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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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let's cooperate with each other, like us, you are the one who destroys everything that exists, and the one who likes it. of course , let's try not to clean them up . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and their speedy death, i am saying hello to you , dear and respected countrymen , we are with you with the news at 12 o'clock. the 11th session of the court hearing the accusations of the leaders of the terrorist group of the hypocrites was held in the 11th branch of the criminal court of one province of tehran. the president of the court from the dual treatment of the international organizations and the host countries of the defendants , which is due to the talent of the 14 defendants. avoid bombing
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criticized. judge dehghani also asked the people of albania and other host countries of the defendants to request the return of the defendants from the government and responsible institutions in their countries, now that the petition has been issued for the defendants and is being processed in the court. ferdous garden is broadcast from saturday to wednesday on radio tehran. and praying and reciting the holy quran with the aim of creating a spiritual atmosphere is one of the parts of this program. this is ferdous garden of tehran radio network. bagh ferdous kari from the history and education department of radio tehran. in this program, we try to answer people's questions in the field of sharia rulings let's say that we get help from taqleer authorities in various fields
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. we answer the questions of the people that are asked to us during the broadcast of this program by these dear ones. the introduction of prayer mosques is one of the parts of this program. the understanding of the issue definitely happens through the issues that they raise themselves . every day we deal with a jurisprudential issue that affects the society. and sometimes we are not aware that a series of events can make our life better, but by expressing it, we can reach the understanding of that event. recitation of quran and religious hymns are also part of this program. this program is broadcast from saturday to wednesday from 114:00 to 1230:00 on the 94 mhz fm band, mahdia sarbazi
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, radio and television news agency. allah, there is no god but allah. i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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good job. good job allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god. with the hope of accepting your prayers and worships, dear and respected compatriots, we will
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find out the news from the news section at 12 o'clock. the third pajhwok radio documentary festival will start today evening. more than 220 radio documentaries are participating in this festival. 84 years ago. on this day, may 4, 1319, the first radio transmitter in iran was opened in basim neighborhood in the current location of the ministry of communications and information technology. this is tehran. it was heard for the first time 84 years ago. the sound that was broadcast from kolah ferangi mansion on may 4, 1319. dear sirfandgar from this hour radio tehran. it was opened here, one of the oldest studios of iranian radio. we loved it and
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we worked and became interested. was. radio iran started to spread waves all over iran. this is tehran. radio iran gives you the freedom to think, think, visualize, that's why i think it's always attractive. in fact, all the kids work with mehr, which means second by second. color for them there is no fatigue, radio is the media of the moment, just as it is with you in the moment , it can change your mood, it can change your mood. what is the news that was heard on the radio for the first time? attention, this is the voice of the islamic revolution of iran , my dear, a good city has been liberated, sir, please don't let us speak to you
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, mercy, mercy, what lasting voices that became immortal on the radio, the only voice that remains is the radio. that in fact. the sound of lasting sounds that have caressed our ears since the past , media radio is always with the people. my sweetest memories are the communication in my programs the different programs i had on different networks were created with people. when people call and express their love for us , it gives us a sense of life. now, after 84 years, the radio
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reaches listeners with 16 national channels, dozens of provincial channels, and 5 seasonal radio stations. homelessness in public places the us supreme court is reviewing this case. the number of homeless people in america is more than 600. a thousand people reached and some cities without shelter these people made it a crime to pitch their tents in public places. in a sunny azure dimension , amber rockwell drives her metal cart, in which all her belongings are embedded, to another park by the river. homeless people in grandpaps, oregon have to constantly move for fear of the law . being homeless is very difficult. day by day we are harassed either by the police or people who are driving or our neighbors? the court of this city of 39,000 people on the banks of the ragriver river 7 years ago
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declared the accommodation of homeless people in public places illegal and a crime. this is why our homeless people constantly see the shadow of the law enforcement officers over their heads. you know this we live in a tent. you know , if i were the owner of the house, i wouldn't want it here. it's really sad for me. i mean , i have a right to a place to live. he issues a $295 fine bill to them and sometimes takes their belongings, which are actually their whole life, with him. last year, police took away all of the homeless woman's belongings, including a canister containing the ashes of her dead child. we have no place to live. we really have to change our places every four to five days. if we do not do this, we will receive a fine bill. we are kicked out of the park and hand.
