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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21, mr. aindeh. demonstration of the authority of the armed forces on the honored day of the army. the president warned and advised the supporters of the zionist regime not to bet on a losing horse. i
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suggest to the countries of the region, instead of communicating with the zionist regime and gambling with a losing horse , rely on your assets, rely on the muslim forces, and rely on our powerful army. hezbollah's missile and drone response to yesterday's terrorist operation by the zionists, the destruction of the secret headquarters of the military intelligence command of the zionist regime in the north of the occupied palestine, out of anger. the failure of the punitive operation
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escalated sadeq's promise to bombard the gaza strip. in a special news interview , we will examine why the zionist regime and its allies were humiliated in the operation of true promise. what implications did this operation have for the zionist regime and what achievements did it make for iran and what changes did it bring about in the equations of the region? and the presence of the minister of interior in the flooded areas of the south, with the subsidence of the flood, the relief efforts to reopen the rural roads of sistan baluchistan and hormozgan accelerated . in the name of god. god bless you
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ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjah. good evening , dear viewers. i invite you to pay attention to the legitimacy of the news at 21:00. the rally of selected army units in tehran in front of the president. israeli drones and cruise missiles and arman and bavar air defense systems 373.
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if he wants to make a mistake, he will hear answers that, in my opinion, will not be repeated again, and will be regrettable and offensive on the sidelines of the parade, but the air force commander says that the combat readiness of the sukhoi 24 squadron is the readiness we have today in the field of the sukhoi 24. more than ever, one of the strategic weapons of sushak cruz is asif. that won
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the operational range of this army fighter is about 3,000 km and it can target military targets in the zionist regime along with irgc air space missiles. if the zionist regime, according to the commanders, abandons us. any aggression against the interests of this country will be met with a strong and regretful response. the commanders of the armed forces and the president emphasized that if the zionist regime decides to invade iran's territory. iran's reaction will be tough. the reaction of the armed forces will be violent. yoneseh shadlou, sed and sima news agency. president at the regi ceremony of the republic army islamic iran
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considered the operation of the honest promise as a limited and punitive measure and warned the zionist regime against any new adventure. mr. raisi described the failure of the zionist regime as a strategic failure and to the supporters of the regime. he advised not to bet on a losing horse. during the army day parade ceremony, the president called the defense of the people, the homeland and the values ​​of the islamic revolution among the characteristics of the country's armed forces and said: "the army is with the nation." one of the characteristics of the islamic republic of iran army is the cohesion between the four forces of the islamic republic of iran army. first, the unity of the army and the revolutionary guards it is an islamic revolution, secondly, it
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is the unity of the islamic revolutionary guard corps and faraja and the people's mobilization, and the unity of our armed forces with our dear people throughout the islamic homeland. this consistency is exemplary. referring to the recent action of the revolutionary guards and the islamic republic army in response to the crime of the zionist regime, mr. raisi said: "promise: sadegh once again proved the vulnerability of this regime." it was supposed to be a limited action. two, it is a punishment for the zionist regime and third, from the same centers that were attacked. for the interests of the islamic republic of iran, the same centers should deal with them. mr. raisi in he continued to emphasize: the smallest aggression from the zionist area to iran is accompanied by the answer: sahemgin. what happened was this. i swear to god, the officials of the islamic republic of iran have repeatedly announced that if there is even the slightest attack by the zionist regime on our homeland and
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they are sure of the interests of the islamic republic of iran, they will be dealt with very severely. president. he listed the hatred of america and the zionist regime and the support of the palestinian resistance in the world more than ever before and said: this situation means the victory of iran's discourse in supporting the axis of resistance and it is an honor for the iranian nation. mr. raisi emphasized that there is no need for the presence of foreign forces to ensure the security of the region, and gave a recommendation to the countries of the region. i say to the countries of the region, instead of... communication with the zionist regime and gambling with a losing horse , rely on your own assets, rely on the muslim forces and rely on our powerful army and corps
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zahra al-fapaei shadmani sedavasima news agency compatriots from the punitive operation of the promise of sadiq. people in different regions of the country continue to show their support for the armed forces by holding rallies and chanting anti-american and anti-zionist slogans. they announced that the answer that was given, i think according to the news that i heard, it was enough and it hit them hard , but if israel wants to continue , iran must give the answer, and we, the iranian nation, have no fear . we are grateful to all the dear ones who made our hearts happy after all the sadness we had . we were very happy and we shed tears of joy. we are proud that these missiles that iran shot by the irgc
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gave the greatest idea to the country of iran and all of our muslims. we are very happy and proud. and we are proud of what the brothers of the corps and the army did. fahl al-mukhtdar, all saab, basme, misra, beham, zamat, nadan behem zamtana adan behem zamtana was a very right thing, it was a very timely and appropriate response to all the atrocities that this regime had for years , we should support our country, we should not allow anyone to look left at our country. but the operation was really powerful. we thank the armed forces and other security forces . now is not the time to leave, now is the time for us to respond. it showed that we
