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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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good morning at 4 o'clock: america approved the plan of the security council to give full membership of the united nations to palestine. according to news agencies , the vote in the security council meeting on the proposed draft resolution to grant full membership to palestine in the united nations was postponed until next week due to the obstruction of the united states. the permanent representative of algeria in the united nations said: the failure of the draft resolution proposed to the security vote on the acceptance of palestine's full membership in the united nations will always remain a disgrace for that council. foreign minister at the meeting of the security council to review the situation in the gaza strip referring to the ineffective meetings of this council and the continuation of zionist crimes, he said: "the attack of the zionist regime on the building of the iranian embassy in damascus showed that this regime
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does not pay attention to international conventions and commitments. mr. amir abdullahian said that the security council did not respond to iran's requests to prevent further terrorist attacks by zionists against the interests of iran's official anti-terrorism centers and advisers in syria. unfortunately , due to the irresponsible behavior of the united states, england, and france, this council was absolutely unwilling to even issue a statement condemning this action. mr. amir abdullahian attack on april 25, iran. to the occupied territories as a response to the missile attacks on the iranian embassy and said: this action was based on the standard of not attacking civilian people and places and focused only on the two centers and military bases that were used in the attack on the iranian embassy. i emphasize. now the legitimate defense and proportionate countermeasures of the islamic republic of iran. has ended
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therefore, the terrorist regime of israel should be forced to stop repeating any military adventure against iran's interests. of course, in the event of any use of force by the israeli regime iran, the islamic republic of iran in the exercise of the right to the essence. he will not hesitate for a moment to give a clear, decisive and strong answer to it and make this regime definitely and completely regretful. this is an irreversible decision. the fridays march of anger against the zionist regime and support for the proud operation of the honest promise will be held today after friday prayers throughout the country.
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according to the islamic propaganda coordination council , while declaring solidarity with the people of gaza, the worshipers condemn the genocidal crimes of the criminal zionist regime. in tehran, the worshipers after the prayer led by hojjat al-islam haj ali akbari mesir they march from the university to the revolution square. a few days after the punitive operation , the people of mazandaran supported the big missile and drone operation against the zionist regime by forming a human chain along the coast of the sea on thursday . this is the army of love, full of zeal and greatness , all of them are ready to fight in the battle one by one.
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if israel wants to go to a republic once again . and see a part of the combat and defense capabilities of the armed forces of the islamic republic of iran with his own eyes .
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i saw it as if giving the world to each other was great in our opinion, it was appropriate and they were right. alhamdulillah, we slapped israel hard, god willing . according to our beloved leader , we punished the root of the root soon, and this punishment was so heavy and heavy that those who claim superpower have not made any move and will not make any move. if it has the pure soil of islamic iran, it will be slapped so that it will remain in the history of the world. the operation that was done made the hearts of all the people of islamic iran happy because everyone waiting for a revenge, we were very happy that we were able to respond to your order for this aggression. we thank the
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revolutionary guards for the missile attack and definitely if israel wants to make the smallest mistake. it will be met with a crushing response from the irgc. rescuing students caught in kanarak floods. seven students from the village of telemishan, kehir district, who were caught in the flood due to the overflowing water of sad kehir, were rescued after hours of searching with the help of local people.
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there were seasons that were suddenly flooded. the next part of the news is at 5 o'clock.
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prime minister, netanyahu, chief rabbi, distinguished guests, lords, ladies and gentlemen, i am so pleased. to be here with you tonight and to be with you, lord balfer, on this special evening, as we mark the centenary of the letter written by your great uncle, which i believe to be one of the most significant. and the leadership to make this profound statement about restoring a persecuted people
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to a safe and secure homeland. to better understand what is happening in palestine today , we must go back to a time more than two centuries ago. a large statue of napoleon bonaparte stands here above the city of akka in northern palestine, which is a sign of france's attempt to defeat the ottoman empire. here is a strategic point to enter
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it was and is from the mediterranean sea to arab regions. napoleon's attempt to start an uprising by the jews in 1799 failed. but his project to create a jewish land 40 years later. it was revived by the british in 1840. at that time, it was estimated that only less than 3,000 jews lived in palestine under the control of the ottoman empire. during the first world war, england , which had egypt under its control, decided to take over the palestinian region due to its proximity to the suez canal, which could ensure my security and... under its control in the arab and northern regions. increase africa. with this strategy, britain
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chose the zionist movement as its partner in the new colonial order. in the middle of world war i, a secret agreement was drawn up by an english politician named sir mark sykes and a french diplomat named francois georges picot. the saxe- picot agreement effectively paved the way for the establishment of a jewish state in palestine.
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was written one month after the publication of the banfour declaration on december 11, 1977, the british army led by general edmondi captured jerusalem.
