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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow. hello, look to the future, to the sun on
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the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza, peace be upon him. this pipeline started an endless path of research in the field of understanding the beautiful region of the last city. god, in your hope, in the name of your friend, from whom everything is. good morning , dear and respected viewers of the news channel, may god bless you and be happy. we proudly present another reporter's greetings to your kind eyes until around 8 o'clock. .
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i will see you with today's news events, iran without a match tall and glorious at the height of civilization, you will be the founder of civilization, one day i will see the heart of civilization again, the foundation of freedom. gaining knowledge and men of my soil from the heart of syria to reach the ocean of peace . we saw you beating your heart to the sea .
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let's bring a salve for your pain. you, our iran, our soul, we make you with love, we make you together, the heart of the world. foot of the world
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with our zeal, you can make your sky one day better than any other the sky, tomorrow, tomorrow, they will see the same iran that we said, the same day that was left on our map, a spot with the name sahiyo, the same day that we give this flag to the hand of the owner of the heart, on the day of happiness with the memory of the martyrs, our eyes are full of love of three colors that we sing with the same day that abadi is beautiful with freedom. you, our iran , we make you our soul
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with love. we make you our iran, our soul. allow us to start today's program with imam mehrabani, the 8th imam, imam reza, peace be upon him, and an event called chale razavi, which starts today. the beginning will go to looking for the answer of mr. saeedizadeh, ceo of imam reza international foundation ( peace be
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upon him) to hear more details about chela razavi from his own words and in his narration. good morning mr. saeednejad saeedzadeh. this year, in the policy-making foundation, which was for international festival activities , we designed it in such a way that we bring festivals to the service of the people, in the sense of festival activities , events, actions, productions and the effects of cultural activities performed by artists. can be opened in fact, let's publish it in the public space of the society , therefore, in fact, the period of time is actually these days until the birth of imam reza, peace be upon him
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, when you yourself mentioned it, the purpose of holding these programs is because, well, it has finally escaped. many programs have been held in the past years and years. now you are holding a series of programs. please tell us the purpose of holding this series of programs and what are each of these programs and the most important topics. imam reza's development of razavi culture and middle culture in fact razavi is following the discourse of imamate and wilayat in the islamic society of iran with the approach of productions.
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and children and teenagers, we have three festivals of street theater, children's and teenagers' theater, grand theater and stage theater, we have three ta'atar festivals , visual calligraphy festival, photos and graphics , we have a festival of visual arts, film, animation and documentary, and we have a song festival that is in the field of students are organized and we have a village festival in bom. what happened was that in addition to the festival-oriented process
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, which is a process of submitting works and calling and submitting works and judging, the artists are actually selected. dear, we are doing side events in the atmosphere of this year's festival very much. in fact, we focused and the work developed . what are these side events that you are referring to? we have about 20, about 30 poetry circles in the country, in addition to the festival that explains poetry and music. in the field of persian poetry, in the field of children's and teenagers' poetry, there are five poetry circles, in the field of turkish-azeri poetry, there are five poetry circles in the field of children's and teenagers' poetry , we have about eight poetry circles, which is actually quite high. there are about 30 poetry gatherings in different provinces with the presence of poets in fact , we have national poets at the level of different provinces in the geographical area, only briefly to tehran or holy mashhad, no, no, in almost all provinces of the country, in fact, we have poetry circles, and in these poetry circles, there are actually professors and
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poets' fields. national mirror is actually invited and appreciated for your acquisition of this field and feature. these milk circles that are held among the people , that is, in religious life in centers and mosques and public activities of the people, in fact, the flow of poetry is developing in other subcategories, in addition to the poetry that your excellency mentioned, in the form of will you hold a provincial festival or not? yes, we actually have theater festivals this year, where we have children's and youth festival, street theater and stage theater. this year , we actually support the theater group in this year's activities , and these theater groups in in fact, different provinces have performances from 10 to 15 nights. in fact , they perform street stage theater performances for children and teenagers. in fact, we
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have cultural and artistic activities. in fact , we are bringing to the field of people's activities in the visual field as well the exhibition of works in the field of photography, calligraphy and graphics , god willing, at the end of the decade of dignity in mashhad, and dearly, if we can make arrangements in tehran , an exhibition of razavi's visual arts will be held in wazai, tehran. well, you mentioned the decade of dignity , what special program do you have for young women? in the calligraphy festival, we have a section called queen of aftab, which is actually the calligraphers of the country , in fact, this special section is dedicated to these friends, and these calligraphers will be honored at the closing of the imam reza festival, peace be upon him. indeed, the servants of razavi culture, which is being prepared this year . its part is specific to women and young women of islamic countries. it is very excellent and