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have the power and ability to defend ourselves . it did a very good job and the sense of authority was really formed . the islamic republic also showed that in the promises made he is honest about global cruelty and arrogance, and this was a great example. feeling happy, especially for the people of gaza, this revenge that took several years. it was really in the hearts of all of us and taking every action has a reaction was the best answer you could give to iran, don't be afraid , according to the latest statistics obtained from the harvard university survey among 18-24 year olds. american 51 demanded the end of the zionist regime. among the propositions of this assessment
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, the recognition of the palestinian issue has the highest average. sometimes full, sometimes empty. every time to because of a fear once for fear of al-aqsa storm operation. once again out of fear of the irgc's sadiq operation. forced to run back the way they came. until now, 55,000 zionists have fled to ben gurion airport. the same name of the 61-year-old man who left the adobe of the palestinian people in the united nations in 1947. bangorion said: we must have a strong army and maintain our deterrent power . otherwise, the arabs will destroy us. now that's it. people whose weapons are old and young live under the banner of an army that in the history of war
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since the civilian deaths were more than the military, they were a foot of the war, the massacre of 14,000 children in the last 190 days, here is the gaza strip, the latest example, of course, this time , according to the latest harvard university survey, 51% of the youth of this the country is waiting for the end of the zionist regime, not only them , but here in london, france, italy and dozens of other countries. the fact that in africa, in asia, in europe , in the united states itself, people are speaking in the streets for
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the benefit of the palestinian people, this is during these decades that the usurpation of palestine has happened. rockets and explosions were heard again in palestine , although not in the unoccupied parts, but here in the occupied territories. and now, after october 7 , april 14 will be recorded in the last chapter of the zionist history book with a red triangle. khusar mehrzad of sed and sima news agency.
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colleagues of iran once again proved that islam or muslims do not matter to them at all. for the first time in history, it is for the benefit of the muslim qibla , for the benefit of the muslim people.
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they said that iran should have done it. it was done after the zionist regime attacked the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria. all to the back going to the roof and looking at these rockets and drones that entered the sky of palestine to destroy the bases of the occupying israeli regime. a regime that has turned our lives into a tragedy, and this is the tal and sultan area of ​​gaza, a few hours after gilad , the representative of the zionist regime at the united nations, spoke. bismillah . standing on the ruins of al-khore mosque, which has been bombed by tons of bombs, maybe the father can concentrate and show the house and maybe someone from his family will be saved. the names of thirty thousand martyrs during these 19 days in the register of
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gaza registered muslim people who represent the regime the zionist had said about them the same ones that the lebanese hezbollah radio and television announced that the resistance fighters in response to yesterday's terrorist operation by the zionists attacked the headquarters of the secret command of the military intelligence of the zionist regime in arab
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al-aramsha in the north of occupied palestine with guided missiles and drones. suicide targeted i am talking with my colleague stationed at the border of lebanon and occupied palestine. mr. azimzadeh, hello to you. how many operations did hezbollah do today? which positions were targeted by the zionist forces and what casualties did the zionist forces suffer in this operation? mr. zahorian hizbollah has issued 9 statements so far, its most important operation
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was targeting the headquarters of the intelligence officers of the zionist regime in arabsheh, a military and zionist settlement, which hezbollah targeted there with drones. the zionist regime media announced that at least two drones hit this headquarters during the hizbollah offensive operation. first, the zionist regime media announced that 6 soldiers were injured , then gradually the number increased until a few minutes ago when 18 zionist soldiers confessed during this offensive operation by hezbollah , 5 of them were seriously injured. it was very serious that they were transferred to rambam hospital in haifa city , also some of them were transferred to nahariya hospital and the rest were transferred to zift hospital in safed city in the north of the occupied territories. in the end, hezbollah was able
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to pass through the defenses of the so-called iron dome system , target the missile defense system of the zionist regime and the secret command headquarters of the intelligence forces of the zionist regime, and the second. hezbollah again showed its intelligence elites in the northern region of the occupied territories that this secret command headquarters and also the time of the presence of intelligence officers in it clearly knew and was able to carry out this precise operation and high casualties from the military. this morning, the zionist hezbollah in lebanon also targeted the command headquarters of the 91st division of the zionist regime army in branit barracks with heavy barkan missiles , and then two gatherings of zionist soldiers in south pak, approximately one hour apart. in the heights of the occupied shrine of shabia and the occupied hills of kufrshu with rockets hai falak himself
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targeted another gathering of zionist soldiers at hezbollah 's ramya base with its own mortars. also targeted the party. allah targeted the only air control base of the zionist military in the miron region in the north of the occupied territories at a depth of 12 kilometers with his own guided missiles and targeted the spying equipment of the zionist military at the ramsa base in the heights of ashqali shaba'a mazar and the hills the occupation of kafrshu was the last statement that hezbollah issued today and announced that the zionist regime's fighters attacked 6 areas and the zionist regime's artillery attacked 4 areas in southern lebanon. yes , thank you very much, mr. azimzadeh, a radio reporter stationed on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine, in the bombing
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of the sheikh rizwan area of ​​gaza city, 13 people were martyred and 18 people were injured. ali was martyred in the north of the gaza strip in beitanun of the regime army by attacking this city, the zionists besieged the refugee settlement centers for 36 hours. according to al jazeera's report, the zionist forces interrogated and arrested the palestinians in their attack, then forced the residents to leave the area.
