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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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at 11:00 o'clock, our markets will start selling prices . at 12:00 o'clock, they will start selling prices. because dubai is important, why is dubai important? because dubai is actually our commercial center . therefore, i want to refute azizzadeh's statements that the majority of our oil production actually goes back to trade and return to the business account . it can be done with a very
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high probability and usually the exchange rate follows the economic fundamentals in the long term. i do not deny at all that the price of land can increase inflation inflation has an effect on the loan rate . in my opinion , it is not at all a matter of style, of fact, of economic terms, that you say that you will never find reason in the literature in the sense that they say it very hotly, sir. inflation is not related to the exchange rate. in fact , this is a long-term issue. now, i will try to continue the discussion . if we agree, let's go see a report before you make your comments. we find out mohammad ghafouri , an economic expert, the stabilization of the exchange rate due to the deficit the budget is detrimental to production. suppressing the exchange rate makes us have periods of stabilization and growth. in
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the current situation, when the economy has suffered an inflationary stagnation, i do not consider this action to be a correct action. the dollar rate should be formed in the broad market with supply and demand, and stabilization should be according to supply and demand so that we do not see an increase in the price of the currency. yahya lotfinia , economic expert, can improve macroeconomics with stabilization policy and stabilize the economy through monetary variables. given that now the economic war, cowardly sanctions. there is an outflow of immigration capital and a threat to food security, all of this majid shakri, an economic expert, assumes that fixing the width is a good thing, which of course is not, but it should not be fixed instead of determining the saturday corridor and gradually closing its limits from determining the starting rate. assuming that i am also in favor of rate stabilization, i declare that the campaign to stabilize the exchange rate is detrimental to the consumer. hadi khajovi
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, economic expert, momentary and short-term decision-making has seriously bothered the economic activist of the country, the thing that can give strength to the country's economic investor is stability, this stability can advance the economy. the policy of stabilizing the width is a good policy , provided that the policy maker has a partial view of the free market. the stabilization of the exchange rate has led to an increase in the confidence of traders and merchants , so that they know when they should buy and place orders, and that they know that the central bank is standing by its economic stabilization program. yes
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, we have seen the report together, mr. yazdizadeh, mr. daravi, how many reasons can you give for rejecting your order, one is that it is a fractional number we talked about the commercial aspects of the import restrictions, such as household appliances , car imports, the queue that exists for the allocation of width, etc. , and finally the price increase that exists. what i am doing is that in the economic books, in the books , we don't have anything called the assumption of stability of other conditions, and this is a union. well , if it is a union, it is worse than the one that assumes the stability of other conditions. see, this is the same union that you have. it is established that a financial asset called land can be a medium of exchange in the country does it have an effect at all? it means that the concept you have is just the concept you are putting forward in the land market. sir, the trade balance
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should be like this. i am faced with 2 phenomena, i don't come when i want to talk about this , i want to present theories, i just pay attention to the market where the supply and demand is about export and import, but i don't want to consider the reality of this. and then i will talk about this and then i will claim that it is not this market in the free market, i have land because of the dubai, which is determined. the argument you are making is because we say that the price will be determined by the 11th of dubai. therefore, the free price of our width is also a product of supply and demand for trade. the issue of width is from 40 tomans, from 30 tomans to 25 tomans. the demand for imports had increased from 50 tomans to 60 tomans. the demand for imports had increased from 60 tomans to 67 tomans . look, this is not a joke. the jumps in the land market
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are happening. the demand for land is not for import and export. i can do it in the morning with a cost of 20 million 30 million dollars , a field has been created, just start buying, it starts going up immediately , you don't even need to keep this money, it's going up , sell it, go higher than.
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its nature is good, if it is going to be managed by injecting and weakening the country's resources, this economic logic says that you should not do this, you should go to the motives of its demand and limit them. banknotes, i'm talking too much.
