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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear and respected compatriots, we are in egypt . we bring you the news of 16:00 together with our colleagues. saying that the zionist regime violated all international regulations in a criminal act by attacking the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria, sardar ahmad haqtalab said in response to the threat of the zionist regime to attack the nuclear centers of our country, he said: revision of the doctrine and the nuclear policies of the islamic republic of iran and the transition from declaration considerations. the past is possible and imaginable.
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the commander of the protection and security corps of the nuclear centers of the country also said: although according to the instructions and international standards and the rules and regulations of the international nuclear agency, all countries have been prevented from attacking nuclear facilities. at the same time, the islamic republic of iran has always been prepared to deal with these threats from the very beginning . international reactions to the punitive operation of the honest promise. the american atlantic council think tank reported: iran's response to the zionist regime is the beginning of a new era in west asia. at according to this report, in the new era, unlike in the past, iran tends to respond directly to israel's attacks. richard haas, head of the american council on foreign relations, said: "it must be said that israel does not have good options against iran and cannot change the challenge that iran has created for this regime." bloomberg tv also
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announced in a report that the interception of iranian missiles and drones had a heavy cost for israel and its allies. al-mayadeen reported, citing zionist media, that tel aviv acted like a chess game that had several moves forward, but each move was worse than it was before, but after the punitive operation , which side had a better week, this is the question of larry johnson, a former organizational analyst, on the american network.
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in the past and now, many in the west are trying to counter iran's victory against israel by making iran's attack a failure. but i think this approach will not be effective. qadi eisenkot, a member of the zionist regime's war cabinet , said that israel has been unable to advance its demands against hamas and its supporters. german television reported that the attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy crossed the line. it was red and that's it iran's reason answered. syria's representative at the united nations said: the problems of the palestinian nation have increased after the zionist regime and its allies tried to destroy the aid organization for palestinian refugees, unrwa, in the gaza strip. ghassa from zahak in the security council meeting, referring to its vital and irreplaceable role in the gaza strip, on supporting the struggle of the palestinian people. the liberation
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of their occupied land and the formation of an independent country with jerusalem as its capital , the immediate cessation of the zionist regime's aggression on the gaza strip , and the guarantee of the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to its residents were demanded. he also talked about the consequences he warned of the disastrous repeated aggression of the zionist regime on syrian territory and asked the security council to take immediate action to stop these aggressions and ensure that they do not happen again. the un security council held a meeting last night on the situation in gaza. in this meeting, the zionist regime's obstacles in the way of providing aid to the people of the gaza strip were severely criticized. the foreign minister of our country, who traveled to new york, is going to participate in another meeting of the security council tonight. in the meeting held by the security council to review the situation in gaza, the majority of the members of this council did not continue to prevent the regime
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the zionist activity of the united nations relief and works agency (unrwa) as the only executive arm of this organization to provide aid to the people of gaza is extremely negative. considering the developments in the region, considering that the situation in gaza has really reached a boiling point, and this situation is spilling over into the region and the developments in the region are also clearly visible, it is an opportunity to
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share the views of the islamic republic of iran in line with the necessity of establishing peace and sustainable security. in the area of ​​tabin. and the israeli regime in a terrorist act, the minister of foreign affairs also reminded of the sadiq operation in response to the zionist regime's terrorist act in the attack on the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus informed the sending of two messages by iran to the united states before and after this operation, and we tried to clearly and clearly tell the united states in these messages that, first of all , we are not looking for the development of tension in the region. . which can increase the development of tension in the region . the behavior of the zionist regime before the operation , we clearly told the american side that we will not target the us base and interests in the region
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, except in the condition that the us demands action in response to the israeli regime. in war support for the regime. the first program of the minister of foreign affairs of our country here in new york and at the un headquarters, he is attending and speaking at the security council meeting that is held on the issue of palestine. this meeting will start at 17:30 tehran time. ali rajabi , united nations security council broadcasting news agency, new york. the day of palestinian prisoners was held this year, but in the shadow of the zionist regime's genocide. in the gaza strip , the families of palestinian prisoners in the prison of the zionist regime say that they have no news of their children. they say that their children's only crime is defending palestine. this year's prisoner's day
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is held in the shadow of the occupation regime's bloody war against gaza to be women, men and children came today to protest the oppression of the occupiers who killed thousands of their children in the conditions. they should help free our captives. our prisoners are not criminals. they defend their nation. the west bank is subject to unprecedented arrests, based on which more than 5,000 palestinians, including
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women and children , have been arrested and imprisoned in inhumane conditions since october 7, 2023. they are subjected to torture and starvation, solitary confinement and prohibition of visits for treatment.
