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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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gaza has also shown a truly hypocritical behavior in relation to the actions taken by the siminsi regime in syria. first of all, with the repeated letters he wrote to iran, he says, "i don't want to expand the war. well, if you don't want to expand the war, why do you allow israel, which there is no doubt about?" it is under your command and israel basically can't say without america that we will not one day. what else should israel do in gaza if it is known that this is a crime, this is against basic human rights, that you americans want to stop israel ? why are you present in syria in front of this israeli warmongering? israelis, can
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they attack our consular building without your permission ? israel can't do anything without the permission of america. it really can't. i 'm telling you this with information. what is the sign? the sign is that everything israel does in practice. america supports. well, they beat the arrival of our consulate in damascus. so what are the americans doing? are they willing to accept this and say that this was wrong? ok we have no business with their position now. israel has come. well, iran's action is legitimate defense. this is quite clear in the international field of international law with the word defense. it is legitimate to mention this, well, we
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made a legitimate defense in this scene, why weren't you americans neutral, aren't you saying that we don't want to expand the war, israel's policy is not our policy, so you should be neutral, why does mr. biden come and say that we and 10 countries in total in this scene , iran's missiles and iranian missiles were targeted by israel , where is this policy of neutrality and a wise policy in this scene and now that this story is happening? what happened is that the americans are changing the scene of the case, of course, according to their own opinion, they can't raise the number of our missiles that we fired and raise big numbers, if about a third of those numbers are correct. and then
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they drastically reduced the number of missiles that were hit to say that iran fired a large amount of warheads, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles . the americans are taking over the war, because we know that the islamic republic is in this scene the zionist regime's hunting base, which was its most important hunting base, because it was where the f-35 planes were kept, because the f -35 planes are the most powerful military planes, in the same place, in the same place, in the north of dimona to the south of the west bank , the americans created two defense systems, and
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by the way the recent activation of the defense of this israeli air base. well, if you are not a hypocrite, why instead of putting pressure on israel to control its movements , you create layers of defense for israel so that it can safely make any mistake. it is quite clear that americans are really responsible for the crimes of israelis. i play a role, they are responsible, and my works have reached them and will reach them. in this scene , it was not only israel that was exposed. the american security system was exposed as well. it was the most advanced defense system, so why couldn't this most advanced system prevent entry. let's go back to questioning
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the deterrence power or security doctrine of the zionist regime since october 7th, i.e. the 15th. mehr was questioned. yes, now, of course, he has a previous history what hezbollah did in the 33-day war with israel in 2005, israel's marketability was completely questioned, but to the extent that this marketability was broken on the 7th of october , it was not broken in the 3-day war . in short, for example , it entered the israeli system twice in the last six to seven months, which means that once again israel faced a decisive action that turned its marketing into a dream and fantasy, and if this trend continues, now the deterrence
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has been broken. its existence is affected, certainly its internal coherence is affected the effect. he studied outside. there , the members of the military cabinet, mr. gallant, mr. netanyahu , mr. benigans, and the army commander discussed what they discussed . the discussion was this, mr. netanyahu, why did you attack the center of iran in damascus to make israel suffer this calamity and make it clear how vulnerable we are? that is, it was a freeze, not that they sit and say what should we do in response to iran's attack , what should we do now
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, it was a fight over the fact that your work, sir, has destroyed israel and endangered our position. . increases the implication is that this government can no longer continue to exist and various dimensions of calamity will descend on israel , one of which is the issue of reverse migration. however , in this same scene, an israeli official said that if such and such had happened, 4 million people would now be around bengurion airport. and preparing for them to leave here, these are various effects that will definitely strongly affect the life of the zionist regime and weaken it severely, and not only will it leave the threat point of a country like iran, but basically be exposed to all kinds of faced with threats inside this palestinian land
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doctor, can we review a path together from the victory of the islamic revolution to today, when the islamic republic of iran stands at the level and strength it can. answer against the powers that were once said to be the great powers of the world, or let's take a look at the scientific, technical and tactical operational planning of the true promise operation and the progress that our armed forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps have achieved in these years. resulted in iran's response to the aggression of the zionist regime , which was a strong response. yes, it is the most advanced security defense system in the world it's completely accurate. now we may not have much time. i have to be very brief. you see , when the iranian revolution won, the americans
