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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] our drones had to cross this long distance from iran, iraq and syria to reach the occupied territories. somewhere between 160 and 2000 km, our flight, whether in the field of drones or missiles, should be trusted and trusted in order for this action to take place. perhaps in the field of defense issues, i can say that the most complex defense conditions were in this region, of course, the incirlik base , the bases that are in saudi arabia and qatar are the same mele series warning triangle . several investments in this regard it
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was very, very surprising that what happened that the alloy and... the conditions of the birds of the islamic republic are such that the signals that are working in the field of defense could not catch them and of course the measures that regarding blinding, as the famous saying goes, these defenses were also carried out by the islamic republic and the predictions that were made in this regard , i want you to carry out a deception operation. purpose. blinding to the concept of operating these signals was. well, it is a fact that this action has not been done for the armed forces of the islamic republic. it was not a real exercise where we take action from one side and all these defense facilities are in front of us and we know how he escapes, a real operation scene, a
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real operation scene without any training. or the pseudo-real had not been done for him. for this reason , the complexity that exists in this regard was able to pass through different layers of defense and in the main fortress, which in fact, this protection of this main fortress was at the disposal of the zionist regime, in the lands of as your excellency said, occupation can reach the specific point where it is supposed to be, not all of the land , you mean novattima air base, yes. two of the bases and these two bases that were intended means, in fact, the more we make the coordinates of the missile landing area smaller, the more difficult the task will be , the so-called residential areas, population areas , economic areas were not supposed to be harmed in any way , that is, in in fact, all the efforts of the islamic republic
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were focused on the human aspects. this punitive blow should be fully considered, and that is why today we see that many people who are in the field of issues they are strategic experts , they are completely confused as to how this could happen . i am about to finish this sentence with this, in fact, the last paragraph that the land of iran was actually the weapon of iran, the plan of iran and the command of iran, which was able to carry out this very complex and powerful operation. do it, very well, mr. doctor . let's go to the military equipment that was used in this operation. well, as now , military experts and military equipment are reporting iran's
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new achievements. from the latest equipment and the latest technology and his own achievements in this the operation was not used, but the old generation missiles were at the edge of knowledge and technology in front of the latest defense and radar achievements. in this sense , how do you evaluate the two sides? yes, in the literature of international relations, they say that war is the continuation and expansion of politics, in the sense that the policy of the islamic republic of iran has always been to confront the zionist regime, and it has used all its efforts against the zionist regime over the past years. to be able to inflict blows on the islamic republic, what was the official policy of iran, well, the policy of patience was strategic many developments
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have happened in the past years, but iran's reaction is immediate and timely. he didn't show it because he didn't look for the tension and spread of the crisis in the middle east region, he showed himself in this operation, that's exactly what happened here , in fact, iran is full of gold. he made himself so that the situation would not be such that the issue of gaza and the issue of palestine would be removed from the world agenda. anyway , one of the strengths of the work was that the palestinian issue had returned to the forefront of international issues and the issues of the islamic world, but netanyahu, who was in trouble at home, sought to face to change the issue and to some extent with the attack he made on sarkansoori iran. he succeeded, but he never imagined that iran, who has actually taken strategic patience, will come this time
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to carry out a military operation from within its own soil that will surprise the world. the field of uavs and missiles has increased a lot, and even this capability is not limited to the territory of israel, beyond that, it can affect iran's missile capability . in any case, the answer should be given from inside iran. well, one of the concerns, especially for people who are not aware of micro-military issues, is that they might not send, for example, 80 drones and 100 missiles. may none of these reach the land of the zionist regime. this was one of the concerns that existed that night and many of those who
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were actually in western think tanks and in western news centers hoped that when these warplanes moved and appeared in the airspace of iraq and syria, and naturally they should it would take several hours to get close. to the occupied territories, it was argued that every what will be fired from iran's side will definitely not be successful due to the multi-layered nature of israel's air defense as well as the efforts made by the united states, england, france and some countries in the region. that even if one single one of these missiles hit the occupied land, which is now much more than this, it has its own special meaning in terms of strategic literature, because we
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say in the literature of international relations that after all such operations when from within a country against the country against another land takes place, this has a special deterrence. that is, all the efforts of the zionists during the past four decades have been that after 1967, except for a few rockets that were launched during saddam's time, i.e., the attack on iraq, a few rockets were fired at israel, and no foreign country carried out such an operation on israel's airspace. therefore, what was done was a very big job in the form of iran's geopolitical weight. it increased the intensity in the middle east environment and even in the global environment and increased iran's deterrence power. it doesn't matter, as i have said many times, it doesn't matter how much the damage is. mr. sadr al-husseini pointed out that
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the dimensions of this operation will become more clear in the coming days , how much the losses and casualties were, but in terms of strategic literature and international relations literature , even if i say that the opinion given by the israelis and the westerners that a limited number of missiles were fired ok, this missile passed through the highest levels of multi-layered defense and landed in the military barracks of the zionist regime. this is operationally valuable and has left its own impact in the international environment. the reason is that the zionists have made so many efforts in these two or three days. they do what they can show body reaction. threatening many times that they want to attack iran's territory or attack iranian centers in iraq, syria or other countries. the reason is
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that they want this deterrence power, this strategic power and geopolitical weight that iran has gained after this attack to be able to reduce this a little , because this is not its effect. it is not only on the zionist regime, but also on each and every country in the region and even to the countries beyond the region. if you follow the news that is being published by the european countries , you will see that they are doing their best. they see that by applying new sanctions and applying new pressures , they will reduce some of this operation that iran has done, but anyway, this operation has already been done, even if in fact israel wants to take action, this capacity that iran found strategically this capacity. it cannot be destroyed, which means we
