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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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whether it is given or not , it has nothing to do with the quality of the work, background and experience. in the past, yes , it usually happens based on the lottery. read it and say that yes, for example, this score is positive, for example, yes, very good, or good , or weak, based on this, the number of votes given, the number of comments given about these official experts. it is clear exactly which official expert has done a good job and done his work on time, and the work to him accordingly let's refer more of them. it shouldn't be like this . it's an individual job that takes time and is weak. the report of his senior judge, who is reading this, says, "dad , why didn't you answer the questions that i had? " we will be able to do it in the next few months, the ranking of the official experts, now the priest's lottery has started electronically, almost a large part of the country is also below. the activity is going under
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load, but we are helping the ranking and we will start it, god willing, in a few days only based on the score of the judges. yes, it is the score of the judges. if the number of these votes and comments about an expert becomes negotiable, for example , 100 of our judges will comment on an expert , a judge might say yes, for example, because he was our friend, or, as i say, an acquaintance of the source or a good report. i wrote it, but an official expert will come 100 times. and write an exercise , give an expert report and send it to different judges to make a judgment about this. the opinion given by different people about a single person can be very complex . is this expert really a good expert or can't he do something? does manual referral still exist or not now? it has completely arrived at this smart system, we are helping, as the famous saying says, we are getting the job done, because this thinking process is a routine that our judges should act based on this . i don't have accurate statistics to read. let me tell you
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, but the statistics are growing month by month, because our judge feels that he can do the job better and faster , so they use this lottery and do it in all in all, i think that the issue of notification of proceedings has been reduced with the implementation of the document notified in 2019, that is, this evaluation yes, the evaluations we have are based on the statistics we have over the past few years when a case was started. that means, for example, you would go to the judicial electronic services office and register a petitioner or you would go to a police station, for example, a complaint would be filed there until reaching the verdict and the execution of the verdict. based on our observations, this process is decreasing now. separation of gratitude for all the efforts of your officers, which means that we don't want to ignore it , but because al-adl is the basis of the queen, how much are the officers under this supervision now, which means that it helps how much justice? now, the officers
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you said are under supervision are really doing their job properly . are you satisfied with the officers under your supervision or not? there are many explanations , all kinds of pressures, stresses, there are various work cases , it is possible for one of the people who is there to make a mistake, it is normal for him to make a mistake everywhere, things in the radio and television can happen, it can happen in the food department. this is important that we have mechanisms so that if a mistake happens, it can be properly reported , properly followed up and dealt with . this is what happens, that is, we are doing what we are doing here, so we now have processes under the title of, for example, the discussion of rights citizenship means that in all the courts of all the provinces that we have, there is an office under the name of the office of protection of citizen rights, so if for any reason you feel that there is a problem for you in this process. and there are independent bodies
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, you can refer to them and say yes to such and such this happened to me at the time and they are following up . i have many cases where our people entered and found that this person who was there may have committed a violation for any reason, so these surveillances should be done. it should be clear that what we have written in this new transformation document, according to maruf, is that for each of these officers, we will have systems to monitor the officers' performance. the licenses that he wants to be given, because every officer wants to do anything, but get a license, these licenses should be registered and recorded. its dimensions should be accurate and then the results of the work should be determined . the training cards that should be given are very important. it means that a person who wants to enter a place, for example , do something according to the recipe, he wants a slave to do something. he should see the necessary training first, if the necessary training is seen in the right way , that will not happen at all, the violation will not happen , it turns out, sir, you can move up to here , until you can do something, more
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than that, you do not have the right to do something or you should go get a new license again you can do the work, so it is a work that is being developed, as i said, we will transform this document, god willing, to systematize this work and make it smart. it is very important to carry out this kind of monitoring both on the guards and on the prisons. these two places are very important and sometimes there are people who are under control. the joy of life complexes is one of the hands of the time to prepare a report, colleagues, let's see and come back since you decided to take this beautiful angel. how many does it pass the story of six-month-old motahara, who is now the guest of a family of six. she was the mother of four sons, but her heart wanted to be a mother to a daughter as well. i don't know whether to say or not. my pact was with god. matereh's mother tells about a plan that
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has been emptying the beds in mashhad's nursing home for about a thousand days. the plan of the temporary trustee, which gave families to ill-behaved and orphaned children. mrs. and mr. hossein are supposed to be in this room. they became parents for the second time in 1994. our first child, fatemeh khanum , applied for adoption at our expense , and now we are applying for the second child. do you like your friend's sister, do you like what will happen today, what should i do? i am my mother's place for you. well done my son, this series has seen a lot of these stories in about a thousand days since its launch, and all of its stories are signed by a lady. they worked together for 23 years with laws and mother's experience, and
