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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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stand up to justice, the burden of trust is left on your shoulders , stand up, stand up, first line, first line, first line, line of service, line of humanity , your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, the eyes of the martyr are for you. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you honorable compatriots, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the front page program today , news spread everywhere and it was published that it was a happy news for many of you people that umrah trips have resumed after 9 years of suspension and the first group of umrah pilgrims. after these 9 years, mofardeh is going to the wild land today. well, it is a good excuse for us to use this excuse to enter the the subject of both umrah and hajj trips, which is not long until the season, maybe in three or four weeks, eventually , but sooner, i think it will start anyway , and so on. tonight
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, we are hosting mr. hosseini, the honorable head of the hajj and pilgrimage organization . dear viewers of the khabar network , tell me about this news first. explain a little about what happened and what is going to happen from now on. what is the arrangement at what time and how many times can we travel for umrah ? well, you know, almost 9 years ago, exactly in april 2014, umrah was stopped. after 9 years , we tried to start this operation last year , and registration was done. . the steps were taken and the contract was concluded. now
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, the trip was stopped due to a series of issues that were raised as technical problems, but we were still following this issue from the saudi side and also through the ministry of foreign affairs. it should be done before the hajj operation so that there is a reopening so that we can immediately after. the hajj operation sends pilgrims and applicants for the umrah pilgrimage. well, with the efforts that were made, we planned what we could do before the hajj. we organized approximately 64 groups with a capacity of 5700 people from all parts of the country. division was done between the provinces and from 11. today
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, we had the first group at 6:00 am from tehran airport, fortunately, the operation was completed on time, and they appeared to visit the land of revelation and medina , so how long will it last before the hajj season? this course will last for 10 days and twice daily flight this operation. after 10 days, two flights from the whole country, or for now, tehran, two flights from the whole country from different stations. yes, and these 10 days, after 10 days, the operation will return to the country. yes, and then we will enter the hajj season. god willing, the operation will be resumed immediately after that. yes, the hajj will begin and after the hajj, god willing, there will be bernazi that after the hajj operation, we will be able to take as many applicants as we can expect on their journey. currently, our daily plan
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is for 570 people, 5700 people per day, not a total. operation these 10 days, these 10 days, not after monsoon hajj tamteh after hajj season. there is a possibility that we state the capacity of between 800 and one million people, but there are different issues, one million people in one season , in one season. it can be continued, well, in the period of time, the organization has the talent to take this capacity, but it requires other infrastructures. it means that the airline should be able to help us with this capacity, in order to transfer it, other infrastructures such as providing foreign currency should be done. this talent exists in the organization. we hope that with the help of the set of partner organizations can do it
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next year, we can have an acceptable capacity of extras and applicants for umrah, that is , you think that in the first year of the resumption of umrah trips to the maximum. we will reach the possible capacity, considering the queue that has formed during this year and the demand that exists, if the infrastructures that i mentioned are provided, there is no problem to implement it. this is lost, damaged, i don't know, the capacity that exists in the host country is our planning, i have to say this our air force should find this talent , the supply should be done on time, this capacity exists, so now our forecast is that we can easily handle at least 350,000 to 400,000 people during the next year, god willing, and as you say, the fleet air, for example, the air fleets
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of other countries can be used . you can also use saudi arabia and even other countries. well, these implementation costs are higher, and yes , let me suggest that we go to another discussion . please also tell us how much is the cost of umrah now. it will cost about 42 to 44 million toms for one a trip of several days, 10 days, 5 days in madinah, 5 days in makkah , it was two weeks ago, yes, in those previous periods , long ago, that is, before it was cut off , it was based on 10 days. let's go to it. hajj tamattu, which i think is about a month away, is correct, when will the first trips be done , god willing, i said immediately after the end of this umrah period, the first group of the 24th zahirin will come to it, we are from this land
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. the latest statistics that the host country considered for us for this year's hajj are 850 pilgrims and the executive staff of the caravans. well, organizing and allocating the capacity of the provinces has been done on this basis, like last year, 21 flight stations will provide services to the pilgrims, the necessary infrastructures for housing, food, transportation, this has been provided, and god willing, the flights will be carried out and visible. they take their services, i would like to say that now the issue of provision of width is raised both in umrah and in hajj
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, there is no problem regarding provision of width . the amount needed for hajj and umrah has been provided. let me tell you how you provided during this period there is a figure in our account as an advance payment to the hotel owners, and we have arranged to pay for some, so after that, the central bank did its best and the amount needed by hajj was provided. well, let's see a report and come back. i waited 20 years since 1981 for 9 years. after 9 years, in 1990
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, we almost registered. i think it was healthy . now i'm 12 years old, i'm 13 years old. i've been waiting for about 13 14 years since 1989 until now . imam khomeini's story comes to an end . i had no god to help everyone. they gave me money, they gave me money on mother's day, they bought me a present, now i want to go , they were the first convoy after 9 years of waiting , they were now being sent to hajj from imam khomeini international airport. the ministry representative of the leadership body and 16 other organizations, of course, the saudi ambassador also came for this visit, totaling about 5. four
