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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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we are happy to be at your service, mrs. hajipour . thank you very much, mr. ghaffari , for being the guest of the program, as you mentioned, we are getting closer to the news at 7:00 am . we will see and hear the news after the news. we will be at your service with the continuation of the morning program of salaam correspondent. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected countrymen , we are in your presence, together with my colleagues , we present the haft sob news, the admission card for the first session of the national exam of 1403 will be published tomorrow. the head of the assessment organization said: the exam participation card can be received at the information portal of the assessment organization until wednesday, may 5. according to mr.
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abbas, a total of 1 million 152,518 candidates registered in the first round of the national exam, the test for the experimental groups of mathematical and technical sciences and humanities on the morning of thursday, may 6, art and foreign languages ​​on thursday evening, and the experimental group of experimental sciences on the morning of friday, may 7 it will be held in 412 cities. director general of crisis management headquarters. sistan baluchistan province said that the information of houses damaged in the flood of march last year to the insurance fund by the end of the week natural events are presented. mr. mohebi also said that the information of the flood victims of recent days will soon be submitted to the fund so that the cost of the damages will be paid to them. in the days when we were all busy renewing our house and clothes for the new year. slap in he came to sistan and baluchistan and
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washed away people's houses. my house was also here , and machar's slave was under water for five days, two or three weeks . here, we are all under water, we have no way to go anywhere , and we have nothing to grab. his head has been found again and it has become a disaster for the people of this province. since 1401 all residential houses were covered by the general insurance of natural disasters of the building. all urban and rural residential houses will be covered by compulsory accident insurance. according to this law, the governorates must enter the information of the damaged residential houses in the natural disaster insurance fund system. according to the law that has been assigned to us and also to the honorable governors of the provinces , they must upload the basic information within 7 days and let them know. but in the case of the flood in the middle of aswand
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in sistan baluchistan, this time limit was not respected. well, until this moment, i am still at your service. we have not received the information about the damaged units of sistan baluchistan province. the officials of the governorate had promised that the information would be announced to the fund by the first of may. our prediction is that if nothing special happens, we will be able to pay this damage to the loved ones by the end of april, but this did not happen. the provincial authorities have not yet registered any complaints in our system. now mr. mohibbi has made a new promise. all the information of 1489 people announced by the housing foundation and 54 relief committees related to the flood of asfen will be uploaded this week if the system does not have any problems or outages. in the year newly, the damage limit of the natural disaster insurance fund has tripled compared to last year, and now houses have been damaged to the point of failure. 95 million tomans compensation
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will be paid. in the continuation of the attacks on the south of the gaza strip, the warplanes of the zionist regime bombed a residential house in the ashabura camp in the center of rafah city, as a result of which several palestinians were martyred and a number of others were injured. in another air attack by the occupiers on a residential house in the east of rifa city , five people were martyred, four of them. we are children. with the passage of 197 days since the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip, new dimensions of the crimes of this regime against civilians, especially women and children, are revealed. in the latest case , the palestinian people's forces discovered the bodies of 50 martyrs in the city of khanyounis in the south of the gaza strip. the occupying soldiers had buried the bodies of these martyrs in a mass grave in the area of ​​nasser hospital.
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lebanon's hezbollah released images of targeting israeli spy equipment at the aradar base in the occupied mazar-e-shebaa. the islamic resistance of lebanon also announced that it targeted and destroyed a hamer military vehicle of the zionist regime in netua town with a guided missile on saturday night. the islamic resistance of iraq announced that it will continue to confront the zionist occupation regime and support the people. a strategic center of this regime has been targeted in the occupied golan , in the statement of the islamic resistance of iraq , it has been emphasized that the targeting of the positions of this regime will continue until the withdrawal of the zionists from the occupied territories and the liberation of jerusalem.
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14 palestinians were martyred following a 48-hour attack by the zionist regime on the nurshams camp in the west bank. also, pictures of the destroyed shops and streets of this camp in tul karam city by the occupying bulldozers have been published. the palestinian ministry of health has announced the beginning of hamlat in the last six months , 483 palestinians were martyred in the west bank. the residents of balata camp in the east of nablus held a night march to condemn these crimes .
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in separate statements, the hamas and fatah movements asked the residents of the northern part of the west bank. in protest against these crimes, organize a nationwide strike today. the palestinian teachers' union has also announced that they will be held in all schools today to express their anger at the crimes committed by the zionists during crimea and gaza. pictures of the mosques of gholaghili city have also been published , in which there are messages from the minarets for the formation of basij people read against the crimes of the occupiers.