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business account business account account i have to because of the deficit caused by the gradual growth of your exchange rate i want to be my country, not jump jump, it means
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it is happening somewhere else, look at inflation in the same book that they are saying, they define inflation, they say gradual increase in prices, why is the gradual increase in the price of this jump, sir, this is not considered inflation. they say, "no, this is a jump. now it's a jump, but it's killing the people. yes, why do they say that inflation is a gradual increase in prices, because inflation is the result of factors that gradually affect it? they say, sir, liquidity went up gradually, the principal is doing, the cost went up, but it's a jump." the price means that something else is happening outside of these, i.e. with a price jump i am faced with a price jump, which means a quick replacement. it is the national currency with financial assets that creates a jump. expectations are immediately affected. it has an inflationary effect, it is extremely inflationary. the price of my land is not determined by my business in the open market. it determines my expectations of the future. from the financial asset and
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the privileges i gave to this financial asset, i.e. transfer without registration. leave your country for god's sake. behold. when you say that there are 80 billion dollars in currency in this country, it means that the central bank is working on monetary policy, what are you talking about, mr. central bank, you only have 80 billion. you don't have a good review at all, leave the gold aside. there are several 10 tons of gold that are doing the same thing, then you see that you have more liquidity than your own liquidity, then you sit down and make an economic plan, or you leave it, mr. darawi , now the central bank is in the current situation with the explanations we have given so far, the central bank is now what policy should he adopt? now we see that the distance between the fixed rate and the free exchange rate has become a significant gap , which has been witnessed in the past years. what should he do now ? continue the stabilization policy with another rate. both let's connect it so that it has a conclusion. look
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, according to the statistics of the central bank, i actually told you to go and see whether it is mainly smuggling or official. our currency exchanges are commercial, price leadership is also evidence. now, i will give an example in 1401, when the dollar rate increased sharply. you could see that the dollar, for example, and tehran behind it , is rising, because you can see that in the business discussion , the needs are discussed in millions of dollars, each person, each businessman there, is discussing millions of dollars, but on the floor of the tehran market, each person is discussing, for example 10,000 to 100,000 is a very difficult task if we want to move the banknotes, they will stay like many of the banknotes that landed in tehran. in the end, it goes out of our borders to be used
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for smuggling or capital outflow. well, when we see that most of our equations are commercial, and basically we do not have a specific international financial market , we do not have a specific international stock market , we do not have a specific international asset market. when we say that the majority of our exchanges are commercial. commercial means that the price of our land is high. for a long time, it is following our economic fundamentals . in the long term, i accept the impact of the same forces that are creating inflation, the exchange rate. we are growing, now the question is why our exchange rate is not gradual like inflation, and a jump actually grew in the 80s, the jump was because of this, in the 80s, we actually poured 250 billion dollars of oil currency in a cross section. we stopped the increase in the exchange rate. in 1990-1991, sanctions came
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and there was no more oil abundance. incidentally, from 1993 to 1996 , again, we were able to keep the exchange rate low with oil revenues and bank deposit interest rates. there is currency and foreign networks and any payment. what happened in the end? it fell in 1997 with a small external shock and sanctions again, the leap in 14 and 2019 was again the same year, we made a leap in 1997 and in 1998 we stabilized, then we were very happy that we stabilized, so to speak, we were getting a backlash. then in 2099, another leap in the year 1400, there was a relative stability , the policy maker took the back of the arm, then again in the year 41, there was a jump and this trend continued. by the way, this jump
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in the exchange rate is an indication that the land price is really an asset. you see, assets are generally not a market. assets are just currency, stocks are like that, papers are like that, usually in fact because of that market structure, they tend to increase by leaps and bounds . the market maker in the financial markets is to turn this increase from a leap into an increase in osmosis. we are from the central bank. we should expect that, sir, first of all , we must stabilize the exchange rate and the value of the national currency, but in the right way, not by artificial spreading and you need to do basic work on the order rate and these things, monitor the system
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and actually see your dissatisfaction. have a positive horizon about the improvement of the country's issues, for example, the development program can do this. the more important issue of the macro-economic imbalance that we have , can you see a bank now? almost 65% of our monetary base is owed by the banks to the central bank. what does it mean that the bank has a general imbalance and has an unhealthy performance, and according to mr. yazidzadeh, the same banks are playing in the market , they are looking for unproductive work, the credits that should go to production go to unproductive production measures, then costs and who will compensate for the loss?
