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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the number of martyrs in gaza is close to 34 thousand people on the 195th day of the attacks. the zionist ministry of health in gaza announced that 3,397 people were martyred during this period. only today's attacks by the zionists led to the martyrdom of 71 people, despite the zionist withdrawal from nusirat, the bombing of this area continues. at the same time as the debris removal in this area, gaza media sources are reporting the identification of 9 martyrs.
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the news of the discovery of another mass grave with 30 martyrs has been published in the north of gaza and around shafa hospital . it is said that the zionists martyred at least 400 people during the siege of shafa. simultaneous the gaza ministry of health has warned that more than 70 thousand people in gaza city and north of this barrier do not have access to health services. qasm battalions announced that they blew up the exits of two underground tunnels on the forces of the engineering unit of the zionist regime. according to the announcement of this battalion, as a result of this.
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a number of zionist soldiers were killed or wounded in the center of the gaza strip. the palestinian resistance also targeted the zionist forces in mortar attacks in the centers and areas around the gaza strip . lebanon's hizbullah has also attacked raisat al-alam base in the north of occupied palestine the casualties were reported to the zionists. and following the protests of google employees to the cooperation of this company with the zionist regime, the company fired 28 of its employees. previously, 9 employees were arrested for sitting in the google office in support of palestine. i heard that the unit of names in al-mabi is correct. i heard the name of this door, that
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's why i woke up and then i heard someone say that his whole family was martyred. i said yes , you said no, they are still here . more than 33,000 years have passed between him and his peers a person has been martyred and his voice has made a lot of noise in the world.
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put pressure against palestinian membership in the united nations. the security council vote for palestine's full membership in the united nations is scheduled to take place tomorrow. the intercept writes that america hopes that with this request from some members of the security council , there will be no need to use the veto. at the same time, china and russia , as two permanent members of the security council, are the official members of palestine in the united nations as a country. they independently supported the approval of palestine's full membership in the united nations, requiring the vote of 9 members out of 15 members of the security council, without negative votes from the permanent members of the organization.
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nations 13 years ago, when mahmoud abbas, the president of the palestinian authority, before the speech of the world leaders in the general assembly, offered to join the united nations to bankimon, the then secretary general of this organization. i say that now, after decades of displacement, occupation , and suffering, the time has come for the palestinians to live in their own land, like other people of the world. freely in their own land. but this proposal was not agreed to and the palestinians could not get the approval of 9 of the 15 members of the security council. even if they managed to get at least 9 votes, america would be close the most ally of the zionist regime has promised to veto any resolution that approves palestinian membership . however, after rejecting the initial request of the palestinians for full membership in the united nations, they went to the general assembly with 193 members and obtained
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a two-thirds majority of votes, i.e. 138 votes in favor, 41 abstentions and 9 votes against. they entered the united nations. now, in the seventh month of the zionist crime in gaza , palestine's membership in the united nations is going to be raised once again at the request of algeria. algerians know very well that freedom and support for freedom seekers come at a cost. but we we will continue to support the palestinian nation until they get their rights and can form an independent state with jerusalem as its capital. considering the veto power of the united states and the supporters of the zionist regime, although palestine's membership in the united nations may be an unattainable dream as it has been for the past 77 years
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, its proposal in the united nations can once again remind us of resolution 181 of this international organization, which was the foundation stone for the beginning of the official occupation of the zionists was the only place in the world where the united nations could say to the native people: you must divide your homeland into pieces and you must give half of your homeland to those who tell them that they came here 3 years ago, mojtaba shah soni, radio and television news agency, here, the united nations , now for the legal review of the palestinians' attempt to gain again. full membership in the united nations we are hosting dr. elham aminzadeh, professor of international law. madam doctor, it is better to start with this question . basically , what was the nature of the palestinians in the united nations during this period of seventy years and what was the position assigned to them? yes, in the name of
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allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to your excellency and respected viewers. indeed, that is what the israelis got from the year of organization. the nations were much more and more fundamental than what happened to the palestinians and this situation was not related to the united nations and the league of nations is right. the palestinians were oppressed, and now, if you allow me to give a short introduction to international organizations and institutions and their approach to the palestinian issue, i would like to tell you that palestine was a country that was under the so-called ottoman rule for 400 years and after it was conquered in 1918. after the first world war, the ottomans and the germans were defeated, and they decided for iraq , palestine, syria and lebanon. a decision should be made based on the preamble of the covenant of the league of nations if two-thirds of the general assembly of the league of nations vote
