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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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this action has already been taken, even if in fact israel wants to take action, this capacity that iran found, strategically , this capacity cannot be destroyed, which means that we are stronger than this defense capability that was used by using from all the western countries and israel itself, which had all kinds of defense equipment created from this collection, it got to the point where america insisted on the zionist regime not to react at all, that is, with it. the ability and ability of
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sadeghi's promise operation. why? what do you think they came to the conclusion that even to the diet zionists say that if you want to go to war with iran, we will not support it. we will not enter the war against iran directly. and they urge the zionist regime to end this process and deal with it. do not continue iran. we must note that in the military doctrine of the zionist regime, which is derived from the military doctrine of the united states , the reaction time for any military reaction is between 2 and 12 hours. therefore, i want to tell you this in truth, because they could not do it for various reasons. the various reasons are the will of the nation. iran and defense capability and readiness
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the armed forces of the islamic republic and the records that were in this field, all the incidents that happened to their aggressor birds in the past years , which we do not forget, they must be in front of them , and these concerns are quite commonplace for them , that is, the defense capability of the islamic republic in communication with any violation has proven to them that they can't, not in the sense that they don't want to. i must clarify this point that the american and the zionist regime do not have any strategic differences regarding confronting the islamic republic. yes, there may be a tactical difference but they do not have strategic differences. they are concerned with a distant look. this is the issue that
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when they have not yet been able to close the ukraine case , how can they create another case in the most geopolitical part of the world, where a major part of the west's energy is supplied from this region? well, we must pay attention. last month, more than the last 6 months , how can the palestinian resistance, which is the most important, deep and constant supporter of the islamic republic, the zionist regime's war machine, is facing the goal of the american and the zionist regime? take military action directly against the islamic republic. therefore, all these equations are placed in front of them and their efforts are aimed at providing this in other ways. well , do you? in our opinion, the explanations that are given every hour
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we pass from the end of the operation on april 26 show that the zionist regime will not carry out its enmity towards the islamic republic. will the americans allow the zionist regime to inflict this heavy blow? which we have been talking about since the beginning of the program , let them forget. no, it is definitely not like that, yes. it means a wounded snake, which with the help of a large part of the european countries that are members of nato and the americans , this situation has been created for it, that today mr. jack john sullivan says that we have to make a serious revision in the field of defense of the region. and the conditions that have created us in our defense doctrine in the west asia region. or suffered
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a strategic failure. this shows that they definitely cannot cooperate with the zionist regime in this regard. this is the awareness of the people of iran in different areas, that is, in the security areas, in the economic areas, in the area soft war in the areas of semi-hard war should definitely increase due to this fattening and gaining strength. after what happened and the invasion of our embassy by the zionist regime, in any case, the war, which is a combined war , is no longer just a military one
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, there is a media war, a psychological war and its different dimensions. denial until they face the reality, first they deny iran's power at all or reduce its military power. they are turning iran upside down with the reverse technique a view to say, well, anyway , to change the equation, iran does not have the right to self-defense, in such a way that they make the atmosphere look upside down for the audience, as if the zionist regime came and did this in response to iran's action. and after that, coming after the operation, sadiq's promise to reduce this incident. until finally, they admit and admit the failure of the zionist regime and the humiliation of this regime in front of iran, but one point that they emphasize in many ways is that the missiles of iran did not reach the territory of the zionist regime, and in any case, they did not hit
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the target point is why they still have it , despite all the documentation that exists, despite all the western experts. even the zionist regime's military experts are trying to say that this did not happen, yes , after all, the work of the international media is part of the heart of reality, which means that their duty is to provide information in times of crisis. part of the media is to make the reality look upside down, but in today's world where the media space is so open and every single person has information tools, it is very difficult to make incidents and he denied an incident of this magnitude. when the iranian rockets hit those places
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, even normal cameras filmed them and it is completely clear, and if they really want to hide , then it is natural that they are open. it is possible and it becomes clear , but the reason why sensitivities have increased so much on these issues is that iran's behavior and the balance that exists between the military arena and the diplomatic arena have been very, very impressive. he has tried his best to prevent the spread of tension in the middle east region front. giri kana means the type of interactions that took place before this operation, in fact, the iranian military attack on the zionist regime , when we analyze the type of diplomacy operation, we see that it is a confirmation of this activity, that is, the type of information that
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iran had towards the neighboring countries, the type of positions which in fact had before him that finally if the security council condemn, if in fact a ceasefire is established in gaza , there will be a reduction in the type of iran's operations. all this shows that iran does not want to destroy international standards and policies as much as possible, it wants them. raham should pay attention to it, so this was a point that the international media could not easily zero in on iran's positions. design iran has entered the gray area of ​​world public opinion . for example, it was the same in the palestine issue. that is, it was thought like this in many places , when the zionist regime's ground operation against
