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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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they spent the defense of the zionist regime so that iran's ballistic missiles could pass through hundreds of defenses and reach their targets. the noteworthy point is that iran used relatively low speed winds. it should not be forgotten that more than 300 missiles were fired , many of which were drones. of course, this was the first wave. they are from the second and third waves in the form of firing cruise and wing missiles. hossein rouhani of the sda news agency, in the rest of the world today , let's see some short news from the world, let's hear from zelensky's protest against the reduction of western military aid to the fire in the forests of spain, according to the president. the president of ukraine
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blamed the western countries for the limited military aid for the worsening situation on the battle front in donetsk. the $60 billion aid package to ukraine has been around for 6 months, and due to internal disputes in the us house of representatives and republicans in congress, it was approved to increase the border budget to prevent immigrants from entering. sudan's civil war has entered its second year with no clear prospects for an end. talks to stop the war have been stopped. the secretary general of the united nations said: the war in sudan is not only between two rivals, but it has targeted the people of this country. this is the war in sudan it claimed at least 15 thousand victims and displaced more than 8.5 million people. the ceo of tesla motor company announced the dismissal of more than 10% of the company's workforce. two weeks ago, this company producing electric cars announced its sales decline in the last 3 years. this multinational company has warned that sales will increase in the new year.
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it will be significantly weaker than the declared target. flooding in tanzania has killed 58 people so far. heavy rains in east africa, especially in tanzania, which started two weeks ago, have damaged the country's infrastructure the government has issued an order to evacuate the flooded areas. according to the announcement of the tanzanian government, the flood has affected the lives of more than 128,000 people. in addition to flooding. or in kenya, it has caused damages and has killed at least 13 people so far. china called america the biggest source of cyber attacks in the world and the biggest threat to cyber security. the spokesperson of the chinese foreign ministry, lingjian , announced this issue and said: american intelligence agencies and cyber security companies are secretly collecting false evidence about the origin of cyber attacks in order to get more funds from congress. take the world again.
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it is facing a massive bleaching phase of corals. according to the report of the american agency for oceanic and atmospheric, this phenomenon occurred due to the increase in temperature. this is the second time in 10 years that this phenomenon of coral bleaching, which threatens the remains of water in the rocks, has been observed. dozens of people left their homes following a fire in the forests of southeastern spain. this fire has destroyed more than 500 hectares of these lands in less than 24 hours. in the next passage of the world today, let's go to sudan, the united nations announced that the war in this country has led to displacement there are more than 8.5 million people and about 14 million sudanese are in need of urgent humanitarian aid. the war in sudan has entered its second year. zainab samani with her children to the center.
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he took power and promised to hand over power to civilians, but the differences between political groups and parties in sudan brought this country into a political bombast. the sudanese army reduced the power and authority of the military to integrate the military forces . among other things, he ordered the deployment of secret support forces in the sudanese army. this is the issue of disagreement between abdul fattah al-barhan. this problem
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the war started in sudan. the conflict between the army and the support forces quickly spread to different areas of sudan. according to the un report, more than 13,000 people have been killed and 26,000 wounded in these conflicts. the president of sudan's presidential council promised that the army is committed to expel all rebels and mercenary elements from sudan. now the war in sudan is coming. it has been its second year and according to the experts of this war , there has been no victory in the field so far. the two sides, i.e. the army and the support forces, could not decisively decide the war in their favor, and both sides despite the tactical victories
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they won, due to the nature of their own forces , they were unable to decide the war, the sudanese analyst also says that the only option ahead. destroying support forces is fast as the war continues. the united nations has warned that the humanitarian crisis in sudan may worsen in the coming months, pushing some areas into famine. let's go from sudan to america. polls in the united states show that the people of this country no longer favor trump and biden in the upcoming presidential elections of this country. do not read these polls also show that more than half of the supporters of the current president, joe biden the united states believes that the government should not have supported the genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip . see my colleague mr. ali rajabi's report from new york
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. there are about 7 months left until the american presidential elections, and everything still indicates that the competition in the november elections will be held. trump is tired and depressed in the election, but the american people are consumers of what is prepared for them. in this situation, problems such as biden's physical and mental disability, as well as the crisis of the arrival of silas and the unmanaged immigrants , are seriously criticized by the american society, and especially poor economic performance and increased inflation rate cause
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joe biden's votes have fallen. people are still angry about inflation, and of course, the issue has become more than anger and has become a general dissatisfaction in the country . a new survey conducted by the reuters news agency together with the absus institute showed that trump's base in american public opinion is even weaker than biden's. based on this, biden's votes are predicted to be 41 and trump's votes are only about 37. we know that these candidates, trump and biden, are widely unpopular and most of the american people do not like these two choices. so. a large part of the american people is still undecided about the election. new survey yugao institute showed that 57% of americans who voted for joe biden in the previous presidential elections of this country believe that the zionist regime committed genocide in gaza and the
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american government should not have supported this regime. this is the state of american public opinion while there are only 7 months left until the next presidential election in this country. not good news for joe biden. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency, new york. you are still watching the world today on the news network. i will continue this program with another report from palestine. palestinian farmers by replanting the crops in the lands destroyed by the zionist occupation regime in the north of the gaza strip challenge this regime. according to arab network. by doing this, gaza emphasizes resistance and stability in their land. we are in al-ghasasi region in the north of the gaza strip. the occupying regime has completely destroyed the agricultural fields of this region.
