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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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a lack of self-monitoring supervision , see many issues caused by unsuccessful implementation. right now , the resolution is quite clear. we have a resolution that the duration of a lesson should be 45 minutes. in the first and second secondary schools, it should be 50 minutes. when this is not implemented, you might think, see, i am i don't agree with thinking that you have shortened the summer holidays. you added the school and the closure . the problem of education will be solved. no, it will not be solved. the problem of education may be broader than this issue of holidays. the issue is the program itself. it is the issue of human resources . regarding the educational content, no, this form and structure is for the implementation of the program, it is not for anything, it means that you are actually designing this structure. 37
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sessions of the system is a centralized system. as a rule, if you look at the history of the supreme council, in one session , the supreme council of education only gave the title , did not even give time, and told you to teach mathematics . teach these things in mathematics. where do you teach, how do you teach? yes, over time, in fact, the shortcomings of the implementation have caused me to face. in fact, the focus approach is to reduce the focus, let's go back to the focus because we cannot organize the performance well let's do it as long as these defects in the implementation , legal defects, cultural defects, any defects that cause this committee's discussion, you are talking about the quality of our education, what do you want for quality, you want quantity. you have time
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, you have more time than you don't have . what do you want this time for, to keep your child in school or in school? the fact is that this committee is not relevant, what matters is the quality, which i think is the right basis to do a research on the previous years. it has been mentioned about the role of time in education, for example , bringing a group as a witness and witnessing the clock reducing the training of a capable teacher with the same number of hours that a less trained teacher was able to achieve his educational goals means that we should not take these factors too lightly. the tools at his disposal are at his disposal to implement the curriculum. very well, mr. dr. abdoli, the three things that you mentioned that require changing the educational calendar, mrs. doctor. they believe that not only these three can't
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be satisfied and it is necessary to pay attention to the discussion of content and the discussion of educational quality and these things, especially regarding supervision, have you paid attention to these things in this plan? see, my main point, dr. mokhamon, is that when you want to make decisions from tehran , supervise yourself, and take all the powers and powers in your hands, naturally, the work will be locked, and the ability to do it will be locked. you have not. i will make a report for you and there will be a thousand problems because you want to take all the powers in tehran . if we trust the general manager of our region, we should give him supervision. to realize the training, to monitor this amount of training to be realized monitor its quality and then report to me, sir, i went and monitored it and saw that it will be realized another point about the supreme council
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is to say that the approvals of the supreme council of education are full of contradictions regarding the educational calendar, that is , wherever you look, somewhere it has given permission and somewhere it has not. then, in the curriculum document, it says 25 hours a week, now our teachers go 25 hours a week, which
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is a contradiction. these are the contradictions that we have listed in our report, which was written in the parliament education center. well, the rule should be this: we wrote a basic transformation document, then based on this transformation document, we have to set a series of goals for the academic courses , and then tell us how many hours we want in education in order to achieve these goals, but our procedure is the reverse, first the document we approved the change, then we came, we put the curriculum document, we said 925 hours, then we went and wrote the academic goals document, which means that it is as if we are crazy, we must have 925 hours for students to go to school, now let's write a program that includes 92 five hours well, it should be the other way around, that is, we should say, sir we have such goals . how many hours of time do we need to achieve these goals ? it's not that simple. you see, about time
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, no more time. i am at your service first. you can say that this program is with this time , you are not more than 12 months old when you go to the program . actually, when you say 925, you have these goals in mind. there is also time available. well, the national curriculum says this. what does the document say? regarding the training calendar, the training time is only about actually in general terms, how many years of study do i want to teach for 12 years or 10 years for 925 hours ? how did you get these 92 five hours considering both the time you have and your schedule when you compare the goals of the study courses with a 45-year gap? to the transformation document, well, why the goals of the academic courses, for example, because of the 96 weeks of the national curriculum document
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, i think 90, and now it is here, the minute i can announce my transformation document. national curriculum with distance transformation document. you have to teach and correct at the same time, you also have to stop the implementation , you cannot stop the flow of training and some of these engineering projects at the same time. in fact , there are
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implementation problems. i would like to add another point, especially the current approvals in the approval of the same document. the curriculum said the first grade, second grade, third grade of elementary school , they should go to class for 45 hours, 45 minutes , a break for the second grade, 50 minutes, yes, another 60 years , 60 minutes, why did he say 50 minutes, go for 10 minutes, now you, me, really. i have a question for those who give this certificate in schools that are now from the first grade. they are next to each other until the 6th grade. how come three classes have 45 minutes to go for a quarter of the bell, they have 50 minutes to go to the bell for 10 minutes ? look, this is your plan. after all , we don't expect this from the supreme council, which knows you directly. look, the parliament came because of these things. education and the supreme council do this when they cannot