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used the experience they had in latin america in the 1970s against the left-wing governments , for example against mr. allende's government. in chile , where the creation of chaos caused the people to be disappointed by the state of the political system, then it was their turn to put general pinochet in office with a coup and control the destiny of chile for more than 17 years, the same situation in some other latin american countries have also done this the iranian revolution that won said the same version. we repeat here, an anarchist and anarchist development, two, in the end, confusion and the use of a dependent force in iran, i.e., the dream of repeating a reza khan in iran, they see
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, so now what did the islamic republic do in this scene and hazrat what did the imam design? imam came from the heart of this design that the americans made. he did two basic actions in a period of time. the first step was to strengthen himself militarily. that's where we are today. we have come to know that the americans officially mean the american authorities officially declaring that iran is the superior military power, in their interpretation, the middle east is west asia, in our interpretation, well, this was the first work of the imam, and today we have the fruit of it. it was a deeply popular work. which turned islamist movements
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into a strong defense force at the regional level. that which was part of the wish for muslims to have a common army. the islamic republic did this especially in the last two decades in the region. now we are in a region where an independent military power, it has an afghan army. we have a pakistani military power, we have an iraqi military power, apart from their official powers, their armies, their people , we have a strong popular force in syria , a strong popular force in lebanon, a strong popular force in yemen, and they are in a coalition in they are working together, and one of the most important problems that happened in the same case of the defense operation of the honest
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promise was that it is not only iran that is seen in this scene, the entire region suddenly caught fire against israel and against the united states and in the same point where the iranian missiles towards the base he had espionage information of the zionist regime in the jabal al-sheikh region. it was possible and the tvs showed the movement of pabada and iran's missiles . at the same time, 200 hezbollah missiles hit the same place. at the same time , the yemenis did the same move in a different way. once the region was against this criminal trend. it arose and a regional uprising was formed against them, and this was very uncomfortable for them. this is what he did in the scene of the islamic republic
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, it was a combination of two cases. an exemplary defense power of iran inside. a coalition of regional armed resistance forces in such a way that they can defend their own safety, their own positions. now the americans are using a proxy word in order to make them look mild and mild, while these are not proxy forces at all. lebanon's hezbollah works for lebanon's security. ansarullah works for the security of yemen. the iraqi resistance force works for the security of iraq, not under orders. but these are brothers who have an alliance against the common enemy on the day when they should come to the scene and actually change the process as it is according to the spirit of islam of the nations of the region.
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let's say there are hundreds of them drones and missiles? yes, hundreds of drones and missiles, but about the exact number of them, i must say that investigations are still ongoing, oh god, a barrage of luminous objects in the sky above the occupied territories , sirens of danger and the sound of explosions, iran's missile and drone operations, in response to the attack,
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managed to shoot down a large number of missiles intercept iranians. but they faced a problem. films that palestinian citizens of assab.
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occupied territories were expressed as a surprise in the french expert's statement, where he said that iran was able to deceive the iron dome and iran's missiles hit the target areas. expected the israelis intercepted a number of long-range drones and cruise missiles, but the more important issue was the role of ballistic missiles. in this context , a surprise was achieved because the interceptions to destroy iran's missiles were not done well. iran's strategy and solution for its operations as experts have said. used at a relatively low speed. it should not be forgotten that more than 300 missiles were fired, many of which were drones. of course, this was the first wave.
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they are from the second and third waves in the form of firing cruise missiles. they used ballistics. hossein rouhani of sed and sima news agency. mr. dr. reactions let's review the world, especially the different media of the world regarding the response of the islamic republic of iran? yes , it is very interesting that in a scene where the americans claim that a unipolar system is ruling inside asia and inside the security council. we have the position of mr. putin, who said today in the phone call he had with mr. raisi that iran's action was the best thing that was done to actually protect the security of iran. strict laws in order to condemn israel and in order
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to do something against iran in the security council. must nagireh did, at the level of the asian powers of southeast asia, we have the position of the prime minister of malaysia and the position of the indonesian authorities, who took a position similar to iran. at the level of africa, first of all, the africans have a relatively uniform position in favor of iran, and in particular we should mention algeria's position. at the european level, some european governments are really saying this. your presence and analysis on the subject of tonight's special news talk , i say goodbye to you and thank you very much to each and every one of our dear compatriots for joining us with another program of special good night news talks. goodbye.
