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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] talk to the floor of the prison, that is, the person who is a prisoner who is there, face to face, tell them what is your problem, what is your problem, what are your cases. it happens every few months that, for example, several hundreds of judges get up at the same time and go to a prison. individual cases
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are re-read so that, god forbid, no one's rights are lost. who are really the officers because they are in the front line of the operation, the pressures there are many explanations, that is, all kinds of pressures, stresses, there are various work cases , it is possible for one of the people who is there to make a mistake, it is normal for him, everywhere , mistakes can happen in radio and television, it can happen in the judiciary, it can happen, it is important. it is that we have mechanisms so that if an error happens, it can be properly reported , followed up and dealt with properly. what is happening is this, that is, we are doing what we are doing here, so we now have processes, for example, the issue of dealing with citizenship rights, that is in all the large courts that we have , there is an office section called the civil rights protection office, so if for any reason you feel that this process has become a problem for you , there are independent food people, you can go to them and say yes at a certain time. something happened to me and they follow up. i
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have many cases where our people log in and see. for any reason, this person may have committed a violation , so these surveillances must identify the incident that we have written in this new development document according to our words. this is that for each of these officers , what we want to happen is that we have systems to monitor the performance of the officers, i.e., the licenses that they want to be given, because every officer wants to do whatever he wants to do, these licenses should be registered and recorded. let the dimensions be accurate and then the results of the work will be determined. which should be given , the training that should be given to these is very important, that is, a person who wants to enter a, for example, do something based on a judicial order, he wants to go and do something, he said, first he should get the necessary training, if the training necessary to type if it is seen as appropriate, that will not happen at all, the violation will not happen, it turns out that you, sir , can move up to this point, you can do something, more than that, you do not have the right to do something, or you have to go again and get a new license to be able to work. do it, so it is a work that is being developed
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, god willing, in this document, we will transform this work, to systematize this work , to make it intelligent, to monitor such things, both on the guards and on the prisons, these two places are very, very important, and sometimes there are people who are under control, we have these on the agenda god willing, we will be able to carry out one of the events that was implemented in the document, the launch of the joy of life complexes. i have prepared an open report of the achievements. let's see and come back . how long has it been since you decided to take this beautiful angel? the story of six-month-old motahara, who is now the guest of a family of six. she was the mother of four sons, but her heart wanted to be a mother to a daughter as well. i don't know whether to say or not that my pact was with god. matereh's mother tells about a plan that has been emptying the beds in mashhad's nursing home for about a thousand days. the plan of the temporary trustee, which makes the unruly and orphaned children the owner of the family
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did this room is also going to be given to us by mr. and mrs. hosseini for the second time in 1994. fatimah's first child was adopted. what should i do ? i am my mother's friend. if you were in my place, you would have told him about shiab. yeah. my father likes to see it, not anymore. well done my son. this collection has seen a lot of these stories in about a thousand days since its launch. and the foot of all his stories is the signature of a lady. 23 years of dealing with laws and maternal experience were put together and the result was the implementation of a law. we said that if we don't form a network that we all don't come together
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for the purpose of the society that is foreseen in that law. this law will become an abandoned law. one of mrs. abedinzadeh's solutions for implementing the law was the story of motahera and fatima. these two projects were implemented in shogh zeghend complex, tehsil fard. alhamdulillah, the appointment and approval of the temporary amir became the approval of the cabinet and the enthusiasm for life has been multiplying in the country for some time now. it was an initiative of dr. abedinzadeh, who the deputy prosecutor of mashhad gathered various children's issues there and related institutions there. now, the 42-year-old judge of mashhad, with the correct implementation of the law, has provided the opportunity for these conversations between mothers and children for at least more than 700 children. right now, like mrs. abedinzadeh, more than a thousand female judges are serving the people in judicial authorities all over the country. meriha
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pejman of the radio and television news agency. how many of these groups do we have now? mr. doctor, are you drunk? this issue of the enthusiasm for life group is one of those special effects that have happened in the past few years. now in 8 provincial centers of shogh zeght community. we started it, now all we are trying to do is to work in all the centers of the provinces, god willing, i will also explain what this passion for life is , because it is a very important issue, and i request that now the general public, especially, will accept our help to express what this phenomenon is. what happened, anyway , the prosecutor has a series of duties for the unaccompanied people, that is, for example, an unaccompanied child who comes forward , according to the law, the prosecutor must enter , give a series of orders as the public prosecutor, and specify, for example, what the status of their duties is. so, we have a group called the prosecutor or , for example, the deputy prosecutor or a judge who has to issue a ruling in this field . municipalities also sometimes perform a series of functions in this field, for example