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round-trip flights are planned, and hajj umrah operations will be performed from 11 airports, including hazrat imam airport, god willing. pilgrims there are also those who have been waiting in line for years to be honored like this . the relations between the two countries will expand, god willing, we will be able to expand under the shadow of the understanding that the two countries will carry out these trips. well, mr. hosseini, one of the discussions that always
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comes up about hajj and umrah, especially the cost of travel, of course, there is one thing that we heard about the old ones and generations, for example, one, two, two, or three generations before us. hajj travel is always an expensive trip. it was because even when there was no plane, we had to travel a long way sometimes it takes months to go back and forth. after a few months, they would spend . after a few months, they would save. how many times do they have to stop working ? for example, no matter how we calculate, the trip was not cheap. basically, it was not cheap . now the issue of cost is raised about hajj and umrah, what are the plans to make hajj and umrah cheaper, what happened, what happened , when we enter a high capacity and
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we can assume that a hotel has its full capacity for a taking a course will definitely have an impact on the cost of traveling abroad, especially during the umrah season the next issue is bargaining, for example, the bargaining we have with the hotel owners determines the travel price, some services have specific rates, such as the service fees that are given to pilgrims , such as transportation, and the price of plane tickets, these are completely specific. based on this rate, the cost of pilgrims' travel is calculated and received from them. this is what has been done so far. yes , you have a plan for more than this. a solution, for example, if it is possible to travel by land for hajj, it is possible that the trip
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will be cheaper than this. definitely, ground travel will have a lower rate, yes, ground transportation right now inside the country, the price is lower compared to the flight if the country's diplomatic system can coordinate between the two countries of iraq and saudi arabia. for our pilgrims to use the land borders , it is possible for us to honor the pilgrims by land. so, did you have a request at all? yes, we had a request. when and what did we do last year ? it has not been provided for some other countries . apparently, iraq and the persian gulf countries go by land. ah, with that, anyway , this is potentially possible, so follow up
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i asked the ministry from last year until now. the ministry of foreign affairs has been following up. the host country has not announced its agreement. well, once and for all , the case is closed. no , it is definitely necessary to follow up further. inshallah, we can open this path. how much does it reduce the expenses? no, now please tell me about the number of figures that you mentioned about hajj tamata, of course , you have not yet said how much it is going to cost . then tell me separately, if possible, what these expenses will be spent on. how can something be done , i.e. how much is it, how much is it in rials and how much is the share transportation, how much is the share of food, how much is the share of accommodation? see, now our hajj travel price is at our lowest price of 161 million tomans, approximately in
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our highest price group for hajj, yes, 187 million tomans. the range is different, the prices are also different, the size of the shoes is the same as i mentioned, and my ceiling is 187 million tomans for different price groups. we currently have four price groups in madinah, in makkah there are 5 price groups . he also brings food to all the pilgrims the total of them, which includes most of the travel expenses of the pilgrims, includes the accommodation . up to 187 million tomans means, for example
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, something around 17-18. well, what other things can be played with other than accommodation . there is a way to reduce the cost. what is the share of food in this basket of food ? yes, still as before in four central kitchen. even in madinah munurah and two in makkah mukarramah, the cooking of the food is done using cooks and other iranian cooks. it is completely mechanized and the cooks are mechanized. yes, i have a picture of these kitchens 20 years ago, which was very advanced at that time. in terms of technology, technology
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and in terms of being up-to-date, that is it. what is the status of the device and all that system and all these things now ? can you give a description for those who have no picture at all? we are in order to comply with food hygiene and safety. well, in the past , it was cooked in hotels. mind security issues and safety issues, which were now finally in kitchens, usually located in basements , predicted that there might be a fire. prohibiting cooking in hotels and moving towards centralized cooking. in centralized cooking, both the issue of hygiene was observed and cost management was observed, and the consumption items per capita are now
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almost semi-mechanized in kitchens. the food is prepared under health supervision, both from our side and from the host country, health experts monitor the cooking process from production to apparent consumption , then the food ingredients are taken from iran or food is prepared there. well, as long as it was possible to send some items from iran , we almost supplied iran. well , communication issues regarding the transfer of goods have not yet been resolved . if this issue is resolved, we will provide this opportunity for us to act in the same way as in the past. even now, some of the items that it is possible
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to take with the pilgrims by air, for example, we will transport dried plums, for example, like sumac, or similar things, by air, and in solid form , such as cargo with the pilgrims, but we will transport the rest of the required items. we buy from the host country itself these items mean that even though they are transported by air, it is still more economical. some items are not there at all . ah, well, how many other countries are doing things similar to ours when i am. the image i have from 20 years ago, i think we were the only country that had a centralized kitchen, and i remember this model in two cases, one is the issue of transportation within cities. madinah and mecca were almost unique for iranian pilgrims in this regard, iran is also a central kitchen in terms of food. i think iran
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was the only country 20 years ago . in other countries , cooking in centralized kitchens is also limited. there are also countries that do it in hotels, but with the facilities of fully electric equipment that we are discussing now. another discussion that i will share from my past mental history, at that time, saudi arabia always had a particular view on iranian pilgrims and the iranian hajj system in general, which had certain disciplines. and medina it was like this, i don't remember anything similar, yes, and they always talked about the fact that iranians' hajj is much more pure and clean in terms of order.
