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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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the estimates we made were wrong , because in fact, the zionist regime is not only the zionist regime, because the dimensions of the true promise operation are far beyond the zionist regime, and some officials also point out that this operation is bigger than israel, and the americans are taking care of it. and in fact, we can say that the americans are also forced in some dimensions, which i will mention later if necessary. they are forced to review their weapon policies, even their war tactics, in many fields, they are forced to be reviewed, so this stage before and after this operation really has different indicators , especially regarding the new rules that the islamic republic has defined for any adventure of the zionist regime and
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enters it with islamic openness from iraq, so this is a new chapter in the developments of the region. i want to talk about imad nizami , i will definitely talk more with his highness later about this point that you mentioned that the zionist regime has suffered a crisis of confusion and confusion in its own internal and foreign policy after operation true promise. we see that in this drone and missile attack is the longest and biggest drone attack
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it is happening against the most complex and perhaps in a way he said what the media always boasted about in the west and defeats it, and now in fact the zionist regime and its supporters have started a kind of propaganda war to say that the number of missiles in what direction were they launched or intercepted, what is their reaction in the media environment or psychological warfare to this very important operation, this is a topic that can be discussed and we can say what steps have been taken so far. following, but one of the points that is actually related to american and its consequences in the strategic dimension of the americans, rome includes that when the american parties are sure of the threat. in order to react
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against the zionist regime, it is credible for iran to mobilize all its defense capabilities in the radar interceptor anti-missile system and its various facilities, which means that the americans, then the british, and then the zionist regime had the top of this knowledge and technology. the most advanced
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person has actually expressed his own lesson and believes that iran did not come to the field with all its technological assets and today america is for itself. even if a thought actually wants to define a new weapons doctrine, it should actually look for new initiatives, new inventions, new polls , new productions, so that it can actually remain at the top , if iran has not brought its weapons technology to the fore, and neither has the west. he simply knows that in fact the types of drones or missiles of the islamic republic, what he did not bring to the field , is much different from that, in fact, the facilities that were used in the operation of true promise and were successful, that is, this is a very important point that has another consequence on this is on the americans in fact, their defense systems or
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their global regional defense programs have failed against the initial level of iran's actions or iran's weapons and combat tactics, so a small part of our weapons power and what we have in the military dimension has been able to become a security doctrine. and to bring the military that has been manipulated by the media for years to a crisis. yes , they say exactly, well, look at this four-layer system, which was actually created at the internal level of the zionist regime and its supporters. with tactics. he was able to pass through the tactics of using drones according to the detailed information available , 12 hypersonic missiles hit their targets in the two bases of nafatin and ramon. after a few
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days, the israelis openly admitted that these two bases were destroyed and seriously damaged. and it is interesting that now the zionist regime is in the same sector. it is psychological because nafatim base has 3 runways, but one of these runways was actually targeted, but they wanted to show that this base is safe by landing an f-35 in this base and use the second and third runways and say so. that means in fact, but in the confessions, it gradually starts from the words of the americans, from the words of the high-ranking security officials and the military system, that in fact we were hurt, and the americans must answer this question with this, in fact, with the advanced tools and excellent technology at their disposal. iran's new basic facilities have easily passed through this quadruple tour and
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hit its targets in the strongest point that they are defending, that is, in fact , other points do not have this level of defense . these two bases, which are the most important air base of the regime zionism is protected by defense systems focusing more on these two bases, but at the strongest point, iran's strikes have arrived and the result is far from what you mentioned. let's not get away from the chaos and confusion of the zionist regime after the sadiq operation, the cause of the shia and now see what they are trying to cover. this is a section of an angle. the argument is that the strategic or phased interests of the united states and the zionist regime are in conflict with the options of the zionist regime, and therefore, when the zionist regime wants to react to its second strike against iran's revenge
