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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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they choose two markets for capital. we made a mistake here. look at the capital market of this money. when it enters this basket , how is it divided between them? mr. nasab , it depends on which one has the highest yield. so, the one with the highest yield will enter the one with the highest yield than all of them. let it be balanced, for example, based on the theories of hosts, which is not such a thing. now, i would like to offer you this financial asset that i put in my country. they have extremely special characteristics compared to others , and they have extremely high liquidity, so i don't need a precautionary request i am careful, i will even reduce my cautious demand and enter this market with two extremely high divisible, that is, people with the lowest savings can bring their money here , there is no need for the rest of the assets, whether it is a property or someone who needs a large amount of money. 3 tax exempt is a very good exempt investment. four: transfer without
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registration, i.e. exempt, divisible financial asset with no name that can be used as a medium of exchange. once you create this, this will be your price index. now it determines the price of the whole country, what other goods, what the official width is. this asset finance is determining. if those who know the economy know that a financial asset market will be created to control the overflow of this liquidity. they choose a market as a financial asset that has several characteristics. a value that can be increased means that this asset market does not face a density of demand or a severe shortage of currency so that it can absorb this money. second, don't cause partial inflation.
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with your intelligence, which scientist told you that the market, which is facing a terrible demand and supply potential , you can control it through supply, go to 28 billion dollars. inject the year to facilitate smuggling
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make it easier for capital flight, a country that could get rid of crude oil sales in all fields with 50 billion dollars out of this 284 billion dollars. all those who do this must answer and all those who continue it must answer that you are these sources. no matter what kind of country you are , you do whatever you do because you can't manage your financial market because you don't understand that this market is the market you have to go to if you want to bring the price down, see where the demand motives come from. i'm a smuggler, i'm begging , sir, i want to give a bribe, i'm begging i want to do tax evasion, i'm begging you, as soon as you get the privilege like the rest of the world, the privilege of being nameless will end , it will no longer be useful for smuggling , it will not be useful for capital flight, it will not be useful for corruption and bribery. the pain of tax evasion is not worth it , it is very demanding to save, and justifying that
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because inflation is created in the country, the price of land should go up, you see, this is actually a theoretical mistake , again, a theoretical mistake because this assumption that he has kane says, "sir, my inflation has nothing to do with the interest rate, why are you saying that?" sir, it was swollen. our current account and capital account do not have a surplus . no, i do not accept this. i look at the customs statistics , and i call them customs statistics
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. this is a discussion of economic literature. when your land price is not fixed, like in saudi arabia, it is better not to have a financial asset rate, it is not a currency. we don't have a fixed horizontal system, it is never possible to have a balance surplus of foreign payments , it is absolutely impossible for the exchange rate to go up, that is , you should open your bachelor's book right away .
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he is saying very simply, he is saying that he is looking at the balance payments when the loan rate is floating, yes , there is definitely a balance of your payments, which means that your balance will be automatically applied.
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a discussion of equilibrium is different. yes , there is a series of furozs in economic hypotheses, but what i am saying is not a hypothesis. this is actually a union . sir, the price of land is floating. when you have a surplus , the price goes down. when you have a deficit, the price goes up. this is not a hypothesis. this is not an economic theory that needs to be assumed. this is another point. in my opinion , the point of difference is that this is my opinion dear sir, we have a banknote market , our scan market is actually the leader of the land rate and
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the total price leader, and if the 284 billion dollars that i told you, the main intervention was in the commercial market, it was in the dirham, it was in the uae, it was for imports. there was export , there was no scanning, the amount of the banknote is very low, very low , because you see so much burden and weight on the banknote , this is not the case. the main horizontal shock that we suffer is your business. billion. 80 billion, 80 billion scans, a lot of liquidity of the whole country imagine, you know, 284 billion dollars, how many pallets of foreign currency we have to scan inside the country by plane, it is absolutely impossible, as a result of the main interventions we
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had, it was remittance and remittance was for business, so much weight and burden as you saw, i am not at all denying that sometimes it is commercial what kind of business is smuggling ? my business is also official luggage smuggling. your idea is this way, i wanted to say in the next discussion that this is the way that many people think that there will be a series of offers in nima, they will buy nima after you, then they will go to erzu and import with it. it is not like that at all. so you see, we are again the main source of the shocks, the major deficits that we have, the main part is actually the exchange rate signaling that drives the exchange rate. above is our current account, which is not our capital account , it is not our capital account, that is, i feel that you are placing a very heavy burden on the banknote , when in practice, our banknote market is not that deep and there is no exchange in it. see, we are close to 2
