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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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run in the morning in the city of tehran, the host of you, sit on the first page, sit on the first page, sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, sit in the front row, give justice.
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hello, dear viewers of khabar network, we are honored to be at your service with the program of the first page . iran's mines and mineral industry development and modernization organization is in fact in charge of guiding the development of the empowerment and competitiveness of the mining and mineral industries sector and turning resources and products of this sector into wealth. the country is stable. with this introduction, in this program , we are the host of mr. eng. among the executive boards of the organization for the development and modernization of mines and industries minerals of iran, which we usually know this organization as omid, hello, you are very welcome , mr. engineer, thank you for accepting your invitation to my front page. in 1403 according to the motto of the year that was determined.
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thank you very much, very good question, and in this situation today, before i answer your excellency , i would like some general statistics about the state of mineral reserves. iran and the world, in order to be able to use, in response to the question of his excellency , the total mineral reserves of the world according to the latest statistics that the exploration done is about 240 billion tons , iran's share of this is about 24 billion tons, which is a very
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large number. 12 and a half percent of its length of 15,000 kilometers is located in iran, which is also a significant number. ahma two stone is actually a very important mineral reserve in the world , an indicator for the economy of every country, one is iron ore reserves and the other is egypt's iron ore reserves. iran's iron ore reserves today are about 1.7 percent of the world's reserves , which is why we are ranked seventh in the world.
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as for egypt's reserves, we are in a better situation. we have a share of over 6, meaning whatever god wants , i have this. that's why i say let's see what god-given wealth we have and we should be able to use it better. of course, we rank in egypt's reserves. we are ranked fifth in the world, this is a positive aspect, but unfortunately, what makes our task more difficult is that we should have been able to convert this mineral reserve into products with more added value in the downstream industries, which in this field, well, our ranking is low. in our world today, we rank in the iron chain we have 24 hairs in the iron chain in the world. if
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we had the 7th rank in iron ore itself, it means that what we sell raw is more than what we have raw, that is, our inventory is actually the 7th rank today, but what we process is the 24th rank in egypt, where we are the rank of reserves. in the whole world, it is 5th in processing, in processing, in fact , the products related to the egyptian chain are currently ranked 35th. this issue of production jump in the field of mining and mineral industry is really relevant, which means that all the viewers are aware of it. our dear and especially experts in this field that mines play a significant role in every country has its own numbers and economic indicators. surely, if we can
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really bring about the production jump that the leadership is aiming for this year , it will have direct and significant effects on the country's economic indicators. today, we are at your service. dear viewers, maybe the share of mining and mineral industry in the country's jdid is about 6 and a half percent, less than 7%, if with this reserve that i have announced to you, we can definitely play a greater role in the country's economy, and in fact a the amount of help in organizing our economy from the total mineral wealth that is in we have a country, so far we are using about 10% of it. yes, it is definitely the same way. what is in our land, in the whole land
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of iran, of the 15 thousand kilometers that i told you , 15 thousand kilometers long, of course, now it is the area of ​​other numbers that i will tell you. . it is done, which means that about 7% of our land has been explored , which requires extra effort in this area, so that , god willing, we will be able to address this issue more seriously in the new year and also in the coming years. we have different ones that can be explained and discussed, perhaps the most important the parameter in this field is that we can use knowledge-based companies to acquire new technologies more actively than in the past
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. . i want to explain right here, we actually defined an event last year under the title of ino mine, which means new mining ideas . we made 360 ​​ideas out of these 360 ​​ideas. about 35 ideas in the jury were actually voted, and now we have those 35 ideas, we are actively moving towards being able to turn them into technology, and we
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will continue this process, so one of the main issues in the development of industrial production. mineral this year and hopefully in the following years. it is to be able to obtain modern knowledge and new technologies with the help of knowledge-based companies. in this matter, well , we have a defined plan that, god willing, we will be able to succeed, mr. engineer . the people's participation part, if it is not more prominent and important than the production jump, is certainly not less important than that. do you have a letter that the people also participate , is there any space for this participation in the field of mining for the people
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? we will not be able to do this. to activate the extensive mining scene, it means that without the help of the people, without the cooperation and cooperation of the private sector, we will not really achieve those quantitative goals of our plans. we can't achieve it. i want to point out here that in the 7th five-year plan, the small growth that has been seen for mining is unprecedented, that is, we may have passed 6 five-year plans during our five-year plans. on average, we had about three and a half to four percent growth during the program.
