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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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about half of the cases in which this country has used the right of veto, mojtaba ghasemzadeh , london broadcasting news agency, a wave of condemnation against the trial of a palestinian university professor in the occupied territories, nearly 120 university professors from around the world, in the statement of the arrest and trial of nader shaloub, a well-known professor they condemned palestine. zionist raided mrs. shlob's house. arresting her and
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putting her on trial for criticizing the genocide in gaza, nadera shaloub has been the target of zionist violence. the protesting academics criticized the action of the zionists against an academic figure and attacked it called to all palestinian scholars, students and activists who expose the violent nature of the zionist regime's genocide. university of southern california speech by a student. muslim was canceled due to his pro-palestine positions. this decision of the university authorities was announced after asan published material on the cyberspace about the events in palestine and the crimes of the zionist regime. the council on american-islamic relations reported that this student's speech was canceled at the request of at least two pro-zionist groups. the fact is that i have no basis in the explanations that you gave me. i did not find when
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i asked, no details were given. the issue of freedom of speech is discussed. i ask the university authorities to change their decision. the united states announced that it will withdraw 1,000 troops from niger in the coming months. according to the new york times , the withdrawal of american troops is done at the request of the niger government. last year, niger's government spokesman esfand announced the cancellation of the country's military agreement with the united states and demanded the complete withdrawal of american troops. thousands of people of niger supported this decision of the government by holding demonstrations . washington september last year total number he had announced 1,200 american soldiers in niger. before the united states, niger canceled its military agreement with france and expelled its military forces. niger is located in northwest africa and in the region known as sahel. the countries of this region are former french colonies that
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were still under the influence of this country after independence. in the last 3 years, france has faced the dominoes of anti-colonial coups in these countries, including niger, mali and burkina faso. in addition to france, the sahel countries also weakened their relations with other western countries, including the united states. armenia. four the village was returned to the republic of azerbaijan at the meeting of the state commission for delimitation of the borders of the republic of azerbaijan and armenia, which was held in the border area. the two sides agreed on the return of four villages of tavash region to the republic of azerbaijan. these villages were occupied in the first qorbagh war. these villages are located exactly on the route of the south to north of armenia. about a month ago, the prime minister of armenia told the residents of these villages
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that he had to agree to their handover to prevent war. baku and yerevan have differences in the field of other services in this region. north korea one tested a warhead designed for a cruise missile. north korean state media described this warhead as strategic and very important. pyongyang also a new type of a missile. tested anti-aircraft. about 15 days ago, north korea launched a new solid fuel missile that passed the surface. in the past two years, pyongyang has expanded its missile program in response to the increase in us military cooperation with japan and south korea, and has tested dozens of different missiles during this time.
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the lottery for the televised debates of the candidates of the second term of the islamic council elections will begin in the next hour. second stage the elections of the islamic council will be held on the 21st of may. in this regard , i will talk with the manager of tehran network. hello mr. elmi , please tell us the details of the lottery for the debates of the second phase of the elections. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i greet you, dear colleagues and all dear viewers. well, according to the election law approved by our national media election headquarters. today we will draw the lottery for the people who will qualify for the second round in the electoral district of tehran, ray shaminarad , shemiranad, islamshahr and pardis, 32 people will qualify for the second round and from the varamin electoral district.
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two people in the group of 34 people, god willing , a lottery will be held today , and what is the time of broadcasting of the documentaries in these debates in tehran and the cities? in our second period, only the main networks will be in charge of broadcasting debates and documentaries. in this draw, these 32 people will also produce documentaries. we will draw lots and they will broadcast, and the debates will be divided into groups, and finally, 8 groups , four groups of 8 people for tehran debates, and one group of two people for the debates of varamin and pishva constituencies. and qarchak will be a special thanks to mr. elmi, director
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of tehran network. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in producing a dusting drone. this drone is used to dust palm groves, pistachio and almond orchards. the initial idea of ​​a plan and its construction was suggested to them by the farmers. according to the relationship we had with the farmers and gardeners, we realized that there is a need in the field of horticulture, and that is artificial pollination. it is , and now the production of agricultural equipment that has the ability to pollinate is in charge of pollinating products that require pollination. they are artificial, like products like dates, kiwi
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, pears, almonds, pistachios, and such products. if pollination is done artificially, the fertility is much higher, and from that side, the efficiency. the meter can rotate over the groves and pistachio and almond orchards. the traditional way is to climb a tree, then there are a series of thorns, for example on a palm tree, cut them, then
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find the place where you need to spread pollen or glassine , sometimes you have to open it, then you have to tie the pollen branches in it with a thread. and come after this. the bottom of this process is about a quarter of an hour if he should be a skilled person, and if he is average now, it might take 20 minutes and half an hour, but we can dust a spot like a drone in a quarter of an hour, and it will go around one to two hectares, and in each hectare there will be approximately 150 there are up to 180 trees, we are doing pollination, according to daneshbooni company officials. it has been produced and commercialized at half the price compared to the foreign model. mehboob delangiz of radio and television news agency. the gold and gold exchange center announced that about 69% of the country's import needs are at