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there is one more point and those are the events and incidents that have happened in gaza since the 15th of mahmah 1402 and finally, a large number of palestinian people were martyred, more than 70% of them were women and children. which is part of this year's festival. do you have the issue of gaza? in this year's graphic festival, we define the theme of the visual arts in the field of graphics as struggle and endurance. we did. one of the aspects of imam reza's life, peace be upon him, is actually his life of struggle. we have to represent imam reza (peace be upon him) from different perspectives to the islamic community and the world community in space. in fact, the representation that we are defining this year is the struggle and uprising
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. this year, as razavi's special graphic award, the best work that actually happened in the gaza strip and was produced in this period of several months is actually a special award. clip and in the exhibition of works of the islamic world in that area of ​​the visual exhibition. in fact, it is being produced god willing, it will actually be implemented. god willing, mr. saeedza, you mentioned that you have works in different departments that are presented in different provinces. could you present something to the imam festival? the fields are different. well, the ecosystems of the fields of culture and art are different from each other. we can't compare the field now. let's count, but in the visual field, alhamdulillah, we had very good works, more than 1500 mistakes in
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the visual field, calligraphy, photo, graphic, in fact, definition. of course, apart from our rural festival, which in the area of ​​our rural festival, the photo area has more than 200 rural photos, in fact , this year's rural
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festival has been added to the festival. synergize flow. mendan with the professors and the process of production of the work with a luxurious approach has been the basis of this year's festival, certainly now, god willing, in the exhibition of razavi's visual arts. in the decade of dignity in mashhad, holy to tehran, these works will be exhibited. the quality of the works is definitely in the field of visualization, poetry and theater. in fact, we supported 45 theater works, and in the process of this production, first the theater plan came in a revised process, then the play was presented, then the film was presented
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, all this happened in the process, and we think procedural intervention. that this year's foundation has contributed to the production of great works in the field of razavi, god willing, mr. saeedizadeh, now that the works are being presented , it is the beginning of razavi's calamity, and it will continue until the birth of imam reza, peace be upon him, after all, you are a you have passed a period of this work, a horizontal for this festival, do you envision this festival for next year, which can start now. we actually define two levels . one level is that we want the imam reza festival , peace be upon him, to be a professional festival for the production of effective and specialized works for the transmission of the culture of razavi knowledge. in fact
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, we are communicating with prominent people in the field of art, media, and razavi culture in the country's culture on the subject of razavi. another thing is that we need this production of works to actually be available to the general public in the field of cultural and artistic events , which this year is more than 500 events, in fact, in the festive atmosphere of imam reza, peace be upon him, in this ardi behesht month in in fact, it is taking shape in the field of presentation in the discussion of virtual space, which we, god willing , will actually take shape as a window on this website. the works here are no longer limited to this time frame. after this time frame, you can also do this. publish the works , those interested in these works can see them now, whether in the field of visual arts or in the field of poetry and music
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, they can read and hear, or the theaters you mentioned, which includes street theaters. after this bunch of rosavi will be offered in the provinces or an infrastructure will be provided for it so that they can see it . panjere website is actually the production of artistic and cultural works of imam rezai (peace be upon him) in the country , god willing. inshallah, the famous works from the birth of imam reza (peace be upon him), this is actually five sites. it is coming up and being exposed to the public of the society . apart from this, in the space of the public performances of the society , we are also moving towards professional productions. in fact, in the plans that we have , we are preparing to be able to produce a variety of this year's works. and in reality, we should present it in the space of television, in fact, in virtual space, in the field events, in fact, in our country
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, this festival will continue throughout the year, and these activities will be presented to the public, god willing, you mentioned that do you want to try for quality? increase the number of works to increase the quality of the works . considering that you are both a foundation and an international foundation, ask for training courses for those who are interested and in other years to enter their works in this festival. presentation of the body, do you prepare courses for them, or did we hold razavi photography workshop for over 250 photographers of the country, in these workshops
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, we actually experienced the process of training and the process of photographing the holy atba in the field of graphics last year. four national training workshops were held in the area filled with flags in the field of inscriptions, in the field of poster making, and in the field of illustration, these workshops were actually held . in the upcoming events, we actually have workshops in the field of theater. in fact, the training, empowerment and activation of activists and artists will be held during the festival so that we can help produce effective works. thank you very much, mr. saeedizadeh, ceo of imam reza international foundation , peace be upon him, for visiting the morning program studio. thank you very much. be with us.
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in a beautiful spring rain, in the atmosphere of the community , they are ready to present the sports section to you , mr. ghaffari. hello, good morning . thank you, in the name of god. hello, good morning . we are at your service. from here, the open air studio of the program. hello, reporter, in a very spring weather. your presence , dear viewers, greetings and courtesy. here , we will review the most important sports topics , babak kazemi from the sports group of seda wasima news agency .
