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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the capital market news. the limit of one percent of stock volatility was extended for another day. with the decision of the stock exchange organization on sunday , april 26, the fluctuation range of stock exchange symbols decreased to positive and negative 1% for 3 days. this decision was criticized with the aim of protecting the rights of shareholders and preventing the influence of emotions on the market trend for wednesday. the fluctuation range
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of stock funds is set at 2%, both positive and negative. the head of the securities and exchange organization said: decisions are made directly in the government and the central bank it affects the capital market. referring to the plans of this organization to finance production, mr. eshghi said: the capital market can compensate for the delays. open capital according to the plans we have , we will increase this number to 50%, according to the reception that has been received and the request that exists, of course, this has some requirements. the issue of financial stability is that when we adopt a policy in, for example, the central bank
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or in the organization of the budget program , its dimensions and its effects on the financial instruments of the market capital of ina ram besanjim, economic spokesman of the government announced the facilitation of liquidity and financing of production institutes, mr. khandozi said that this year, production companies will use three methods. they use new ones to pay taxes and duties. we hope that 1403 will help to provide financial and cash by replacing bank guarantee, treasury documents and promissory notes that producers can use these three methods instead of paying taxes and duties. the aim of production is
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to be done with greater ease. khandozi also said that this year, capital market financing tools from investment funds and indirect public shareholding are used to speed up the financing of the production sector. the speed of formation of joint-stock companies to finance the production project. in order for the capitals of our dear people to play a role in really attractive projects , this year it will be more possible that we are conducting the necessary negotiations with the various mining industrial sectors of the country for the joint-stock companies of that project so that this happens. the glass hall of trading on tuesday was down. on this day, 703
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billion tomans of real money left the stock market became. the indices of the glass hall of trading on tuesday and saturday went down. the main representative of the stock market on this day with a negative return of 23 hundred percent equal to 499 units at the level of 2 million 2198 units. the equal weight index also took a step on the negative side of the fluctuation range and reached the level of 7236 units with a decrease of 2834 units. on this day, 8 billion and 190 million shares and financial bonds were traded in 215 thousand transactions with a value of 4700 billion tomans . the symbols of 60, fars, beh mellat, and omid had the most negative impact on the total index, and in contrast to the symbols of femli, folad, mohorum, and bo ali, they were hindered. from the further decrease of the total index. index of capital inflow and outflow at the end of transactions. on tuesday, the stock exchange
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announced the withdrawal of 73 billion tomans of real money. during tuesday's trading, the largest amount of real money was in the information and communication groups, leather industry and telecommunications. it was based on the fact that the largest withdrawal of real money was made from the groups of stock funds of automobile parts and chemical products. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that there were 22 positive symbols and 534 negative symbols so that the market witnessed 70 % of its symbols becoming negative. also, 86 symbols were encountered with the purchase page and 295 symbols with the sale page. the value of the shopping pages is 154 billion tomans . the value of sales queues was announced at 729 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. the director of the supervision of issuers of the stock exchange organization said that the supreme council of the stock exchange
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is seeking to provide incentives for the earlier holding of provincial capital investment companies' assemblies. mr. jafari said that one of these incentives is the reopening of the icon, which of course requires preliminary steps such as the introduction of marketers. according to jafar. out of 31 provincial investment companies, 28 companies were registered with the stock exchange organization and admitted to the stock exchange. the director of supervision of publishers of the stock exchange organization also said so far the province investment company is not registered and the investment company of tehran province should be separated into two separate provinces of tehran and alborz and this process should be done . five provinces of the country are ready for supply. accounts were listed on the stock exchange. the general manager of the planning and budgeting office of wafazalab water engineering company said: last year, the cross-border permit for wastewater was obtained in the stock market, and this year, all provincial water and fazalab companies must supply the wastewater in the stock market. according to mr. bagherzadeh
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, the amount of wastewater production in the country is 1.6 billion cubic meters, of which 220 million cubic meters have been handed over to the industry. bagherzadeh also he said that a target has been set to add at least 350 million cubic meters to the water supply of the industry, especially the water industry. more than 605 thousand tons of products are traded in the commodity exchange today. in the hall of industrial and mineral products, 33,357 tons of all kinds of steel sections. it was sold. the auction hall again experienced the transaction of 112 thousand tons of various products. 78 thousand tons of polymeric and chemical materials were sold in the petrochemical and petroleum products hall. the export hall also hosted the transaction of 60,000 tons of iron ore pellets, non-moisture insulation. 18 thousand 18,700 tons
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of cement were sold in the cement hall. to we have reached the end of capital market news. god bless you . there is a telegram playing with the whole country. why is your question an interesting question in these six months of pricing?
