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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the evening, dear compatriots, we have arrived at 17:00. the news of this hour. we will convert paper licenses into one id, one of the 400,000 cases passed. the head of the center for improving the business environment of the ministry of economy announced this news and said that all economic operators should, by may 26, refer to the national portal of licenses to get their own id. according to mr. sayah , this process is carried out completely offline and free of charge . asan and gilan with a distance before dazen after
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hamedan, south khorasan, and chaharmahal are disappearing. tehran, those who are behind and need to move more, golestan, bushehr, and ilam are still not even 10%. they need to work harder in the national standard organization, they are ahead of everyone else, and after that, the ministry of sports, they are all above. 20% of their licenses. atomic energy, medical system, oil ministry, agricultural engineering system and animal medicine system, electronic permits and most of all. the start of sending iranian umrah pilgrims after 9 years of waiting. the farewell ceremony of the first iranian officer was held at imam khomeini airport's salam terminal. the first group umrah pilgrims in the form of two convoys of 85 people left from imam airport to madinah manwarah.
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pilgrims will stay 5 days in medina and 5 days in mecca. i have been waiting for 9 years since 1981. after 9 years, in 1990 , we almost registered. i think it was healthy. now i am 12 years old, i am 13 years old. i have been waiting for about 13 14 years. it's a lot. they were the first caravans, after 9 years of waiting , they were now being sent to hajj from imam khomeini international airport. sad prayer with the presence of the head of the hajj al-ziyar organization.
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the representative of the leadership organization and 16 other organizations, of course , the saudi ambassador also came for this escort, a total of about 5 thousand pilgrims are going to visit the land of revelation in 10 days, 4 umrah hajj and four round trip flights are planned and from 11 airports. including hazrat imam airport, god willing , we can perform the hajj umrah operation under the shadow of the understanding between the two countries.
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regional peace and security was maintained and iran is not looking for war in the region. mr. kanani added that iran's response to the zionist regime continues with diplomatic measures after military operations. mr kanani also emphasized that the islamic republic of iran will continue to support palestine in reconciliation. security and stability in the region will not be established except by paying attention to the real root of the crisis, and supporting the palestinian issue is a legal, international, moral and human duty for all governments, nations and countries, as well as international assemblies, and the islamic republic of iran continues to
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it will continue to support the palestinian issue and the inherent rights of the palestinian nation, except that it will not compromise with any side in protecting its national security. the decision to resign at the beginning of the gaza war. had been taken he had said the same thing last year who accepts responsibility for the intelligence failures that led to operation storm and slippery. arres halivana is the first general of the israeli army to resign due to the failures that led to the gaza war.
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following an anti-zionist operation in west jerusalem , three zionists were injured. these three zionists were injured after being run over by a car and went to the hospital. the perpetrators of this operation managed to leave the scene of the accident safely. the zionist systems also report the large presence of the security forces and the police of the zionist regime at the scene of the incident . still more details about this operation unpublished. supporters of palestine in germany protested the genocide of the zionist regime in gaza . in this demonstration held in berlin , the police arrested a number of supporters of palestine.
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hundreds of greek people protested against the military and political support of america, nato and europe to the zionist regime by marching towards the ministry of defense of this country. supporters of palestine. in tunisia , they demanded to stop the crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza and crimes against palestinian prisoners . the distribution of thousands of units the distribution of thousands of units the students of several american universities, including harvard and bandsh , also called for an immediate stop to the attacks of the zionist regime and the military aid of the united states to this regime. american soldiers are also expelled from chad. in a letter, chad's ministry of armed forces ordered the us army
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to completely evacuate the air base near the capital of this country . this base is the only us military presence in chad. cnn news channel said two days ago, quoting its information sources. it was reported that chad has threatened a military agreement with the united states in this country cancels two days ago, the us announced that it will withdraw 1,000 troops from niger in the coming months. the new york times newspaper wrote: the withdrawal of american troops is done at the request of the niger government. last year, niger's government spokesman esfand announced the cancellation of the country's military agreement with the united states and demanded the complete withdrawal of american troops. before the french military in niger . he had also expelled from his land. the first meeting of the architecture council of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance was held with the presence of the minister, deputy ministers and a group of media people. in this meeting mr. amir mohammad khani to the title of the head of the architectural art secretariat was introduced. three
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important events are happening together today . the first creation of the architecture secretariat. the art of iranian islamic architecture in the ministry of islamic culture, which will be promoted to a general department . the second is the announcement of the fajr festival of architectural art, which will start this year, god willing, and this development is an important development, and the third is the announcement of the continuation of the design related to the iranian art sky, which is actually the home of the country's art festivals. thank you for your attention. ms. salami will be with you with the weather
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country. in the name and memory of god, greetings and good time . dear viewers of the khabar channel , we have been witnessing the activity of the rainfall system in the country since the early hours of the morning. during the past few hours, the rains have continued in the western regions of our country, and so far there are reports. we expect rain in the western parts of our country. we expect the rain to continue in the western, central, northern and alborz areas for the next few hours. in most of these areas , we will have rain, sometimes lightning and wind. there is a chance of rain. there is also hail because of the intensity of this system
