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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. greetings, dear viewers. welcome to economic news. the spokesperson of khaneh samt trade development commission announced a 12.5% ​​increase in the country's export of livestock, fishery, agricultural and food products in terms of weight in 1402 compared to the previous year. according to mr. latifi, this amount has increased by 22 and a half percent in terms of value . in the last year, more than 8 million tons of agricultural, livestock and fishery products. and food worth more than 6
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billion dollars has been exported from our country. value share of agricultural and food exports last year it was 13% of the total export value of the country. iraq, united arab emirates, russia, pakistan and afghanistan were the top five export destinations of iran's agricultural and livestock products. market regulation of red meat supply. it will become nationwide, according to the secretary of the trade association of meat packaging industry , in the coming days, with the increase in the import of red meat at the rate of market regulation , it will be supplied in other provinces besides tehran and alborz. mr. rasouli said that between 250 and 300 tons of meat will be imported daily. and soon this figure will reach about 600 tons.
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299 thousand tomans of veal in all chain stores and market stalls it is true that the flour is 275,000 tomans and the mixed meat is 285,000 tomans. for now, the meat is regulated by the imported market of tehran albarze province, but in a few days , the import will increase, and other provinces will be covered. i think this will be done in 20 days. this meat should be offered in all chain stores all over the country. the number of circulars in the field of foreign trade decreased by 53 in 1402 compared to 1401. customs announced that the number of customs circulars reached 125 last year, which is 129 less than in 1401. the number of customs circulars in in 1401, there were 264 cases. separate reviews.
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house and organizations in 1402 shows that the directives of the ministry of position decreased from 122 to 36, the national standards organization from 31 to 23, and the ministry of jihad agriculture from 12 to 5 . the spokesman of the guardian council announced the approval of the parliament's resolution on the production and infrastructure financing plan. these plans were presented in the parliament on august 29 last year. it was confirmed that after going back and forth between the parliament and the guardian council for three times, it finally became a law after removing the defects. according to mr. tahan nazif , the production and infrastructure financing law provides financing from it makes the capital market easier and reduces the various economic costs of financing by correcting the trends. improving the provincial tax environment or reducing additional tax costs with the aim of financing the base and increasing capital, providing facilities to
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attract foreign financing for the development of the downstream oil and gas industry using public funds, and also making it easier for the private sector to enter the industries . of this law. the director general of the air industry office of the ministry of samit announced the design and production of educational recreational aircraft in the country. according to mr. amaz. ministry of the position of manufacturers in this sector support. we have approximately 220 educational recreational aircraft in the country, which are registered by the national aircraft organization. it is used both for recreational purposes and for educational purposes. we support both the so-called educational recreational aircraft manufacturers and
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who operate in this complex in the industrial sector, repair, maintenance and supply of their parts, and we also have capable domestic companies that are approved by the organization. they have a production license and their products are produced and sold to pilot schools or to people who are interested and are still flying. the development of the standard of the national standard organization said that the development of the standard of 1000 parts affecting the safety and quality of the car has started. mr. darvish added that the standard of 500 pieces has been finalized so far and the rest of it will be completed this year. the lens is damaged and finished. they want to replace it. it is a new lens, but as soon as you drop it, the car loses profit, the brakes are pulled and
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people's lives are being played with. maybe it will happen to you too. replace a part of the car and the same part crashes your car again in a short period of time, even though the queue is not over. but this page is broken due to poor quality look, this car is broken inside and this part has come out of the optima 201 engine, which burns due to non-standard engine oil and has to open the engine , leaving a loss of 100 million in the hands of the customer . they produce 28,000 types of parts , of which only 50 types of parts have a mandatory standard, the majority of the parts that are subject to the standard and have been mandatory for many years. consumable parts like brake pads, light bulbs , propeller belts, snow wiper blades, these same standard parts also have many problems for consumption. the manufacturer creates the parts that are in the market , maybe they are of poor quality, maybe they are not standard. we