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i respect the service of one. dear and respected viewers of the higher program , we are at your service with another debate on the issue of assigning gasoline to the national code or on the same issue that i have presented to you, if you are interested, i invite you to follow this debate until the end. please be a viewer of the news network. thank you. you are with the higher program. you know that we have been talking about this issue for a long time. election candidates. the islamic council has also talked about this issue , and they have been asked questions. obviously , there is a statement that is almost a statistic from the research center of the majlis , based on the fact that half of the families in the country do not have a car. they do not use subsidies. the issue that is mentioned is that the way we have , we allocate fuel subsidies for those who have cars and those
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who don't have cars do not use this subsidy . we want to talk about what formula and method would be fairer if implemented and they can more people will benefit from this existing subsidy. what is the reason for your opposition to the gasoline subsidy being allocated to the national code of people? hello, i am at your service , my friend. see, let me go back a step to where this plan for gasoline to each national code came from, and what kind of problem is this going to cause us and what is the situation we are in now ? we are talking and that the continuation of the current process cannot be acceptable for us and the government. okay, just talking about gasoline, we have a shortage of gasoline we have an imbalance in our consumption of energy, that is, if
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the same cars that use gasoline use gas, all of them will have a problem with gas, regardless of the environmental issues, and this issue is only about pregnant women. we are actually in trouble, dear. this is why it was discussed that it should be allocated to each national code. each national code had its reasons and this one discussion was that the very thing you said about fairness and justice will cause some people to not have a car and not to use this subsidy and some people now. cars are consuming more they tell him that there was a discussion about smuggling that was brought up . let it be and be consumed, and now the debates that you allow one by one, now
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if i want to specifically talk about justice , a fair explanation is definitely one of the things we are all looking for, a fair explanation that is done, but let's see first whether fair means equality or not. that is, we are not saying that we want to explain fairly, we are saying that we want to anyone. let's divide a number of gasoline. this is like saying in the system that anyone who does anything has a fixed salary we want to give. i have not seen anywhere that equality means justice. now i will explain to you. yes , it is true that gasoline is used for the car to move . this is what gasoline is for. we should not use gasoline for that government as a father of the family
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, as someone who is responsible for the distribution of the country's resources. he says between the people, sir, if you have a car, i will come and provide you with gas. the point here is that someone who is low, for example , has health insurance, is paying for education i want to say that it is not like this that only some people want gasoline, there is another way , there is a relief committee for other things. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful . dear those who are watching us at this time, i would like to tell you that
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our agreement is subject to conditions, and if you allow me, i will actually give a history of why we had a subsidy explanation in the matter of fuel and now. what is the situation we are in? let me give a brief explanation. let's get to that stage. see, from 15 to 16 years ago, from 2005 to 2006, this issue actually started with the quota ban. for fuel, especially gasoline, it happened in the country at the same time because it was considered a big change , we saw a lot of opposition, mainly from different institutions and even at the level of our people, and it is always the same that reforming and changing methods are met with resistance. but this happened and many of the equipments and infrastructures that the government provided at that time with the help of the companies under the ministry of oil were implemented and we we went through a lot of crises and over time
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, we were faced with many challenges that we could not implement the general goals, especially in the law on targeting the helpers. the issue of fuel means that most of them are satisfied with the process of production, transportation, distribution and consumption , both private and public sector activists, and every day we come across strange records and we put a lot of pressure on the ministry of petroleum, which must supply fuel. do not import and some people are talking about the consumption of cars they blame the people, or some people blame the car , they blame the quality of the fuel and so on , mashallah , we have been talking about commenting on the price for the past two years, now how can we overcome this situation? the
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distribution method that we have now in the country, we cannot pass this stage in any way. and we should not expect that all cases will adapt to our default, but we are in a situation where we are facing certain complications of increasing consumption quickly, and all of our solutions, if with this default, the existing situation, i.e. distribution by card fuel and liter subsidies actually want cars to move forward, we face many problems and people's dissatisfaction. now the government's claim is that i not only subsidize 1,500 toman gasoline, but i also subsidize 300 toman gasoline, that is, we have two sectors, we have a subsidized gasoline fuel, and we have a more subsidized gasoline fuel called 1,500 tomans. now when this there is a debate about whether