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the result was the implementation of a law. we said that if we do not form a network, we will not all come together for the purpose of society that is foreseen in that law. this law will become an abandoned law. one of mrs. abedinzadeh's solutions for implementing the law was the story of motahera and fatima. these two plans were implemented in the shogheh zendeh complex, the consolation of adoption and the approval of the temporary amir, and alhamdulillah , it became the approval of the ministers and for some time now, the spirit of life has been multiplying in the country. it was an initiative that dr. dr. abdinzadeh, who is the deputy prosecutor of mashhad, discussed the various issues of children there and the related institutions. now the 42-year-old judge of mashhad, with the correct implementation of the law, has the opportunity to have these conversations between mother and child provided for at least more than 700 orphaned and abused children. currently, like ms. abedinzadeh, more than a thousand female judges
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are serving the people in judicial authorities all over the country. merih pejman of the radio and television news agency. now we have several of this community. the guardian means, for example, an unattended child who is brought up, according to the law, the prosecutor must come in , give a series of orders as the public prosecutor, and specify, for example, the status of their duties, so we have a group called the prosecutor or, for example, the deputy prosecutor a judge who has to issue a verdict in this field is a series of collections there are others, for example, welfare, which
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has a series of collections to maintain these people, or the municipality, and municipalities sometimes perform a series of functions in this field, for example , social damages or other similar cases. then the charitable institutions and the people, that is, the quadrilateral set of the judiciary, the welfare of the municipalities and local government, and the charitable and public institutions. in the past, each of them did their own work. i was a part of the city, a person, for example, a homeless child who could be found, for example the fact that he was left on the side of the street or for any reason, for example , his parents died, should have been assigned. for example , a group, for example, is located in another part of the city, so it takes hours, sometimes days, to form a harmony between the four groups, so that this person can determine the task. what does it mean that these four groups express themselves side by side in a work building? it means that a task that may take several weeks can be done in a few minutes, it means that
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it will be a task to go from this room to the next room, to the next room, and we are really interested in the fact that this happened for the first time in mashhad, mrs. abedin. zadeh is the picture of you now. you see , there is an individualist, a judge, a female judge, a deputy prosecutor of mashhad , a person who is working with tools, for example , a prosecutor, he is working for the first time, he came and formed this phenomenon in the mashhad collection, the passion for the life of mashhad, well, we do this as a we got a successful example. one of the most important tasks we have in the discussion of transformation is that if we see a successful example in one place, we should try to reproduce it in the rest of the country. taken in, for example, shiraz, formed in gorgan ahvaz has taken place in different places, fortunately , it is growing. if we have this phenomenon, all 31 capitals of the province and many other cities may also have the ability to bring these four groups together . we can really speed things up. in order to deal with this , if someone wants to
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accept a child as an adopted child, he should go to these centers , yes, he can go to these centers, he can go to them, but the point is that these collections , for example, can enter and work. they are next to each other that is, we came to get an output from the synergy of these, which caused it to develop a lot . it is very interesting that when the phenomenon of the governance group was formed, coming together and sitting together, a new path opens up for charitable institutions. people's institutions start to help, they gain confidence , they say yes, they can really express their help here , many of this society has a strong desire to contribute to the life of people's institutions and charitable institutions , welfare used to do this and it has a long culture. welfare was working, the municipality was working, doing all these things is a phenomenon of enthusiasm life is for all of them to gather together and talk to each other, all the rules and regulations are in their place, just the speed of work, the synergy of things , for example, you can live faster, you can give me feedback in the judicial branch, that yes, you are in this, for example, if you decide if you do this action, my work will happen faster , i can do the work better. okay, now
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this is approximately 10-12 minutes until the end of the ram program . let's focus more on this new document. have new items been added to it or those parts that for example, it has not been completed yet, the emphasis has been placed on completing them, what happened? yes, i told you that in the new transformation document, those things that were fully implemented in the previous document, well, we have deleted them. we are writing these things, we are following them up , we are working on them, there are new things in this new document, and these new things are based on a series of reviews that we have had in these 3 years, we have come to a series of new issues, the opinions of experts. inside the judiciary, outside the judiciary, telling you to do this is a series of phenomena that are expanding day by day. for example, phenomenon for example, the laws that we have in the field of cyberspace, for example, the law that we wrote a few years ago
