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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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to be able to have a good discussion , examine its dimensions, and finally come to the conclusion that it is better to keep the holidays as they are or should we modify the educational calendar. if you are willing and interested, i invite you to continue this discussion. follow us on the news network . mr. dr. abdullahi, let's start with his excellency . first of all, i think for the viewers, how many times was this issue of calendar modification raised? yes, the educational calendar was raised many times. please tell us a history of this for the viewers. how many times was this raised and why was it not implemented at all? and the goal at all what was the result of this change?
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it has a lot, that is, when we look at the history from the qajar period to later , we have always had ups and downs. zaman darulfan, we have a letter from the management of darulfanun to naseruddin shah. it would be very
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interesting if we had the opportunity to read a few lines of the text of this letter. obviously, this is very interesting . at that time, mondays were closed, and on fridays there was a request from the shah, who agreed. let schools be open on mondays, then this holiday should go in the summer when the weather is warmer , for example, students can travel to eilat with their parents and get some fresh air and then come back. for example, they stated that they should continue their studies and their reasoning was that, for example , closing the middle of the seven mondays will cause a break in the continuity of education and this will also cause an educational loss, and now the same debates that we are having today are there financial burdens or not. how much difference is there in the financial burden, which he argues in the letter , saying, sir, this financial burden is not harmful education does not impose or later like this , we have many tips like this, for example, at one point of time . giving the schools that if
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the school principal feels that the temperature in the shade is more than 30 degrees, he can, for example , declare that day a holiday. in the parliament, due to a series of discussions that took place between the teacher and the minister of the time, and from these discussions , the parliament has passed a specific law that closes the beginning and end of the school year, which means that the school year starts at the beginning of october and the end of the year. year the academic year is at the end of ardi behsh and the exams are held in the june season, which is the law of reopening schools at the beginning of october every year. this was the point in the policy making of our educational calendar where the approach changed and the approach was changed from assigning authority to provinces and regions to a centralism in the capital means that we made policies for the whole country through the law without looking at the requirements of this side and that side. what the parliament
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wants to do now is a change of approach towards the same allocation of powers to the provinces and cities as the current plan . well, it is written in the education commission that is, a more basic plan was prepared at the majlis research center and the studies that were conducted, the name of our report is the necessity of revising the educational calendar of schools , after that it was approved by the education commission and it was also approved by the supreme council of education. with the reference given by the head of the commission and now it is the turn of the floor of the parliament, and now i think it is unlikely that this plan will come to fruition in the 11th parliament. do you think that the process that has gone through is currently based on the lessons learned from we are in the past, and now that logical educational calendar should be traditional
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, a part of the time is involved in management discussions, which decisions actually require the larger social system, because it is involved with the issues of human resources, cost and budget, but the most important point from the perspective of education. in the discussion of curriculum time, it means the program that you want to teach, the program that you seek to achieve its goals and so on. it seems that in fact the time of his final speech should be planned. from that side, the program can . you mean the time of training. when you talk about the training calendar, it is just a discussion.