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it should be allocated to the car owner or to the common people of all people. some people mistakenly imagine that now what it means is that if this number is a subsidy, it is like the subsidy that is allocated to the people month by month. in the event that this article should not have been published in this way in the media and in reality, this is not the case. now the conditions that i am presenting are agreement or disagreement, we will explain it. giving gasoline subsidy is not equal to the fact that we are establishing justice. do you think that the current situation is closer to justice or this method that mr. nawaz agrees with? see how it is implemented . now is the next step . regarding the current method and the proposed method, in your opinion, which one is closer to justice? i think
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you see, the issue is that, as i said, serving you is about justice and equality, and this is what we are supposed to do. what should we do? you know what the issue is. the issue is that you are saying that we have a problem now. i don't have an issue that we have a problem with the fuel card. it is not a problem. does the solution of the fuel card mean that we have to come and give gasoline to someone, or do we have this problem now? it's a subsidy issue. see , we have subsidized the karzo issue with the subsidy issue. you said, for example, justice is smuggled. now, mr. nawaz, explain and raise the issue of explanation and card fuel and this was always mentioned. now, in the discussion , let's talk about the subsidy, let's talk about it, the situation is definitely different now, that is, i say it is not applicable at all, giving it to the national code, and what problems will be created. see, now they understand the subsidy discussion, yes, the discussion is that we the government say, now the government is coming he gives gas and he is paying for this gas , he is paying a strange amount for it and says
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that if i don't do this and the consumption is high , he will get less for this work . for example, people get 10 liters of gasoline and 15 liters let's say that their consumption will decrease, that's why we raised the question . let's have the main proposition once again. we are talking about whether this redistribution is fair or not. just what is the price now? i ask you to tell me how much is the current consumption. we are the first to talk about this . we, the people, may do whatever we want, wherever we want. the only thing is that whenever someone
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wants to go on a trip, he wants to go with his car. . he doesn't think that this is because, for example, i am blind the way i want to go is the problem of gasoline or not , the distribution of gasoline in the past few years has never caused people to worry that i will have problems in getting it, that is, the explanation has always been as the one who lives in the village and the one who lives in the city. he has always had access to this gasoline, but now, according to the conditions, they say , for example, in big cities, the euro explains that they do not have quality and work, but we have never had the opportunity to say that those who were at the bottom of the community or those at the top of the community did not have access to this gasoline. that's why i want to tell you that until now we have discussed justice, which means that the availability of the
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rich classes and the deciles that we want to compare, whether they are high or low , there is a difference between them, not justice, because of the payment of subsidies. i told you that the issue of subsidies is different. are we talking at all? first, we were explaining, we were talking about whether this form is justice-oriented or not? it is more fair to give the gasoline subsidy to the national code, or to allocate it to the car license plate, that is, to allocate it to each car , it is more fair. he is explaining, but i'm sorry that the word "poor" and "rich" means, for example, someone who owns a low model car, or our model car . they don't have it, it's true, they may not buy gasoline directly, but they take a taxi, maybe they
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use it in a different way. he gives his subsidy in another way, thank you mr. nawaz, how agreeable this is you are saying that the government, for example, if it is subsidizing someone who does not have a car, and for example , it is compensating him for his health insurance, then i beg your pardon for the subsidy that they give to the people under the welfare relief committee. answer this question with statistics. in my opinion, the government itself should answer whether such a thing is happening or not. we don't see such a thing happening. look, now you are pointing out that everyone can use public taxis, metro part, and you didn't put any restrictions on this use. . use it first or use it after three tenths yes, but this is happening in the field of fuel. you see , if i have four cars
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, i will be more satisfied with the subsidized fuel. please compare the motor courier who has a worn-out engine and does not even have a fuel card. he buys gasoline for 3 thousand tomans. on the other hand, a family that has 3 cars will actually receive them for 3 thousand tomans if the explanation is actually fair . let's do jurisprudence and this, sir, for example , is the anfal oil product or is it baytul mal, this will take a long time, it is not our specialty, but in this area, if we want justice, then yes, people should. benefit from the subsidy paid by the government , see those deciles that are low, the seven deciles are low, now you said the aid committee, see, yes , we are talking about the seven deciles now, in hack week , even if you assume a price or non-price solution to control consumption . what happened in the country, by the way , the top 30% are not losing at all, the bottom 7th are losing because the effects of those decisions can be seen in their lives, for the fuel