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in the field of computer crimes, for example, must be revised because, for example, the phenomenon of passwords , for example, we see a lot now, has spread . it was not five years ago, so it is like this. in order for us to come and find an entry in the field of virtual space , in the field of emerging issues that are happening in this field, different works are written in this document , and now i want to explain each one in detail . that people feel that one there has been a change in this issue . you can point out some of the most significant ones that you saw in the document, for example, in a couple of years, people will be able to have children. in the provinces, we create this special unit in a centralized manner to reach the virtual space where the crimes have not happened at all. later, we will go and deal with them . it's time for things that happen to us quickly
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let's clarify, let's go, we have to deal with the events, therefore , in the field of cyberspace, in the next few years, we will have a greater presence on the part of the judiciary, especially the courts that are responsible for the prosecutors who are responsible for this work and the special departments that exist in this field will be activated. what has happened, the second debate that we will pursue, god willing , is the debate on corruption whistleblowers. fortunately , we passed a very good law in the parliament under the title of the law on protection of corruption whistleblowers . yes, this is the famous fraud that is happening . implemented one of the important the best thing i can do is for the general inspection organization to come and activate a system where anyone who wants to come and do a report on corruption can come and do this in that system. people's reports are happening, but in that system, if there are a series of special regulations for it, even a reward is given, that is, the government comes and says
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that yes, for example, if i prevented a corruption and this amount goes back to the treasury, or it makes you save money. in these fields, something happened that was determined from the financial point of view, one percent of it we even want to reward one of the most important tasks that we wrote in the document, which, god willing , the entire country's gaming organization should be able to implement in the next few months and a year, god willing. let us know that there are corruption reporters that we can even give them financial support. we can say yes , we thank you. reporters, there is corruption that is happening in this field, god willing, and the like the previous document has a short, medium and long-term time frame and it is clear that each problem should be dealt with in what period of time by which official and when
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. we published it in the form of a well-known public statement so that our people know what we saw the issues and what solutions we saw . for example, this document was published yesterday in one of the newspapers this morning i saw that this review was written and they said two or three nice points. of course, if our reporter referred to these points , i would have answered them. he wrote, "so we will publish a public document so that people can give us feedback on what happened. another point is that you , as the media, demand from us. in this document , there are specific schedules of specific presenters, for example, yes, for example. legal deputy of the judiciary, organization of records and real estate of the country, legal medicine organization, each of these, in what time frames and with what tasks , this will make this demand
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by the public opinion that you be the demand of the public, the criticisms and expectations that come from the people. many organizations do not publish these programs publicly, they leave them in their desk drawers, but the judiciary, because it believes that it should talk to the people , has published this song publicly, and there is also an answer , god willing. how can we implement this document and what things have been added to the new document that can be discussed? prolonging the proceedings is shorter than removing it. yes, yes, we really did this. let me give you an example . we told the experts what we want to do. one of the most important things we are doing is to prepare the cases well at the very beginning, which means that all
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the documents should be completed, that is, the report of the investigator, the report of humiliation, the report or a person who wants it. come if you pursue a subject, you must have these five documents if it is not like this, you come for two sessions, three sessions, get into the car, in the third session, our judge will see and say yes, this case is flawed, go again , start from scratch, one of the most important tasks we have is to develop systems, develop platforms, develop various tools that in these fields , we can use the power of these and we can give a person the right guidance. how to prepare a good petition and what documents prepare how to pay the court fee and enter the process so that you don't have to go again in that process. from the beginning of the educational work
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, you inform those who want. right at the beginning of the entry, because for example , every person wants to submit a petition, where does he go to the electronic service offices. we turn this expert human force into a system, that is , a person enters a system , chooses the first question, the second question, the third question, up to 15 questions , and it is clear that he says yes, this is your request. in order to be able to do this, you must have a series of documents along with this work . you cannot enter without these documents . we will follow up if it has not been fully entered for 3 years, for example, entering the process and going back to the beginning of the process, so this is one of the most important issues of well-organized and complete files from the beginning, so that incomplete files are not entered, which causes inconvenience. people, it's the same burden for us
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in the judiciary, we have to check this it is very important that those bottlenecks in the entry of cases are very important. in the judiciary, our most important task is to do something so that people have less differences with each other. let me tell you, for example, you want to enter into a transaction with someone, if this person was prohibited from trading, your transaction is void, which means that you will not be able to follow up in this court later. therefore, it is very important before you do a simple transaction with a person make a company and make a company with each other , you can inquire in a proper and very simple way whether the other person is forbidden to deal with or not.