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meteorological orange level warning has also been issued. therefore , for the south of ardabil province, the south of east azarbaijan, west azarbaijan, zanjan kurdistan , hamedan, kermanshah, lorestan, central isfahan, as well as the heights of qazvin, alborz, tehran, semnan, the heights of gilan and mazandaran, the rains are heavy. possible waterlogging. flowing water, flooding of seasonal rivers , local spot floods are present in these areas , the possibility of damage to farmers is also expected , we request that people avoid staying on the banks of the rivers. for tuesday, the rains will weaken in the western regions of the country, but still in the center. north the eastern parts of the system continue to be active, so for tuesday, the intensity of the system activity for the provinces of chaharmahal bakhtiari ko brahame. north of fars province, north of hormozgan, parts of isfahan, yazd, kerman, north of sistan baluchistan,
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south khorasan, razavi khorasan, south khorasan , parts of gilan, mazandaran, golestan, areas of alborz provinces, tehran, semnan, where there is an orange weather warning. it is valid, the possibility of water flow and river flooding is predicted. for wednesday, with the continuation of the activity of this system in the southern parts towards the eastern regions. our country is still we will have heavy and widespread rains in these areas, and the orange meteorological warning is still valid on wednesday for parts of fars province, hormozgan, yazd, kerman, sistan , baluchistan, south khorasan, razavi, to some extent, semnan, north khorasan, and golestan. we predict these areas along with the rains for today and tomorrow in the eastern parts of the persian gulf , the strait of hormuz, and the waves. the caspian sea is turbulent on wednesday. we also
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have marine warnings. marine activities should be limited. along with this activity of this system the decrease in temperature is also happening in our country , and along with the rainfall activity that we have in the country, we will also have a decrease in temperature in the regions of our country in the next few days. for tehran, we expect that the water will increase in the coming hours. province and we expect that we will have rain in parts of tehran province from tuesday to wednesday. the rain is heavy for monday as well as for tuesday . meteorological warning has also been issued for tehran. thank you and god bless you. ok. the recent rains for several days are the most widespread guest
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it is a province of iran, and it has another beautiful side, khatam anbia dam, rain group , the rains, which after a long time have compensated a little of the lack of rainfall in this province, we thank god for these blessings of god. give us after this. how many years has this rainfall situation not been like this, the rainfall situation has not been like this for four or five years now , since 2018, this kind of rainfall has not been found in the south of the province. farmer, this is really a blessing from the current seasonal rivers from flooding to flooding and overflowing of earth dams in safai city. rafsanjan has started raining and
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is now witnessing the flow of seasonal rivers in sepahi city. we had more than 7 thousand gorabs in the conservation area of ​​raver city. it happens in this situation. in fact, he saw the effects of these, and finally we had the least damage. there are 3,600,000 watersheds in the south. so far, 900,000 hectares of detailed and operational studies have been carried out. of this amount , executive operations have been carried out or are being implemented on the level of 700 thousand hectares. these precipitations increased fivefold, including the sound. and our input has increased by five times, that is, from 2 cubic meters per second to 11 cubic meters per second . currently, our volume is 31 million cubic meters and we hope that considering that this system will be active in our area in 24 hours, it will increase. we should have an acceptable estimate on the size of the lake and
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, god willing, we will be able to increase the volume of the crisis of the coming summer, which will probably be the size of hundreds of provinces. with good rainfall , we had an increase in volume of nearly 5 million, the input of one hundred jiroft is now 25 cubic meters per second and the input of one hundred nesa is 13 cubic meters per second increase in volume, and the volume increased by nearly 1% in the last few hundred years. with the activity of this rain system, which will continue, a not so short summer is expected. let's have water ahead. nafiseh najafi , kerman radio and television news agency. all this can be confirmed by email and online . concern for the health of one's family and relatives
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, frequent trips to the doctor's office and hospital, and now a long line to receive medicine, this is a concern. i see. it makes people weak. on april 29 , i ran over all the pharmacies related to this mission. what should we do with our medicines? they are more serious about the continuation of the traditional methods of drug delivery. the people are finally stuck . we agree that in general, services are provided to the people through software , this is also a general discussion of the government's main policy , but because health is somewhat sensitive, the minister of health also announced the sale of medicine online . experimental because this is what we think more than
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let's start the shulan centers on a trial basis and then , god willing, we will be able to do this in a completely national way, and of course , the voices of opposition and some of them were raised in support. in fact , the real vice president was asked as the authority to respond to the differences of opinion between our institutions . our biggest challenge is that they see medicine as a normal product. whenever the department comes online , it will actually help the department to meet the need. that part of the traditional part is usually protesting the opinions were heard, and now the latest news indicates that the regulations for the sale and transportation of drugs on the internet have been amended. this regulation, which has been changed, is supposed to happen when transporting drugs, neither in the prescription nor in the prescription, even that means the pharmacy will have its own nature. the pharmacy
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will have its own place. the next thing that has been paid attention to in the amendment of the regulations is the monitoring of the good implementation of the regulations. even the information is not supposed to be available to these carriers. this regulation is going to be notified to the universities of medical sciences until may 12. tayyab kargar of the sada news agency sima our acquaintance with mr. mehdi goes back to his student days, the same semester. first of all, mr. mehdi entered the university in 1380 , he was an engineer, then he studied in qom high school , and it can be said that he was one of the highest ranked students who was accepted into the university.