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are stronger than this defense power that was used by using all the western countries and israel itself, which had all kinds of defense equipment , passed through this collection of iranian missiles and actually left their mark on mr. doctor, it's a discussion the technology of the discussion of military equipment, in spite of those radars, defenses and missiles. it does and makes points, that is, it is exactly at the predetermined points. well, this is the point that made it to the point where the united states insisted on the zionist regime not to react at all , that is, with the ability and power that the operation your promise is true, why do you think they reached the conclusion that they even said to the regime that if you want to go to war with iran, we
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will not support it , we will not enter the war against iran directly, and they also insist on the zionist regime. do after that, don't continue this process of confronting iran. we must note that in the military doctrine of the zionist regime, which is derived from the american military doctrine, there is a reaction in relation to any military reaction. between 2 and 12 hours, so i want to tell you this in truth that because they could not, for various reasons, the will of the iranian nation and the capability and defense readiness of the armed forces of the islamic republic and the records that were in this area, they are all we will not forget the incidents that happened to their own aggressive birds in the past years
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they are definitely in front of them and these concerns are quite commonplace for them, that is, the defense capability of the islamic republic in relation to any aggression against them has proven that they can't, they can't, not in the sense that they don't want to . the zionist regime has no strategic differences regarding confronting the islamic republic. yes , they may have tactical differences, but they do not have strategic differences. they are worried about how they can solve another case in ukraine when they have not yet been able to collect the case of ukraine. the most geopolitical point of the world, which is a major part of energy. the west is supplied from this region, they can
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create a new file. well, we should note that for the past 6 months, more than the past 6 months , the palestinian resistance , whose most important, deepest and most constant supporter, the islamic republic , has been defeated by the zionist regime's war machine. how? they can take military actions directly against the islamic republic. therefore, all these equations are placed in front of them and their efforts are aimed at providing this in other ways. ok do we believe that the explanations given every hour since the end of the operation on april 26 show that the zionist regime is the enemy's enemy?
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will he not commit himself to the islamic republic? will the americans allow the zionist regime to forget this heavy blow that we have been talking about since the beginning of the program? no, it is definitely not like that. it means a wounded snake, which with the help of a large part of the european countries that are members of nato and the americans , this situation has arisen for it, that today mr. jag john sullivan says that we should say jax sullivan that we have to make a serious revision in the field of defense in the region and the conditions that have created us in 2: our defense in the west asia region have suffered a strategic failure and failure. this shows that they definitely cannot cooperate with the zionist regime in this regard. so, not wanting to
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is different from not being able to, and this shows that the iranian people are alert in different fields. that is , in the security areas, in the economic areas, in the areas of soft war, in the areas of semi-hard war , they must increase, and of course, due to this fattening and gaining strength, they should increase. very well, mr. karimi well, we witnessed what happened after that and the zionist attack on our embassy . anyway, the war, which is a combined war , is no longer just a military one, there is a media war, a psychological war and its different dimensions. these are trying to use those techniques. the media that are going from denying to admitting the reality, first they deny iran's power at all or reduce iran's military power, they reverse the inversion technique
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in order to say, well anyway, in order to change the equation. iran does not have the right to legitimate defense. in a way they made the atmosphere look upside down for the audience , as if the zionist regime came and did this in response to iran's action, and then came after sadiq's operation, promising to reduce this incident, until finally they themselves confessed and admitted the defeat of the zionist regime. and the humiliation of this regime in front of iran, but one point that they emphasize in many ways is that iran's missiles did not reach the zionist regime's territory and in any case did not hit the target point, why are they still there despite all the documentation that exists. although all western experts are military experts even the experts of the zionist regime
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are trying to say in the media that this did not happen, yes, after all, the work of the international media is part of the heart of reality. it is to make the reality look upside down, but in today's world where the media space is so open and every single person has information tools easily , it is very difficult to deny such events and events as iranian missiles hit. he went to those places with even normal cameras it has been removed and is completely clear, and if in fact it wants to be hidden, then it is natural that these things will be opened and clarified, but the reason why
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sensitivities have increased so much on these issues is that iran's behavior and the balance between the military and diplomatic fields. it has been very, very impressive, that is, you are witnessing that despite the fact that iran has a policy of strategic patience , all its efforts have been to prevent the spread of tension in the middle east region, that is, the type of interactions that took place before this operation, in fact, the iranian military attack on the regime the zionist type of operation took place when we analyze diplomacy, we see that it supports this activity, i.e., the type of information that iran had regarding the neighboring countries, the type of positions that it actually had before, that finally, if the security council condemns, if in fact a ceasefire
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is established in gaza. discounts are made in the type of iran's operations. all this shows that iran does not want to destroy international standards and software as much as possible, it wants to pay attention to them, so this is a point that the international media the international community could not easily design iran's positions as zero and one hundred. iran has entered the gray area of ​​world public opinion. for example, it was the same in the palestine debate, that is, in many places it was thought that way. it was possible that when the operations of the zionist regime started against gaza, many thought that the axis of resistance would act in such a way that it would use all its capacities within a month. the first month enters the scene, while acting intelligently
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, paying attention to complex international variables , has caused him to deny what is happening in practice, that is, iran's behavior is not black and white behavior from the point of view international public opinion used to condemn very easily in many issues and public opinion accepted b, but today, due to these complexities , due to attention to the world system, due to the deep knowledge that the country's decision makers have about international issues, these cause it is possible that the type of positions of iran, regardless of what the international news agencies show and what they portray , does not allow the reality of the matter to be easily ignored and the facts related to the developments in iran to be portrayed in a different way, mr. doctor.
