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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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a single macaron at the top. in the name of god. hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to economic news. the supply of red meat is regulated by the national market. according to the secretary of the trade association of meat industry, in the coming days, with the increase in the import of red meat , it will be offered in other provinces in addition to tehran and alborz. mr. rasouli said that between 250 and 300 tons of meat are imported daily, and soon this number will increase to 60.
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at the moment, meat is regulated by the imported market of tehran albarze province, but in a few days, the import will increase , and other provinces will also be covered. i think that this work will be done in 20 days so that this meat will be offered all over my country. only 400 cultivation patterns were implemented last year. the head of the agricultural education and extension research organization said that we faced a 25% mismatch in the cultivation pattern in the first year, and based on this year's planning, these deficiencies will be compensated. cash pattern includes the plan of planting agricultural products in different regions. this year's dose. rahat
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will definitely reduce our imbalance, but in the field of horticulture , which will be the first year, it may be like the first year of agriculture, but i am concerned about the trend of the kash model , despite the fact that funds will be allocated to this field. i am satisfied with the fact that it has become a dominant culture and discourse. definitely, if material support is provided , great things will happen in my opinion. 46 agricultural lands of the country were deeded, according to the head of the country's land affairs organization, removing conflicts of ownership of agricultural lands and deeding them is one of the most important ways to prevent the unauthorized change of use of these lands. last year, we identified more than 70,000 changes in land use , and we investigated more than 30,000 cases, but we know that this
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is continuing. it has grown by 5 to 10%, from only 1,400 to 20,12,402 in the country as a whole , we had about 23,000 cases of unauthorized change of use . our class 1 and 2 arazi are mostly in the northern arazi of the country , and they are also more at risk. according to the vice president of land affairs organization, only 36 out of which this class one and two are generally at risk, this change of uses will pose a problem to the security and judicial authority of the country, but the implementation of the law of unification of the country's lands will preserve more uses. and in addition to preventing the erosion of arable lands from changing their use this 300 is also prevented. belonging to 300,400
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rural households, in terms of productivity , it is excellent in terms of profitability. if our soil is of the same fabric, our harvest and performance are more than patchy. we have 4111 pilots in the whole country in the form of fabric making and agricultural land collection. 7,000 hectares of our lands have been made into fabric and landscape. that we have for this project , we hope that our 10,000 hectares will be collected in one cloth production , land ownership interference is another problem in the way of maintaining agricultural land use, according to the announcement of erazi affairs organization small land without documents is considered the most important reason and excuse for changing the use of agricultural land, out of a total of 7,900 license plates subject to interference removal in our country, 18,500 license plates have been removed so far. if
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we want to look at the matter , we have cleared over 10,100,000 hectares of interference, according to the announcement of the land affairs organization , land interference has been removed in 68 agricultural lands of the country and title deeds have been issued for 46 agricultural lands. ahmad hamidi of sed and sima news agency. the spokesperson of the trade development commission of khaneh samt said that the export of livestock, fishery, agricultural and food products increased by 12 and a half percent in terms of weight, the country reported in 1402 compared to the previous year. according to mr. latifi, this amount is also 2. it has increased. last year, more than 8 million tons of livestock, dairy, agricultural and food products worth more than 6 billion dollars were exported from our country. the value share of the export of agricultural and food products last year
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was 13% of the total export value of the country. iraq, the united arab emirates, russia, pakistan and afghanistan, the top five destinations for the export of agricultural and livestock products. they were iran. the spokesman of the guardian council approves the resolution of the parliament regarding the production and infrastructure financing plan informed. this plan was approved in the parliament on august 29 of last year, and after three rounds of back and forth between the parliament and the guardian council, it finally became a law after the objections were resolved. according to mr. tahan nazir, the production and infrastructure financing law will make financing from the capital market easier. and by correcting the trends , it reduces various economic costs of financing. improving the provincial tax environment or reducing additional tax costs with the aim of financing shelters and increasing capital, providing facilities to attract foreign financing for the development
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of downstream oil and gas industries using public capital and making it easier for the private sector to enter in the industry, it is one of the goals of this law. the number of circulars in the field of foreign trade in 1402 decreased by 533 compared to 1401. customs announced that last year the number of customs circulars reached 125, which is 129 less than in 1401. according to the statistics of our country's foreign trade customs in the last year, with oil export attribution. the technical services of electrical engineering reached 153 billion dollars with a trade surplus of 20 billion dollars, the share of non-oil exports of this figure was more than 49 billion dollars . the country's exports, excluding the export of electricity, oil , technical and engineering services, reached 494 billion dollars.
