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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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israel, all you did was achieve the complete opposite, didn't you? absolutely not. first of all, the people of jordan know that the israeli regime considers the palestinians to be amalek. we're not dumb, peers, and they're not dumb. the government of jordan does not represent the people, you know this, and i know that, but more importantly, well the government of iran doesn't represent the iranian people, it represents the iranian people more than your government represents the british people, but the iranian. "i i wouldn't say that at all. i would say that. the iranians when they carried out the strike, and by the way, just as well, i'll say that at the end. when the iranians carried out the strike, they punished the israeli regime and they humiliated the israeli regime, but nothing is going to distract world public opinion from the holocaust in gaza. don't think that the israelis can do that, no one can do that. when the president of brazil and other world leaders say what is..." regime is doing today
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to the people of gaza is just like what the nazis were doing in germany, no one is going to forget because the iranians retaliated. okay, let me ask you this, it has been reported. i want to ask you something, it's been reported today that israel is preparing to do a retaliatory strike against iran in some capacity, we don't know how yet, and it's been uh said, not least by you, that if war spreads have ... doubt all american bases in the persian gulf region will be destroyed and those countries that host american bases will be guilty by association, all those gas and all installations will be destroyed by drones and missiles. um, i mean, that's sort of strong rhetoric, but the reality is that if israel does strike iran, it has a far more sophisticated and powerful military capacity, and if america was to defend it against any further retaliation of the kind that you re describing, then iran would get wiped to...
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wouldn't it? why would you pretend otherwise? that's your wishful thinking, the israeli regime is vulnerable and weak and it has shown itself to be incapable of taking a dot on the map. they haven't been able to take gaza after six months of genocide, they haven't been able to take even northern gaza after six months of genocide, they have they have to withdraw at least 100 to 200 thousand people from northern israel because they cannot stand up to hezbollah, they cannot push hezbollah back, they cannot defeat them, so you think the israeli regime is going to defeat iran, why is it that the americans are concerned about any israeli attack because they know exactly what will happen, next time around iran won't be firing those old drones to gather intelligence and empty the israeli and the american missiles, next time the iranians will be sending thousands of missiles and drones that are top notch and the israel will be punished severely, and the
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reason why the americans don't want this because they know that the balance of power has shifted. pierce, let me give you a word of advice: your media outlets, regardless of whether russia or ukraine or is good or bad, that is another issue. your media outlets in the west have been misleading the people for two years now, saying ukraine is winning, ukraine is winning, suddenly everyone is saying ukraine is falling apart, dishonest. narratives and reporting dishonestly to your own people ultimately hurt the people of england and europe and the united states and your endless wars based on this nonsense and this misinformation lead to huge waves of refugees and then the people of europe feel overwhelmed by these refugees that you brought upon yourself. yeah, i mean i think i would return the favor here by saying to you, 'i think you should wake up to
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the reality of what your regime is doing, because it's pretty clear, i think to anyone who has looked at the situation in its totality, that what iran has been doing is a direct response to the normalization of relations with israel, with number of countries in the middle east that uh annoys iran intensely because they don't recognize israel as a state, so what is iran has been doing is funding and fueling terrorist groups like hamas, hezbollah, the houthis. to uh constantly attack israel, because what they want to do, particularly with october the 7th is to dismantle and destabilize any more normalization of arab countries with israel, particularly saudi arabia who are on the verge of doing it, which is why i think the utterly self-defeating firing of all these missiles the other day actually had the complete opposite effect, jordan race to defend israel and saudi offer their space and also uh help... defend them as well uh and
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when that happens it isolates iran, not israel, but anyway we're going to leave it there, professor, let me respond to that, let me respond to that, actually it's the opposite. "when the west continues to support the atrocities carried out by the israelis, when the west openly supports an ethno supremacist regime, and when the west supports genocide, the public across the region is turning not only against the israeli regime, but against the west few families who are ruling over countries are not public opinion, and ultimately by pursuing this they are creating a rage that they cannot." stop in future and just one final point a personal note, i experienced what the west does to the non-western world, when your governments were supporting saddam hussein, when your governments were arming him in the 1980s before you turned against
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him, you your governments gave him chemical weapons, i survived two of those chemical weapons attacks, i survived both mustard. and i survived nerve agents that were provided by western government to saddam hussein and many people did not survive. the intentions of western regimes are not benign, you and your governments have done nothing but ruin and destruction for our part of the world and for much of the rest of the world, and now because of the mess that you've created across the board, you're now ruining the lives of your own people okay? just for the record, i was the editor of the daily mirror which led the uk media campaign against the iraq war - this was so so i know i know what you're saying, i'm just saying that i did that and uh so your assessment of what i think about what has happened, i was,