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the dollar rate of 41 thousand tomans, or the system rate. half a month is provided. 27% of the import, which is related to basic goods and medicine , is determined at the rate of 28 thousand... 500 tomans. for the needs of the service sector, which is about 4 dollars worth of needs , it is provided at the rate of 43 thousand tomans . mr. saeedi, managing director of the iran land and gold exchange center , mr. saeedi, hello, please tell me today how much money and under what headings were paid to the applicants, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . for the opportunity we have did you know that today, saturday, may 1st, 1403, in the hall of currency notes, each dollar is equal to 43565 tomans
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, the euro is equal to 4649 tomans, and the dirham is equal to 11862 tomans. in the exchange hall, the dollar is equal to 40645 tomans, the euro is 4339 tomans, and the dirham is 1167 tomans. in the first week of this year, you can see the numbers of different goods , which is a total of 1 billion and 792 million dollars. in the last week , another 980 million dollars were added to it, and we can say that in total, the first month is april of the year. current total of 2 billion and 772 million dollars it is provided for different product groups including basic goods and medicine. the first three weeks are 392 million dollars, the last week is 229 million dollars, and
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the total of april is 621 million dollars in the group of commercial and commercial goods, the first three weeks are 926 million dollars, 605 million dollars are the last week and 1 billion and 531 million dollars in the total of april , compared to export or supply of individuals is 396 million dollars in the first 3 weeks, 131 million dollars last week, and a total of 527 million dollars , service needs in the same way in the first three weeks, 78 million dollars, in the last week, 15 million dollars, and in in april 1403, the total of 93 million dollars was provided for that currency. now, if we want to know these separately, in the month of april 1403, the total of basic and agricultural goods, which include food items , includes wheat, oilseeds, livestock inputs
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, and so on. 548 million dollars for that supply of medicine, medical equipment , including medicine, raw materials of medicine , similarly, medical equipment is 73 million dollars, as you can see, in total, in farvardin, with 1462 million dollars, the supplied supply for this group of goods in our industries is separation of transportation industries and automobiles, you can see nima's statistics and the personal market, which is 300 million dollars and 163 million dollars , the electrical and electronic equipment industry is 120 million dollars in the nima market and 26 million dollars in the private market , mining industry is 11 million dollars, 121 million dollars , production machinery and equipment 82
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and 527 million dollars in the market of individuals, well, if the three main groups that happen by the central bank of land provision, including basic goods and medicine , which were also in the report before this news, at the rate of 28,500 tomans in the half market, 69 land provision is actually in this floor happened in different industries in the sector nima 4 average rate is 41,000 tomans 27, and the service sector is 43,000 tomans on average, of course, this
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is for the so-called scanning rate, it is not the transfer rate, it is a bit higher, 4 total, if we want a weighted average of this, we should use what the bank the center of the islamic republic of iran has provided 37,500 tomans of this rate for basic industrial goods in the nima sector and services in general. thank you very much for the opportunity you gave us. special thanks to mr. saeedi, the ceo of iran's gold and gold exchange center. 18% increase in cinema audience in the last week of april according to the statistics recorded from the performance of cinemas across the country in the last week of april, 583,472 people
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watched their favorite movies in more than 17,000 screenings. the total box office performance for this number of audiences was more than 31 billion tomans, which indicates an 18% increase in theater audiences. compared to the third week of the first month of this year, the bloody crocodile by javad ezzati has been on the top of the most talked about list of the last week of april since the beginning of the show with a share of 41. the third pajhwok national radio documentary festival will be held from the 4th to the 29th of april. the best radio documentary works in the sections various are introduced in this festival. the opening of the third pejavak radio documentary festival will be held at the same time as the national radio day on the 4th of may. revival of the documentary genre in
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programming, which can greatly help color the conductor of programs in the radio sector. it was related to the terrorist incident in kerman, the parts similar to public participation that referred to the elections and the other parts that were defined as the third documentary festival of pajhwok radio, four main special parts. the arbitrable work reached the secretary's office because there were a number of works that did not meet the conditions of the festival and 22 works were removed from these 763 works. all sections and all sections
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reached the final judging stage. we will have a total of 19 winners and 19 works. the popular section will receive awards at this year's festival . we have received 173 works in two sections, narrative documentaries and reports, and the judging is in progress . god willing, on the 10th of may , we will introduce the candidates to receive awards in the popular section, the main section and the special section. and the winners of the special and main section on may 29 at the ceremony of neda hosseini of the sed and sima news agency at the same time as the week of commemoration of saadi mazar of this golbaran poet and honored this poet in the embassies of india and iraq will be held. may 1st to 6th is the commemoration week of saadi shirazi. sadia
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is not better than helis you. may 1, 656 hijri. on this day , saadi is remembered all over the country because saadi is the most famous figure of persian language and literature. sheikh ajl saadi shirazi, to whom the persian language owes , are his two precious works, bostan and especially golestan. everyone who wrote persian language, whether in iran or... or in other places, in the ottoman land of turkey today, in india, even in china, those who wanted to learn persian language , their important and main textbook was saadi's golestan, saadi who he traveled a lot and brought his experiences in the form of moral and social advice in his works