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and discipline, rules and all these words, what is our situation now? look at the same issue of the kitchens , when we entered, we entered the best , just like you said, we entered the most mechanized one , perhaps in some way. we started transporting the pilgrims by bus into the city, and now the host country itself has reached this and completed the cycle, and the whole appearance in the hajj season, from reciting blessings for free from their hotel to now, is for all countries. all countries, in general, the ones that i
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like, it may not be a problem that there is such a thing, but anyway, the price is possible. go higher because no one hopes
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to be able to register now, either for umrah or for hajj, and for example, if you open it, the last thing that can happen to you is that the appearance that is registered now may be 10 years from now, 12 years from now. let's see, we are committed to the people first. and we have to fulfill that commitment. after we have fulfilled our commitment or if we assume that they don't want to express their appearance and be sent for any reason , then we will open the space. for now, for example , you may stop registering for another 10 years , because apparently you are waiting in line. well, apparently you are in line. it is expected, but i say that there is no hope for a person now, unless he comes to spend more money and buy it in the open market with a figure that may be much higher. he deposited his money, he is getting the value of his money, that is , he deposited a million tomans a day, now he is getting the value of that day's money compared to today, and the one who is
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registering today, if he is certain, then this condition will be required. it is not an obligation, no, now hajj is not an obligation for him, but it is a wish for some people to, for example , perform an umrah like a pilgrimage. i think that his conditions are better than umrah. hajj is the same as what you are saying now, you said to look at the umrah documents , the one he has deposited and the one he is handing over now, there is not much difference, that is , generally in the umrah market, it is a small amount , how much is the sale now, i don't want to say the price, but you usually buy between 10 to 15 million tomans.
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mr. hosseini, let's see a report, let's go back to god. 21 airports in the country will be sent to. 18 airports belong to the country's airport company, in addition to the airports of imam chabahar airport and qeshm airport, this hajj will be performed until june 13. the process of sending them will continue.
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they chose their caravans for hajj according to the announced priorities and their training has started . the capacity of our hajj this year is 875 people who are sent to saudi arabia from pilgrims and agents. considering the problems of hajj tamattu in the past years and the old age and illness of some people, the conditions of their ability to perform hajj this year. the special case was reviewed and it was decided that we will make some of the conditions for the examinations and entry of people , the entry permit of people, which are carried out before entering hajj, more stringent , in order to avoid further complications and, god forbid, problems. which happens to people and sometimes leads to death, we can reduce it, god willing , the average stay of hajj pilgrims in the land of revelation is 33 days. zahra hosseini, head of sed
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and sima news agency. so, mr. hosseini , please explain about the examinations that the applicants for hajj and umrah must pass before hajj. is there enough attention to be paid to their physical ability ? are the sharia issues resolved or not ? not at all the new one that was developed this year by the medical center and in the name of the supreme leader , approximately 99 of the pilgrims had their examinations. done and ready to travel.
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what are the medical services that iran provides to pilgrims during hajj? all our hotels have a doctor. some times inside the buildings are run for 8 hours depending on their population. some clinics offer 16-hour services and some offer 24-hour services in every region. we also have a clinic that provides specialized services and in every city we have a specialized hospital where specialist doctors who arrive from caravans for any reason are examined there. what kind of services are offered in these hospitals and clinics? from the surgeries of the rest of the services what cases
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have happened in providing medicine in hospitals, for example, can you give an example of the needs of the pilgrims there, when they have these services, you can provide them with these services. the extent of dressings is limited to emergencies, yes , emergencies, yes, but we have ophthalmology services, broken hearts, all of these in our clinics, and why is surgery not performed, that is, if someone needs surgery , they have to go to the hospital. the host acts but does not pay any fees they don't pay any fees, which means they have a full insurance that covers how many pilgrims died last year. the number is now accurate.


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