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holidays are not mentioned, it means that we think that , for example, the educational calendar means summer or winter holidays, no, you have a time , you have a time container, but sometimes there is none. it is not expandable. this is your time. you have 24 hours in a day. you make a plan for those 24 hours. you make a plan for the whole year that you have and a plan that matches your goals. you see, the most important issue in setting the time is the goals that the educational system pursues. if we accept that, for example , where is the planning authority? authority to decide on. education is both the program and the requirements of the program, in the first place, although as i told you , another component is the management component that you want
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to spend. it may turn to management if the main issue. there is a program that you want to implement. according to the law of the supreme council of education, he is responsible for making educational policies . educate this person, what kind of system is needed? well , now the goals we have will be solved with this educational calendar. we have 2 discussions about this educational calendar . now, the council's decision has closed a ceiling for winter vacations or summer vacations or vacations caused by crises, such as where there are
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crises the natural face has nothing to do with how much time we take, this is the time that is lost for educating children. the teacher of this time must be compensated, that is, education in the field of educational policy, he says, these headings, these goals , this time, these training sessions, 925 training sessions for elementary school students should be planned in these 925 hours must be fulfilled. it must be fulfilled. now , the discussion that i have said is whether this educational calendar is the area of ​​decision-making, with whom should we let the management system decide on its own, for example, taking into account the conditions and requirements in many countries. the decision-making is the region , that is, even in the field of curriculum, it is the same discussion of allocation
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of authority. a village if we want for example, if you bring a student during the planting or harvest season , the student will not come, he will leave the training, so you have to adapt your training to the student's cultural, climatic, cultural, climatic conditions, even, for example , being a boy or a girl, gender, all of these will affect your schedule. let 's face it, this is actually not a correct plan , now i am with this title that you are in my plan. you mentioned the reduction of summer holidays, not at all , maybe you will come to the conclusion at some point that you have to teach this option and this is actually flexibility in the schedule and in the conditions and in all the summer. the fields must be provided both in the field
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of human resources and in the field of decision-making and in the field of curriculum. you are one of the professors in the field of education. do you have a lot of experience? can the goals be achieved with this educational calendar and according to that educational system? does it need to be corrected? of course, it needs to be modified, but it is more important to consider the challenges of implementing programs. one of the challenges can be this calendar. one of the other challenges , i can go back to many other issues, but it is definitely a debate because my opinion was that you are against the reform of the educational system. you can't see that he was against the amendment , we are against the fact that he acted as before without considering the conditions. have you read the plan that will be approved in the parliament? yes, yes. you see
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, the essence of this plan is that the parliament should cancel the 1976 resolution, that is, canceling the 1976 resolution can be very complicated, but not making it conditional, this authority should be given to the field of education, that is, education, and where in the plan? given in the plan. to do some things again , see the supreme council of education, for example, in the first article, they said to come and do the time management, but you need an approval. it does not mean that this authority should be given to education and education itself, and this should be explained to the regions. prepare reports and colleagues about the opinions for and against the amendment of the educational calendar . we are at your service again, dear ones. the current educational calendar of schools specifies the academic year from the first day of march to the end of june. the calendar
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has been changed 13 times so far, and now its revision is on the agenda of the parliament. according to this amendment, the beginning and end of the school year in each province can be different according to the geographical conditions. short summer vacation and part of this holiday should be placed between two and a half academic years. the subject now. there are many pros and cons. mohammad hosni, a member of the institute of education studies . the summer vacation is long and with the closure of schools from the beginning of june, it reaches four months. this holiday creates a lot of educational interruption for the next academic year and is detrimental to the students. therefore, it is better for students to take a break between two and a half years and shorten the summer vacation. rizvan hakimzadeh, former vice president of education. our country has geographical regions. it is different. if it is possible to hold classes in the summer for remote areas
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yes, there is no school facilities for warmer areas. therefore , it is not possible to form classes for all schools during the summer, and therefore summer vacations cannot be excluded . hossein riahinejad, member of the supreme council of education. due to snowfall and air pollution, schools are closed on many days of autumn and winter , and practically on schedule. children's classes will be interrupted. instead of closing in summer, schools can be closed between two and a half academic years and education will continue in the months of summer. majid renai, member of the supreme council of education. exams high school students will be finalized from this year and these exams for the twelfth grade must be held before the national university entrance exam so that the academic records of the students will be announced to the evaluation organization. in this case, if classes continue in july and august, the national exam should be held in september, which is
