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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the news section at 12 o'clock continues to provide aid in the flooded areas of the south of the country . the head of the red crescent rescue organization said: red crescent has conducted 130 relief operations and 650 people have received relief services since the 27th of april, when heavy rains started in the country.
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spokesperson of the ministry of education on the amendment of the rulings.
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according to mr. farhadi, the new decrees will be implemented from april this year. it was decided that the decrees of the dear ones, who were retired one week and 400 retired two weeks later, will be issued. there is another group left. dear ones, whose pension order was based on ranking , but the ranking was changed in protests. for these dear ones, we will soon cover their pension deficits and deposit them into the fund account so that their new rank will be issued. respected retirees who actually receive pension from the social security fund. these dear ones, based on their last ruling, the pension fund sees this and we have these rulings in memory , we will check that if there is any negligence, we will provide and the pension fund will solve this in the eight centers
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of the province, there are collections of joy of life to determine the assignment of homeless children faster. formed deputy the strategy of the judiciary, stating this issue, said that by putting together the groups of guardians of adoption, the duration of adoption will be shortened, that is, the four sides of the judiciary, the welfare of the municipality, the local government, and the charitable and popular institutions in the past. each of them did their own work , for example, i was in a building, a section , for example, what i wanted to do was in a part of the city, a person, for example, was a homeless child who was found, for example, left on the side of the street , or for any reason, for example, his parents died. it should have been a tight assignment, for example, a collection, for example bezisti was a different place in the city, so it took hours and sometimes days to form a harmony between the four groups, so that this person who is busy with his duties becomes a community of passion for life .
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i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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ashaud an alia wali allah. ashaud an alia hajja allah , may god bless him and grant him peace.
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allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. may your prayers and prayers be accepted, god willing. continued news at 12 o'clock.
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it narrates the army during the holy defense period. asman gharb film is the latest film made with the theme of pilots and with the presence of martyr shiroudi in the early days. four years had passed since the beginning of the imposed war, when khachikian's camera narrated a scene of the war in the sky on the silver screen. at this point, samesh missiles are a true story based on the battle of a group of pilots of the islamic republic of iran in a work called eagles. in the 1970s, shahriar kharani. he opened another case of the role of the army in the holy defense period in the cinema frame. bases in the alwaleed area bordering jordan are a safe place for planes yogurt. the largest air operation of the army, which
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also played a role in the seventh art. why don't those who made you commander give you weapons? the field of film production of the heroes of the islamic republic of iran army in the 90s. siavash sarmadi reached. insa sattari, the commander of the air force of the heroes, especially the contemporary heroes, is close, don't drop your body from here. have no attachment to the earth. the silver screen of cinemas all over the country from the 23rd of march last year shows the life of a pilot who tried to secure the sky of the west of the country in the first days of the war.
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in the last few days, there has been widespread reflection in cyberspace have had the jokes of users are one of the interesting parts of these reactions. the jokes of social media users with iran's drone and missile operations against the zionist regime continue after a few days.
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like this user, who addressed the topic with the famous tamojari animation, netanyahu has not hit us with any missiles. or another one who wrote that the damage caused by iran's attack is small and has nothing to do with the police , some users will change it. they made the photo of the representative of the zionist regime in the united nations the subject of their jokes . that he wanted to do, but he could not. the ad for the sale of the iron dome can also be seen in the posts of the users . the ad for the sale of the iron dome at a new level is below the price of all brokers. naqi and homa of the series "capital" played a role in the jokes of users. the post of one
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of the arabic language users also brought many reactions from virtual people. our situation after the end of iran's response. the antics of cyberspace users continue. but what stands out more than anything else in all these posts is the friendship and support of eqt. there was no return of refugees to the north of gaza. the deputy secretary general of the islamic jihad movement also said: washington and
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tel aviv wants to recapture the prisoners at the lowest possible price. according to hamas, the zionist regime has also opposed the release of palestinian prisoners with high convictions. this regime had accepted nusra's release two months ago in the paris talks. the end of this khodang news section. o you who are sitting on the first page, stand up for justice, what is left on
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your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the row of humanity, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr are for you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good night , dear viewers of the khabar channel. i hope that we have passed the happy hour and the happy hour is in waiting for you , we present the program on the first page to your presence and tonight we will talk about the document on transformation and excellence of the judiciary , which was promulgated by the order of the head of the food department. it had been implemented and it is supposed to
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be implemented by the end of 1405. among the indicators that have been updated in this document , the identification and elimination of corrupt structures with a focus on the monetary and banking systems, privatization , government wide taxation, special education is one of these axes that in the tradition of transformation and excellence of the judiciary it has been mentioned about the changes that we will talk about today with mr. sahibkar, the respected deputy of rahbadi and the judiciary . i would like to say hello and welcome to the program on the first page. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful . thank you, it was 2099 , mr. doctor, when the first document on the transformation of the judiciary , i think it was called tadmin at that time, was issued.