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, these countries can become an independent country. well, article 22 of the covenant of the league of nations said that in order for these countries to become an independent country, they should be helped to stand on their own feet and become a country. well, coming based on articles 22 and 23 of mythal. according to the british, if perhaps the most suitable country that could fulfill this guardianship was iran itself, which was close to from a cultural point of view, but from the point of view of coming, giving syria and lebanon to the british
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, giving iraq and palestine to the british the basis of article 23 was that the countries with ancient civilizations and rich culture should do their work faster and become independent countries, but this did not happen, and in fact, without the trust that is in the hands of the british. it should be handed over and the preparations for the formation of an independent state of palestine should be made, and the british gave the governor there to a zionist, and that zionist, mr. samuel, came and implemented the balfour declaration for the land with the help of the british, and finally, so much war and bloodshed increased in palestine. that the british said that let's find a solution for this is the end of this situation. therefore, after the second world war in 1948, it was said that two committees
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should be formed, two committees of at least the minority and the majority. being canada, they have two thoughts, the majorities say that it must be divided into two countries, the minorities, being iran, india, and yugoslavia, at the time of the founding of the united nations, they say that a federal state should be formed with a palestinian state at the center, and later they say division. they tried to divide something, but unfortunately the majority came their opinion came in the form of resolution 181 , which was approved in 1949, and despite the fact that, for example, perhaps the residents of that land should have been asked, yes, 100% according to the un charter, article 2, the right to self-determination
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, but unfortunately, the un general assembly had no authority to establish a country. to destroy a country, and in utter disbelief , they gave the maximum amount of that division to the jews, who happened to be a minority in that land, and gave the least amount to the palestinians. well, this was actually a violation of the charter by the un institutions themselves , gradually, anyway, these fights and this dispute and this the war and bloodshed continued until 1988 in algiers, algeria, the palestine liberation organization announced that we declared the independent palestinian state, that is, an organization became a state. in a short period of time, 94 countries of the world faced this state. they recognize and come, so to speak, this government wants to become a member of the united nations
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, it is trying very hard until in 2012, as a member , in fact, as a non-member observer, which means nothing, again, nothing, which means that it had no authority, no voting, but behind this work after this work, it was the chinese context for the next action of the palestinian government i want to become a member of specialized organizations of the united nations . global agricultural and labor health. but unfortunately, americans threaten these specialized organizations if they accept palestinians as members. we are cutting the funding we provide to these organizations, so the world health organization did not accept palestine as a member, and even the palestinians went to the swiss government, which is in charge of the four geneva conventions of 1949, to allow them to become a member of this convention, which is related to human rights were friendly, but the swiss government announced that
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you are not in a position to become a member while since 1948 the united nations. accepting israel as a country, if i say that the palestinians are part of the group of ottoman countries, it means that it is a very advanced country with laws, now the palestinian civil code is the israeli civil code, which means that this country was so advanced in terms of law, but unfortunately, as well. the honorable ambassador of south africa was invited by tehran university law faculty to give a speech about why they complain so much against israel. it was interesting that they said that mandela's generation announced that we started with the palestinians in the year we became independent in 1994, we got out of apartheid, but the palestinians are still trapped. now palestine
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is recognized as an observer member in the united nations. be the country, now you think in. all these years , what are the roots of some powers not allowing the palestinians to have a country? in any case, the israelis were able to create at least a formality for themselves in the united nations, but the palestinians do not have that right, as do 193 other countries in the world. they have it they don't have either, and in the continuation of your speech, a double standard prevails. it is very discriminatory, that is , south sudan applied for membership just a while ago , it easily becomes a member of the united nations , but the palestinians, despite having the same conditions
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, did not become a member. who wants to become a member of the united nations, the independent government must be peaceful. accept the obligations contained in the charter and be able to fulfill the obligations. well, five permanent members must vote. the membership acceptance committee of this new country says that it is that country the new one must be able to govern. well , palestine has a land, a population, and a government . it has the three elements of the country's formation . they tell him that you have no right , and the un says that you have no control, so the un should come and determine the occupation situation and it seems that they will definitely do it to you, that is, the countries will do it to you, unless it is based on the global climate that exists today. for the benefit of the palestinian people , they should make a reputation for themselves, but i don't think so, and