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not practically possible, so i do not agree with reducing the summer vacation. well, mr. dr. abdallah was in my report, it has been changed about 13 times so far . they brought up the discussion of economy and tourism, now you are talking about your new plan , what were the most important reasons you went to change the educational calendar? we were talking about 3 to 100 dirhams , i think it's confusing, it's a discussion about the beginning and end of this policy. in the beginning, we have to realize the hours, for now, these 925 hours are what we say that the class
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has 50 hours of activities outside of school according to the national program of 50 hours of activities outside of school. it is according to the local conditions, which we do not see at all, that is, it is not in our calculations at all. can i ask a question in parentheses? now, with our 925 hours, compared to that world standard or compared to other countries, i read somewhere that the amount of training in the last course is very high. we say that the realized time in iran is 627 hours. currently, we are the 58th country out of 58 countries that participated in these studies. for example, let's assume that the first country that is here is the philippines with 1225 hours, that is the ratio of the first and the last, or for example, countries like japan that have 904 hours of education, how much is 5d? and 627 hours now, while the research institute of
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education has come and checked, it says that sir , it is much less than 576 years. that is, if the children leave every day , they don't leave for 785 hours. now, what is the example of not going? let's assume that this is the period of nowruz eid, which means that the delivery of the year is usually two or three days . this year, the last 3 days of the week were closed. on my side, it was the 14th and 15th, tuesday, wednesday. it was closed for 5 days , our hidden holidays, so one of the reasons is
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the reduction of education time. when we see it hard, we say stop at the beginning and end of the school year. if it is closed one day, the children cannot go to our school. we don't have a place anymore. please make up for this. the second reason . the second reason for the discussion of the holidays itself. this is a long discussion. there is a quarterly magazine that has been published since the 40s. in that magazine you are looking at , almost every issue has someone writing about summer vacations. the best professors, i printed two or three models and brought them with me . the children go, a breeze hits their heads, it returns back to their necks, some say that no, this is the reason for the interruption, that this interruption is serious . it was voluntary, each of the children liked that test. almost 20% of the content of the last school year
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was in the minds of those participants. what does this mean, our teacher should spend time rereading the first time it starts. then i came and we did a comparative study to see how other countries are like. only iran and turkey have a continuous holiday and this holiday is not explained during the academic year. now see if , for example, the camera can show this. as you can see, in iran, the academic year is completely continuous we have a nowruz holiday, a summer holiday for the countries you are looking at. vacations are divided throughout the year, usually summer vacations, for example, an average of two months, that 's how long our summer vacations actually go from the middle of june to the end of september. the thing that approval of 925 hours means 5 sessions in length
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for the beginning, now the average is different. children have to go to school for 5 days, 25 hours a day , 25 hours a week, and this means 35-37 educational weeks my school starts at 7:45, it ends at 12:45. now , when you enter the performance, first of all, the school starts at 79:45. . you are in high school, which is worse in high school because the number of training hours is more, and he said, for example, in the first high school, 110 hours in the high school theory of 1295. do you believe that the program will not be implemented in the operational and executive field? yes, it will not be implemented. the reason
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is the reason. to the provincial councils of education that this door there is also a law on education councils, one of their duties is to determine the educational calendar, yes, then they themselves will be obliged to say, sir, you have to complete 925 hours. in june, for example, the children spend more time in school, or if it is the harvest season , the children will not be able to come later, for example, in september, for a week. you should start early. very well, the manager is only required to report to us, that is , tell the head of education, sir, that i have completed 95 hours as a researcher. doing it this way is good for these three reasons. what is hazrat adi's opinion, madam? do you think that there is a need to change the calendar with these three reasons? do you agree with the need to change the calendar, even though you only
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put all the problems on the time of summer vacation or winter vacation? i think this is a bit naive. ok, you can't say no by adding two weeks or subtracting two weeks in winter. the program will be implemented , it will be implemented well. one of the most important issues of the department is actually the lack of supervision and monitoring of self-execution. many issues caused by unsuccessful implementation have already been resolved. it is quite clear, we have an agreement that the duration of a class session should be 45 minutes, in the first and second secondary schools it should be 50 minutes. the problem of education
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can be solved, it can't be solved, the problem of education may be broader than this issue of vacations, the issue is the program itself, the issue of human resources is the issue of monitoring and evaluation, madam doctor, this is about the structure and structure of the educational content, not the structure for the implementation of the program. if you are in the history of the supreme council look, in one course, the supreme council of education only gave the title, did not even give time, and told you to teach math, teach these things in math , where you teach, how you teach. review yes , over and over, in fact, the manner of implementation has caused us