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have seen many times, after replacing the gas pump , there was a gas leak after a few hours, and the gas pump and the car caught fire. some of the standards took a long time. in the past, these should be revised at least once every 10 years, which is not possible because the production conditions are changing . now, the national standards organization is looking to update the existing standards this year and to issue mandatory standards for another thousand pieces. a thousand parts affecting the safety and quality of the car, which these thousand parts are now in the format of the sets is, for example, the body set of the brake set is now at 500, and with the small amount that has been created, we can almost say that in the next few months, we will try to reach the number of 1000. after these standards are compiled, they must be approved by the supreme standards council and communicated to the manufacturers. the managing director of the energy exchange
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announced the beginning of the sale of electricity from the country's power plants to the distribution companies in the energy exchange. mr. naqvi said on may 1 and on the first day of the opening of this market, 21 electricity distribution companies. more than 339 million kilowatt hours of electricity worth more than 30 billion tomans in the form of they bought the advance contract. according to naqvi, this way of selling was for the purpose of reforming the financial structure of electricity distribution companies. the managing director of the energy exchange added that electricity distribution companies have entered into the electricity transactions of the energy exchange and directly purchase electricity from power plants. naqvi also listed the transparency of electricity transactions and strengthening the flow of liquidity to the country's power plants as one of the advantages of this measure. 46 agricultural lands of the country were deeded. according to the head of the land affairs organization of the country, removing conflicts of ownership of agricultural lands and documenting them is one of
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the most important ways to prevent the unauthorized change of use of these lands. last year we had more than 70 we detected a thousand user changes. more than 30 thousand. we discussed the matter, but we know that this is continuing, as announced by the land affairs organization, the average agricultural land use change has increased between 5 and 10% from only 1,400 to 20,1402 in the whole country. we had about 231,000 cases of unauthorized change of use. our class 1 and 2 lands are mostly in the northern latitudes of the country and they are also more at risk . 5 million hectares of class one and two, this class one and two are generally at risk, this change of land use
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will pose a problem to the security and judicial authority of the country, but the implementation of the law of uniform construction of the country's land has resulted in maintaining more land use and in addition to preventing land erosion. cultivables are also prevented from changing their use. these 300 hectares belonged to 300,400 rural households. it is excellent in terms of productivity and profitability. if our field is one fabric, our performance and performance is more than piecemeal. agricultural lands of 7 thousand hectares of our lands have been made into a fabric, and the vision we have for this plan is that we hope that the 1,000 hectares of the month of gathering a fabric will happen to us . the interference of land ownership is another problem. in the way of preserving the use of agricultural land, according to the announcement of the organization of land development, small land without documents
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is considered the most important reason and excuse for changing the use of agricultural land. let's look at the situation , we interfered with more than 10 million and 100 thousand hectares according to the announcement of the land affairs organization, so far in 68 agricultural lands of the country, foreign currency interference has been removed and ownership certificates have been issued for 46 agricultural lands , ahmad hamidi of the sed and broadcasting news agency, and according to the director general of fars nomadic affairs, two and a half to 3 percent of the population of the province fars is made up of nomads who leave the hot areas in the spring for the cold areas of the province in the north of fars . karimi added that the nomads of fars province produce 25 to 28% of the red meat of fars province and the country
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. they have a significant share in the production of dairy products. these days, they leave qashlaq for their destination to prepare for a new season of life and production . rainy weather for kocheros. in this recent rain , we went to the path of kocheros in kahmer sorkhi and sikh darangun region with one of the special warning teams. in this area, the nomads had to leave due to the rain until the rain ends. we listened from the 11th, yes, we moved from gram.