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i was at the anti-war protest in london at that time actually so i know what you did, we were probably carrying a daily banner bus we, i know it's a it's a complicated situation , professor mirandy, until 10 years ago, its import was one billion dollars, but now we not only import to all the countries of the region, we are now exporting to russia, we are exporting to the countries of north africa, we are exporting to the countries of east asia. we export. its producers are responsible for the development of this industry they know that it has paved the way for domestic production. it was the only help that was given, and it was very good, and we welcomed the support and policy discussion that took place. according to
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hazrat agha's statement, in places where our country has good and quality products, its import should be prohibited and limited, this was done through the ministry of the ministry, and our people welcomed it. for these 7 years, all the products have been iranian products and really very high quality products have been produced and people are using them. currently, more than 500 industrial units and workshops are active in the production of elevators and provide the country's needs. we need about 50,000 to 60,000 elevators in the country every year. according to the infrastructure that has been formed and the investments that have been made. these 50,000 devices or 60,000 devices can easily be produced by our manufacturers with half their capacity. with the efforts of the specialists of our country, now most of the parts of the elevators are localized in our salon, which
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is the cnc turning department. elevator it enters the cycle. the production and assembly is the same as you can see, it starts from that part , the different parts come with our different machines , cnc machining is done, and preparations are made for the gearing stage. the assembly part is done in our cabin, and today we are talking about production at the foot of the newmot cabin. as you can see, we have zero to 100 discussion of assembly in this section . all materials are internal materials or the box engine that is internalized in 97. in our collection , there are engines with different kilowatts ranging from 6
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kw up to 19 kw is being produced. these elevator motors, which are the beating heart of more than 97 elevators in the country, were produced until 10 years ago. every year, more than 100 million euros were withdrawn from our country to import all kinds of gearboxes and gearboxes in the last 10-15 years . to produce inside the country, and this has happened now. we have 15 large production units and factories that are producing these products in different ranges and at different speeds, or the elevator control panel, which is the brain of it. 90 the control panel was imported ups, which was imported before, we produced it ourselves , we wrote the software ourselves, and finally the elevator cabin, which is completely localized, the cabins that are produced here are the cabins that are there. vitor semi-vitor cabinet is made here, then it is completely front and nut, then static color
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. once in iran, it was in the hinge that was the easiest to enter in the elevator from turkey. well , now we have automatic semi-automatic glass doors in a hospital. these are all inside. it is being built , its quality control has complicated steps that all these steps are carried out in modern internal laboratories for the sake of the elevator and escalator industry. the safety of its parts and products is very important. the devices we use in the laboratory, including the one you see, is a gm device . it measures the dimensions of the gears . and to check and confirm the quality of elevator and escalator motors used. very high accuracy in the micron range of different parts and
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determine their deviation based on the standard and those engineering parameters , all electrical control items , we will test the stator. then all the parameters to control the electricity and the electrical pressure entered into it are entered. the products that come out of this factory have european standards, russian goose standards, and iranian national standards. they have 3-year unconditional guarantees, i proudly say with power. all i can say is that these products that are being produced in the country, their quality is the quality of italy , germany, but the price is the price of turkey and china. the parts that have a mandatory standard must be taken to the mandatory standard, which is four pieces. the main thing is that the other parts are actually of a quality standard . i can only say that iran in its own region
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is higher than a country like turkey in terms of exporting technical engineering services, which can be very competitive in exporting parts. we have competition. that's the only thing i can say to our dear people. it is a lie to say that our products are actually iranian products in our country people who are greedy and opportunistic do not eat products. if there is, they entered the country illegally and they cannot have acceptable services and grants, they cannot support domestic quality products and operate and use their elevators with confidence, god willing. the elevator industry , like other industries, has challenges that have caused this industry to produce with 50% capacity. there is a banking issue, there is a transportation issue. it's about tariffs, you see, we
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are entering so many tariffs now, we request and tell them the percentages , then we see all of a sudden percentages announced. it's possible that we can't compete at all, well , the producer will get tired when he sees that he has invested here , he has brought 200 people to work, and if he doesn't really get any results, he will take this capital, he will take it , he will take it to the other side of the border.