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gaza actually started, many thought that the axis of resistance would act in such a way that it would bring all its capacities to the scene within the first month. while intelligence. paying attention to complex international variables has caused that do not deny what happens in practice. in other words, iran's behavior is not black and white. from the point of view of international public opinion , they used to condemn it very easily in many issues and the international public opinion also accepted it, but today, due to these complications , due to attention to the world system, the reason for the deep knowledge that the country's decision makers have about international issues is what makes iran's positions different. how international news agencies react, what they portray
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, does not allow the reality of the matter to be revealed. to ease the heart and portray the facts related to iran's developments in a different way, mr. dr. sadr hosseini, it can be understood from the actions and reactions of the zionist regime that with its disappearance, the doctrine of deterrence has actually been placed in a strategic position. and maybe we can say that no action, no solution, including the security and diplomatic system , is able to get this regime out of this prison. what do you know as the most important reason for this turmoil and confusion of the zionist regime? an important point that should be said in response to your question and order. the essence of being a butcher and not being mixed
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the elements of the formation of a nation state in the zionist regime have created this situation, that is , there are various contradictions in the zionist regime today, which are clearly evident in the ethnic, tribal, racial, religious and political differences, so as your excellency has carefully questioned this issue. you brought this strategic bomber , he is currently breathing in the recovery room of the americans, if you take a moment to see the various types of accommodation that is being given to him and the recovery that is taking place in international circles in the military and security fields, commander. sandcom before the operation that was supposed to be before in fact, the punishment that was supposed to be carried out, and i don't use the word "attack" because the attack
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has its own legal rights, this punitive operation was supposed to be carried out , he goes and sits next to the chief of staff of the zionist regime in a his film and photo are removed from the operation room, and it is believed that the presence of the americans , which has been happening since the first day of the war. first, after the successful al-aqsa storm operation, not leaving tel aviv for a moment and giving him all kinds of support is clearly sending the message that the zionist regime is equal to america in the military field, and when these stagings and shows are not allowed , and the punishment that was necessary was done. this halting of the strategic impasse that your excellency mentioned and i counted its dimensions and its dimensions has increased for him
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. it was a beautiful interpretation . after these problems, he is breathing , well, we have a strategic deadlock from onur tammam, or should we say now, most of the experts of the western world, the arab cloud, have come to acknowledge the defeat of the sehunist regime against iran and even say. there are various messages that, sir, for example, the zionist regime will come and do a small operation in
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iran and until it can make some money for itself. what approach do you think he should take to restore it ? see what actually happened despite iran's officials saying that it will face a strong reaction. and this will greatly increase the severity of the crisis in the middle east region, and this is something that, in fact , at least americans are not inclined to do in the current situation, because anyway, the issue of the american presidential election is ahead, and at the same time, the crisis they also have ukraine, and at the same time, they are discussing to the east, the discussion of china and these are also seriously on their agenda, so naturally they will react to what is clear
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, but it seems unlikely from all the developments that an attack or aggression against iran's soil even at a distant point what happened to iran is happening because, anyway , iran's strategy, which everyone knows, with these conditions , the attack, which means the real nature of the military attack, which by the way, all the experts are attempting , is looking for a show . we don't have it, that means there is no border, it will definitely be an air attack it is quite clear, but it seems that this attack will not take place on iran's soil, and measures will definitely be taken in iran's proxy areas . these measures have already been taken, but what is important is the policies that western governments have in front of them. they are trying to purify the situation for the zionist regime in the light of the crimes
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it has committed in gaza in the past 6 months and the problems it has faced in the international public opinion. they want a new consensus of the western countries and in a way they say israel, which is weak, is finally invincible it is necessary to take some action, so i think that it will be the same, but iran should prioritize the issue of diplomacy now after this operation, since the military operation has finally ended. just as the authorities announced a punitive move , it was very limited and we said that if he is going to make a mistake, this time we will carry out a large-scale operation , but saying that, sir, this operation , iran's operation, has changed the regional equation
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because of the honest promise. how do you see the size? i have to tell you one sentence. well , everyone is aware of this issue that if the national interests of the islamic republic are harmed in the slightest , not only in the territory of the islamic republic, but elsewhere , the necessary response will be given, but this point should be let's not forget that today the resistance front is such that if some people think that instead of iran, they can harm the islamic republic and the front group in other places. resist today , this maturity that we see in the resistance group , we see in the national army of yemen, in the drones that hezbollah used yesterday and today in the sea area. yemen, we observe in the area of ​​the iraqi resistance group
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, we observe in the islamic resistance group of lebanon, the answer will be given, so this is my last sentence and my emphasis is on this issue. the zionist regime's needle change from military issues to security issues that must be taken care of . thank you very much to both honorable dr. sadar hosseini and dr. karimi, and special thanks for your participation in the special news interview tonight . may god bless you. i wondered, well what is the true nature of iran? it's there in black and white. what would britain do if hostile nation flattened one of our consulates? well, we would take, we would take the very strong action, and iran would say that that's what they did. well, what they did, as i said, was a massive attack, so they were right to respond, but they overreacted as we say. what am i saying? hello. last week, after