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the solution that seems to me here is that they should the resolution of etihad for peace, when the security council is paralyzed, the general assembly enters the field and can make this decision instead of the security council , which means, in fact, what you say is scientifically a proposal to the ministry of foreign affairs, which can see this. follow up on the story, thank you . it is very short now, with the full membership of palestine, if it happens, what rights and benefits will the palestinians get that they did not have before as an independent state all the rights and benefits that independent states have in economic activities, enjoying economic rights, human rights. and when they want to complain organizations in the international court of justice can be plaintiffs and petitioners. of course, in 2015 , the palestinians became a member of the international criminal court, but they can use all the specialized organizations
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. in the case of america and these governments, they have a claim that our solution is the solution for the israeli palestinians. a government means that there should be two governments, so that the matter will be resolved, but if this solution is going to be realized one day, the palestinian state must also be created . how do the americans say there is a solution? two governments here in the security council, they say that we are against the creation of a palestinian state, in any case, you have to ask yourself because this is a contradictory statement, on the one hand
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, they are putting the oslo negotiations in the middle, and on the other hand , they are putting the cam david negotiations, the purpose of all this was to he should resolve the palestinian issue at least to the minimum extent of having two states, but unfortunately, negotiations were conducted for the sake of negotiations. it was not done to solve the problem and they wasted the time of the palestinians and finally mr. arafat, despite all the appeasement he did and accepted all their conditions , i will not accept them again to the same extent. i will just say one thing that the various political groups that are in israel , at least one group of them believe in the palestinian government for this to be resolved, but since 2012, mr. netanyahu has announced that i agree with the complete dismemberment of the palestinians and i am not ready to agree to anything. that the palestinian government or the palestinian government be formed, mrs. aminzadeh, thank you
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for your presence in the world today. i will continue the world today, published in the united arab emirates. the news and pictures of the extensive damage caused by the flood in dubai were banned . heavy rain has caused unprecedented flooding of public buildings and even dubai international airport.
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many people were unable to leave their homes due to flooding in recent days. the dream city of dubai. now it is under water. the rain has caused up to different places. be faced with extensive flooding. sheikh zayed road and many service places have gone under water. dubai airport has seen widespread disruption in hundreds of flights that have been canceled or delayed due to flooding. passengers published pictures from dubai airport and said that the system inside the airport has completely collapsed and the situation is it is complete chaos. passengers are sleeping on the floor in the halls, food packages are scattered everywhere. the sinking of dubai also heated up the virtual space. one
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of the emirati users wrote: it only took 15 minutes for the city of dubai to turn into a fake city with all its facilities that they were proud of. another emirati user also asked: the rain has stopped now , but it is a surprise.
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ali ono što je bitno je da je hrvatska demokratska zajednica.
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good night, god bless you. cinemas are hosting eight movies these days.
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mache is very important for any group that is in the cinema organization. now , we are designing new methods and methods to attract the audience, which , god willing, will be a successful release along with the release of 143. i know 1403 based on the movies i am watching. i don't want to say that a number is going to break the record of 1402, but we are trying to increase the number of moviegoers with our own methods . the quorum of the best-selling movie, however, is not in the possession of the crocodile. you two, if you want. with more than 100 billion tomans in sales in one month, the largest movie of bidan's life, with more than 23 billion tomans in sales , it has taken the second place of the most popular public screenings in cinemas. girl's life what have you done people, soroush, the screening of the movie mustashq, which was supposed to start on eid-ul-fitr
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, was postponed for a week due to technical problems. community course for the empowerment of mental health professionals. students and graduates of psychology and counseling. mental health specialists. in order to achieve educational justice, under the supervision of lecturers from prominent universities of the country, take specialized and practical training.
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register now in the system www.hemraz and from 50. we have arrived at 3:00 in the morning . i present to you another part of the news. the united states will attend the friday morning meeting of the united nations security council, the proposed resolution. algeria, which wanted full membership of palestine in the united nations, vetoed it. this is the fifth us veto to support the zionist regime since the beginning of the gaza war. in this voting, 12 members of the security council voted for the resolution.


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