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allah lebanon, who in the narratives of his friends and companions , is the vacant place of martyr seyyed abbas mousavi, the former secretary general of zinda party, and is accompanied by his will to write a book. a book titled war without peace, which you can get and read from the website of naradit fatah publications, with this narration in 1369 during the meeting with seyyed abbas mousavi. the then leader of hezbollah in lebanon suggested that i write a story about one of hezbollah's operations with israel. in the preliminary research, i came to the conclusion to follow this issue beyond a period of the history of the arab-israeli war. the book was written one year before the assassination of seyed abbas mousavi, who was martyred along with his wife and child.
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after more than 3 decades, this book has revealed many war realities. my field work is the operational plan and these notes, which are called lebanon's unfinished notes. mr. nusratullah mahmudzadeh, who is one of the warriors of the holy defense this book tells about an operation that took place between lebanon's hezbollah and the zionist regime, but no news about it was published. an operation that apparently israel succeeds in taking that area and settling there. but the minister of defense of israel. at that time, sharon was boycotting this operation. during the writing of this book, the author travels to the south of lebanon and even enters the positions of the zionist regime. they spend days in a basement in the village, where they sleep, then when the weather turns cold , they go to israel to search the area. he is finally one
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he sees the survivors of this secret operation and learns the facts. thursday 9/2/1369, lebanon , naktiyeh, you count for a moment, 40 people are the forces that defend the city against a huge amount of distant guerrilla forces armed with special tools, and this book is exactly where it is, this narrative of resistance is expressed. the book ends with a mystery revealed. the zionist regime participates in a small operation, but because it did not want
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a close-up view of the zionist regime, which shows that they have not tolerated the resistance groups anywhere , and a close-up view of the fighters who waged the resistance jihad. they have not given up under any circumstances. mitra labafi , sed and sima news agency. production in this area.
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and the 18% growth of this export shows that this level of this industry is also positive in the field of commercial initiatives, it is precisely the quality that competes with the exported goods , whether in terms of ambulance, packaging, essential oil and coloring. the extraordinary essence and coloring of this product make our product unique. the turnover of cosmetic products in the country is about 65 thousand billion tomans. we are almost 9 years old. we found out that there is a problem with some kind of products skin and hair care, well, especially people with oily and acne-prone skin have this problem, which usually we either don't see enough efficiency or it has a cream base, so we first came and designed a cream and it evolved, this gel evolved to now that we have produced the cologne gel
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, i can safely say that it is the highest possible dose of raw materials . this situation has actually pushed the production to be able to produce more spaces that were not allocated to domestic products before. this this is happening from supermarket products to other products you rarely see foreign products and domestic products with mesh quality.