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this demonstration that asra zionist families including. its participants are in the continuation of successive protests against netanyahu on saturdays . for months, the skeptics have been calling for the removal of netanyahu and the acceleration of the agreement with hamas for the exchange of prisoners. due to the continuation of the war in gaza and the failure of negotiations between the occupying regime and the palestinian resistance, the number of participants in these protests is gradually increasing. netanyahu's followers and security intelligence officials are responsible for this regime's failure. on the 7th of october and also the defeat in they know that they have reached a prisoner exchange agreement. the us house of representatives approved the $95 billion aid package to ukraine, the zionist regime, and taiwan. this military and economic package
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was the result of months of intense consultation, which was left unfinished due to the strong opposition of some republican legislators in congress, and now it must be approved by the senate in order to be implemented. the first vote of the senate is scheduled to take place on tuesday. according to this bill, about 61 billion dollars will be allocated to ukraine, more than 26 billion dollars to the zionist regime and 8 billion dollars to taiwan. this financial support and weapons to ukraine and the zionist regime is in the situation that the us congress has predicted that the debt of the federal government will increase to an unprecedented amount of 116 by 2034. found. in less than an hour, we will inform you about the details of the news.
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doolut. you dear and honorable compatriots, who have been added to our crime since this moment, good morning , thank you very much for choosing the month of 1403 to watch, but today the names of the theaters going to the children of the mosque theater festival will be announced. yes, and we are in the studio hosted by mr. seyyed mohammad mustafa motorchi is the secretary of the children of the mosque theater festival for more details about this festival.
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announce the results of how many works you have selected for this 15th edition of the national theater festival.
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in the past, in the past , we organized the training of trainers in the provinces of the country in the eight districts of the country in such a way that one province was in the form of a pilot and trainers from the neighboring provinces were gathered in that province. the production of attributed text was suitable for performance in the mosque, and for this purpose, three periods of the playwriting festival of gardasteha were held. the output of that play is actually to be produced in the mosque. it is very important when you
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have a strong play. it can definitely be effective in the final result of the work . these two different years mean that every year they introduce the work as selected. finally, this year we decided on the festival. on the 15th of the 15th of the national day of the children of the mosque , we invited these chosen ones to send their films to us. first of all, the films of the work were reviewed, how many are there in the first stage, each province has three works and each province is 2 years old, which means that each province has 6 works in the collection of 2 years, and 31 other provinces, so let's multiply, the number on hand is approximately 180. yes, that's about it. i am at your service. finally, the in-person review of cds and movies was done. a number of works
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were selected in the first stage. a month ago, we started the in-person reviews and finally today we reached janbandi and 14 of 13 works made it to the door. in fact, the final part of the festival will be announced, god willing, which evening will it be? yes, we can announce now how great it is please, yes, the first thing. the work of resilient women is from karaj. the second work is the name of the iranian show. it is also from karaj. . 144 from mashhad, especially love from their work, a wallet from kermanshah and i am at
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your service. it is scattered and almost everyone can say that, for example, now. east of the west i have many works in the country and the south of the country, as well as parts of the center. there is also a point that this festival has. its breath is alive, unfortunately , it was done in the form of just watching the movie, well, for a couple of years now, we have been doing this in different festivals, to go back to the basics, in fact, it is a live theater that should
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be seen live. our reviewers have seen a round of films live and your comment that this festival has been very well received in your different provinces is your opinion of the quality. how do you evaluate the quality of the works that have come to you in the provinces? what do you expect from what will be done in the next courses, which is the 15th course? it's a course, and finally , when it ends today, it will be a start for the initial courses and a start for the next courses. in your opinion , how was the quality of the works? see, in our mosque's children's theater, we have an important component compared to other theater works.