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it was implemented last year as well, but since three years were over, we came again, and at the beginning of this year, the document was released. during mr. larijani's period , how successful was he in performing or what mr how successful was raisi ablah during the time of the judiciary, yes, for three years. it is finished , are you satisfied with what has been implemented from the document? yes, now i will explain the transformation document, what it means , because anyway, we should be able to talk to our people about what we mean by the document. the transformation document is a collection of real issues. which are now faced by the food system and the general public, the problems they have and the various cases they have and solutions
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for these problems, fortunately, in the transformative document that was written in 2019 and the same document that was announced recently by mr. the model and this pattern we wrote the transformation document based on the problem, that is , there were a series of problems and a series of solutions. well, the number of problems was prioritized . it is also because it was written which department, which responsible person, in what period of time, that is very precise. in 2009, the same method was used in this new document. well, for each of these transformational actions, in that document, for each of these 200 transformational actions, because it is a series of tasks , there are daily tasks that everyone must do. but a series of things must be changed, the
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mechanism must be changed, a new system must be activated write a new one. if new regulations are formulated , those things will become the basis of the transformational work that needs to be done. we in the strategic vice-president and also the respected head of the judiciary, the main work we have done during the past few years and will continue to do in the future, god willing, is that we can observe this package of solutions that have been written for these issues in a proper way and then determine what problems exist for each of them, and god willing, we will be able to clarify this, on what basis did you observe these problems and come to the conclusion that now the problem in power our judiciary, in order to be able to identify a problem and say that it is a priority , we should use several methods. the most important issue is the people, that is , the people who refer to the food system , the judiciary, the judiciary, the sabzeman forensic organization , different departments, we should ask them exactly what is your problem and what do you feel more than others that it is necessary for transformation
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to take place and it is a priority for you, so our most important issue is these people who are experts and experts who are also inside the food industry, well, we are very experienced judges. we have a lot in the food machine itself the supreme court of the country, various departments of those who have been doing serious judicial work for many years, as well as in our university professors, law faculties , policy management faculties, and in seminaries , we have very good forces , we got different opinions from them. internal and external opinions of the judiciary, public opinion, comparative studies that we had in other countries of the world. we had reached a series of priority issues so that we could do some serious thinking for the priority issues, which was done in the form of this document . it was a year ago, what percentage was implemented? now after these 3 years, in your opinion , it has changed according to the document of the judiciary. yes, now let's talk about those 200
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solutions . now, each of these solutions has been partially implemented , there are some cases where, for example , we have to go through the process of developing and approving a new law. the editing and the picture sometimes take several years, so in the period of time that it started, for example, a year ago , it has progressed, for example, 20-30, but it has to move and reach. to 100, so that people can see these results in full, so we have to show each of these solutions in strategic transactions, our task is to be able to specify each of these solutions , his status, his partner, his responsibility, in which game, when,
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what should be done. and we have these observations and supervisions, and now i will show you some examples of these, if necessary, the total account. were you satisfied with the implementation of the document of 99? the biggest demand of the judiciary is the implementation of the transformation document, and that is because it regulates the work, that is, some work may be marginalized or forgotten, for example, in the various types of work that exist. according to this opinion, we are the ones who write the document, compile the document and follow up the document, and god willing, this is my path and we can continue , very much a part of the statements of the most intellectual leader regarding transformation. we will return to the discussion of the experts who
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talked or reported to me about this project in the past few years. giving it in writing, everyone says this is a good plan, it is a good plan , it is more at your disposal, at the disposal of the power of fate . it must move forward, its progress is low, it must be towards the implementation of the transformation plan and the transformation document of the judicial branch. in some places, there are efficient forces, thank god. in some places, it should be strengthened a bit. the discussion of efficient and strong force should
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be trained. probably some things should be changed . after all, every document is not permanent and eternal. maybe some things need to be updated. this is another point. look at the document, see where it needs to be completed, where it needs to be updated, update it, but it must be implemented . the beauty of this document and any program document is that it works. disciplines him from being scattered. it prevents the orderly work, this is very important and important. the fact that the document was not fully implemented
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, has it been diagnosed , what was the reason for it not being fully implemented , should a strategy be defined for it? many parts of the document have been fully implemented. i will give examples. for example, we have a phenomenon because we have this example. maybe our audience is better. we had a phenomenon in the past under the title of professional witness. what does it mean for you? if you want to go and participate in a court, you must take two people with you to testify that yes, on such and such a day, for example, we saw a problem that was in such a state that the judge could find knowledge and give a decision based on that. well, in the past because we did not have a coherent system that would be a database for all these professional witnesses what was happening was that there were people who were active around our judicial meetings and said , mr. shahid, if you want