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looking at the story, of course, we ourselves have some point of view about this number, but we are really equipping all our facilities, human resources and equipment, and we promise that we will grow the most during the 5 -year plan in the field. let's find a mine and this it is very difficult to achieve it, and if we do not have the commitment of the people in the private sector, it is definitely unattainable. well
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, the private sector that you are referring to now, which is a symbol of people's participation, in your opinion, does it basically have the capacity to enter and help that growth? what is the capacity of our private sector, or do we have, for example, cooperative companies in the field of mining, in which people's participation is much more tangible and serious? now i am here. i have to tell our dear people that no, unfortunately, we have a lot of work to do in this field, and by the way, i am from your excellency and other colleagues in sedasima requests that in introducing the issue of mining to all intelligent people in the society, even please help me . i will give an example to my colleagues. i usually give this example to make it clear how
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isolated the issue of civility is in the country. if you are on the street right now , ask a group of 30 people about the oil field . each of them should say two or three sentences. most likely, from the group you choose, for example, let's assume that he may be a businessman, a student , a doctor, a worker, a student, he can definitely tell you two or three sentences about the oil field. but you should try asking this group about mining, for example , say three sentences about mining, well, it's natural, mr. min, all the big stock companies that operate in iran are operating in the mining sector, all the incomes are in the mining sector. which are not low numbers, it is happening, the total of these incomes is the product
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of the exploitation of 7% of our civil reserve, now this is clear, it is a ratio at all, that is, 93 deserts , whether in terms of recognition, in terms of payment, or in terms of prioritization, now this is a fact. we are talking about this fact now let's all help to change it. for example , what can people do now? people, look , the biggest thing we can do with people's participation is to create a civilization. i have three examples for you . in this plan, as farooq and young university students, we
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have 850 people in the research centers of mining and mining industry at our own expense, teaching them mining issues. we are looking for young students who have just graduated from farouk university, with the hope that they will become familiar with mining and at least some of them will be able to graduate in unrelated fields later . related fields, for example, suppose we are in mining, well, almost most of the technical fields are related in some way, for example, mining fields, but there are no mechanical metallurgy mining fields. mining has decreased in the past years, this
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is one of the points that can be considered a threat to the development of mining in the future, and therefore we are working hard now to find those who are in related fields. to use it, and also , we put on that mine event that i mentioned, it was for this reason that we could really bring elite and expert people and knowledge-based companies closer to the field of mining in
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different ways. small mines and small miners who may not have large capitals, in order to really encourage the general public to be attracted to even small mines in remote places in some small towns, we created a guarantee fund, which last year we had about four it means our 4 thousand billion tomans. we borrowed for 54 items in fact, in those mines that are identified, we will help them buy equipment, develop them , introduce them to different banks with our guarantee, they will take loans , anyway, this is one of the branches that we try to do. we are going to enter it, of course
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, we do not guarantee it. it is true that we evaluate your criteria, but we are not too strict. in the new year, we want to increase these four groups to nearly 11 groups so that we can increase the number of small and large mines. this year, we definitely had discussions with our friends in the budget program organization so that we can increase these credits from our own sources or from public sources that we can do more. another thing that we must do in the field of people's participation this year is handing over our mines, as i said, 7% of our land has been explored , so that the government's power is also limited, so that we can develop this issue again, and
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its effects in the short term. medium and long term in the country's economy. let's see that we have started to give away long-term mines, which means that we have a lot of mines now in fact, we call for different volunteers who participate in our call from the exploration stage to the exploitation stage, and finally , the one who is evaluated to have more power and ability, we will use that mine for a period of, say, 20 to 25 years. forgive me no, we have several concepts. in fact, during the previous years, we have increased production, we have removed obstacles to production
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, we have a jump in production, this word jump has a meaning hidden in it, and we will definitely try to have this jump in all our indicators. but mutation means that it is a growth process normal is much more. for example, maybe in the previous years, for example, maybe this issue of handing over the mines that i mentioned, maybe, for example , we had 15 or 20 cases every year, but this year, we definitely planned to increase this to over 100 cases, and this is on average, maybe every year. for example, a mine will create more than 300 jobs, in addition to the fact that the mineral product is coming inside the country, in the process of production , we hope that it will be exported in the year 403 or maybe in the following years, which means that a continuous chain will be established, god willing. i should add that now this is also addressed to the respected viewers