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we burn in the fire on the way to koch, but we also enjoy the nature. these are some of the efforts of hardworking people who are preparing for a kind of production season in koch. it is estimated that nearly two and a half to three percent of the population of fars province is made up of these nomadic nomads. it is clear from the people's participation in the production boom, 25 to 28 percent of the red meat production of the province
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is included in the fever of those nomads in the whole country, and they play a significant role in the issue of food safety and health . the province is already home to the products produced by the nomads. the cities of bowanat , sarchohan, abadeh, euclid, sepidan are among the most important nomadic summer areas in fars province, according to the statistics announced, 27 thousand families migrated in the month of khordad. summer areas will be settled, nabai , sikhodarangun region, the end of economic news. good afternoon, god bless you.
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in the name of god, i greet you, viewers. dear, have a good day. in the last 24 hours , the hottest place in our country was abadan with a maximum temperature of 39 degrees and the hottest place in the city of kurd with a minimum temperature of 1 in zafar. currently , as we can see, there are cloud covers in the western half. we have some western provinces of our country, the provinces of kurdistan and west azarbaijan . northwest, parts of the southwest of the country, areas of the center of the range and heights of the central zagros and
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south zagros, parts of the east and southeast of the country , as well as the range and heights of al-barzorg. as you can see, the entire western half of the country, parts of the center, the slopes and heights of the central and southern zagros, the slopes and heights of el bard, and parts of the east and southeast of the country are predicted for tomorrow. if you have showers and thunderstorms, the instabilities will be mainly in the afternoon and early night, the growth of convective storms and showers. the pain of fast webbers in this we will have the areas that i presented to you. for tuesday, the intensity of rains will decrease in the northwestern and western parts of our country, but we still expect to see rains in the form of convective rains and convective instabilities in other parts of the country. in addition to these areas , we expect rain to
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occur in the northeast of the country as well. there is a possibility of hail because of the intensity of the rains, there is a possibility of water. we will also have congestion of public roads, flooding of roads and flooding of seasonal rivers . abstain for the next three days. on wednesday , we will have the same situation, mostly in the eastern half of the country, in parts of the center of the country, we will have instability. regarding the temperature situation, let me tell you that the temperature has been increasing in most regions of the country , but we predict that the temperature will decrease for monday, tuesday, and saturday. especially in the northern part of the country, where this decrease in temperature will be more noticeable. for tehran, in the coming hours, there will be an increase in clouds, especially in the hours after that and in the early night , there is a possibility of showers and power outages. the temperature in tehran will be the hottest and the coolest hour will fluctuate between 29 and 18 degrees . thank you for your support until the next part of the news.
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i shall now put the... draft resolution to the vote: will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document s/2024/312, please raise their hand, those against, thank you, abstentions.
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on our right to exist, on our land, and on the right of the palestinian state to be a full member of the united nations , remember that after the end of this meeting, there will be innocent people in palestine who will pay with their lives and the lives of their children for
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the arrogance of this israeli occupation, the price for the double standards, and the price for the public bias against israel. and we thank you for justice and freedom and peace, but our palestinian people are sufficient in all the places where they exist, they want life. and the people of the earth yearn for liberty and life. peace and blessings be upon our palestinian people, don't disappear, don't hide, and don't
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miss a day . it scans the human body and moves in that direction. this basket is a shopping basket that uses artificial intelligence to automatically calculate the level of the stores, cleaning, and has a voice assistant. the bar code on this is all the items. it is recognized and even their information is displayed on the screen of the monitor, such as calories, weight, and even
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the name of the product is read when it is recognized. the idea was started by talking to chain stores in mashhad in november 1402, that is, a year ago. we worked on this robot and we are improving it every day. the smart shopping cart is one of the student robots that is going to participate in the 18th international robop competition along with 317 other teams. compete another group of robots that a student built a system to bring audio-visual centers home. we connect with the device from the bluetooth part and when we are connected, we raise the optometry part. from this part, we enter our test number 50. now we choose one of these and it turns on and we have to tell it with farsi voice. right, as you can see, it added one point to me. if