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, social harms or other cases similar to this , and charitable institutions and the people, that is, the four sides of the judiciary, the municipality's welfare, local government, and people's institutions, each of them was effective in the past. they do it themselves, for example, in a building i was in a section, for example, what i wanted to do was in a section of the city, for example, an orphaned child who was found, for example , was left on the side of the street, or for any reason, for example, his parents died, he had to do homework , for example, a set, for example, a bayesian the other place was the city, so it took hours and sometimes days to form a harmony between the 4 groups so that this person assigned the task became the community of enthusiasm for life. what does it mean? it means that these four sets of expressions work together in one building. it means that a job that may take several weeks can be done in a few minutes yes, it means that she should go from this room to the next room, go to the next room, and the task will be done, and we are really
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interested in the fact that this happened for the first time in mashhad. mrs. abedinzadeh, whose picture you have just seen, is an individual, a judge, a deputy judge. he is the prosecutor of mashhad. this person who is working with the tools of the prosecutor's office, for example , came for the first time. this phenomenon was formed in the mashhad collection of shogh zegend of mashhad. well, we took this work as a successful example. one of the most important tasks we have in the discussion of transformation is that if we saw a successful example in one place, this let's try to reproduce in the rest of the country. fortunately, now this complex has been formed in 8 capitals of the province, in tehran, for example, in shiraz , in gorgan, in ahvaz , and in various places. maybe they have the ability to remove these four collections. let's sum it up, we really can do a lot to take care of this. anyone who wants to adopt a child should go to these centers and yes, they can go to these centers. cane can also refer to borzesi, but the point is that these collections, which can
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be entered and do the work as they say , are now next to each other. it is very interesting that when the phenomenon of doubt arose, the ruling group that came sat next to each other. the path is just opening , the charitable organizations, the people's organizations are just starting to help, they are gaining confidence, they are saying yes , they can really help here, a lot of this community is full of enthusiasm for life, people's organizations and organizations it is very bold, welfare used to do this and it had a long culture. yes, welfare was working, the municipality was working , doing all these things, the joy of life is that they all gather together, talk to each other , all the rules and regulations. they are in their own place, only the speed of work, the synergy of things, for example, bezlisi can help me faster. judiciary give feedback that yes, in this field, for example, if you decide, if you do this action, my work will happen faster, i can do the work better, very well, now this is approximately 10 12 as soon as i have time until the end of the rom program
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, let's focus more on this new document. yes , what is the difference between it and the previous document? are there any new items added to it or those parts that have not yet been completed ? what happened? yes , i told you. in the new transformation document, those items that were fully implemented in the previous document, well , we deleted them, because they have been left out anyway, in a 3-year time game, we implemented these items that we implemented in one part, the other part. we are writing the rest of these and following up. we are working on it we have come to this new document, there are also new cases, which are based on a series of investigations that we have had in these 3 years. there are also things that are expanding day by day, for example, the phenomena that we have in the field of cyberspace, for example, the law that we wrote a few years ago in the field of computer crimes, for example, must be revised. because, for example, we can see the phenomenon of code widths, for example, spread a lot now, for example, four or five years
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it has not happened before, so we have to find an entry in this kind of cases in the field of virtual space, in the field of emerging issues that are happening in this field . the passion for life that you mentioned, that people feel that a change has happened in this matter, some of the most significant ones that you saw in the document, for example, in a year or two , in all provinces, we will create this special unit in a centralized manner to reach the space virtual that the crimes did not happen at all, we will deal with them later let 's have preventions in these areas at the very beginning, for example, if someone comes and gives ads, for example, to sell , we will quickly determine the events that will happen, let's go and deal with them, so the events in the field of space. in the next few years, we will have a greater presence in
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the judiciary, especially the judges who are in charge of the prosecutors who are responsible for this work, and the special departments that exist in these fields will be activated . fortunately, we have a very good law in the parliament we approved the famous soudna under the title of the law on protection of corruption reporters. yes, this is the soudna that is happening. well, this law has now been implemented. one of my most important tasks is for the general inspection organization to come and activate a system where anyone who wants to come and report on a corruption case , give a notification, come and do this in that system , of course, we have our current systems. currently , it is happening in the form of public reports, but in that system, if it comes, there are a series of special regulations for it, even a reward is given, that is, the government comes and says yes, for example, if i prevented a corruption and this amount goes to the treasury. it came back or caused you to waste money in these fields. an incident happened that