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compared to the previous year , there is a decrease of 8% and 9%. the exporters say: the decrease in the competition of iranian goods in the world markets, the decrease in the global price of goods, as well as the directives of the creation of the country, have been effective factors in the decrease of the country's exports . different countries can reduce the cost of their own products, they can use different marketing methods and attract the needs of their customers. our export capacity will be reduced. another important issue that exists is the discussion of recipes. and it can be said that there are circulars that are related to the field of foreign trade, a series of regulations and we have directives that change at the moment. in the last months of last year, the 13th government
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passed articles 24 and 30 of the law on improving the business environment to solve the problem of customs circulars. about 12 years since the approval of article 24 of the law on improving the business environment on sunday, the board of ministers issued an executive regulation. this article, which was included in the directive of the ministers at the suggestion of the ministry of economy, was agreed to. article 24 says to line up a series of circulars and say that you will announce a few days in advance to change each one. article 24 of the law obliges the government to take measures alsaa for now management according to the minister of economy, these bylaws are valid from july 1st. zahra tizcheng of sed and sima news agency, the vice president of standard development of the national standard organization, says that the development of the standard of 1,000
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parts affecting the safety and quality of the car has begun. change it it's kind of slow, but as soon as it's dropped, the car takes profit , the brakes are pulled and people's lives are played with. maybe it happened to you too. piece remove the amulet from the car and the same part will ground your car again in a short period of time , even though the plate is not finished, but because of the poor quality of this plate, it is broken, see that the inside is broken and this part came out of the optima 201 engine. because of the non -standard oil, the engine burns and he has to open the engine , leaving a loss of 100 million in the hands of the customer. about 2,000 car parts manufacturers are active in the country , producing approximately 28,000 new parts, of which only 50 new parts are standard. the bulk of the piece is mandatory.
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it may not be standard, we have seen many times with replacement a few hours later, the gas station did not have gas, that gas station and the car caught fire. some of the standards have been out of date for a long time , they should be reviewed at least once every 10 years, which is not possible because the production conditions are changing. another mandatory standard is to announce a thousand parts that affect the safety and quality of the car, and these thousand parts are now in the form of sets, for example, the body set of the set, and this with an infrastructure that has been created, you can almost say how many
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next month, we will try to reach the number of 1000. these standards must be approved by the supreme council of standards and notified to the manufacturers . the scrapping of used cars will increase by 3 to 7 times. the law, which provides good incentives for the scrapping of used cars , was announced late last year and will be implemented from may 5th. last year , there were 72 thousand, considering that now we did not have a series of subordinates , we did not have an executive and organizational structure of a headquarters or, for example, a row. or the regulation itself was announced at the end of last year, which is below. in fact, our actions have not been this , but this year, god willing, this is all clear
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. god willing, our prediction is that we can achieve at least 200,000 to 300,000 , god willing, we can achieve a maximum of 500,000, god willing . according to mr. moad did, the ministry of poison supports the producers in this sector. we have approximately 220 educational recreational aircraft in the country, which are registered by the national aircraft organization. also for recreational subjects are used as well as for the educational part. we support both the so-called recreational aircraft manufacturers and those in this collection. they operate in the industrial sector and repair, maintain and supply their parts, and we also
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have capable domestic companies that are approved by the organization. it is produced and sold to pilot schools or to people who apply, and they are still flying. friendly thank you for your support and god bless you. but let me turn to the missile strikes that iran launched against israel, 300 of them, it
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was spectacularly unsuccessful, i mean it caused barely any damage, again you're smirking, you can explain why, but it was a spectacular failure, wasn't 't it by iran, just load of show boating and and and throwing fireworks in the air with actually no result whatsoever other than they hurt one little go, of course i'm smiling, it's funny the way in which you... always frame things where this the other and the non-westerner is incompetent and incapable and your your fantastic israeli allies are top of their... game no, in fact it was major defeat for the israelis and for the americans and why? because the iranians from the very beginning, well let me tell you, first of all the israeli regime carried out an air strike on an iranian embassy, ​​the whole world condemned it, forget the west, forget the uk and the us, you are marginalized , you supported it
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because at the un security council, your regime, the american regime and the french regime, they prevented... the condemnation of the bombing of the iranian embassy, ​​so the world rallied behind iran and iran said, we're going to retaliate, but what did iran do? iran played it very smart, they first they played 10 days of mind games with israeli regime, and then they declared that they're going to carry out the attack, so the israelis and the americans and everyone mobilized everything they had, and the iranian sent hundreds of uh dirt cheap drones. few thousand dollars each to fly and it took three hours for them to get there and then your israeli allies spent according to their own estimates 1.35 billion dollars to down drones that didn't cost probably two million dollars for iran. the iranians did not use any of their new technology, it was all old technology, so the israelis gained