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the development of the missile industry in the years after the war has made iran one of the few leading countries in the region and the world in the field of manufacturing and producing all kinds of medium-range, long-range and ballistic missile systems, and a detailed look at the characteristics of iranian missiles shows special power. it is the resistance front. in the meantime , shahab family of missiles should be considered the most famous iranian missiles in the world. mid-range and long-range missiles, the last type of which is shahab 3, with a range of more than 100 km, 15 meters in height and more than 15 tons of weight, was tested in 1377. in 2005, 23-ton iranian sejil gul with head
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war 650 kg. due to the use of solid fuel, this missile is ready to be launched within a few minutes, and after firing its launcher, it leaves the place quickly . this feature minimizes the possibility of destruction before launch. also, its high speed makes it practically impossible for the enemy to intercept it, and it will destroy its targets in the occupied territories in less than 7 minutes. fateh 110 short-range missile has a range of 300 km. the fuel of
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the warhead weight is 500 kg. fatih 110 was tested in 2006 and as the most accurate iranian point missile in large numbers at the disposal of resistance forces hizbullah was placed in tire from lebanon to the southernmost point of the occupied territories. in addition, with the availability of the persian gulf missile, which is a naval type of fatiha class , all warships of the zionist regime will also face a tough and fragile threat, a threat that will be dealt with by weaker cruise missiles in the 3-day nafche sa'er war. the army destroyed this regime in the mediterranean waters. in front of beirut , look forward to it, on august 29, 2009
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, an uprising with a range of 800 km of liquid fuel and a warhead weight of 645 kg will be unveiled with the aim of destroying american military bases, with the most characteristic of the uprising. which is more noticed is not having a bulkhead , which has created the ability to launch from special silos for launchers and submarines for this missile . in the fall of 2014 , iran is readying another long-range ballistic missile with a range equivalent to 1700 km, which , unlike other missiles, is capable of controlling four it is an aerodynamic surface and tej. the thing is , they provide guidance to the guided system until it hits the target. but in the meantime, fajr 3 and panj rockets with
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a range of approximately 80 km have made it possible for the palestinian mujahideen to attack various cities of the zionist regime. the pentagon, in its last report of the year, this kind of danger of iran's military power to the authorities. buddy was throughout history. along with the drones , cruise and ballistic missiles were also fired so that the iron dome faced a problem to intercept them. israel
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made a strategic mistake once again. this regime made a mistake before october 7 and did not think that hamas would carry out an operation against israel in gaza. iran's response, contrary to the imagination of the israeli authorities, is very broad and beyond. it was imagination. alarm bells were sounded in more than 700 places in israel and two important bases of haartrim and ramon were destroyed the israeli fighters that targeted the iranian consulate in damascus had taken off from these two bases. the published images prove that, contrary to israel's claim , the rockets hit these two bases accurately. different resistance groups that are allies of iran participated in this attack until saman.
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to remain silent against the attacks against his presence in the region. with this attack, iran violated the rules of conflict that existed for the past 45 years. he was severely humiliated by the images that were broadcast of iran's attacks. america does not want tension rules in the region to gain strategic dimensions. america wants tension in gaza remain so that its priority table is not damaged. america does not want to be forced to withdraw its forces from the south china sea. and brought them back to the middle east again. it is clear that netanyahu wants to bring the americans to confront iran. the americans must now prevent
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the israelis from turning the situation of the region into a war. iran also warned about this. iran wants to send a strong message that these attacks were just a warning message and that it has much more capabilities. the iranians showed that they have all kinds of missiles at their disposal americans warned not to participate in this conflict. from the very beginning, iran wanted to attack the bases from which the israeli fighters had taken off to attack the iranian consulate in damascus. iran to the goal he wanted from this attack was achieved and he drew the borders he wanted. israel will try to play the role of the victim in order to mobilize the public opinion of the world against iran. israel seeks to create tension against iran for various reasons. 6 months after the october 7 incident, israel is still trying to restore its image. israel deployed its six armies and carried out 40,000 airstrikes against the gaza strip.
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deterrent power of israel. akbar committed and signed a blank check to netanyahu by traveling to israel, repeat that america does not want to give netanyahu such an opportunity again because it knows that netanyahu will go to the last limit , it may involve america in a regional war that may last for several years. as long as such a situation lasts , it will benefit russia and china, and america does not want to get involved in the situation in the middle east.
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islamic iran. in the name of god. o allah, may peace be upon him.


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