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trillion. in these two tens of dollars, we actually had foreign exchange resources of these two trillion. it can almost be said that one and eight tenths of it was spent on trade 30,350 are smuggled. half a trillion of it was official import, i know that it was probably understated, this also happened, but we see that the majority of our currency exchanges, whether smuggling or non -smuggling, were commercial, so i cannot accept the weight of mr. yazidzadeh's statement. sometimes the banknote has been the leader of the market , it can't be hidden, especially when there is a social uncertainty, the price leadership is from the scanning side in tehran, but it is interesting to know
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that mainly, you just need to set a price leadership model , for example, between the dubai dollar and the tehran dollar. you see, the main the overflow of information from dubai to tehran right now , why do our markets start giving rates at 11 o'clock, because it is important for dubai. why is dubai important, because dubai is actually our commercial center, so i want to refute azizzadeh's statements that the majority of our oil production goes back to business and goes back to the business account . thank you. you gave it to mr. yazidzadeh. i can use it for a minute. what result do i want? as a result , most of our currency changes come back to the sense of our trading account, not our capital account. we
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are saying all these things, our capital account is very small in the balance of payments, we have a current account, which is mainly import and export . the exchange rate follows economic fundamentals in the long term. i do not deny at all that the price of land can affect inflation and inflation can affect the exchange rate. in my opinion, it is nothing at all, but in economic terms , it cannot be hidden at all that you say that now you literature never comes to causality in the sense that they say a lot, sir, this god and ballah are not related to inflation, but to the exchange rate. in fact, in the long term
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, we discussed the issue together. there is for the allocation of width and so on, and finally, the increase in the rate that exists , you can see the explanation of this, first of all, you said that this discussion that i am having in the economic books, in the books and something called the hypothesis, is based on the stability of others. we don't have conditions and this is a union. well , if it is a union, it is worse than the one that assumes stability look at the other conditions, the same alliance that you have , is it effective at all when a financial asset called land can be used as a medium of exchange in the country? it means that the concept that you are referring to is only the concept that you are presenting in the market. sir, the trade balance should be like this. i said that when we talk about the width, we must first
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solve this issue. i will go to the market that supply and demand about it is export and import, but i don't want to consider this and the reality, and i will talk about this later, and then i will claim that it is not this market that is available in the free market because of the dubai that is determined, the argument you are making because we are waiting until 11 dubai to determine the price, so our open rate is the product of supply and demand for trade. toman demand for imports went up from 60 tomans, demand for imports went up to 67 tomans, see this is not a joke, jump. what is happening in the land market , there is no demand for land for import and export. in the morning, with a
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cost of 20 million dollars, 30 million dollars , i can increase the supply rate in this country by 20%. in the uae, i can do this. i will not do this at all. what do you think, what do you think, you just need to come in the morning and announce, sir, i have a dream, i will buy so much, start raising the price. a context has been created, just start shopping, it starts going up immediately , you don't even need to keep this money, it's going away. sell ​​high, go higher than there. you bought , sold, bought, this happened again in this country , if you don't know, be careful, ask how long this happened in 2019, with 20 million dollars, 20 million yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, we have the official statistics that the president said in 91, our interventions were zero at all. no, their intervention was zero , there was zero foreign intervention, yes, yes, yes, i
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am talking about dubai. you can easily use this economy in the dubai market. you are saying very well that the software of this economy is closed to the free market of currency, which is a financial asset its nature is good, if it is going to be managed by injecting and weakening the country's resources, this thesis of economic logic says that you should not do this, you should go to the motivations of the demand and limit them. i have a lot of land notes, for example,
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a commercial account, a commercial account, a commercial account. if i have someone, i should cause a gradual growth of the exchange rate in my country due to the deficit, not a jump.
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the gradual increase in the price of this chinese product, sir, is not considered inflation. why do they say that inflation is a gradual increase in prices, because they see inflation as a result of factors that gradually affect them, they say, sir , liquidity went up gradually, the cost went up, but the price jump means that something else is happening outside of these. i am faced with a price jump, which means a quick replacement. it is the national currency with financial assets that creates a jump. expectations are immediately affected. it has an inflationary effect, it has an extremely inflationary effect. the price of my land is not determined by my business in the open market. my expectations it determines the future. from the financial asset and the privileges i gave to this financial asset, i.e.
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transfer without registration. leave this country for god's sake. see you now we can see that the distance between the fixed exchange rate and the free exchange rate has become a significant distance, like what happened in the past years. what should be done now ? he should delete it, what should he do? now , in order to connect my discussion so that it has a conclusion, see, according to the statistics of the central bank, i actually told you the statistics.