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they don't receive, the subsidy they don't receive, and the car they don't have. in response to your question, i said that i want more in the field of technical implementation, which you are very good at i saw the media, if it is allowed to say that mr. tamdan is not feasible, you should also agree with them , see, we believe in two steps that it is feasible. you see , i personally paid a lot of attention to the talks in this regard, and i thank you for your programs. the sedasma organization paid attention to this program. they do, that is, politicians look politically , economically, economically, they look at social debates, they look at social issues . i feel. they are moving towards technical and executive discussions. i saw this . now, see how we agree. now, in our current situation, if we insist
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on this distribution method, what are we going to do now? we currently have 60 liters of gasoline for 1500 tomans in the fuel card of mr. engineer. we leave it to the people that the price difference with the price of 300 tomans is 1,500 tomans, which means that the difference is 90 thousand tomans, which we give to the people in the form of liters . if it is not allocated to the car, it means that in fact we will allocate the same 90 thousand tomans per month as credit to the car owner. first, if this plan is implemented successfully, which we expect it to be successfully implemented, in the second step , the economic, political and social dimensions of this issue can be discussed and explained to everyone, and we have not implemented the first step yet . without marking, we cannot
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assign one by one from this situation to a situation where all people, whether they have a car or not, are assigned a national code. to identify the amount of consumption , to track the amount of fuel, to track the amount of navigation give me permission. with the current situation and with the systems that currently exist , there is a problem. it is not possible to monitor it. i will give you an example . i will give you my fuel card. you go and consume . for you, who is the owner of the car, there is also a level of control. the fuel station is not necessary because you have received the credit and it is for you personally that you can use this credit as fuel consumption, not cashable credit, by bank payment or by various methods that exist now. what are we saying now? we say that now there are different methods, but one of the methods is that when you go to the fuel station instead of receiving 1500 tomans with a 60 liter fuel card, that was
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the difference. tomans are provided as credit, you do not pay anything up to 90,000 tomans, that is , you will receive 60,000 tomans, the remaining 90,000 tomans will be paid by yourself . we are talking, if assignment to the national code happens , it is not possible without removing the souq card, now there is a point here you see, we have some concerns . in my opinion, the concerns are for the owner of the car in two steps, and then, if the conditions are ready, for everyone in the national code, even those who don't have a car are closer to justice. do you not agree with the opinion of mr. tamdan to some extent, i agree with them
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, that is, we have the same opinion. it will change in the future , mr. tamdan said for other reasons, this cannot be implemented. can you please explain more? first , see the discussion that was rejected. the discussion that you are talking about, mr. engineer, is different from the main topic of the program. we had a full explanation discussion now. we came to the conclusion that the full explanation discussion cannot be implemented at the moment and we have a problem. well, mr. nawaz , i believed that this should happen in two stages . the car is consuming more , not necessarily the person who has four cars, for example , he has a hybrid car, maybe he doesn't use as much as the person who has an old car, so it's enough to consume not more than the subsidy, if the cost is less, he will also use less subsidy. no, it means that with the power of these four to 60 leads, if your card is burned if he has four to 60 leads per month , the government is subsidizing him.
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it does not mean that the person who owns a car does not pay any fees. this discussion became a thing. after the next article, what did you say that i clarified what you said is not feasible. technically speaking , let me serve you like this. let's say something. that is, by importing and now. it is being compensated in some way, we cannot argue , for example, during eid, sometimes this number goes up , which is normal, but on average it is about 20. we have a gasoline deficit of up to 30 million liters . let's assume that the government will explain this gasoline by 90 million to 100 million. it will also prepare a mechanism for all those who can exchange it. i don't want to get into that for now
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. all those who need it can buy it from all those who sell it, we need 20 to 30 million liters of gasoline a day, enter the society considering that because we have a high consumption, my people are not consumers, these cars are consuming us. we don't import cars, we produce our cars, which are of high quality consumption. if he wants to use, he should use as much as he needs , because he owns the car.


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