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the face they talk to is mohammad mahdi lotfi, whom all his classmates call him as a student. they know the university's honors, of course, not only in the course. in addition to these sports fields, he had them completely for the rank national and international ranks in shooting. in calligraphy and art, having a very beautiful line and being an artist in the true sense. agha mehdi became the narrator of eight years of holy defense during his studies at the university. of course, the genre of the narrative was the technology and tactics of the warrior. at that time , they used it to win operations. what was the first defender of senses? it was water. my fruit, my plan and my idea was shahid shamran's thought as always. at the beginning of the war and even these descriptions until the end of the war, it hurt us, may god bless us with them on the day of judgement, the soldier is one of them.
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the one who guided the children with the words , the children who had one language, their gender was technology, sir , you reached the student convoy, you don't need to go to the front operations, you don't need to go too much, for example , tell the lives of the martyrs, the lives of the martyrs , tell the life stories of the martyrs, but go from tell me the technologies of war. tell me about the salman channel, tell me about the ruhollah adaptation plan, tell me about the khyberi bridge, tell me about the baath bridge, tell me what these engineering students are doing? after 4 years of studying at his university, he became a member of the islamic revolutionary guard corps and became one of the aerospace forces, but the news came that the situation in west asia was not going so well, so he went to the front. the shrine was defended. when the region fell apart and these enemies of ours came very boldly and arrogantly and said that the new middle east is ours, we must change this path, well, they knew it was their duty not to let this happen in the matter of defending
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the shrine, the main and focal point. israel gives, so it saw its responsibility in confronting whom in the person who is the source of the story and all these events that happened in syria, iraq and other countries, these are actually the infantry of a cancerous tumor and a t along with six of his comrades in tifur air base in syria. with the direct attack of the zionist plane, he wished for two words
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their wish was that if he dies, he will kill zionism and if he is martyred, he will become a zionist . he returned
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and started his work in the economics department of the district and university cooperation office. and the ministry of economy in the government was a builder . there are many activities that are not necessarily profitable activities and are among the activities that should be promoted in an islamic economy. the family is based on the family as one of the basic principles.
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let's make young people hope for the future and go out with hope and confidence in front of his red line was the table and people's livelihood. he said that operational plans should be implemented quickly. i am the same student who last year with teary eyes and a limited heart.
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the years when he was the concern of the people and one of the concerns that we had and also followed up on his production problems in 1994, he became a candidate for the 10th parliament . i did not intend to spend any amount of money for advertising . who printed my spending is very minimal now, which i think is not more than 10 million tomans. his life was simple, his simplicity and lack of concern for the world's issues were prominent features that despite his high position at the government level of being the first vice president, he really possessed these qualities and
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i got the position of first vice president in 2004. i declared my property and in 2008, when i came from the position of the first deputy, i also declared my property, and in both cases , the judiciary declared that your wealth had not increased. he had placed transparency at the top of his work . i remember that even once the king of oman he brought a men's and women's watch for an hour, which i think is worth it it was very expensive, because it was all diamonds . yes, very, very expensive watches are given to the first vice president. at that time, they all went to the museum of the presidential institution . thank you. in the election campaigns, he also gave advice to the candidates, advices that, in addition to paying attention to the problem of inflation, unemployment and housing, about 57 percent of our inflation, housing and food, his advice to the officials
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was to pay special attention to the deprived areas of the country, we have 23 million villagers and those who are in less areas i wish you good luck these 23 million people live in less or disadvantaged areas. we have to find out what their problems are. mr. davoudi
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was a member of the expediency council since 1985. where are you? how are you? we are fine . don't worry. we came to sarai irani to buy an air conditioner. this time of the year, we have a special sale of air conditioners in a big iranian house with exceptional conditions.
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calculate, you are the winner of this in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear citizens , i am at your service at 17:00 with some news from the field of science and technology. daneshbanian company has succeeded in localizing the production process of one of the richest types of phosphate coatings . according to the scientific vice-presidents of the presidency, this phosphate fertilizer is solid and is produced in the form of small grains for ease of use. the phosphate in this fertilizer strengthens the trunk of the plants and increases their resistance to


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