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nothing, but the iranians gained a huge amount of information about the capability. ities of the americans and israelis and i must say that most of the things were done by the americans, not the israelis or the british or the french, and then the iranian sent series of old missiles that they had in stock for a long time, none of it with the latest technology, and then again the americans and israelis attack them with very expensive missile defense systems and use all their capabilities giving the iranians huge. of information again a couple of million dollars, no one is going to buy those old missiles, and then iran sent fired a handful alongside these missiles, a handful of serious missiles that were targeted at two base bases, the two most heavily military defended military sites in the world, an airbase in the south and intelligence
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gathering base i think in the north and both of them received direct hits, so the israelis... gave they they showed their hand, they spent a lot of money a time when these missiles are there's a huge shortage of them because of ukraine and the iranians gave no information about their capabilities, even if i got to say that's one of the more entertaining explanations for such an abject failure that i've heard should again and let me take you back let me take you back to what israel said they committed the bombing in damascus for was because they discovered that the building was diplomatic in name only and being used as an iranian military and intelligence base, hence the presence of all these generals uh two of whom were killed along with all the others there, so if it was being used as a military base uh and they were training hezbollah, which is what they believe they were doing, then it was a legitimate target, wasn't it? well, of course, since you support the israeli
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narrative and you are a friend of the people who are carrying out this holocaust, this ongoing holocaust, and you don't care about... "i don't support any narrative, i'm just asking you whether it was being used, if it was being used as a military base, was it a legitimate target if the training hezbollah to attack israel, you have rather one of the most extreme narratives and i think you're doing a disservice uh to truth by, i don't at all, i've been very critical of israel, but i don't believe, i don't, whenever i interview people can't find it in themselves to actually say what hamas did on october the 7th, i always find it slightly incredulous than..." whatever else they say what happens, people are not intimidated by you, that's the problem, you can intimidate some of your own people, but you can't intimidate us, i want to find out, i'm just fascinated, okay, let me ask you this, let i ask you this, you don't ask the questions, no, i'm answering
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your question, that was a diplomatic one building, you know quite well that the israelis had no right to touch it, committed a crime and the iranian retaliation was an active self-defense and your own foreign minister humiliated himself on sky news, which is an outlet that is sympathetic to the regime when he when he said, well if one of our diplomatic buildings were struck, what would how would the response be? so don't be silly, the israeli regime, they're always lying just like the al shafa hospital, they are full of underground tunnels, where were the tr tunnels and then at the beginning when they struck the hospital and killed hundreds of people, they said no, it was the resistance, and the western intelligence agencies said the same thing, and then we saw them hit the hospital after hospital after hospital after hospital, so you put your faith in the narrative of these child killers who bomb hospitals and destroy the very basis of humanity, the very basic needs for ordinary people in gaza. come
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on, and here's the irony, professor, here's the irony is that all the attention that was falling actually on israel's war on hamas in gaza, and whether it was a massive overreach and whether too many civilians were being killed, and when we saw the aid workers killed, obviously enray. people as well uh, it was all heading the way that iran would have liked, which is was general, global uh outrage that was fermenting about what was going on there, now the narrative has changed, isn't it, because what we saw were countries like jordan racing to help israel defend itself against iran's missiles, the ones that you've tried to dismiss, but were actual missiles, and how does that help iran's narrative that israel or the bad? in the region when you have major arab countries like jordan and saudi offering airspace and so on, how does that help your cause to try and isolate israel? all you did was achieve
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the complete opposite, didn't you? absolutely not. first of all, the people of jordan know that the israeli regime considers the palestinians to be amalek, we're not dumb piers and they're not dumb, the government of jordan does not represent the people, you know this and i know. that, but more importantly, well the government of iran doesn't represent the iranian people, it represents the iranian people more than your government represents the british people, but the iranians i wouldn't say that at all, i would say that, the iranians when they carried out the strike, and by the way, just as well, i'll say that at the end, when the iranians carried out the strike, they punished the israeli regime and they humiliated the israeli regime, but nothing is going to distract world public opinion. from the holocaust in gaza, don't think that the israelis can do that, no one can do that, when the president of brazil and other world leaders, say what the israeli regime is doing