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in 3 years, their number will double. if the supreme court of the united states
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accepts the decision of the grandpas local court and confirms the criminality of sleeping tents in public places, it will be spread to the entire united states. a country that has nearly 600,000 homeless people and their number has seen a 12% increase last year. good luck to you.
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this side of the table is a martyr in your eyes. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, honorable compatriots let's enter the subject of both umrah and hajj trips , which is not long until the season, maybe 34 weeks at the end, but sooner, i think it will start anyway, and in this way, we are hosting mr. hosseini, the
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honorable head of the organization, on the first page of the program tonight. hajj and pilgrimage , we will talk about umrah and hajj, and also about my pilgrimage . i say hello again , mr. hosseini and khair moghaddam . well, about this news, first , explain a little about what happened and from now on what is going to happen next, in what order, at what times , how long can we travel for umrah? well , you know, almost 9 years ago, exactly in april 2014, umrah was stopped. after 9 years, we tried to start this operation last year. do. registration was done. the stages of incarceration were also incarcerated. now a series
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of issues that were raised as technical problems. the trip was stopped, but we were still following this issue from the saudi side and also through the ministry of foreign affairs to follow up on the issue until the preparations were made, and we wanted this action before the hajj operation. it should be a re-opening so that we can send pilgrims and umrah pilgrims immediately after the hajj operation. well, with the efforts that were made, we organized the day program that we could do before the hajj, approximately 64 groups with 5700 talents. all parts of the country can participate in this number, the division was done among the provinces, and from 11 flight stations of the pilgrims of the great land of revelation, today we
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will watch the first group. we left tehran airport in the morning, fortunately, the operation was done on time, and i was able to visit the land of revelation and madina munorah. how long will it last before the hajj season? this round will last for 10 days and two flights will be carried out every day. 10 days after the 10 day operation, the faithful will return to the country. yes, it will go . then we will enter the hajj season. inshallah, the operation will resume immediately after that . in which we expect to win now our daily plan for 570
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there were 570 people per day, not the entire operation of these 10 days. yes, no, after the hajj tamata season , after the hajj tamata season, it is possible that we also state the capacities between 800 and one million people , but well , different issues. it can start almost from the 15th of muharram and it can continue until this shawwal. well , in the open time, the organization has this talent to develop this capacity. with the help of the partner institutions , next year we can
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create an acceptable capacity and invite applicants to umrah. think in the first year. from the resumption of umrah trips, we will reach the maximum possible capacity , considering the queue that has formed during this year and the demand that exists, if the infrastructures that i mentioned are provided, there will be no problem to implement it. we had a capacity , we used to send it, it has been destroyed, it has been damaged , i don't know if it is the capacity that exists in the host country , yes, it is our plan that this should be done , and when you say the air fleet, for example , the air fleet of other countries can also be used
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, it can also be used by saudi arabia. and even other countries, well, this. it will increase the cost of implementation. it will increase. yes, i would like to go to another discussion. please also tell me how much is the cost of umrah. now it is about 42 to 44 million toms for a trip of several days. 10 days, 5 days in madinah, 5 days in makkah. previously, it was two weeks, yes , in those previous periods, long ago, that is, before it was interrupted, based on 10 days. it's time to go to hajj tamattu, which i think is about a month away. that's right, when will the first trips be done , god willing? a man can be removed from this land. yes , tell me what is your plan for hajj.