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we started the first step, but it has a lot of potential for development, that is, take it both in the real estate field and in the automobile field, for example, you want to buy a car . it was a coincidence, it was not a coincidence , what is the person on the other side, so in the most frequent and practical transactions that we have , we have tried very hard to do something so that this transaction is a safe and trustworthy transaction that sometimes happens. baaz, there should not be a single case that comes into the food system , we will start dealing with all kinds of problems for the people, so one of the most important things that we did in this previous document and also in the new document was this. that we do something to prevent crimes from happening. claims that are very, very important and there is also a reason that during the time of the late mr. hashemi shahroi , may god have mercy on them, one of the ideas that may have been followed up later, i don't know how much happened, for example, now apart from the issue of imprisonment and knowledge that they
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are raising this issue it was the criminal titles many of the crimes that we identified under the title of crime , we criminalized, should be removed . for example, if a driving violation occurs, the police will come and impose a fine , and that's it. many cases can be treated like this as an error and basically no file can be created that can reduce the amount of incoming files . violation can be dealt with, this can be done, but from my side, this is a problem that some of us have if we simplify the cases, so to speak , it will make people feel that this is an issue, so there are some cases that should not be neglected in any way , because this
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is the mental security and spiritual security of the people, so this is a very important point, a detailed discussion that may be out of the question. what should our criminal policy be in general? in what areas should we know the violations? what areas were you preparing ? it happens, but it doesn't need to happen for example, your inheritance certificate in order to get an inheritance certificate, for example, one of your relatives dies in order to get an inheritance certificate, information about this is available in the civil registry organization, and the person can directly go to the civil registry organization and get his certificate if there was an objection in that regard, yes, for example , there was a person whose information was not registered there, he should come to the judge. if there is a judicial ruling and this information is corrected, then the disputes should come here, not the whole work, one of the things we wrote in the previous lawsuit document is emphasized in this new document. what we had in particular was that we
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removed the process of obtaining the monopoly of inheritance, the certificate of the monopoly of inheritance from the judiciary , and put it in the hands of the civil registry organization. fortunately , it happened, that is, we have now approved one of the cases in the seventh development plan, coordinating with the head of the organization. we had the civil registry and we are in the process of finalizing the regulations. after the announcement of the 7th plan, as soon as we approve it in the cabinet , it means that we should do something so that the people's work can be done faster . this is not work it happens more secretly to people, so instead of it taking 2 weeks in a month, people can go and receive this ansar certificate of their inheritance in two days, and people 's problems will be solved. let's implement short-term solutions that, god willing, will satisfy the people . in the next few months, it may happen that people feel that it is now in your mind that it will be addressed in the new manas document. the most important part is the completion of these systems.
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these are the issues that, god willing , in the next few months, we will have a few minutes, a very important issue, doctor, in my opinion , it will help the image of the judiciary and the justice system a lot , and also about those who are finally under heat, that is, the party to as soon as he receives a summons, for example, he is completely anxious and stressed , where should i go, what will happen to me, this is very similar to the kind of organizational behavior in judicial complexes, the kind of behavior of judges, who sometimes , maybe already, both clients and lawyers. sometimes it is possible that they are my flock, for example, maybe the judge or, for example, the clerk or those who are office workers, for example, the complex, do not have proper behavior, as you know, it is a very important issue that we have in our narrations, even in the way of the judge, this is very important. they are working on behalf of the food authority, it has been noted in this document, and at least the person who enters a food complex
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will not feel bad because of these behaviors, at least it will reduce the amount of stress and anxiety he gets, maybe he will be able to defend himself better. do it so that i can give you the best advice first the dignitaries who really refer to the judicial system should know that there is a very, very large volume on our judges and on the employees of the judicial branch because the number of cases is high, in any case, an individual may get upset, this is a phenomenon, but we have a system here. we created an opinion poll system, so people, every time you enter and leave a court session , you will receive a text message about the judge in
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the name of the judge, in the name of god, in the name of god , in the name of god, in the name of god. ali noor, in the name of god, in the name of god in the name of allah, who created the light from among the relatives , praise be to god, who created the light from the light
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, praise be to allah , allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest , god is the greatest , god is the greatest. alia wali
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allah is the witness of the alia hajjah allah, may god bless him and grant him peace.
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god bless you, god bless you , god bless you, god bless you


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