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in the bombing of rafah in the south of the gaza strip, at least seven people, including several children, were martyred. since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip, 389 people have been martyred and 7664 people have been injured. the united nations announced in its latest report that in the last 6 months.
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about 70 people from gaza who took refuge in the mahdi maternity hospital near shifa hospital and tanks surrounded the hospital. in the same in the first hours of the siege, we called the red cross and announced that we were doctors, patients, and civilians, and we were surrounded here, but to no avail. it was around 12 o'clock at night when the tanks shelled the building. there were five to 30 of us, but we survived and were able to leave after two days. the rest stay below. there were about 40 people who remained under the rubble. an eyewitness
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says that in the first hours , some of them could be heard calling for help, but the hospital was under siege. those 40 people were martyred. 13 of them were members of the same family. these are the ones in they are pictures. family. dr. raed mehdi and one of them was samira. raed's eldest daughter graduated from gaza dental school a year ago and got engaged to wissam zent. samira and wissam published the news of their marriage with this message on their virtual pages. i thank god that i got married to the person i loved. their wedding was supposed to be held in the last days of winter. these were the last messages that wissam received from samira. wissam attack us with tanks, pray for us. the tanks
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have reached the door. promise me if anything happens to me don't forget me today, the united nations judicial organization announced in the latest report: in the last 6 months , the zionists have killed more than 10,000 women in gaza. that eyewitness said in the same conversation with wael: after the siege , we asked international organizations for help. their message was published on social networks in the same hours. it is still like the message of the yasra family asking for help, which is still there, asking halal ahmar and the ambulance crew to save the wounded yasra, who was wounded in the abdomen by the occupying bullets and is surrounded by tanks in abdul rahman school. yesra, the designer of the idea of ​​butterflies it was handmade, the butterflies he has here are made with paper and scissors.
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they congratulated mr. raisi on eid. the rain continued today in parts of the southern half of the country. the flooding and rains of the last two days, in addition to rural roads, dozens of main and secondary axes in the south of the country, especially in
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sistan. balochistan blocked. the activity of the rain system in the last days of april brought floods in the south of the country. the rains in 3 meteorological stations of sistan baluchistan exceeded 20 mm and zardabad was the flagship of the rains in this region with 270 mm. in more than 300 point. in rural areas of sistan baluchistan, water has crossed the road, and heavy rains in the south of sistan baluchistan, in addition to the destruction of civil infrastructures, have cut off the communication routes of 300 villages , the electricity has been cut off in some villages , and the main road from chabahar to nik has also been cut off. the city is disconnected from 12 of our freeways, more than 300 villages and rural roads are not accessible anyway. we are there
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. this morning, the red crescent rescue team rescued the passengers of two buses caught in the flood in this area. also, due to the flooding of the cashew river, the communication routes of this area the river was cut off and the connecting road between qasr qand and nik shahrhar was also blocked. the most unprecedented water that has come in kaja river today. in the east in hormozgan , some rural roads were blocked and damage was done to the electrical facilities of this province. also, the flooding of the gabrik river destroyed four villages in jask county and cut off the connection between this county and beshagerd in 61 operational areas. 177 people provided relief.
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269 ​​people have received emergency accommodation, 50 people have been transferred to safe places, and also the establishment of three refugee resettlement camps in jask region of hormozgan province and two resettlement camps in kehir region of the province. sistan baluchistan is in the process of distribution of relief items, including tents, blankets, nylon carpets, and food by rescuers . rain continued today in the provinces of kerman, yazd, fars, south khorasan and chahar mahal bakhtiari. saeed hajizadeh, radio and television news agency. following the silasasa rains, hundreds of southeast of the country stopped the flow of 2,100 cubic meters of flood every second. i will discuss this with the spokesperson of the water industry.


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