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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers. good evening . you are watching the news section at 6 p.m. the commemoration ceremony of the 45th anniversary of the martyrdom of the amir sepe bad, shahid mohammad wali qorani , was held this morning at the headquarters of the army general command. martyr qurani was the first chief of the joint chiefs of staff of the army after the revolution, who was martyred by fargan's group in may 1958. it is correct to have a proper attitude and to be in line with the revolution and move with the revolution.
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it required a lot of knowledge, insight and awareness, which martyr qur'ani was an example of. it was one of those examples. the body of a 13-year-old teenager, mohammad mahdi iran manesh, is one of the injured the terrorist incident of gulzar shahadai of kerman, who was martyred yesterday, was buried in gulzar shahadai of akhtarabad city. the body of this martyr is near the grave of his father, reza iranmene. who was martyred in the terrorist explosions on the 13th of last year, calmed down. they are asking them to hold our hands, to have our air, to intercede, and i saw nothing but good from it. do you miss him a lot, but i know josh is fine. palestinian youth trying to produce vegetable seedlings after the zionist regime. with his attacks
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, he destroyed palestinian agricultural lands in the north of the gaza strip. a palestinian youth tries to the production of vegetable seedlings and its distribution among palestinian citizens is a step to prevent the hunger of his compatriots . we are in the northern area of ​​the gaza strip, where the bulldozers of the zionist regime razed many agricultural lands to the ground by raiding this area . this issue led to the destruction of agricultural products, fruits and vegetables of palestinians, but a young palestinian named youssef, together with one of the farmers, planted vegetable seedlings to explain them to displaced palestinians in the shelters. youssef tries to produce vegetables , which of course is compared to the needs of the citizens its very low. yusuf neshah vegetables among the citizens. he will explain to
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overcome the stubborn consequences. we farmers along with agricultural engineers produce seeds of some vegetables so that people can solve part of their hunger by eating them. we will continue this plan in the future and it will not be limited to two or three days or a week. after the occupying regime completely destroyed the agricultural sector and destroyed all agricultural lands . we didn't even have basic and basic needs to implement our plan. the tools we have now are left over from the past. the challenge i am facing is that we do not have industrial soil and we obtained a very small amount and we are still looking for it. fertilizers, poisons, and fuel are some of the challenges facing us. most importantly , the risk of direct attacks is greater and we may be attacked at any moment. two days after the start of our plan.
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this place was targeted by a rocket attack and we thank god that we are safe, so it is not easy to implement this plan, in addition to meeting the needs related to agriculture , we are also facing dangers. anger in a statement, the council of arab-islamic relations incited the muslims of this country , calling this action a point of no return in the process of america's support for the genocide in gaza. history is watching us today. the whole world is watching us. our place in the world depends on our vote today. with these emotional statements, this republican member of the us house of representatives asks his colleagues to vote for the 95 billion dollar foreign aid package. the package is supposed to be.
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history will judge it well. 58 members of the us house of representatives voted against these aid and 19 of them emphasized in a statement who do not want to be a partner in the humanitarian crisis in gaza. the us defense minister, however, welcomed the vote of the house of representatives and said: now the hands of his ministry are open. the ministry of home affairs, which had bypassed the congress even before, and is now trying to deliver the largest military shipment. to the zionist regime since the beginning of the gaza war. the value of this military cargo is more than one billion dollars. $700 million in tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and less than $100 million in mortar rounds. this sleight of hand in military support continues while
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the united nations human rights council just two weeks ago earlier, by passing a resolution, he asked the countries of the world to send and sell weapons to the zionist regime. to stop of course, it is not only the americans who stand against the will of the world. our position on arms sales to israel does not change based on the assessments made. more than 600 british lawyers warned that if the country continues to sell weapons, it may be prosecuted in international forums for its participation in the gaza genocide. the germans are also the second exporter of arms to the zionist regime. for this reason , he was prosecuted in the international court of justice they got. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the first visit of the president of turkey to iraq after 13 years. according to the statement of the office of the president of iraq, recep
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tayyip erdogan, in his meeting with his iraqi counterpart, in addition to bilateral issues , emphasized the need for joint action by islamic countries to stop the zionist regime's war against qadha. in a report, the turkish newspaper hurriyet predicted that the turkish army plans to carry out a large-scale ground operation against the kurdistan workers' party of turkey (pak) in northern iraq after erdogan's visit. the us supreme court announced that the criminal case against b checks women who sleep in parks. in recent years, the problems caused by homeless people in the parks of the city of grands pass in the state of oregon have been so great that since 6 years ago , it has been considered a crime for women to sleep in tents in public places and fines are issued for them. if
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this ruling is approved by this court, other american cities will probably consider the silence of the homeless in public places as a criminal act. america is more than either by the police or people who are driving or our neighbors. 11 people are missing after the storm and rain in southern china. the rains caused the river water level to rise and damage to hundreds of houses, agricultural lands and roads in the province. a thousand chinese citizens in guangdong province have evacuated their homes, and
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hong kongers are welcoming earth day by enforcing a ban on the use of plastic, based on a new law that will come into force on monday , allowing grocery stores to offer food. they will not give plastic plates, knives, forks, and straws to their customers. also, restaurants have been given six months to remove all plastic and disposable containers from the food distribution cycle. these items should be with replace paper samples. in hong kong , more than 11,000 tons of solid waste are collected daily, one fifth of which is plastic bags. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar.