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who has actually won good honors , he is going to be sent to the world competition in japan , which i think will be at the beginning of june. come, john, in about a month, and these children are trying their best with the wealth and the facilities they have , they are looking to be a source of pride for our country. there are hearing impaired people in many sports, such as football, volleyball , sitting volleyball and basketball. in fact, these loved ones are struggling with the fact that showing their ability
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is the main issue of their job, and the few facilities they actually have in this space, even promises have been made by the ministry of education and youth, even the national olympic committee of the federation of the deaf and hearing impaired, that these children , in any case, considering the many honors they have won and the small budget available to this federation , at least in terms of a job so that their concerns can be resolved. well , we are talking to these children for some time, that's why i am saying this because it is the pain and heart of these children. anyway, it is not bad that my responsible friends will hear once again what we have broadcast many times. all the sadness is to attend an international event with all our efforts and get a medal, which at the end of the year includes it. the reward that is given to the heroes of the country is included in that reward. this is the most important event in vardashi, and i don't know if it is possible to discuss this issue these days, which is very hot. well
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, yesterday, when 85% of the shares of esteghlal and prest police were officially transferred, their shares were offered, and in fact , they were the buyers, as it turned out that 6 banks came to perspis to step forward and actually buy their shares, and a petrochemical company also came to esteghlal club, which four the shares of the club are coming to the subsidiary company and subgroup i bought esteghlal since yesterday, when this actually happened, well, there was a lot of talk in the cyberspace, both the buyer of police press and the buyer of esteghlal gave this good news to the players at least, sir, until the game of the 25th week, which is the 12th of may. i will actually deposit 10% of the amount of your contracts, about 60-70 billion tomans, this is the minimum for the game. kenny, who are worried about financial problems and have repeatedly said, sir , we sold our house, we sold our car, at least they say , anyway, this is what they say, yes,
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we sold a house with snap, now with taxi inter, how many times? they don't take it, they don't sell it. now these things they are talking about will at least solve their worries . anyway, i told them 60-70 billion. now they will be paid the handout that they have to get . in fact, according to the law , the ministry of sports and youth can hand over these two clubs to two other buyers, but if they don't want to , that's another argument in the discussion of handing over sam exactly, but i don't think this will happen because in any case, the actual consultations are based on that the buyers of esteghlal bers police gave the necessary guarantees, and my most important problem was that it was a joint ownership issue, which was resolved. asia, these two teams will be present. thank you for the explanations , dear babak kazemi from sada vasima news agency's sports group , we will come back and join you in the studio of
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salam khabar program . an award for the story of re-creation , the first course of which is scheduled to be held , is presented, and we are in the studio hosted by mrs. elham zarehzade esfahani, the executive secretary. this is the dasan and re-creation prize course, mrs. nazareh. good morning. you are very welcome . good morning. hello , i am at your service and the respected viewers of your program. may you be healthy. do you know the festival and its structure? the structure of the festival actually has a competitive structure and a promotional structure. in this competitive structure, the same one that was unveiled by farakhan's announcement and press conference, and the unveiling of the poster that we are serving journalists, guests and officials today with the presence of journalists from the art field.
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it is possible to complete the axes of this process, which we actually want as a prize, to say it correctly, the first round of the prize hey, what are the main points of the re-creation story? look , there are re-creation awards in five sections, which are the novel, short story, short story, short story , and fiction writing. and the plot is done . did you limit your topics or can anyone who is capable in any field and subject be open because we are the first course and all age groups with all subjects can participate and how about the special section? for this course, whether it is only held at the national level or you hold it at the international level as well
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. the first course held at the national level can you tell me that it is very good that, considering that you mentioned that today the poster of this festival and this award course is going to be published , what are the conditions for the participation of people in this award course, which is also the first course , all the groups storytellers and writers in all age groups can participate in the award and the competition. well, that's very good, just give an explanation that finally when the works came , now that you still want to give farrakhan from today and god willing. if you can, we will also be a reporter in the next programs in salam when you collect your works , we will definitely revisit this issue, but what will be your planning for the evaluation of these works , see the judging groups and the selection board. after
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the submission of the works, the topics that are open, the categories that are done , the selection board is selected by the experts and the works are judged, tell me the current situation, tell us the current situation in the field of fiction and short story writing , where do we stand at all? look, we need a story, we need a story. it is daily and everyday as well as from our normal conversations from our use of virtual space to our use of television, movie shows, animated series, games, and all of these have a story , recently even our marketing and businesses have this story, we have a story.
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we know the mother's need for the use of all people and strata in our society, and now this platform is not ready and is not responsive to the society. thank you , mrs. dharhzadeh esfahani , executive secretary. we see and hear the news of 7 with the continuation of the morning program. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. hello, good morning. rain has been announced in most parts of the country. the weather forecast announced that it will rain
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today in lorestan, markazi, qom, chaharmahal bakhtiari, isfahan,


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