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. he had seen the world, which means a deep anthropological worldview . good psychology and a very complete sociology that he had made all aspects of human life not hidden from his eyes. ostad sokhon, whose poems and writings are intertwined with the fabric of iranian culture and life. most of what he said in the 8th chapter is in the rumor of the people. the news that bothers you , leave it until someone else brings it, it won't get a good light. perfection
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he wrote durood and golestan in 8 chapters , there are many poems in the form of sonnets and odes. omid jaludarian of the sed and sima news agency, the spokesperson of the ministry of education said that 20 thousand janitors and service personnel will be recruited into education and training this year, and the time of the exam will be announced. mr. farhadi also announced the increase in the salaries of this category of education workers. up to 2 million tomans in this year's salary, we will pay them in excess of the salary, god willing , from farvardin or from farvardin, starting from khordad , or from farvardin, the excess over the salary they receive
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depends on how much they work in which school. after all, the burden is on the shoulders of these loved ones, according to the number of students that school has , it adds up to 2 million tomans to their salaries. in the name of god, hello, have a good time . our country's national futsal team is going to face its second opponent in the asian nations this evening. in the continuation of the tournament in thailand, our country's national team will face bahrain at 17:30 minutes, which in its first game was 3-1 afghanistan. . the winner with 3 points , the leader of the group of four, from the same group, kuwait and afghanistan tied for 3. from the group of three, kyrgyzstan tied with tajikistan 2/2. south korea and japan
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also faced each other in rowing competitions. saud majles and rizvani rowing selected for the asian and pacific olympics reached the final stage in the continuation of this competition hosted by south korea this morning in single rowing hamid. reza rizvani reached the final stage by placing fifth in the second group . in the women's section, fateme majalal crossed the finish line as the second boat in the semi-finals of single rowing. martyrs of athletes named pahlavi from the community. for this purpose, a group of athletes and honorable families of the martyrs were gathered at the tomb of this eternal hero and wrestlers of islamic iran.
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they showed up. martyrs are role models in every way, who respect and learn in the field of sports and in the field of competition , whether it is a sports field or a religious field . it is that the honor of defending the country is preferred to the continuation of winning medals in competitive events
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and reaching the status of a champion wrestler at the age of seven . these should be martyrs of athletes and their lives for young athletes. our current ones can almost use the model, and we also love these martyrs, as we say burzan fatiha, we pray for the souls of the sports martyrs and the martyrs who defend the shrine, and greetings to the sports family to the mothers and fathers who raised such wrestlers . mehdi zaiai of the tv news agency golzar, the martyrs of behesht zahra, tehran, may you be healthy and athletic. today, saturday, may 1st, 11th of shawwal and 20th of april in tehran, sunset at 18:42 , maghrib at 19:00 and midnight.
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regarding the issue of online drug explanation or not, you know that we have prepared several programs for you in this regard. we also had a program before eid-ul-fitr. 90, which related to the internet supply of drugs was signed by the ministers of communication and health, but this regulation was supposed to be promulgated by the end of april, but this has not happened yet , we want to see a debate with two of the actors of this internet explanation what is the reason for this ? basically , where does the agreement and opposition to this method of drug supply come from? i ask that you accompany us until the end
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. the pharmacists' association is also present in this debate. the online supply of drugs that is a debate god willing, before we start our discussion, we will arrange a debate . i want to allow us to come to an agreement
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. let's see the report prepared by my colleague in the health department of sada and seim news agency. let's do so now, until our report is ready , i would like to start with mr. sabour and the question of what is the reason for your opposition to this way of presentation, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. clarification let's go, while thanking your guest who was in the program. god forbid, i don't want to disrespect them, but i say that our target now should be the minister of the ministry of communications, the minister of communications, and i ask you to come here. there are some answers that are supposed to be there. i will always criticize pharmacists and pharmacists
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. i will give you a general principle. we are not at all. in the 70s, if we did not update ourselves , we would not have done the mechanization of our pharmacy. now, social security and insurances have to call 10 to 100 offices to take our documents, so you see, we were the first group to enter this field in the medical department. and we had no choice but to do this. now, all we are against is that behind this regulation, if this is a document, a document to say, sir, we went to 10 countries and checked, this happened, i promise you, it is not behind the annual package. the supreme leader said maximum public participation you should include these friends in your program , that is, the ministry of communications, mr. sayah and his team, and the so-called ministry of technology, the technology part of the ministry of health, in any case, we who are over 70 years old here.
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we are not invited by the association anywhere, and above that, according to the explicit text of the law of the medical system organization, according to article 3, one of its members must be present in all these cases , not even inviting them to a meeting. you can see this thing that came out when we since we are the main experts in this field, let's see the rest of the events. well, with this short introduction, we discussed and discussed with everyone i invite the viewers, if you are interested in this discussion , stay with us until the end , please watch us on the news network, thank you. you are with the higher program with the topic of internet explanation of drugs, the supporters and opponents who are present , here are some of the actors in this field, mr. sabour, give an introduction to explain the reason.


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