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i will do liberzen and all the equipment that we need in the matter of detergents. you have a salon of your own. now the issue of the license is separate, but from zero to 100 from an empty salon, we can test the complete materials for you inside. let's deliver with different capacities. now our semi -automatic capacity is separate and our automatic capacities are open in about an hour. more than the previous devices are efficient both in terms of production and energy consumption and in terms of depreciation. consumable parts for the export of some brands in this field
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have been worth more than 20 million dollars in detergent products and about 400 million dollars in the sanitary field for the country. but we have to expand this a lot because it is a national honor both in terms of currency and in fact that something that banned us. manufacturer in the field of detergents, health and cellulose are active and have presented their new products and capabilities at the 31st international exhibition in tehran. until may 1st. safari, sed and sima news agency. it scans the human body. and it moves towards that direction. this basket is a shopping basket that uses artificial intelligence to automatically calculate the level of the stores, cleaning and has a voice assistant. the bar code
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on it can identify all the items and even display their information on the monitor screen. it can be read like calories, weight, and even when identifying the name of the product, and we even have an entertainment feature we also put as long as the customer buys , it will be a pleasure for them to buy a shopping cart that was developed by technology students from the idea to the upgrade. the idea started by talking to chain stores in mashhad. we started working on this robot in november 1402, a year ago, and we are improving it every day . the smart shopping cart is one of the students' robots that is going to participate in the 18th international robop competition along with 317 teams. another student robotics group had built a system to bring audio-visual centers to the home.
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when we are connected , we bring up the optometry section, from this section, we enter our test number , 50. now we choose one of these and it turns on, and we have to tell it with farsi voice. it doesn't add any points to me . the other side of the competition is the robotic competition, which determines the winner's teamwork. we have the footballer. in two parts, we have the rescue robots, we have the simulator, we have the stage, we have the demo league, and the starter in dodi football, which is for students, which is an initiative the islamic republic of iran was held. in fact, it was formed and now it is held in international competitions. in the adult section, we also have an adult demo. in fact, we have the self-driving car sector, which saw a very good growth in this sector this year. we have the industrial robots section
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, the flying robots section, and the student section , in fact, there is a league on your site, which was actually formed by the initiative of the islamic republic of iran , and it was our own work. the number of participants is much higher than last year. now there are about 1,800 applicants, of which 300 have been accepted in terms of the number of people who participate, every year they try to improve the quality of their knowledge and the quality of the tools and sectors that are used . there were soccer robots that competed with each other with two different capabilities . light robots are lighter than open robots and open robots have a lower weight limit. the second difference is that light robots follow the balls that have an ir sensor, that is, a series of sensors on
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the robot and also a series of sensors on the ball. image to do this, a series of lighted cameras are installed, which can be moved by a mirror or motor servo, or they can check the surrounding area from inside the mirror and find the ball and go after it, so they can catch the ball and move towards the opponent's goal. kenen and topo gol kenen , the organizers of the robocup competitions say that this type of competition has been held in the past years of the company. and in fact , remote control systems are in fact in this direction, and children's creativity emerges from these competitions, and this is similar to science olympiads, vahid
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zakir of the news agency. one of the representatives of the parliament from the party of democracy and prohibition of trade with the zionist regime has become the place of discussion and investigation of the issue of farouk gergerdi in the turkish national assembly. kaja ali, who is the representative of the people in the parliament, says that the public opinion is affected by the economic relations between turkey and the zionist regime. be ashamed of the sufferings of this mother and her martyred child. the whole world is witnessing your trade with these ships with the criminal regime and its zionist child. in a tv show, the minister of trade and customs of turkey
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has banned construction claims to the zionist regime , but some independent sources claim that this decision there is not enough transparency and the severance of political and economic relations between turkey and the zionist regime should become a codified law. hamid kameli of ankara radio and television agency.
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get 60% of gilna publications as a gift. by sending the number 5 to 30085 at 5:00 a.m. after the 48-hour attack of the zionist regime on the nurshams camp in the west bank 14 palestinian youths were martyred. also , pictures of the destroyed shops and streets of this camp in tul karam city by the occupying bulldozers have been published. the ministry of defense of palestine has announced the beginning of the occupation regime's attacks on gaza in the past six months.


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