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to go back from the approach of concentration, reduction of concentration, to focus, because we cannot organize the implementation well, until these shortcomings in the implementation, whether legal or otherwise. what cultural defects, any defects that cause. his committee, you discuss the quality of education, your committee , why do you want it, for quality, you want your committee do you want to have some time for education? you don't have time anymore . what do we want this time for, to keep the child in school or because this committee is not relevant? the important thing is that you see the right numbers. a research study about the years it has been done before about the role of time in training, for example, a group as a witness. reducing the number of training hours , a capable teacher was able to achieve his educational goals with the same few hours of training, that is, we should not
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take these factors too lightly, we think that maybe a teacher, for example, as a person who has a profession he has not seen independence, we can't get him. time is a tool at his disposal to implement the curriculum. very well, mr. dr. abdullah, those three things. that you mentioned that there is a need to change the educational calendar, mrs. doctor, they believe that not only these three can't be satisfied and it is necessary to pay attention to the discussion of content and quality of education, especially the issue of supervision . look at the things that have been carefully considered. my main message to the doctor is that when you want to make decisions from tehran, supervise yourself and take all the authority and powers in your hands, naturally, work. it will be locked, you don't have the ability to do it , they will make a report for you and thousands of issues and problems will arise
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because you want to take all the authority in tehran, if we trust the general manager of our region, we should give him supervision, say you, sir , as the person in charge of education. for the development of this province, you must realize this level of education, monitor it , and monitor its quality. do it and then just report to me, sir, i went and monitored it and saw that it is being realized. what will happen to the upper management ? the upper management of the headquarters will do it, but trust the general manager and see the general manager when he feels i don't know if the children are going to a party, for example, i don't know if anar is going to a party, so what should i do? now they are leaving, and i can't make up for it, so they are going . this is one point, another point about the supreme council saying, see the approvals of the supreme council of education are full of contradictions regarding the
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educational calendar, that is, wherever you look, you will see that somewhere it has given permission and somewhere it has not. for example , let's say the working hours of teachers he announced that 24 hours in the next week in the curriculum document said 25 hours a week now, our teachers go 25 hours , the shura class does not have the teacher's working hours approved by the administrative affairs, not the same national document of the curriculum, you announced the curriculum document on page 47 of the curriculum , the teacher said to teach 25 hours, no, he did not say something like this is approved by the higher authority. the supreme council disagrees with itself and with other approvals. it's not like i can say , sir, only yes, they are contradictory. these are the contradictions that we have listed in our report, which was written in the parliamentary campaign center. it should be this
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the basis of this transformation document. we have to set a series of goals for the academic courses, then we will say how many hours we need in education to achieve these goals, but the reverse procedure is that we first approved the transformation document, then we came and put the curriculum document, we said 925 hours, then the academic goals we wrote it, it's like it's crazy for us , students must go to school for 925 hours, now let's write a program to include it in 925 hours. well, it should be the other way around .
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do you have these goals in mind, and the available time should tell us this what does the document say about the educational calendar? what does the document say about the educational calendar ? in fact, the general issue is, how many years do i want to teach a course of 12 years or 10 years, 25 hours? how did you get these 925 hours according to both topics are at your disposal.
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it is what we want to achieve in the implementation, so the goals should not be defined first, then the program, that is , this should be the process that was raised during the development of the transformation document, the discussion of engineering is simultaneous because you cannot stop the training, write a document , write a transformation document, write a plan write a lesson later say , for example, we want to implement this program from such and such a day. i say that these are implementation problems that in many cases they reject the approvals , you remove them altogether, for example, i would like to add another point regarding these approvals, which are mentioned in the approval of the same curriculum document for the first, second, third grade of elementary school.
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in the beginning, they must attend class for 45 hours and 45 minutes a 50-minute break for the second elementary school , yes, another 60 years, 60 minutes for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. he said 50 minutes, go for 10 minutes. now, i really have a question for the certificate givers . you can go to 3 classes for 45 minutes a day. there are 50 minutes left for the recreation bell. go to the recreation bell for 10 minutes. look, this is a compromise of execution . we don't expect this from the supreme council, which itself knows directly. see, the parliament enters because of these things, education and the supreme council, when they can't solve their problems now. you see this same educational calendar, this solution 21 is specified in the change document that the educational calendar should be modified with a flexible approach and delegating authority to the provinces.


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