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today to the people of gaza is just like what the nazis were doing in germany, no one is going to forget because the iranians retaliated, okay, let me ask you this, but no, i want to ask you something, it's been reported today that israel is preparing. to do a retaliatory uh strike against iran in some capacity, we don't know how yet, and it's been uh said, not least by you, that if war spreads, have no doubt all american bases in the persian gulf region will be destroyed, and those countries that host american bases will be guilty by association, all those gas and oil installations will be destroyed by drones and missiles, um, i mean, that's sort of strong rhetoric, but the reality is that if israel does strike iran, it has a far more sophisticated. for military capacity, and if america was to defend it against any further retaliation of the kind that you're describing, then iran would get wiped away,
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wouldn't it? why would you pretend otherwise? that's your wishful thinking, the israeli regime is vulnerable and weak and it has shown itself to be incapable of taking a dot on the map. they haven't been able to take gaza after six months of genocide, they haven't been able to take even northern gaza after. six months of genocide, they have they have to withdraw at least 100 to 200 thousand people from northern israel because they cannot stand up to hezbollah, they cannot push hezbollah back, they cannot defeat them, so you think the israeli regime is going to defeat iran, why is it that the americans are concerned about any israeli attack, because they know exactly what will happen, next time around iran won't be firing those old drones to gather intelligence and empty... the israeli and the american missiles, next time the iranians will be sending thousands of missiles and drones that are top notch, and the israelis will be punished severely, and
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the reason why the americans don't want this is because they know that the balance of power has shifted. pierce, let me give you a word of advice, your media outlets, regardless of whether russia or ukraine is good or bad, that is another issue, your media. lets in the west have been misleading the people for two years now, saying ukraine is winning, ukraine is winning, suddenly everyone is saying, ukraine is falling apart, dishonest narratives and reporting dishonestly to your own people ultimately hurt the people of england and europe and the united states, and your endless wars based on this nonsense and this misinformation lead to huge waves of refugees and then the people of europe feel overwhelmed by refugees that you yourself brought upon yourself? yeah, i mean, i think i would return the favor here by saying to you, i think you
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should wake up to the reality of... what your regime is doing, because it's pretty clear, i think to anyone who has looked at the situation in this totality that what iran has been doing is a direct response to the normalization of relations with israel with number of countries in the middle east that uh annoys iran intensely because they don't recognize israel as a state, so what is iran has been doing is funding and fueling terror groups like hamas, hezbollah, the hoots to uh... attack israel because what they want to do, particularly with october the 7th is to dismantle and destabilize any more normalization of arab countries with israel, particularly saudi arabia who are on the verge of doing it, which is why i think the utterly self-defeating firing of all these missiles the other day actually had the complete opposite effect, jordan raced to defend israel and saudi offered air space and also uh helped defend them as well uh and
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when... happens that isolates iran, not israel, anyway, we're going to leave it there, professor, let me, let me, let me respond to that, let me respond to that, actually it's the opposite, when the west continues to support the atrocities carried out by israel, when the west openly supports an ethno supremacist regime, and when the west supports genocide, the public across the region is turning not only against the israeli regime, but against the west. "a few families who are ruling over countries are not public opinion and ultimately by pursuing this they are creating a rage that they cannot stop in future. and just one final point a personal note, i experienced what the west does to the non-western world, when your governments were supporting saddam hussein, when your governments were arming him in the 1980s, before you turned against
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him, you..." your governments gave him chemical weapons, i survived two of those chemical weapons attacks, i survived both mustard gas and i survived nerve agents that were provided by western c government saddam hussein and many people did not survive, the intentions of western regimes are not, you've your government have done nothing but ruin and destruction for our part of the world and from much of the rest of the world and now because of the mess that you've created across the board, you're now ruining the lives of your own people. okay, well just for the record, i was the editor of the daily mirror which led the uk media campaign against the iraq war in 2003, so so i know, i know what you're saying, i'm just saying that i did that, and so your assessment of what i think about what has happened, war protest in london at that time,
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actually, so i know what you would, we were probably carrying a daily banner, buse we, i know, it's a complicated situation , professor mirandi, i appreciate you joining me, thank you very much, thank you, why are you arresting us? this is not a question for students. who are subjected to violence and sometimes even arrested for protesting the killing of palestinians . the right to freedom of expression and protest is important for everyone. especially against this genocide which is carried out jointly by america and israel. i had a sign on my head when the police attacked me. they pulled down the writing and
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beat me. in the latest of these violences. by attacking the gathering of supporters of palestine at columbia university , he arrested more than 100 people, including hirsi's prisoners. we we realized that protest alone is not enough. in order for our voice to be heard, we must make them see us. asra has now been suspended from studying at columbia university because of his participation in the rally of supporters of palestine. that too, only one day after his mother in the congress, the president of the university under this way.


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