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sadr hosseini's actions and reactions it can be concluded that the zionist regime has been placed in a strategic trap with the loss of the doctrine of deterrence, and perhaps we can say that no action, no solution from the security and diplomatic forces is able to get this regime out of this trap. what do you know as the most important reason for this turmoil and confusion of the zionist regime? an important point that should be said in response to your question and statement is that the nature of qasab and the lack of integration of the elements of forming a nation state in the zionist regime has created this situation. it means tanaq.
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there are various ways in the zionist regime today it is quite evident in the ethnic, tribal, racial, religious and political differences, so as you have carefully mentioned this issue in your question, this strategic impasse is currently breathing in the recovery room of the americans . that is being given to him and the revival that is taking place in international circles in the military field in the security field, see the commander of sandcom before the operation that was supposed to be carried out before the punishment that was supposed to be carried out , and i do not use the word attack because the attack has its own legal rights, this operation a punishment was supposed to be carried out. he goes and sits next to the commander of the zionist regime's army staff in an operation room. films and photos of him
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are taken out, and it is believed that the presence of the americans, who from the first day and the first hour after the successful al-aqsa storm operation not leaving tel aviv for a moment and giving all kinds of support to him is clearly sending the message that when these stagings and shows are ignored and the necessary punishment is done, this strategic impasse that mr. he pointed out perfectly and i counted his dimensions and sides to increase for him it was a beautiful interpretation, america
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has breathing room. in any case, take action so that he can continue his life. what approach do you think the zionist regime should put on its agenda? we read it in the media. let him do a small operation in iran and until he can recover some money, what approach do you think he should take? see what actually , despite the fact that iran's officials say that it will face a strong reaction, yes
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the same means if the diet. if a zionist wants to take action against iranian soil, naturally, iran will immediately respond and this will greatly increase the severity of the crisis in the middle east region, and this is something that, in fact, at least the americans in the current situation are not interested in it, because anyway the discussion of the us presidential election is coming, and at the same time, they also have the crisis in ukraine, and at the same time, the discussion. looking to the east, china and these issues are also seriously on their agenda, so naturally they will react. what is clear is that they will react, but it seems unlikely. developments that an attack or aggression against iranian soil will take place even in a remote part of iran, because anyway, the depth of iran's strategy, which everyone knows
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, with these conditions, the attack that means now. the real nature of the military attack, which by the way, all the experts are trying to do, is looking for a show. yes , naturally, since we don't have a common border, that means there is no border , it will definitely be an air attack. it won't take, and there will certainly be measures taken in the proxy areas of iran , which have already been taken, but what which is important considering the policies that the western governments are undertaking to somehow purify the situation for the zionist regime considering the conditions of the crimes committed in gaza during the past 6 months and the problems that have occurred on the scene the international public opinion has come to him, they want a new consensus of the western countries and in a way they say israel is weak, finally
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the conditions are acceptable to take an action, so i think it will be the same, but iran should address the issue of diplomacy now. after this operation, since the military operation has finally ended, the issue of diplomacy is discussed put iran's position and honesty as a priority . very good, thank you very much, sir . we have one minute. anyway, just like the authorities , announcing a punitive approach was very limited. if he makes a mistake , this time we will carry out a large-scale operation. again, saying that, sir, this operation, iran's operation, has changed the true promise of the region's equations. why, how do you see the landscape ? they are aware of the fact that if the national interests of the islamic republic are harmed in the slightest, no
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only in the territory of the islamic republic, but in other places, the necessary answer will be given. but we should not forget this point of rome, that today the resistance front is such that if some people think that instead of iran, they can harm the islamic republic and the resistance front in other places , today this maturity that can be seen in the resistance group let's see what
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hezbollah did yesterday and today in the yemeni national army. special thanks to your company with the special news talk tonight . may god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with the world today in order to discuss tonight's program , we present you with a report
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. in order to make iran's response seem impossible


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