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mainly, whether it is smuggling or official, the main part of our currency exchange was commercial. the price is also different. now , as an example, in 1401, when the dollar rate was increasing, you could see that the dollar was rising in dubai, for example, and tehran was rising behind it. how many million dollars is it for each person, each businessman, there is a discussion of millions of dollars. it does, but on the floor of the tehran market, each person is talking about, for example, 10,000 to 100,000 . it is very difficult to scan and answer , which is also a lot of banknotes that are sold inside tehran. finally, it leaves our borders to be used for smuggling or capital outflow. well, when we see
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that the majority of our transactions are commercial, and basically we do not have a special international financial market , we do not have a special international stock market , we do not have a special international asset market. when we say that the majority of our exchanges are commercial it is commercial, which means that the price of our land is high. in the long term, i accept the impact and impression of the same forces that are creating inflation , our exchange rate is growing, now the question is why our exchange rate is not gradual like inflation, and a jump actually grew in the 80s, the jump was because of this in the decade 80 of us with in fact, the flow of 250 billion dollars of oil exchange in a phased manner. we stopped the increase in the exchange rate in 1990-1991, sanctions came and there was no more oil, we jumped. by the way, from 1993 to 1996
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, we were able to keep the exchange rate low temporarily with oil revenues and bank deposit interest rates , but still the forces of inflation, which is one of them there is currency and external shocks and all kinds of conditions exist. in the end, what happened in 1997, with a small foreign shock and sanctions again, the jump in 14 in 2019 was the same year, we made a jump in 2097, then stabilized in 2018. we were very happy to stabilize, so to speak , we were getting the support of the market, then in 99, there was a jump again in 1400, a relative stability, and the support of the politician, then again in 401. a jump and this trend should continue. by the way, this jump in the exchange rate is a sign that the land rate is really
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in the nature of assets. you see, assets in general are not the property market, just the land. stocks are also like that, and papers are like that, usually because of that. the market structure tends to increase by leaps and bounds. the philosophy of existence is open at all.
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we have a positive expectation for our market participants have a positive horizon about the improvement of the country's issues, for example, the development program can do this. the more important issue is the macroeconomic imbalance that we have, dad , can you see a bank now, we owe almost 65% of our monetary base to the central bank , which means that a bank with an overall imbalance has an unhealthy performance, and according to mr. azizzadeh, the same banks have you they are playing with the market , they are looking for unproductive work, the funds that should go towards production, towards unproductive production measures, then who will compensate for the cost and losses? what should the central bank do in terms of foreign exchange policies ? can we take 650 thousand billion tomans and print money
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for the imbalance of the banking system, then nothing has happened to the country, i don't need the economy at all, people have read, it's very simple, we pay 650 thousand for the imbalance of the banking system, then wait. nothing has happened to the land, we will take our car manufacturing , i don't know that many of our state companies are losing money , but they are still on their feet with bank loans and their repairs will never be returned. do we expect that nothing will happen in the economy until these issues are resolved in the economy? exchange rate to it will inevitably increase, unfortunately, but the central bank and our government in general have a choice or allow this increase in the exchange rate by osmosis. it should be balanced and maintain its foreign exchange resources to develop and actually create the country's resilience
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. whether it works or not, like in the past few periods , continue this step system of leaps and bounds . on the other hand, the items that used to be given for 285 d returned to the year 1400, and what rate has been gradually replaced see, we are a market. we must have an official exchange center, we don't want anything complicated , the same nimai that was in 2019. look, in 2019 , thank you , we didn't have one, two or three billion more oil supply in 2019, with the same nima market, not the nimai market, where there is no price ceiling, and only and there is no central bank, through yes , through the purchase and sale of the central bank, it must be through
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the purchase and sale of land. and currency controls means only quantity policy to intervene , quantity and price policy like what it is doing now , does not make the currency controls effective. no, the price policy and the order, mr. azizzadeh , took less than two minutes. look at one issue that we were stuck with twice. thank you very much . if you don't want to hurt your hand, i would like to offer you a minute . land notes are not used for foreign exchange and this is not the case, then it is said that they are used for smuggling , so this statement itself is a violation of the argument that, sir , the price of land in dubai is only determined internally, it cannot be determined internally. free width of influence let me discuss with you. there were other things that i will not mention now because i want to talk about you. i have a minute
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. i want to tell you . there should be a financial asset with these privileges. if we have a financial asset, we should accept it, its transfer should be completely stabilized , and it should come out of the nameless state, because it is equal to 70% of the country's liquidity . it will fall sharply because of the pain of smuggling a smuggler does not suffer from the pain of capital flight. it doesn't work for the financial corruption, it doesn't work for the bribery of tax evasion, it doesn't work anymore. this means that the demand will come down. let's do that first. then we will go to the width. we need you to see where the width is going to be . we will create a floating single-rate system when the decision is made to sit where it is. it should be, that is, with foreign exchange. thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers of the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment, may god bless you , yaali.
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we built a house for you to come and see. this is called an installment purchase. they can come however you want. there are different accessories of every model and brand , don't worry about buying, they have different sizes, come to the store, come to the store, come to the store, have a whole lot. sakhfi farad has cool items for anywhere in your blood, so what happened, buy in installments , whatever you want, big iranian houses in the cities of tehran , qom and isfahan, until 2 am in the city of tehran , i am your host. he says that this year
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is the same as last year's price, this year's purchase is at last year's price, the children say this year's is at last year's price, this year's purchase is from carpet city and home appliance city at last year's price. last year's price in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the sports news of this section with the asian nations cup futsal competitions.


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