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we don't have light, which means that the scene is too light to be dimmed or dimmed we cannot change the shape of light. the stage props and stage designs are very cheap , you don't need equipment and luxuries, because these works are supposed to be 20 minutes and half an hour works so that people can quickly express this work and go . if it is prepared, go to the hall or on the plateau, read the work , see this work, these works are works that can be performed anywhere, so i gave all these explanations to say this. the show itself should be a powerful show, both in terms of the text , in terms of the acting, and in terms of the director's mise-en-scène which can attract the audience means that it will not have that much visual effect due to the lighting and stage design and accessories, so it must be your own strength , according to you, you will not be visually attracted, but the content must be so rich that now the visual attraction is that
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the decor is so or, for example, the design, but the power of the children's game. the power of directing, especially you mentioned the power of the text, and these things make a work actually be saved and a good work come out of water. there is an axis, there is an axis in the neighborhood please also explain the reason for choosing this title. we believe that everything is from the beginning of islam until now. formed in the mosque, it means that many times our weddings are recommended to be held in the mosque . it is abominable for our members to be in the mosque. our social movements are formed in the mosque. all of these have a platform called the mosque, and what better place than the mosque to present art. now it can be a song, it can be a theater , it can be visual, and we believe that
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the collective movement is formed much better in the mosque. with a holy place called the mosque, so it is not even now since the early 1970s, when the children's theater of the mosque was formed, the elders have been concerned about the artistic and cultural work in the mosque, and we have come this way during this process. again with the new approach of the officials of the country's art field. again, it has actually been formed, and as i said, the foundation of these works is taking place so that, god willing, in the coming years, we will be able to introduce suitable artists into the professional field of theater and cinema, and also to be able to talk to these children about what they are thinking. the right words insha'allah, they will convey to the society, considering
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that the title of the festival is the children of the mosque, and you have repeatedly used the word children's literature , a certain age group. we gave priority to works whose characters are teenage characters, which means that the director can no longer include a 50-year-old person, for example. he should work and play a character who is supposed to be 15 or 16 years old , for example.
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come and tell me about tomorrow's dawn, a window open to watch sing with me to majdeh again about that spring that is not there, the happy dream of singing in the name of the country and being patient with iran's people, of hoping to say a kiss to its flag, the iranian foot. iran , my heart is beating, my soul, iran, your pure name
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, come on my tongue, tell me from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window of watching. sing to majdeh with me again, from that spring that is not there, a dawn dream comes again to the light of our hope , a dawn bright from the breath of our martyred lovers, a dawn from the bright presence from distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and its soul from joy.
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on the way to the glass hall, we will be accompanied by my colleague mrs. azarfam, who is with one of my colleagues want to talk about today's plans, ms. azarfam, hello reporter ms. hajipour, hello to you and the viewers of khabar network , good morning , we are with you with an overview of today's news and events . sima is obliged to cover it in the media. today, the public forum in the islamic council is in front of the representatives in the house of nation
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. in order to get more information, i am talking to mrs. ali khani, a reporter for the public policy group. mrs. ali khani, hello, good morning . today the first public meeting of the islamic council this week is less than an hour away, sir. it will be opened , what the representatives have on their agenda today is to continue the investigation of the report of the legal and judicial commission on the amendment of the law on the punishment of arms and ammunition trafficking. and they are selling weapons and ammunition in cyberspace now or they have advertisements about weapons and ammunition in cyberspace. the law has not defined deterrent punishments for them and legal loopholes for them there are dealings with these, now today this law will be reviewed and amended, and now the punishment and
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now and maybe intensifying the punishments for these people will be considered. it was last year's plan that was discussed in the parliament and approved, and it is related to the buying and selling of gold, housing and cars, and the taxes that are going to be applied on these, but it is not for ordinary people, it is for those who now have property. they have big money in these fields, and with price fluctuations, they have huge money overnight they say that they should pay taxes. this has been reviewed and approved by the guardian council. today , the iranian guardian council will be investigated and the objections of the guardian council will be resolved. another issue that is on the agenda of the representatives is
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the report of the national security commission. and the foreign policy is about the plan to strengthen and develop research sciences and defense innovation, as the name of the plan suggests , it is to raise the level of innovation and strengthen the development of the defense sector, and today this issue is still on the agenda of the representatives. another point is that today the commission specialized councils have meetings at 14:00 some of the government ministers to follow up and solve the current problems of the country in the specialized commissions of the present parliament. from the oppressed people of gaza.
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we are tien and zaytoun, or haider, we are war lovers, with sahyun, or haider, we are famous in two worlds with hossein , or haider, we are the children of feke and majnoun, or haider, or haider, or haidar.
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greetings to you on the day of revenge day of revenge greetings hizbullah army greetings the army of rasulullah al-quds , god willing, may god say
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that you are old in astgar , you have become old with the second lion in this battle. your opponent is mine, your opponent is mine, tehrani and ahmad. ali roshanm
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your opponent is my opponent. do not listen to ali's words . do not listen to ali's words. we are the end of everyone.


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