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what should the central bank do in terms of foreign exchange policies ? can we take 650,000? that nothing has happened in the economy, until these issues are resolved in the economy, the exchange rate will inevitably increase, unfortunately, but the central bank and our government in general have a choice or allow this increase in the land rate to be an osmosis and the resources the currency should maintain itself to develop and
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actually create the resilience of the country against. shukar or not, like in the past few periods , continue this step system of jumps, which we did not tell you about our economic situation. we can take the first step towards returning the items that were given for 285d back to 1401. gradually, see what the replacement rate is, we are a market. we must have the official side, this is the exchange center, we don't want anything complicated, the same nimai that was in 1999, you see, in 1999 , we didn't have one, two or three billion more oil widths with the nima market, not the nimai market, where there is no price ceiling and only and only through the central bank, yes, through the purchase and sale of the
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central bank, through the purchase and sale of land. and transverse controls mean only the amount policy for he should intervene in the quantitative and price policy like what he is doing now, it has not made the price controls work, nor the price and order policy. it took less than two minutes for you to see a matter that has been delayed twice . thank you very much. i would also like to submit a minute to your presence, mr. d. please correct it . fortunately, he first said that land notes are not used for foreign exchange, and this is not the case, then he said that they are used for smuggling. can't determine if they are saying that the demand for imports for smuggling can affect the free market . there were other things that i discussed in your presence, which i
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will not mention now because i want to talk about the account . i have about two minutes. what we have to do is that we must first understand that financial assets should not exist in the form of financial assets with these privileges . if we have a financial asset, we must accept it , its transfer must be completely stabilized , and it must come out of the nameless state, because it is 70% liquid. the country is definitely getting big points with this work you took from this land and its price will fall drastically because smuggling is not for the smugglers, it is not for the smugglers.
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iran iranians launch iran.
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england and france also participated in it, but in sandcom's report, there are newer dimensions of the action. regardless of the accuracy of this statistic, it is clear that the american defense was almost unsuccessful in targeting the missiles and was only able to deal with a part of the drones, which happened to
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be used in the operational strategy to engage relatively low-speed systems. witness 136 simple, inexpensive and so-called easy drones there is a set that has a suitable range for this operation . sandcom's statistics show that iran's operational plan has been realized and most of the missiles passed through the barrier of the defense rings. 36 cruise missiles and 110 ballistic missiles in the form of a long-range strategic missile with a warhead.
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it seems that the iranian cruise to confront israel did not use more than four to five models in this operation and this shows that iran has not yet opened its missile hand to israel and these are only a part of iran's missile power and according to the images that have been published seem to be emad and khyber shakan missiles, including this missile to be which will be used against israel and , as a rule, not all of iran's missile power. what the israelis did in the field of air defense, they
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used all their defense assets and that of their allies to prevent our missiles and drones from hitting their targets. this strategy turned the hands of the zionists, but iran's fist is still closed. a strategy derived from tehran's deterrence power, whose actions depend on the possible adventurism of the zionist regime. maybe. the variety of our clothing for men, women, children, in different colors and sizes, t-shirts, pants. shorts we produce hoodies and jackets . we have 10,000 production jobs per day. or else, with a minimum investment and a sewing machine, the
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business light will turn on. in iran, we are working both wholesale and individually, we are selling small production units , each of which turns the wheel of the textile industry. and for this industry, creating jobs in the sewing sector , the total number of men and women in each sector is 75 people , that is, 15 people are busy working with all the assumptions that probably involve the production units. in the textile industry, 7,000 industrial units and 18,000 union units are working. in all these years , the situation has been improving, and it has not been bad. some days have been up and down. in the textile and clothing industry, at least one million people in the manufacturing sector.
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according to official statistics, this industry had a growth of 17 percent and was one of the most prosperous industrial areas in iran . the industry is completely a people's industry, a people's industry in this sense. that all investments made in this field is done by the people, the management of all the economic enterprises, which i mentioned, the total industrial units of production, trade union, production and distribution are being managed by dear people, as much as we
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try to use them. it has improved, and the consumer's attitude has also changed, because domestic production has actually improved a lot, according to the director general of the ministry's textile industry office. 80% of the market of the textile industry is supplied with products manufactured in this area. a market that has the elasticity and ability to increase production capacity, if public support is stable. nowruz begi, sed and sima news agency.
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ladies and gentlemen, it's time to go to the city of accessories shut up. i don't have a check, bye everyone, bye, no, madam, i don't want a check , will you be my guarantor at all, i don't want a guarantor . a special purchase for
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the dear retirees of social security from the city of household appliances. the city of household appliances . mom, dad, where are you , how are you, i'm fine, don't worry, we came to irani sarai to buy an air conditioner, this time of the year, with this rush, the special sale of gas air conditioners in iran 's big sarai has started under exceptional conditions.
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until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. dear viewers, hello , good evening . the soldiers of the zionist regime shot dead two palestinians in the north of hebron in the west bank. the zionist army radio claimed that these two palestinians intended to carry out an operation with cold weapons. the number of martyrs in the last 3 days of attacks by zionist regime soldiers at nurshams prison in the west bank is also up.


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