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i say something wrong, it doesn't add any points to me. the other side of the competition is the robotics competition, where teamwork is the winner. specifies. footballer robots we have rescue robots in two parts , we have the simulator, we have that stage, we have the league , we have the demo, and we have the star. in dodi football, which is for students, which was held at the initiative of the islamic republic of iran, it was actually formed and now it is held in international competitions. in the adult section, we also have the demo for adults. we were in this department , we have the industrial robots department and the flying robots department, and in the student department , there is actually a league called insito, which is actually innovation. the work of the islamic republic of iran was formed , it was our own work . the number of participants is much higher than last year. now there are about 1,800 applicants
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, of which 300 and 316 or 17 of them entered the competition round . we had a 50% increase compared to last year. according to the quantity of people who participate, every year they try to improve the quality of their knowledge and the quality of the equipment and parts that are used. one of the differences between this year's robocup compared to last year was the football player robots who competed with two different capabilities. the lights are lighter robots than the open. and the open ones have a lower weight limit, the second difference is that the light robots follow the balls that have an ir sensor, that is, there is a series of sensors on the robot, and also on the ball , there is another series of sensors that can follow the ball by finding it. openha is different. openha. image filters do this. a series of lighted cameras will be installed, which can be moved by the mirror or motor servo, or
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check the surrounding area from inside the mirror and follow the ball after finding it . in this way, they can catch the ball and move towards the opponent's goal and score the ball. organizers robop competitions say that the holding of this type of competitions in the past has made the participants of the technology. outputs are actually this type of competition and this type of activity. science now has a very special place in the industry, and many of them are companies of scientists, establishing drones and remote control systems in this field is actually in this direction, and children's creativity is actually revealed from these competitions, and this it's like scientific olympiads, vahid zakrat of sed and sima news agency. at the same time as threats
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and tensions escalate in the region. and the gaza crisis has reached the boiling point of different sections of the british people in farakhani immediately and different from the previous weeks , they formed the largest demonstration against the armed support of the british regime to the israeli regime in front of the british parliament building . the disbelievers call an immediate stop to the war and an end to the sale of bombs and weapons to the israeli regime as one of their most important demands. the main problem in the middle east is the violent actions of the israeli regime. 75 years of stealing the land of the palestinians, suppressing them and violating international laws, and recently, the horrific attacks on gaza. these are the root of the crisis in the region. our question is this. in this situation, the british government should send bombs and weapons to israel continue? this senior member of the anti-war coalition in
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england. the israeli regime considers it to be the root of tension, crisis and the spread of war in the region. it was definitely known that iran would respond to israel's attack on the consulate of girish, which is considered the country's territory. if we want this cycle of violence to end , israel's violent actions must be stopped. the supporters of the israeli regime, especially the united states and the united kingdom , are believed to be complicit in israel's crimes, and i urge the american and british governments to take steps to be ashamed and stop supporting israel. we no longer just want a ceasefire. now less than the complete independence and freedom of the land the palestinians will not be satisfied. in such
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public demonstrations, it becomes more obvious that, like the past 76 years, the israeli regime cannot swallow the palestinian state and prevent the formation of an independent palestinian state, even with the most destructive weapons and bombs. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the sed and broadcasting news agency. how are the prices this year? did you hear that buying this year at last year's price?
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they say this year at last year's price, this year buy at last year's price , kids say this year at last year's price, they say this year buy from parsha city, household appliances at last year's price , very great, great news, buy this year at last year's price, we built a house for you until you come. you see, this is called installment purchase, whatever you want. any way you want, the big iranian house in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 am in
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the city of tehran. my host , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers. hello , good afternoon. you are watching the 12 o'clock news segment , emdad. the managing director of sistan baluchistan red crescent said: in addition to red crescent rescuers, relief groups from isfahan, fars and yazd are also providing services to the people. so far, 159 villages have been discussed and evaluated. 6377 families to our loved ones from the rescuers whom we serve from fars, yazd and kerman provinces.


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