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this is that the genocidal war that our heroic people in gaza are in marzan is a war against the whole nation it is palestine. every prisoner has a wound on his family and people. the occupiers imprisoned thousands of them to destroy their spirit of resistance, but despite all these martyrs and prisoners. in the last days of april, heavy rains flooded the south of the country, especially the provinces of sistan baluchistan and kerman, and of course , it also caused damages. the destruction of some rural roads in the south of sistan baluchistan was part of the events related to the recent rains. the rain system that brought significant rains in the southeast of the country in the last two days caused flooding
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seasonal rivers flooded and destroyed some road buildings in the south of sistan baluchistan , east of hormozgan and south of kerman. the flood in sistan baluchistan destroyed a part of the cashew bridge and the connecting road between nikshahr and qasr qand, as well as the connecting road of more than 300 villages with the southern cities of this province were blocked, this is kanarak. it has been working. hello, you can see the situation. how is it in the water last night? one of the same water is in the water. look at this situation. the reason for this is that the surface water exits to the sea. all the exit ways are blocked. we brought municipal and private sector machines. as far as the municipality is able to do this, only the access roads of houses and people will have traffic
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. also, the route from chabahar to nikshahr and zarabad city has been cut off and the rescue forces are reopening it. a number of villages are currently disconnected, and god willing, these should be established quickly. the main roads , especially the zarabad and kanarg roads to zarabad and... the teenage girl was found safe after six hours with the efforts of the rescue forces. nearly 400 operational forces of jamiat al-ahmar are on full alert. specialized forces such as secret response teams and air rescue teams in the south and. kerman was deployed to cover the incident in time. in jiroft, the dam above
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the city overflowed and the water entered the city after breaking the khorramsher bridge wall on the melanti river. the children of the fire brigade, the children of hilal ahmad municipality, are all covering. a couple of trucks wanted to take water, so we, the children of the fire brigade, went there and brought it to them with the help of a loader. the highest rainfall in the last 24 hours was in zarabad city in the south of sistan baluchistan with 270. and the edge has been registered with 245 mm . the youth of the radio and television news agency. but aware we learned that a fire at the end of a passenger transport is happening in the east of tehran. unfortunately, it left six dead. my colleague, mr. nazri , is apparently present at the scene of the accident, and we are talking to them and getting more information from them. mr. nazari, i greet you. please let me know what was the cause of the accident and whether there are accurate statistics of do you have the number of dead and injured? in the name of god, i greet
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you and the viewers of the khabar network. yes, as you said , there was a fire in the large area of ​​yasini road in the east of tehran. unfortunately, 6 people lost their lives and one person was injured. was converted to islam in order to know the details of this fire , i will talk with mr. maleki, the spokesperson of tehran municipality fire department. mr. b. maliki, may god give you strength to know what was the cause of this fire , please, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . it was at 1:13:00 p.m. today that the accident on the yasini highway did not reach shahid lavasani hospital . three fire stations were notified at the scene . in the part behind the servant's head, the part with a pitched roof , there are 10-12 workers' cabins, which were announced as a shanty, not inside a shanty, but there were eight workers' cabins, each at the middle of 10-12 meters. one of these rooms is about 10 meters long and has a piece of carpet. it has been a blanket for strat karagara. all the workers were resting there and there was a fire, which they are investigating.
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the initial speculations are due to the fact that a small goat food oven that was turned on to cook food, actually spread the fire to the book and caused it to spread. one of them was able to come out , he was infected. but unfortunately, because the entrance door caught fire and took all those carpets and blankets. 6 other people were left in the fire and unfortunately lost their lives. notification is also something which also shows appearances. it has happened, it means that they themselves tried to make the rest of the workers work, and unfortunately i was not able to tell you this point . i saw that some news is being published that inside the sharq terminal, what is it like here? it is a workshop project with an electric terminal in tehran, pars. he is providing service , it is several kilometers away, right now he is serving his passengers at that terminal , there is actually no stoppage in his service, and it was announced that your gas canister exploded, mr. naz, you went inside and saw that not even a glass was broken and nothing. according to the experts , there were no observations of the explosion and it was just a profit fire. i pray that they were stuck and
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could not get out. my request is that they follow up the news from official authorities and sources . stay alive now. one thing that can be said is that the new terminal that i am building is about 500 meters away from the place where we are now. the workshop project has nothing to do with this terminal . it is not even under construction. stay alive. thank you. dear colleague, please, mr. nazari, thank you apparently, we were also wrongly informed that the end of the passenger service was said. thank you for the information you gave us . thank you.