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art takes us away. in a world of colors and designs , knots are woven into knots to make a lasting carpet . carpet city is the place of the most precious iranian handcrafts with the advice of the most expert experts. the price is suitable for every installment purchase. the vastness and variety are unique in the city of hand-made carpets, the largest specialized reference. the hand-woven carpet of the country of so badmadaran raw k kawii of the dairy farmers, the cream of the dairy farmers, sticks to the original
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of the dairy farmers, the cheese of the dairy farmers, the milk of the dairy farmers' cocoa. khosh khazme yogurt of the ranchers, the fresh head of the ranchers , from the roof of the house to the ranches with the ranchers.
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if israel's regime starts adventuring again and takes actions against our interests, iran's next response will be immediate and decisive. after acting in legitimate defense through the swiss embassy as the protector of american interests in tehran , we sent a message to the white house and the united states government , emphasizing that if the israeli regime wants to commit a mistake again, our response will be quick, decisive and regretful. will be. we are not looking for tension and crisis to develop in the middle east region slow down we hope that the israeli regime
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will not repeat the previous mistake. when you say your answer will be maximum, you used the word red lines . what are these red lines? what is the maximum level? you used more than 300 drones and cruise missiles in the attack. what is the higher level? it was the building of the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus. in this attack, seven official iranian military advisers to fight against terrorism were martyred by the israeli regime's missile attack. the well-known vienna conventions were violated. the israeli regime crossed red lines in the masonization of diplomatic places. yes, the attack that we what we did in the form of legitimate defense was minimal, because only to two military centers, namely bases. novatim and an intelligence center and an intelligence and
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security center from these two centers were launched a missile attack by the israeli regime against our embassy. we responded that we did not target civilians . we did not target the economic centers of the israeli regime . 35 flew and our embassy was attacked by rockets from the golan heights . this was our minimum goal, but in the case of repeating the adventure of the israeli regime. i can say what our action will be regretful maximum action the details of the maximum action have been designed by the armed forces of my country , but i hope the israeli regime will not make an error in calculation. any details on what the max level will be? you mentioned that in iran's minimal response, financial centers and civilians were not targeted. your maximum response: does it target all three?
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iranian rockets and missiles were carefully and precisely aimed at two purely military targets inside the occupied territories. our evaluation and data show that we were able to achieve our goals. first, we showed our will. secondly , we targeted the military bases from where the attack against our embassy was carried out. and thirdly, our operations were minimal and limited. american national security has described your attack on israel as a shameful failure. what is your opinion? look, i must say very clearly. first, our operation against the israeli regime was not a surprise. more than 10 days ago, we announced that our decision to respond to
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the israeli regime is definite, because this regime violated our sovereignty by attacking the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus. and secondly, sovereignty and integrity syrian currency violated. before the operation, we announced to america that iran's attack on the israeli regime is certain. we announced this through some foreign ministers who contacted us and before that through the swiss embassy. of course, we could see in the region that america and more than 20 countries, including a number of nato members , are establishing themselves in the region. to divert iran's rockets and missiles. or limit it so that it does not reach israel. but our missiles and drones hit two targets. our attack was not a surprise and our opposite sides, although from time and time not knowing the attack, but they knew it would happen soon. with a successful operation, we gave a clear answer and a clear message to the zionist regime. that is, you intended to answer the results
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of your country. as observed, 99% of your projectiles were intercepted and no significant damage was done. was this the intended answer ? our goal was to warn. the operation of our armed forces on the two military centers in the occupied palestinian territories was successful. our goal was to take a proportionate action. our goal was for the israeli regime to get the message that we.