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, the americans actually attack it. why do they veto? they declare very clearly that even mr. darei, who is the religious head of the shas party, even this religious current declares that because it endangers the interests of israel and the interests of the united states , this ping pong is the first and second blow. the third part of the united states cannot be a pardon. another part is that the damages or consequences related to such a war game are not in any way the interests of the united states. does not supply and causes heavy damage to it, the level of damage from the zionist regime, its bases, its strengths or its facilities to the level of the region and the us base or even the partners and supporters who try to side with the
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zionist regime at the regional level in some way, they may be in an extremely emergency situation, so we see that there is a clear point in front of each other between priorities or interests. there is the united states and the zionist regime. very well , i will talk to you more, mr. bozorgan, an analyst of international issues. you are also added to our group on the phone, mr. bozorgan. i greet you. take your time . the defense and military of the zionist regime of america and its western allies are challenging it he faced and pulled into a crisis. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my courtesy and respect to you , dear guests of the program and good viewers . in my opinion, the most important and valuable message of this operation was an extraordinary event
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that was almost unprecedented in the past 80 years, and what it is the first atomic bomb in germany since 1945. it was tested in japan since that year, based on the theory of nuclear deterrence, no nuclear actor has ever been attacked by a state actor, and this happened for the first time after 80 years. it changed, that is, a non-nuclear country actor directly attacked a nuclear-armed nuclear actor that has atomic weapons from its own territory. in my opinion , this was the most important value of this operation, its psychological effects. and arsar showed our will to
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attack israel far more than its military operation itself, which we showed that we have the will to attack a nuclear actor, not only are we not afraid, but we attack directly if we want to other dimensions mr. bazargan if we want to point to these other dimensions of this operation, the thing that caused the crisis of the zionist regime in against the punitive response of the islamic republic. what are you referring to when iran became? the other things are the defense and the iron tower of the israeli regime with the help of america, england, france and i would like to tell you that jordan, who came to the aid of israel and started intercepting iranian drones and missiles from jordanian territory and syrian territory, and stopped ahinin was in the most ready state possible in the two weeks before this attack, both in terms of
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espionage, intelligence, military, cyber , and satellite, but still, he attacked, as the famous saying goes, in this game of chess. we that we in the game of chess, you send the soldiers forward and sacrifice your main pieces when the 12 ballistic missiles that we launched at azaan are involved in our warships. in the most important base of military operations in this country, and from a military point of view , in my opinion, a very serious message and a very serious warning to b. okay, mr. bazargan, stay with us. if you have a chance, i will ask another question. dr. mohammad has a point, a very important point. i would like to add that there is an indicator of deadlock in this regime, and that is that when the zionists announce that we want an honest response to the atrocities in the same operation, on sunday morning, mr. biden returns from his retreat
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and talks to mr. netanyahu for 25 minutes and says that you have no right to take any new action against iran from now on, except that you have to coordinate with the united states. this means that it is reflected in the political and military structure. and security is that, in fact, the independence of voting and decision-making has been taken from the zionist regime and israel must implement collective policies as a protectorate. this is the most important issue that cannot be tolerated for mr. netanyahu, that is, for many. from extreme right-wing currents and if this regime is supposed to be the focus of abraham's plan or plans to normalize relations. and the arab countries that are the puppets of the second world war and
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the british projects are under the umbrella of this regime and are supported by it, now they cannot defend themselves first and decide for themselves. the factions within the currents within the security and military decision-making level have created that they either have to fight with the americans, for example, mr. clinton, and make a mrs. lewinsky, for example, for example, so that they can get out of the umbrella themselves, or not. they should follow that many of the philosophies of the regional projects, which were built with israel as their axis , will collapse. mr. dr. mohammadi , continue this america together and the same point you are pointing out. sends a message to the islamic republic of iran. and he requests that you don't answer his punishment as soon as the operation takes place, he promises honestly