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informing about marriage and childbearing loans , we had some frequently asked questions from the applicants of these loans. first , why do we face this message after going to the central bank system to register? currently there is no bank in the province of your choice qarz al-hasna education for having children is not valid. try again. the central bank says that this problem is limited to the first two months of the year. four months of last year, when the issue of raising the marriage education ceiling is raised in the next year's budget bill, a number of applicants do not register, that is, let's say in february. marriages delay their registrations, these registrations are postponed until april next year, and the marriages of the current year are also added to it, and every year
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there is this registration traffic in the first two months of the year, that is , this message that friends actually they hit him the main reason is this traffic , there are many applicants and limited resources, which means that the marriage system of the central bank has not happened in the same way as it did in the past years. we used to activate the credit in the system, we activated the banks, this year is also the same, that is, we actually activated the quota for the month of april. it is possible that on the month of april , the honorable motakhazis will be faced with this message, the way is to finally try once or twice, that is , if this does not happen today, then tomorrow. try and this will be resolved, that is , as soon as this reaches the equilibrium point, the amount of applicants , registrants, and the amount of resources that according to the law have actually been transferred to our central bank to be activated in the system monthly, when it
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reaches the equilibrium point, definitely like sanbat aati, these messages will be less and respected people will be able to register whenever they visit, god willing . the amount of the child bearing loan was another question of the audience , according to the budget law of 1403 , it is different for each child, and the loan for the first child is 40 million. toman, second 80, third 120, fourth 150 and so on fifthly, 200 million tomans child bearing loans for parents who own multiple children , for example, if they own three children , the loans for the first, second, and third children will be included. like this elamite couple who became the owner of saqlo last week after waiting for 21 years. when a person has a big goal, he will reach it. it's a very interesting thing . do you think you got closer to god? you must have been dear to him. we also try our best to protect this great blessing and
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be good, healthy and useful children for the society. hello, bo ali hamedan university has two single dormitories with a capacity of 700 students. he added 9 single dormitories in this university for more than a thousand married students . 10% of the university's population consists of a dormitory unit for married women, which is not provided even though there is enough dormitory for female students and there is a need for a married dormitory between joona, shahideh dabagh dormitory in two blocks one and two, which has been under construction since 141, was opened in the winter of 1402 in order to accommodate in these dormitories, the kosar dormitory of hazrat zainab masumieh and farhan were evacuated, and even though the kaster dormitory among them had a clean structure. instead of housing married male international students inside that dormitory for housing married students of this university by sending these videos, complaining
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about the non-implementation of the plan that was promised seven months ago. as soon as these projects are completed, we will have the opportunity to convert some of the dormitories we have in the city into married dormitories. dormitories that have not been converted to married ones despite being empty of singles, here kotreh student dormitory has the capacity to become married, but bo ali university has completed this dormitory for single students according to its capacity. again, it has been handed over to international students who are single and considering that they have the capacity to get married and are not yet married, according to this legal article, universities are obliged to prioritize married dormitories in the construction of new dormitories. after the appreciation of 78 popular groups from the broadcast of the parizad program on tehran network , now 205 groups supporting the fetus from the two special programs
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of life after life and the appreciation ceremony are friends of acquaintances who tell me to make it difficult for the child because of the reflection of the difficult issue of the fetus according to mothers. who passed through a difficult path and reached the days when their children are now their companions and mothers it is their honor. it's like she's my mother. i am very happy that my mom gave me this right to live. it was doubtful that i could tell you how much i love your voice. how much like a child.
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it will be the host of the second round of provincial trips of the honorable president to take steps in the path of progress and development by opening eight projects with a value of 8 thousand billion tomans. operation and
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maintenance of units three and four of gas power plant in semnan province with a capacity of 366 megawatts in electricity production, which will play an important role in providing electricity. opening and operation of a tile and ceramic production company with a production capacity of five million square meters of tiles per year and employment of 110 people. exploitation of the ferrosilys manufacturing plant in damghan. with the production capacity of 50,000 nanosilicon and employment of 350 people, the opening of 2,058 urban and rural housing units, the national housing action movement in line with the provision of housing and improving the welfare of low-income groups , the first phase of the operation of site number two of astanan science and technology park, new technologies campus, with infrastructure of 43300 square meters with the purpose of providing and the expansion
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of research, scientific and technological spaces, and the operation of semnan student covered swimming pool, with an infrastructure of 1900 square meters, and opening next to it and operation of khairsaz educational centers in semnan, garm sar and mehdi shahr. and this continues. program and budget organization of the country. biscuit maker, real ingredients , real toms, real passion, where the vein meets you
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. the best memories and tastes are shared, and only the taste of kanzdaran froud.
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kamani and javbadan of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speed them up, dear viewers, dear compatriots , greetings to you, welcome to this news section , the minister of the interior at the meeting of the flood crisis prevention and coordination headquarters in kanarak, sistan province balochistan said that the problems of sirzdegan from the
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early moments by the official.


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