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and to my other colleagues in the government who want coordination, perhaps one of our most important issues in the discussion of both production jump and public participation is regulation. it is a separation, we have to implement some laws and regulations with this plan, with this plan , production jump and people's participation , you have to adapt a lot of regulations in order for that jump to happen. in the field of steel chain, we had an average increase of 8 to 8 and a half percent in production in 1402 compared to last year 1401, for example, we had a 9% increase in iron concentrate production in gandle, which
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is actually one of the links of that iron chain, 12 %, and in the same way until the end in egypt , we had an increase of about 44%. these two are actually the main mining chains are where we saw production growth. in the year 1400 and 2, naturally, in the year 1403 , we have to plan in such a way that our percentage and growth will be much higher than these numbers, so it has its own requirements and needs, and now we will talk about what you mentioned in the discussion of the participation of the private sector and people focused on mines that their discovery happened, it's true, you see, in general, a good topic, the question went too far. this question is also in the field of exploration, mr. abazi
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, your partner. we have been discovered, it means that we are in this exploration ring of that mining chain. it needs to be developed a lot, now the development in this field has various components, including the required machinery, which, well, we must take certain measures today. let's have this issue, both domestic production and foreign supply, training of human resources is very significant , the creation of companies with acceptable ratings and a certain amount of training and reduction of the regulations for providing ratings to companies, so that we can attract more companies, because now we have a regulation. in the calls
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we make to be able to really employ more companies in this direction, so your question is specifically about exploration, that exploration can actually be welcomed by the private sector. and we will certainly welcome it , we will give facilities in this matter, we will promote it, and we will try as much as possible, god willing, with the cooperation of our other colleagues in the government , we will create a facility in the regulation and naming department so that we can see at this time next year that, for example, the number of our exploration companies has at least multiplied several times. if you agree, we will see a report.
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also, some of them are world famous. iran and turquoise have been known for more than 7 thousand years. these stones were used, except for diamonds, we have almost the veins of emeralds, the most precious stones of different worlds, different jaspers and different jades in the country in abundance in different provinces. a raw material whose price goes from here to there with a simple lathe. this global site for selling green garnet on this site, depending on its type, each gem of green garnet is less than a tenth of a percent.
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in the two horizons of 1405 and 141, we saw that we could enter the global markets and have the share of 11 in 1405 and 141 of the turnover of gems in the world. the ministry has compiled a few years of vision for the development of this industry in a document , but agates still do not have a place in the mining laws. in part. unfortunately , we performed very poorly in the export sector, of course there are problems which exists, and our presence in world exhibitions and iranian companies in the export sector, these are problems that are mostly self-imposed, in addition to all the high capacities of iran in gem reserves , but there is a gap in the exploration chain. gems trade
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can be seen in the 7th program. asal nemati of sed and sima news agency. well, mr. engineer, the report we saw was about iran's precious reserves of gems. the question that arises is why, despite all these capacities, the development of this sector in the upstream laws as must be a very good position. anyway, gems are one of the mineral reserves that include the same the process of statistics and mineral isolation that we have historically in our country includes these gem stones, i am not in this field anymore , i will give you two statistics to see how much we
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need you compared to the world average. and we have more activity . the statistics that i am giving you are from the year 2020. in the whole world , 23 billion dollars of gem trade was done, of course , gem stones minus diamonds, because gas , including, for example, turquoise, pearls, agate, these are gems minus the issue of diamonds, 23 billion. trade with iran's share of this figure was 100 million dollars, which is less than half a percent now of course, we planned to be able to triple this 100 million dollars to 300 million dollars by 1405 and we hope to
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increase this number to less than 1 billion dollars to about 900 million dollars by 2014 . banning the import of gemstones , do you want to achieve this figure? we have our own production. now, what is imported is a different matter , which is not a reason for this share to be low, mr. engineer. no, not at all. this means , if we really can, we ourselves the gems of the stones let's extract and explain gem cutting in the country , which i am here to remind you that we have planned to give gem cutting training in 11 provinces and we have planned to take about 700 people in the next month or two. gemstone training in cities may be less privileged with very simple facilities
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. it is possible to actually create some kind of employment and gradually develop this issue of dealing with gems . how is our situation in the field of production and processing in the country, especially last year? attention is paid to this section. now, what i can report to you in this limited opportunity , because we are looking to use modern knowledge and new technologies, and we are also looking for those minerals that we do not have to process. it's not bad here. now, let me tell you that from the statistics that we mentioned, there are 67 mineral mines in the country


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