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but some residents of the region are trying to rebuild the ruins of the war in order to send this message to the occupying regime that no matter how much you destroy this land, still with our own hands. it completely destroyed the agricultural land and every living and non-living thing, but the palestinian farmer again
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he rebuilds what the occupying regime destroyed and cultivates the land again, and with this he challenges the occupying regime and says that we will stay in our own land, but the world, according to the end of the episode of the program tonight, the world today.
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you have reached the end of the world today. thank you for accompanying us tonight. may god bless you with a peaceful night.
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hello, last week, after informing about marriage and childbearing loans, we had some frequently asked questions from the applicants of these loans. first, why do we face this message after going to the central bank system to register? currently nothing a bank in your chosen province is not accredited for the education of a child loan. try again. the central bank says that this problem is limited to the first two months of the year. q3 in the last four months of last year , when the issue of raising the education limit for marriage was raised in the next year's budget bill, a number of applicants did not register, that is, suppose they get married in the month of february, and they delay their registration. next year's month and current year's marriages are also added to it, and every year in one or two months at the beginning of the year,
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there is this registration traffic, which means this is a message. that friends actually to. they say that the main reason is the traffic, there are a lot of applicants and limited resources, which means that something has not happened in the central bank's marriage system. we activated the banks in the same way that we activated credit in the system in the past years. this year it is the same, that is, quota we actually activated the month of april , this happens twice a day during the day and the banks are open, but because of the high traffic, it causes ardebehesht in april. dear readers, please face this message. the way is to finally try once or twice that is, if they see that this does not happen today , they will try tomorrow and this will be resolved, that is , as soon as this reaches a balance point, the amount of applicants, registrants and the amount of resources that according to the law is actually assigned to the central bank to activate in the system. monthly, when
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it reaches the equilibrium point , it will definitely decrease like sanbat, and the respected people of any age will be able to register, god willing. the amount of the child bearing loan was another question of the audience , which according to the budget law of 1403 is different for each child, the loan for the first child is 40 million tomans, the second 80, the third 120, the fourth 150, and the fifth 200 million tomans for child bearing loans for parents who own multiple glos, for example, if they own 3 glos at the same time.
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and give good, healthy and useful children to the society. salam alaikum, bo ali hamedan university added two single dormitories with a capacity of 700 students to the nine single dormitories it had. in this university, however, for more than a thousand married students who make up nearly 10% of the university's population , not even one single dormitory unit has been provided. despite having enough dormitories for female students and the need for married dormitories between joona again shahideh dabaq dormitory in two blocks 1 and 2 which has been since 1401. it was under construction in the winter of 1402. it was opened for accommodation in these dormitories. the dormitories of hazrat zainab masumieh and farhang were evacuated, and although the dormitories of kaster among them had a married structure, instead of housing married male international students , they were accommodated in that dormitory. by sending
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these videos, married students of this university complained about the non-implementation of the plan that was promised seven months ago. as soon as these projects are completed. we have the opportunity to find some of the hostels we have in the city and the possibility it is possible to convert them into married dormitories , let's turn them into married dormitories and the dormitories that have not been converted into married ones despite being empty of singles, here the kotsara student dormitory has the capacity to accommodate married couples, but bo ali university will complete this dormitory according to its capacity. for single students, it is still delivered to single international students. and considering that the capacity to get married is still unmarried , according to this legal article, universities are obliged to prioritize married dormitories in the construction of new dormitories . after the appreciation of 78 popular collections of broadcasting of parizad program on tehran network, now 250 groups supporting the fetus from the two special programs of life after life
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and the gathering of appreciation are friends of acquaintances who told me that i wished i had a child . i'm fine, god's grace included me, i have two other girls, they are also very nice, but this is one thing. it's like she's my mother. i am very happy that my mother gave me this right to live. i could tell you how much i love your voice.