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was clear from the financial point of view. even we want a reward. one of the most important tasks that we wrote in the document is that, god willing, the marketing organization of the whole country should be able to do a few things. next month and a year from now, god willing, he will implement this system and for the first time we will have a series of people who are corruption reporters who we can even give them financial support. we say yes , we thank you, not only you. we do not deal with, for example, why you came from. rather, you came and said this. we went and checked. yes, corruption really happened. we returned the money to the treasury and this amount is one of the main topics of this discussion of corruption reporters that is happening in this field. it is the same as the previous document. it has a short, medium and long-term clause, it is clear that every problem should be solved in what period of time, by which official, and when. my promise we published it publicly it is very important for our people to know what we have seen about the issues and what
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solutions we have found . it is very important for us to put a program in the public eye. this morning, i saw in one of the newspapers that this review had been written and they had said two or three nice points. of course , i would have responded to these points if our reporter had visited them. for example , they were sitting down. it would have been better to have written this, for example. so we publish a public document for people to know give us feedback on what happened . another point is that you, as the media, should ask us about the specific timings of specific executives in this document, for example, yes , for example, the legal deputy of the judicial branch of the country's document registration and spelling organization. the medical examiner of each of these in what time frame to do what work, this makes this demand by the public opinion that you are the demand of the public. criticisms and expectations from people
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make this document better implemented. many devices have these programs they do not publish publicly. they leave it in their desk drawer. but the judiciary believes that it should talk to the people and talk to the people. he published this syndrome publicly. he is responsive, god willing , we can perform this song as per your request. and what things have been added to the new document that can make the long discussion of the proceedings shorter than now? yes , yes, we really worked on these. let me give you an example. for example, one of the most important discussions that we have is that, for example, from the process from zero to 100, we have a single trial process. we analyzed the individual steps, what happens when the work takes time, i gave the example of the bachelor's degree , there was also a discussion that, for example, the referral to the bachelor's degree was one step , we said what i want to do, one of the most important things we are doing is the files at the very beginning, it should be well formed, which means that all the documents should be complete, i.e. my investigator's report, humiliation report, or a person who wants to come, for example, we should tell him first, if you
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want to pursue a matter in this field , you must have these 5 documents. if it's not like this, you should come in for two or three sessions friend. in the third meeting, our judge should see and say yes, this case is flawed, go again and start from zero. one of the most important tasks we have is to develop systems, develop platforms, develop various tools that exist in these fields, we can use the power of these. and we will give a proper guidance to a person . we will tell him that if you have a real estate dispute, for example, you have a dispute with your tenant, how do you prepare a good petition from the very beginning, what kind of documents and documents. prepare what the cost of the proceedings will be give it a way and enter the process so that you don't have to go again from the beginning of the educational work , or we will inform those who want, well, this is about systems. when a person wants to file a petition , where does he go
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? there are people in the electronic food service offices. there are trained expert human resources who provide a series of instructions . we want to convert this expert human resource into a system, that is. we will follow up if 3 years have not been entered in full. it has been 3 years since ward, for example the process of returning to the beginning of farahand, therefore , this is one of the most important issues of well-organized and complete cases from the beginning, so that incomplete cases are not brought in, which causes both people's annoyance, and it is also a burden for us to investigate in your judiciary. it is very important that
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we can organize those bottlenecks in the entry of cases to the judicial branch . it is also very important to prevent the occurrence of mass lawsuits. in the judicial branch, our most important task is to do something so that people have less disagreements with each other. in this field, for example , things have happened in the last two years. my example is for you let me say, for example, that you want to enter into a transaction with someone, if this person was prohibited from trading , your transaction is invalid, which means that you cannot follow up in this court later. if you do a simple transaction with a person, do it with a company , and the company does it with each other, you can inquire in a proper and very simple way whether this person. is the counter prohibited or not, is it mandatory or not, before the transaction, if this happens, you will enter the transaction process at all. that later a fight happens and strange problems arise, so this is something that we have activated during the past few months, that is, you can easily sometimes, with the consent of the other party , it will be activated now. yes, this is the first step.