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one of the members of this group was david ben-gurin, who later became the first prime minister of israel. at this time about 50,000 jews lived in palestine , which means only 10% of the population of half a million muslims and christians in this city. world war i ended in 1918 and the victorious powers
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prepared to divide according to the saxe-picot agreement. were in the middle east. preparations were made for the 1919 paris peace conference. british prime minister lloyd george and foreign minister arthur balfour represented britain. a delegation from the zionist organization led by haim weizman also participated in this conference. the arab regions under the rule of the ottoman empire were divided between england and france, according to which palestine was the share it was britain. in this meeting, they presented a plan
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to call the allotted area of ​​palestine the jewish land. in a controversial decision, london named herbert samuel, who was a zionist, as the first british high commissioner for palestine. samuel was determined to make palestine a jewish land by emigrating jews. he passed at least 100 clauses
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to ensure that arab lands would fall into jewish hands. but his vital achievement was allowing the zionists to have an independent army. england provided the conditions for the immigration of jews from different parts of the world, especially europe, to palestine to facilitate at this time, the palestinian people saw england and its soldiers as the same as the jews. palestinian farmers driven from their lands formed revolutionary groups. in 1921 , the palestinians
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organized a massive demonstration against the daily immigration of jews. at that time, the leadership of the palestinians was in the hands of the grand mufti of jerusalem, haj amin al-husseini. amin al-husseini sent several delegations to london to investigate the palestinian issue. the palestinian national movement tried to have friendly relations with england and hostile relations with the zionist movement. something that in practice is not it was possible because in fact they were two sides of the same coin. but a few years later, an incident ignited the fire of conflicts that started earlier
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. in the sun here, a hundred arabs and jews were killed on both sides. sir john chancellor, the new british high commissioner in palestine, demanded severe punishment for the participants
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in this uprising. despite the request of the arab delegations to reduce the punishment of those arrested, three palestinians were executed on june 17, 1930. it is, as your german has remanded you, it is
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almost 16 years since he recruited me to the zionist movement. balon and malarial swamps have been converted into
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until 193, the demonstrations against the jewish immigrants in palestine became more and more frequent. and the treatment of british authorities. against these protests, it became more violent. many were killed and wounded. only limited photographs of palestinian protests are available in the archives. but the cameras capture the life of the jews in palestine well and with all the details. but pictures of palestinian life in the 20th century are hard to find. many of them are missing or mysteriously disappeared.
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in the 1930s, the number of jewish immigrants to palestine increased significantly.
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in arab, it directly targeted aramsha , which resulted in the death and wounding of several zionist soldiers. the islamic resistance announced in a statement that this attack was carried out in response to the assassination of a number of resistance fighters in southern lebanon. after the end of the operation, two israeli helicopters arrived at the site to transport the wounded. zionist media announced that 14 people were injured in this attack. the condition of six of them is critical. hezbollah's attack on this secret base became the first news of this regime's media and all about the reason why the warning system was not activated before this operation. following this
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heavy attack of the 12th channel of the zionist regime announced that hezbollah has introduced new equipment to the war and combines them with various types of weapons and targets a specific point. this network sees this act of hezbollah as it happened in arab al-aramsha, the fiery courage of this movement with the aim of overcoming the defense equipment and achieving accurate targeting. is called in this unique operation and in response to the aggression of the zionist regime on the resistant villages of the southern lebanese and the homes of the citizens of the islamic resistance , they targeted the air surveillance control unit at the miren base with guided missiles and the equipment there was hit and destroyed. branit barracks
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were targeted with berkan missiles and the gathering of enemy forces in the south of this barracks was targeted with missiles and artillery . islamic resistance fighters around the ramya base also targeted the gathering of zionist soldiers with rockets and artillery. resistance forces in the occupied cemetery of shabaa, enemy spying equipment. were targeted with suitable weapons in ramsa base. the missiles hit the target directly. resistance forces directly targeted zabatdin barracks with falaq missiles. after at midnight on tuesday, the islamic resistance directly targeted the military equipment of the zionists when they entered the matleh base with appropriate weapons
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. we were the only media that entered this very, very secret israeli base alone . we went to the navatim air base. the zionists revealed the second hole in front of the international cameras. which was launched by the islamic republic of iran, landed here and caused very little damage. international cameras after a few days have passed since iranian missiles hit navatim air base, only part of the airport runway and this corner of the base between these two walls were displayed by daniel hegari, the spokesman, next to me.
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the israeli army is standing and i ask him what we see here. here we see the damage to nabatim's base. there are several other places. but this is not the only place. i repeat again. it is the only place where the infrastructure has been damaged. here is a building under construction and there was a collision with the ground, a little damage was done to the wall of the building and that's it. the effect of the progress of the last wednesday games remember the year on the wall. can such an effect be seen around the hole? the weight of the warhead of each of the iranian ballistic missiles was 500 kg. this is a picture taken from a distance of the impact of one of these missiles. let's see the volume of its explosion from this distance. now, is there a trace of the explosion in this hole and its surroundings? everything they show or tell you in iran is a lie, i am showing you the real picture here. this is the point of collision in the vegetable base. and
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the question is, how can he remain healthy after being hit by a ballistic missile? a few days ago the zionists also unveiled another hole in the same base and said that it was the site of another missile impact. a few meters away from the hole , there was some soil on the ground, the size of the hole. it was equal to the image that caused a reaction in the virtual space. at all, our missiles are so advanced that after the landing of babylon, i dug up the soil and threw it there. so far, no picture of the main impact site of the iranian missiles has been released. sajjad ahyaei, sed and sima news agency.


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