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if america helps israel again , since israel has said that it will attack and you have said that you will give a limited response, will you hit american targets? when i say the maximum response, it means that if the israeli regime makes a mistake, we will give an immediate, decisive and regretful response in the occupied territories. in this recent operation, we announced to the us in advance that the base and interests of the us in the region. we will not target israel unless america supports the israeli regime and sides with this regime's war . in this case, we will not have any compliments american interests cannot be spared either. we believe that instead of addressing these issues , the root of the current crisis should be considered. in my meeting with the secretary general of the united nations
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, i emphasized that the root of the war, genocide and war crimes and the combination of the israeli regime against gaza and the west bank.
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you see, the official position of the islamic republic of iran has been announced many times on the nuclear issue. in this regard, we have the religious and religious fatwa of the great leader of iran, ayatollah khamenei. we have repeatedly announced that the program of the islamic republic of iran in the nuclear field is completely peaceful. we look at this and focus self-commitment. we have a special one, but on the other hand , we have seen that in the past months, some officials of the israeli regime have announced that a nuclear bomb should be used to win in gaza. in my opinion, america must
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have increased morality in different cities and streets of iran. a woman who did not want to be named said she was afraid for her safety. he told cnn that a week ago, while sitting on the car seat with his wife without a headscarf , he received a text message from the police stating that he did not follow the hijab rules . this text message included the certificate number and other identifications of the vehicle and contained this warning it was said that if the hijab rules are violated again, the vehicle will be impounded.
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a few days ago, i said to one of the foreign ministers of a major european country, do you remember that in the case of the tragic death of an iranian girl, a scandal was launched in the west, but today, while more than 15,000 women and several thousand children were killed in gaza. nothing happens in this field and there is no serious action and strong voice from some european governments and the american government in support of women. hijab is a well-established and well-known topic in iranian culture. the policy based on the dual approach through external provocations and interventions tried to
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pursuing the policy of system change in iran should use the capacity of women as an opposition. women in iran are an important and influential sector. women in iran play a diverse, social, political and cultural role. basically, the issue of hijab is not something that a person. how should they deal with the issue of social behavior? in my opinion, today, the issue of iranian women's hijab is not our problem in the region. today, the problem is the killing of more than 34,000 palestinian women, children, and men, and everyone must
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be alone . you see the desert on the pole, i see all the desert, that is, the teacher is everywhere in iran. deserted, not everywhere , it is full of motorcycles, desert motor, dad , don't buy so much desert, kabir motor, with 24-month installments and
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36 -month bank facilities. they say this year they buy at last year's price , this year they say they buy at last year's price, the kids say this year they say they buy at last year's price, they say this year they buy from shahr farsh and shahr home appliances at last year's price , very great . dust without dust hoffman suggested i told you that we will come sooner to buy carpets now, everything is expensive now, look at this carpet, what a good design it has, i'm sure the price has gone up
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, of course, the price of carpets has not changed. there is no change, sorry mr. mr. farsh , mr. farsh avila started the movement at the previous price. and it was effective. ila's movement does not stop. they continue. and balance, the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are streamers. avila
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have a good time, dear viewers , welcome to the news of the economy and the market, official auction two esteghlal and presplis clubs were done today in the base market of the exchange, according to the announcement of the exchange , the transfer of 85 in sarshabis was finalized today. according to the minister of economy, the final value of the shares of these two clubs is estimated at 6 thousand billion tomans. due to the end of the deadline set by afc for iran , an effort was made for these two popular clubs at the end of last year, 1402, this time through the participation of a
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joint set.


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