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well, according to the latest statistics that the host country took into account for this year's hajj, 875 pilgrims and the executive staff of the caravans were taken into account. well, the organization and allocation of the capacity of the provinces was done on this basis , like last year, 21 flight stations will provide services to the pilgrims. the necessary infrastructures for providing housing, food, and transportation have been provided, and god willing, flights will be carried out and the appearance of these services. let me tell you that now the issue of securing land is discussed both in umrah and in hajj
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there is no problem regarding the provision of land. well, with the efforts made by the central bank group, the amount needed for hajj and umrah was provided . how did you make ends meet during this time? one , we always have a figure in our account as an advance payment to the hotel owners and we pay for some contracts. well, after that, the central bank did its best and the credit required by hajj was provided. hajj has always been an expensive trip. what programs to make travel cheaper. there is hajj and umrah, what happened, what did it do, see when we enter a high capacity and
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we can assume that we will take the full capacity of a hotel for a period . it will definitely affect the rate of travel expenses, especially during the umrah season . these hotels determine the travel rates, and some services have specific rates , such as the service fees that are given to pilgrims in mashaal , such as transportation, such as plane ticket rates, these are completely specific, and based on this rate, the travel expenses of the pilgrims are calculated and charged to them. so far, yes, you have a plan for more than this, a solution, for example, if it is possible to travel by land for hajj, there is a possibility that the trip
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will be cheaper than this. land trips will definitely have a lower price. yes , the price of ground transportation is lower than that of flying within the country, if in the country's diplomacy. make this coordination between the two countries of iraq and saudi arabia for the use of our pilgrims from the borders of the land. it is possible that we will also honor the pilgrims by land. so , did you have a request at all? we have done it, but the host country has not provided this possibility for some countries apparently, iraq and... the countries of the persian gulf are going by land , so anyway, this is potentially possible. well, you have followed up since
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last year. he hasn't given his consent. well , once and for all, his case is closed. no , definitely, further follow-ups are necessary . god willing, we can open this path . do you have an estimate of how much it will reduce the costs? no, please tell me now that this is the number of digits that you mentioned about the hajj of tamattu how much is it going to cost? then tell me separately, if possible , what these expenses will be spent on, how much it is, how much it is , how much it is, how much it is in rials, and how much is the portion of transportation, how much is the portion of food, how much is the portion of accommodation ? . it depends on the type of hotel and its quality
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in the cities of makkah and madinah, in this open range , the prices are also different. we have 4 price groups in makkah, 5 price groups, the combination of which is the cost of pilgrims in the area accomodation includes food for all pilgrims , transportation, air tickets, and services within mushar, a total of which covers the most of the pilgrims' travel expenses, such as accommodation. it is proven that it was calculated based on those rates , and it was received from the people that the tolerance was from 161 million tomans to 187 million tomans.
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as in the past, in the four central kitchens, two in makkah and madinah, two in madinah munorah and two in makkah mukarmeh, the cooking of pilgrims' food is done by cooks and other iranian cooks , and the kitchen is mechanized. yes, i have been for 20 years. i have a picture of these kitchens, which at the time was very advanced in terms of technology and
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in terms of being up-to-date. finally , what is the condition of that device and all that system and all these things now ? can you give a description for those who do not have any pictures at all? in order to comply with food hygiene and safety, in the past it was cooked in hotels, then the civil defense of the host country due to security and safety issues, now finally in the kitchens, usually in the basement. these were supposed to predict that there might be a fire and apparently damage from this issue so, ban cooking in hotels and move towards centralized cooking. in centralized cooking, both hygiene and cost management were observed, as well as consumption items per capita. now, in
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the kitchens , food cooking is almost done in a semi-mechanized manner, under health supervision , both health experts from our side and from the host country supervise the cooking process from production to apparent consumption, then the food ingredients are taken from iran or prepared there. can we buy food ? well, as long as it was possible to send some items from iran, approximately 60 items of goods we used to supply iran, well, the issues of communication in the field of goods transfer have not been resolved yet . if this issue is resolved , we will provide this possibility for us in the past. now, we can take part of the items that are possible by air with the pilgrims
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, for example. let me give you an example: dried plums, for example, like sumagh or similar issues , we transport them by air, and in solid form, like the pilgrim's luggage, but we buy the rest of the required items from the host country itself, even though they are transported by air. again, it is more economical, some items are not there at all, oh well, other countries. how similar to our work they are doing at that time, when i have a picture from 20 years ago , i think we were the only country that had a centralized kitchen, and i remember this model in two cases, one is the issue of transportation within the cities of madinah and mecca for pilgrims. iranians were almost unique in this regard, iran
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was also the only country in the central kitchen in terms of food. they are done in hotels, but with the facilities of fully electric equipment, which now does not have a role to play in the discussion of fire , another discussion that i will share my past mental history, at that time, saudi arabia is always one. sometimes had i gave an example to the iranian pilgrims and to the iranian hajj system in general, which had special disciplines. for example , there were intra-city transportation services in mecca and medina, which i do not remember. yes, and they always talked about the fact that iranians hajj is much more pure
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in terms of order and discipline.


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