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i love you like a child, layanya. i love your birthday. i like your tiredness. shadar prayer from below in god. zeinab chekhmakhi of sed and cima news agency. he published the country's foreign trade trend in 1402 . according to the customs data, the country's export collection in 1402, including oil and electricity. luggage trade reached 86 billion dollars. the total import of the country in this period of time, including gold bullion
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, is estimated at 6 billion dollars. according to the data announced by the customs, among the 10 major items of export goods, the highest growth in the value of exports was due to petroleum gases, iron ore and others. the year 1402 was a timeless event for the country's foreign trade. has brought the first free trade agreement iran signed with the eurasian economic union . an agreement based on which 87 export and import items are subject to zero tariff. we have come to preferential trade with the aim of developing trade through product groups that can be effective. most importantly, free trade with the eurasian union, which i think can play a very important role in the future. i really hope that it will be approved in the islamic parliament soon, so that we can enter another phase with these 5 countries
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. there are 380 billion dollars of trade in these 5 countries, their imports are 180 million people. they have and this is a very big market for us , on the other hand, we can import our own consumer goods that we import from other countries at a lower price for the people of these countries. , liquid propane and liquid butane are allocated. also, among the 10 major items of imported goods, the biggest decrease in terms of value was wheat, rice and soybeans. according to the customs data, basic goods accounted for 486% of imports by weight and 15.14% by value. government officials from the control of the management of the import of goods based on the approved laws, they say that according to article 223 of the law of permanent decrees, in fact, export appreciation and import appreciation
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are not possible unless there are conditions, including conditions that actually make us use it instead of banning imports, the use of import duties. here, this year, the ministry of civil industry mainly had domestically produced goods. ton introduced article 1 to the commission and those goods have increased commercial profit in order to support the production of iran's largest export destinations in 1402, namely china, iraq, uae, turkey and india. this is five in total, the country has a share of about 74 and a half percent in terms of weight and 73 percent of the total value of iran's exports. providing the presence of exporting companies. irani in the international markets is part of the programs of the trade development organization. the exhibition of iran's export capabilities will be held in may this year with the same goal.
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we had about 1,300 traders. this year's plan is to reach above 200 to 2500. i said that if the city's potential and infrastructure allows , it can increase a lot in terms of accommodation and transportation of guests. this exhibition it has great potential. the second increase. the number of companies that we have last year was about 700. this year , our plan is to be able to have export companies, so to speak, our index, in this exhibition. also, the total capacity and infrastructure of the exhibition is under the overall burden of the space . the future will develop this capacity with growth and improvement and the events that will happen, the biggest source of goods import in 1402 for iran. uae, china, turkey, germany and india respectively. these five countries in total account for about 65% in terms of weight and 77% in terms of value. of total
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they took over the country's imports. it is marzan that i believe in being able to overcome difficulties. it is impossible to say everything, but he showed that it is possible. demar bayt eshgh hamm, what jumped from perfection, it was the belief of your heart, god's hand was in the middle, it was filled with your breaths. the warmth of cold days. i am always ready, front line no.
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when i was with him, the sky shone from his feet , from his name to the horizon of blood. he became the father of iran's rockets, he became heavenly, and the sacrifices and sales of the martyrs of the homeland were coming, lining up to welcome him was the end of hajj . he left a child and a legacy in iran, which
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is full of thorns. i have no doubt that he still thinks after his death the destruction of israel.
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a golden opportunity, the community course for the empowerment of mental health professionals, students and graduates of psychology fields, expert counseling. mental health in line with the realization of educational justice under the supervision of lecturers from prominent universities in the country, see specialized and practical training. register now at system and benefit from a 50% discount. for more information, send the number five to 199606 . first match, first choice.
3:00 am
at 30:00, the president emphasized that we will respond to any action against iran's interests more severely and painfully than before, mr. raisi said. in a telephone conversation with the president of russia, while criticizing the silence of the international community in condemning the zionist regime's terrorist attack on our country's embassy in damascus, goy said: iran, in exercising its right to self-defense based on article 51 of the united nations charter, has carried out an operation against the same centers that have done evil against us. it was designed and implemented and the operation of the true promise was successfully carried out with the aim of punishing the aggressor.


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