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we started, but it has a lot of potential for development, that is , you can buy both in the real estate field and in the automobile field, for example, you want to buy a car. it is very user-friendly. we have tried a lot to do something let's make this transaction a safe and trustworthy transaction, so that sometimes there is no case that will enter the food system. we had the previous and the new document in a more special way, that we should do something. let's prevent the occurrence of crimes and lawsuits, which is very, very important, and it is also because during the time of mr. hashemi, a witness, may god have mercy on him, one of the ideas that may have been pursued later, i don't know how much happened, for example, apart from the issue of imprisonment. they used to raise the issue that the criminal titles
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should be removed from many of the crimes that we have identified as crimes, and their example was that, for example, if a traffic violation occurs, the police will come and issue a fine and that's it. it can mean more than many cases can be treated like this as an error and basically no file can be created that can reduce the amount of incoming files . the amount of violation can be dealt with, this can be done but from my side, it is a problem that if we simplify some of the cases, so to speak , it will make people think that this is the problem of the people, so this is a very important point, a detailed discussion, which may be outside of our
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criminal policy. it should be. in what areas should we know the violations, what areas should we have prepared? apparently, yes , what was the food layer? let me tell you this. we had cases. these cases were cases that enter the food processor. this is happening , but there is no need. this happens, for example , your inheritance certificate because it is an ansar certificate get an inheritance, for example, one of your relatives dies, in order to go and get an ansar inheritance certificate, the information about this is available in the civil registration organization, and the person can go directly to the civil registration organization and get his nasar hundred certificate. for example, his information was not registered there, he should come to the judge to get a judicial ruling and confirm this information, so the disputes should come here, not the whole work, one of the tasks that we wrote in the previous transfer document
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, we had a special emphasis in this new document. it was that we mean us now, one of the things that we approved in the 7th development plan , we had coordination with the civil registry organization, we are in the process of finalizing the regulations, and god willing, after the announcement of the 7th plan as soon as possible , when we will clarify in the cabinet, this is that we will do something that the people can do quickly. the argument is not that the work of the judiciary is insufficient. we have to do and implement that, god willing, it will satisfy the people. short-term solutions that, for example , may happen within the next few months, so that people feel that it is now in your mind that it should be dealt with in the new tradition. the most important gift is the completion of this. there are systems that, for example, are online.
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it is a very important issue, doctor , and it helps the image of the judiciary and the justice system a lot, as well as for those who finally refer under any condition, i.e. the party, as soon as he receives a summons, for example, his anxiety and stress at all. faramah, where should i go now, what will happen to me? this is very similar to the kind of organizational behavior in judicial societies, the kind of behavior of judges , who sometimes may have already been clients and lawyers , sometimes it is possible that they are my herd, for example , maybe a judge or, for example, clerk or those employees his office, for example, they are judges, they don't behave properly , as you know, your highness, it is a very important issue in our narrations, in the way the judge looks, this is very important. how much does it affect the behavior of the judges? it has been noticed and at least the person who enters a food complex should not feel bad because of these behaviors, at least he should reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that he finds
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, maybe he can make a better defense, he can give a better verdict. which actually refer to the device they should know that there is a very, very large volume on our judges, on the employees of the judicial branch, because the number of cases is high, it is possible for one person to upset another person, this is a phenomenon, but we have created a system here . the court session that enters and leaves the session. a text message will come to you about the judge, about the branch manager, about each and every person that we had a problem with, and this is in the selection of our best judge, our best employee , our best example, or a reminder to a series of people who exist , we are following this closely. we do and god willing, this week, the judiciary will be able to, based on this survey system, an exemplary judge and an exemplary employee of their criteria. this is the same issue . thank you very much, mr. sahibkar, for your presence, mr. governor, and i wish you success.
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take it to your home at an unbelievable price with long-term installments and free shipping. big iranian until 2 o'clock in the morning, i am your host in the city of tehran. we have to put as much as we have in the middle so that the work goes on. i myself will leave everything i have worked until today. i think i can borrow money from my father to start working. i also had some savings. i put it in the middle. we put everything we have, before, we had more passion for work and new money. oh, how we barely provided for it . medium ruby ​​base. ruby? did you have a ruby ​​and didn't tell? yaqut is the education with which you can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind. how should we act? let's just go the united nations credit institution requests that we take more than what we give and take and start the work. so easily prosperity with the help of nations. the yaqut-e
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-mal plan, especially for businesses. credit institution of nations ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city of home appliances. well, well, well, well, i do n't have a checkbook. goodbye, everyone. does not want to pay special purchase for dear social security retirees from home appliance city. the city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. from old saying eggs and their properties. today, saffron egg shampoo has all these properties. comb
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your hair. saffron egg shampoo. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good shabtun , i am at your service at 230 minutes with some news. after 3 days have passed since the missile response of the iranian revolutionary guard corps, the reactions among the immigrants are still continuing. they considered this missile response to be the legitimate right of the islamic republic of iran. . this missile response gave a new life to the resistance front and caused the awakening of islamic countries. after a few days of the iranian revolutionary guard's missile response this news


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