful example well, we had this successful example, now we are following other companies in the field of digital economy, which are not necessarily in the start-up stage, some of them are a bit ahead of maturity and are even generating income. what we are doing is identification. intangible assets are these, which should be recognized in the financial statements and priced, and these intangible assets, as you said, this is a technology, a special technology, technical know-how, this should be recognized in our admissions boards. we can recognize them , what did we do for this? we
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have people in the admissions board traditionally who are not very familiar with these industries. we changed it, that is , we came and said that the admissions board that wants to accept the companies of scientists should be a combination of scientists who have experience in the ecosystem field, so this admissions board is familiar with these processes and can do it more easily than in the traditional admissions board. they look at us more physically, i don't know if it's the construction of equipment, but it's a company. technical knowledge has come, maybe that's why if we want to look at the traditional system, well, this is nothing, it may not be particularly profitable even now , but these companies have a very good future, according to the growth trend, their growth rates are usually two digits, sometimes three digits, in general, it has a single digit profit this year, and one time next year.
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it can be doubled or tripled. we have separated the reception board . we are also getting help from the regulatory agencies to help with the acceptance process of these companies. in the capital market, it should pick up some speed, because there is a part of these concerns that have caused this in fact, our request was for them to help , because we believe that the presence of scientific companies in the capital market, in addition to creating hope in all the activists of that sector, be it employees , shareholders, or managers of that industry,
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it also makes these companies express under the supervision of the stock exchange organization. when a company is out of the stock market , no one goes to it, sir, what are your financial statements, what are you doing? these are clear, they report monthly to the stock exchange organization, and we can monitor them. or an over-the-counter exchange for a company that is outside of our stock market, we don't know what is happening , very well, i think we have 3-4 minutes now. in the discussion about the slogan of the year, which you mentioned about people's participation, you mentioned a statistic about the amount of daraz investment that happened through the people. you said that many medium and small companies basically have no knowledge about these tools, now these are the companies of ordinary people who
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first of all, is there a stock exchange organization in these fields that should try to participate in the field of culture? yes, definitely , the programs that we have in the field of culture start from schools. it is possible that in fact financial and economic literacy education can be given to students in a basic way in schools. well, this may not be a very quick result as some say that it should be answered right now , but some sparks will be created in the minds of these children. keywords are created that make you think of investment. may afton and that view of investment is formed from that time. let's leave it aside that this is a very detailed program that we
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are doing in different cities at the same time as we are doing it in schools. let's do a new program of ours is the discussion of generalization conferences. it is the provinces that i am asking all the chambers of commerce and governorates all over the country that if they are really interested, of course, we are corresponding directly to hold these conferences in us. let's organize the provinces , gather all the small and medium enterprises , and give them the necessary training, because we have a good record of this , the result is actually because the next task is economic work itself. these connections will be established and continue. this is one of our serious discussions. the discussion of indirect reporting and culture building in this
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field is actually 43, we are pursuing that people's participation in the capital market in production projects is through investment funds. we are redeveloping these funds. funds that are also combined. funds that they are combined with insurance tools, funds that are combined with pension insurance tools, and can meet different needs for investors , ordinary people, students, students, can answer. very well, thank you very much. there are 30 seconds left. my final sentence is that the most important issue in the discussion of the capital market is the issue of trust building.
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timely decisions, right decisions, this trust will definitely be returned, and where people participate , great things will definitely be done. on the first page of the program and thank you for looking , hope you use it. have a good night and may god protect you, thank you very much malik. may the flag of malik and ammar never fall. i want everyone to sing with me once again. may the knowledge never fall from the hands of alamdar. never, ali or ali, or malik and
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amar's flag never fall, ali or ali, our lovers. we are from karbala, we are lovers of karbala. half a mountain against the storm, we are rightfully with our masters, we are the soldiers
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of the ashura army, the soldiers of the army. the hands of the scholar, these scholars are in your hands, everyone , may the knowledge fall from the hands of the scholar, either ali or ali, but never fall in the banner of malik and ammar, either ali
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or ali , we should each put whatever we have in the middle so that the work goes on. i worked and let it go. i think i can borrow it from my father.
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we will put everything we have before we start a new job , we will have more money, how come we just barely provided the foundation of ruby, middle ruby, you had ruby ​​and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind, how should we do it? it is enough to act go to the united nations credit institution and apply. more than what we leave and take and start the work , just as easily, prosperity to the aid of the nations, the ruby ​​project of the nations
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, special for businesses, the credit institution of the nations, run. iranians are our guests. this same carpet , of course, there are 2 other carpets, they are getting old , so let's go and see them , we won't bother you too much to choose new carpets. and enjoy this affordable shopping and photos until 2:00 am in tehran. my host
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, blow a little more air so that we can cool down. . the conditions are pleasant , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , dear viewer, it is 20:30 and we are at your service with some news. shia ulema council of afghanistan is a step towards preventing iran's attack on israel he knew more about the instability of the region. the afghan shia ulema council said in a statement that the islamic republic of iran's action in response to israel's attack on iran's diplomatic center in damascus is the country's legitimate right. afghanistan's shia ulema council


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