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that he is on the side of the zionist regime, and then the comments and positions that you mentioned, let's see america's positions , america's positions, americans are really in the situation hard on the head mr. biden should actually spend these days and months until november 13, when he wants to enter the elections, he should meet his own conditions. america's internal environment and its voter base can organize itself , it cannot actually take risks that the great interests of america will be endangered, because of this , it has a difficult situation, because it has to support the zionist lobby of the zionist regime , and it cannot take a risk. grow up to endanger the strategic interests of the united states, that is why the americans are forced to be with the zionist regime in a series of actions. the fact that the americans started a psychological operation
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against iran's action within 12 days, when iran gave it time and was patient, sent a message that they should condemn it, the security council should not condemn it, western countries, the united states, the europeans should not condemn it and themselves. there is a question here that in fact they either adhere to international laws or they do not adhere to them? if they don't adhere to it, they will have to accept responsibility for the embarrassment of the rule in the international system and world security and peace. therefore, the americans started the operation. the mentality that iran is going to attack in two days will attack in 72 hours should this work be done or is it actually erosion, in fact, the decision-making in iran, in fact, iranians and the relevant authorities managed this space in such an excellent way and did not fall into the trap of this psychological operation after completing all
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international legal and political measures and the military planning of their own action is being implemented. for this reason , behind the operations of the islamic republic, the americans are still in a difficult situation. they must take punitive measures against iran, new sanctions in the psychological operations , anti-security measures against iran, which the scenarios of the zionist regime are an option. they are options the remaining ones are those that have little efficiency or hope that they will be successful from the american side and even the israelis. no , the final point of this section is that the americans , because they see the zionist regime on the borderline of existence and existence, are forced to stand by this regime, not to leave it alone, and not to leave it alone as far as possible in terms of financial weapons. other directions, and now that the issue
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of sanctions is brought forward at the same time as european and western countries, yes, yes, stay with the zionist regime. okay, doctor, to the first part your words, which are very important, means that the messages are even to the countries of the region, to the countries of the international arena, and to the countries that occasionally give friendship to the zionist regime. i will speak more and receive your analysis. zionist, but we see that the same system against missiles and drones of the islamic republic of iran in this punitive response. in contrast, the most advanced, most equipped and most complex air defense system is strong and can bring this system to its knees, which was from the united states and the zionist regime, exactly. it is the same, and while this
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has been shown differently in the media over the years, right now it is being suggested in the regime's media that they are making decisions like this, they understand what happened and they understand that the islamic republic of iran, despite years of embargo, despite years of pressure , have reached strange technologies. a video has been published, which has attracted the attention of many american military experts, that at the last moment when the iranian missile is about to hit israel , the defense rises and at a very low altitude , the iranian missile changes its direction and hits the ground. it is true that it was a surprise to all of them. well
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, this is really our honor. it is an honor that this defense and military industry of our country is talking about this . even looking at the scientific issues , we are pointing out the technical issues that are very unique in this operation and the result is 40 and a year after the victory of the islamic revolution and the internal capabilities of our specialists and social capital, you see, this is actually the height of pride. it is an islamic republic that, despite all the pressures , has conquered peaks in various fields , especially in the defense and security sector . in fact, these economic pressures and various restrictions that
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have been implemented against the islamic republic from a scientific and technological point of view, the islamic republic has been able to reach these peaks in a way that it is not only equal to the advanced western defense technologies, but also able to excel. show yourself to them. well , the battle tactics may not be discussed in detail here, but what is very clear is that despite all this complete preparation, they are ready for 12 days 100 days and bring all their capabilities to the field in the open, informational and operational and their surveillance of iran's operations began the tactics of this war can easily trap them , and the drones that are supposed to open the way for the missiles will easily go and play their operational role, and the most important base of this regime will easily be targeted.