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sarai bozur irani opened a well-equipped and specialized digital salon in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani qom. all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other accessories.
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any way you count, you are the winner of this praise silence for the prime minister of the united kingdom. lord rothchild, prime minister netanyahu, chief rabbi, distinguished guests, lords, ladies and gentlemen, i am so pleased to be here with you tonight and to be with you, lord balfer
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on this special evening as we mark the centenary of the letter written by your great uncle, which i believe to be one of
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the today, what is going on in palestine , we must go back to a time more than two centuries ago. a large statue of napoleon bonaparte stands here above the city of akka in northern palestine. which is a sign of france's attempt to defeat the ottoman empire. this was and is a strategic point for entering the arab regions from the mediterranean sea. napoleon's attempt to launch an uprising by the jews in 1799 failed
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, but his project to create a jewish homeland was revived by britain 40 years later in 1840. at that time, it was estimated that only less than 3 thousand jews in palestine under the control of the ottoman empire live. during the first world war , england, which controlled egypt, decided to take over palestine due to its proximity to the suez canal, which could increase the security of the areas under its control in the arab and north african regions. britain with this won the way he chose the zionist movement as his partner in the new colonial order. in the middle of
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world war i, a secret agreement was drawn up by an english politician named sir mark sykes and a french diplomat named francois georges picot. the saxe-picot agreement effectively paved the way for the establishment of a jewish state in palestine. in 1917 , british prime minister lloyd george promised a land for the jews.
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a month after the balfour declaration was published on december 11, 1917, the british army led by general edmond captured al-maqdis. next to general alan bey , the jewish company under brig.
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from the population of half a million muslims and christians. at the first world war ended in 1918, and the victorious powers prepared to divide it according to the agreement. sykes became pico in the middle east. preparations were made for the peace conference in 1919 in paris.
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british prime minister lloyd george and foreign minister arthur balfour represented britain. a delegation from the zionist organization led by haim weizman also participated in this conference. the arab regions under the rule of the ottoman empire were divided between england and france, according to which palestine was part of britain. in this meeting, they presented a map that designated palestine as the jewish land. to be called
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in 1920, london appointed herbert samuel, a zionist, as the first british high commissioner for palestine in a controversial decision. samuel was determined to make palestine a jewish land by emigrating jews. he enacted at least 100 legal clauses to ensure that arab lands would fall into jewish hands. but his vital achievement was the permission to have an independent army.
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it was for the zionists. england provided conditions to facilitate the immigration of jews from different parts of the world, especially europe, to palestine. at this time , the people of palestine aligned with england and its soldiers the jews saw. palestinian farmers. driven from their lands, they formed revolutionary groups . in 1921, the palestinians organized a massive demonstration against the daily immigration of jews. at that time, the leadership of the palestinians was in the hands of the grand mufti of jerusalem, haj amin. it was husseini. amin
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al-husseini sent several delegations to london to investigate the palestinian issue. the palestinian national movement tried to have friendly relations with england and hostile relations with the zionist movement. something that was impossible in practice. because in fact they were two sides of the same coin. but a few years later, the conflict that started earlier happened made it more inflamed. in the summer of 1929 , radical zionist groups
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gathered in front of the nadba wall in jerusalem, which palestinians know as al-baraq. this action led to a violent demonstration called the baraq rebellion, led by farhan al-saadi. more than 100 arabs and jews were killed on both sides. sir john chancellor, the new british high commissioner in palestine, demanded severe punishment for the participants in this uprising. despite the request of arab delegations to reduce the punishment of the arrested three palestinians were executed on june 17th, 1930.
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it is as your chairman has reminded you, it is it is almost 16 years since he recruited me to the zionist movement in balan and malarial swamp.


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