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, we are ready to testify. sometimes our judges were misled , that is, there was a phenomenon called a professional witness who gets paid to testify. a good thing that we wrote in the transformation document that was in the past years was to create a system under the title of the system. an informed witness means anyone who came and said, sir, i want to testify, his name is v his national code should be put in that system. if he comes again, ask him to put it again . yes, this person has a history that, for example , he came to work at a certain branch on a certain day, and if the number of testimonies or the information that people they say, sir, we knew that in this field, if it exceeds a certain limit , it will become unhealthy, and it will become clear to our judge, to the person who is managing the case, that yes , this person is a person who is most likely going to have a problem. therefore, something that happened about. it has been that we are talking about, for example, shahid we gathered the professionals in this field with a system that maybe required a lot of work. it was one of the functions that we
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had written in that transformation document, alhamdulillah, and alhamdulillah, people are also seeing that they are doing the work, now it is possible to verify. it is also by you, that is, for example, your reporters can go and see if there are food shortages or similar phenomena around the communities that we currently have in the food system, or not, if there were too many in the past years, they would really complain. these issues that i presented to you that people are protesting for example, they demand that you organize this , well, for example, the phenomenon of professional witness, for example, we were able to solve the problem 100%, or for example, we had a phenomenon in the past under the name of bad background certificate in many places so that you can go to, for example, get hired. if you want to do it, you should have gone and given a certificate. thank you for not having any bad background . see, it was a farhandi whose view was, for example, several days or several weeks long it would take, for example, to consult with people and have different cases. well, what happened is that because we were able to
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put our databases or our systems together in a suitable way, now it has become a process that takes several hours. or a few minutes, sometimes if the work has been done for several hours , you can easily enter the process with the same mobile phone that you have at your disposal , apply, and this proof of your background or lack of background will be transferred to you and present them everywhere , so this cases of cases like that in the face it is fully activated now. we did not include these items in this new development document because it was a work that was 100% implemented. our people are touching it and using it . we have done this for the past few years, but due to various reasons that i am going to tell you now , these reasons sometimes we could not implement and complete this completely. filed a complaint.
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for example, he should apply in person he went to ask mr. bank, for example, does mr. a have an account in this bank , or does he not have this account or how much balance does he have? a good thing happened that we should really thank the central bank and the banking network, that is, it was an interaction between the judicial branch. and the central bank was that this is due to the fact that these databases were put together, a query that would take maybe two or three weeks that a person
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would be behind if he fell. it can be done within a few seconds, which means you can easily see that within a few seconds or minutes yes, which person has the accounts in which bank account? so far, we have completed the work, alhamdulillah. another thing that needs to happen is that what we need to complete is to recognize the confiscation of that property, for example, from a property. it is possible that, for example, this property exists in the name of, for example, this person, and the seizure of this property can be done online, that is, me. either this money was in this account, or this property was here, and he could seize it there immediately. well, we took this part forward and completed the work , god willing. in general, we should implement it in the whole country . it is one of the cases that one part has been implemented, the other part remains, and we said in this transformation document that we should implement the remaining part so that 100 people feel the sweetness of this work.
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our colleagues prepared the report. because the handling of his case was delayed for several months, the expert's answer is the answer that the expert should give to the judiciary and the judge should vote against it. we stayed the same. the lengthening of the time to send the expert's opinions to the court was returned to the method of dividing the cases between the experts in the cases that we examined. we do in necessary cases. lt is that the expert's opinion is presented and it is a specialized subject , based on the experience we have and the knowledge we have of experts, well, we implement it to experts , but it may be implemented more to some experts. and we had experts who practically had nothing to do with them. referral of cases to experts with this traditional method had caused people's work to be locked in the court corridors.
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expert, and when he is handling 50 cases at the same time , and the other expert is unemployed, well , naturally, people's work is delayed. he considered the solution to be intelligent in the process of referring to an expert, a solution that has been implemented for a year, when respected judges want to choose an expert for a case, according to the number of tasks that have already been assigned to this expert, the system will be intelligent by itself. the expert and the judge suggest that we asked the judge to intelligently refer one of today's cases to the expert . we should refer it to the three-member panel of experts. year 95 of you in these 13 years, nothing was done to us by the courts , mr. bakshi says elektroni


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