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it's not just a matter of technology, combat tactics and how to use weapons are also an important topic that can be discussed as much as possible . okay, let's go back to the messages we have , i think it took about seven or eight minutes. by the end of the conversation, sadiq's operation will surely be a punitive response to the zionist regime for its aggression our consulate in damascus has messages both in the region and in the international arena. yes, it is the same , that is, in fact , his primary message is that the islamic republic stands with power in a unique way against this regime. well, the first is actually its function. after 6 months and a little while since the aqsa storm war and iran has been with the people of gaza and the people of the world are in fact with these people
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, the flag of the defense of palestine has been consolidated and established exclusively in the hands of iran, one of the consequences of the region is that countries that are even puppets of the regime after the world war. they are second despite the fact that their nature is linked to the zionist regime and the colonial state system , they cannot publicly undermine the palestinian issue and have to take a stand. an arab foreign minister of the region took a stand yesterday and today that if the americans, if israel in in fact, we are ready for the palestinian government's plan to recognize human rights .
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in the security levels of the arab countries of the region or the countries that are in a paradoxical situation next to the zionist regime of america , they cannot actually exceed a certain limit in their behavior, even though they are under the supervision of the republic of iran. islami knows what qatar did, saudi arabia gave it an attack, and what it does with the rest is completely under the supervision of the islamic republic. and all this is included in the file and in the account, but at the same time, the zionist regime tried to talk about the current situation as a coalition building, and today i
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saw that yododat wrote that it is too early for us to talk about a regional coalition and even these countries that are partners with us under the table and on the table, we can open the account, that is, they themselves are disappointed that they can actually become a regional coalition without expression as the defense shield of the zionist regime. this means that these countries are not able to exceed a behavioral ceiling in the strategic dimension, as i said, both the americans in terms of weapons and in their security doctrine plans, and the zionist regime, according to the confession. they should do basic reviews themselves, all of which are indicators that the operation is honest. then, a new stage of equations has been established at the regional and world level, mr. bazargan, for a minute, do you think, from your point of view
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, this operation is for width. what is the message to the international community as well as the countries of the region and especially the axis of resistance? does it contain any? i want to use and state that the victory of this operation is the direct medium of the supreme leader, and we should not forget that his support for years, despite all the criticisms of iran's missile program from all kinds of directions, and he softened it until this program supports the courage to spend this victory. the message is that , despite the fact that the islamic republic of iran has strategic patience in many places , it also has its own red line, where the consulate of mossad is based on our own soil. issued, thank you, mr. bazargan , i bid you farewell, mr. doctor, new equation, small answer. the worst
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aggression against the islamic republic of iran will be met with harsh responses. you see, part of the consequences are in the rules of war, it is in the game of war, that in fact , the islamic republic has imposed its new rules on the opposite side, which means both the zionist regime and the western parties, with the action it took in the sadaq promise. this new rule is when that these are rajsakhani. we will respond, we will hit iran , what will we do? inside iran or outside iran, every action will not take 12 days, but it is within seconds that certain buttons must be pressed, and the response will be many times greater, and this means a new rule, a
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new war equation. the fact that the zionist regime accepted this as a valid threat and that the american side also accepted it is the reason why the americans are sending a message that you allow someone from your allies outside of iran to carry out an israeli action in order to preserve its reputation. for the zionist regime, but actually the islamic republic , by establishing this new rule of the enemy's behavior managed and basically the rules. the war is for managing the behavior of the other side, mr. doctor, i think we have less than two minutes, while now the media and propaganda line is going in different directions to make the successful operation of the islamic republic of iran face controversy. we are witnessing operations from we are on the side of lebanon, which identifies targets and carries out successful missile attacks. yes, the example of the combined operation of the islamic republic
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was carried out yesterday by hezbollah with drones and missiles in a very sensitive area in the north of occupied palestine, and their intelligence centers and intelligence forces aimed that they by gradually admitting their own losses and injuries and their own damage, we must also announce that a new wave of operations from yemen and iraq must be awaited, just as the level of operations from hezbollah against the zionist regime will increase. we have to wait for the reactions of iraq and yemen. thank you very much, mr. dr. mohammadi, for your presence and analysis in connection with the operation true promise.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan and i am with you today. the commander of the protection and security corps of the country's nuclear centers said: the country's nuclear centers are completely safe. sardar haqtalab added that according to the guidelines and international standards and rules and regulations of the international nuclear agency, all countries avoided attacking nuclear facilities.


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