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solve their own problems. now you see this same educational calendar. this 21 solution is specified in the transformation document that the educational calendar must be modified. years from this approval of the last transformation document of education, action it doesn't help to modify the educational calendar in order to bring a bill, but the most important issue is that if you organize the class a week earlier instead of, for example, the seal, the resolution of the parliament is yes , exactly, you have to
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make a decision without paying attention and even. sometimes working politically, this causes damage to the essence of the issue . you know these issues are the obstacles to not reforming the educational calendar. yes, it is one of the most important issues. why do you think that the parliament did not do this, when you should have always progressed to a certain stage but did not reach the result? yes, well, we have to leave this out of education, why don't you pursue this reform of this calendar , let's assume now that the parliamentary research center did not exist , so this issue of educational calendar does not exist, not every year, these reviews, every period, every year, these
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reviews are brought up is it possible that when you face a legal problem, as you said, it is necessary to discuss the proposal of a bill , which is different in different governments, otherwise this proposal, at least as an expert who was in the area of ​​the supreme council of education, i can say that it is the same proposal from the curriculum commission itself. it has been concluded that this resolution needs to be canceled. no to because of all these discussions that we are having , because the specialized field of the subject must decide on the subject, the curriculum field , the education policy field, which is the supreme council itself, it must make a decision and implement this decision . another point has now come into the discussion. the discussion on the supervision of the transformation document itself, one of the clauses it has now, i don't remember the exact number, is that we must design a quality evaluation system for the education system . in many parts of the world, the internal evaluation
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of education is not done at all. external organizations are what do they do with us? there is a goal, doctor, with the aim of improving the quality . monitoring, monitoring does not mean catching flies, monitoring means identifying obstacles, problems and improving the quality system of our education system. if i bring up the issue of monitoring. i insist that this monitoring system should be external and not internal, not that the monitoring unit of the ministry of home affairs should do this , or for example, the regions themselves should have a monitoring unit. do you feel the need for these talks to change? yes, of course , you think why the government is doing this in the form of a bill it won't go to the parliament if he wants to do it like this now. there are 100 problems, mr. minister, we have to
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look for the root cause, i say, where is the root of these problems? look at the education, he says , "sir, for example, if the problem of paying retired service bonuses is corrected, then you see, when the minister is involved in all these problems , maybe it means that there is no hope for reform, and it is not possible for the minister to have no hope, because it will not happen." not anymore look at the undergraduate department, you have to go to the parliament.
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the head of the educational quality monitoring and evaluation organization, which is a subsidiary of the minister, said to him, mr. so-and-so
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, give us the statistics of the educational quality assessment . he said to me, mr. abdullahi, i will give you the statistics . you will give me a report. the mp's hand grabs the minister's collar. the minister grabs my collar and says, "why did you give statistics so that they can grab my collar? look, when we get involved in a conflict of interest , we cannot measure accurately. our proposal was that the organization of the syringe should be external, and the advisory board should be from the group. yes, the transformation document also says the same thing. the important points are the basic nodes of our education, education. i don't know, a basic hemp doesn't want to say, sir, we have to throw it all out and rebuild it. please tell me about your experiences. well, what should be done. the government, which has this problem, does not look at the future , it does not look at the future, but it is following up on important and everyday issues. we have a lot of obligations now in the parliament
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. i told you about the above documents in the supreme council
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. they say, sir, we have come because we believe that this will probably not come to fruition in the 11th parliament. we are approaching the end of the parliament in the 7th development plan , we included some changes in the form of a single article , so the organization of the program announced its opposition and said that this plan has a financial burden, which i really don't know how it has a financial burden . let's see the plan that has been proposed in samand. voting is over. well, that's it. with the daily routine of education , it prevents
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us from thinking about changes that are not all caused by the minister. now its efficiency is compared to the bill that you have from the government
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of education, you should plan in some way that this number that we determine to the supreme council , now every number goes to 925 or it will be changed to another number, whatever the supreme council, the picture is this. it is true that teachers' educational calendar should be different from the students' educational calendar, which means that our teacher should go to school earlier than the beginning of the academic year to prepare for teaching. now you count , sometimes, for example, like this year , our newly hired teachers are the first to go after the students, which means two he was a student for three days and sometimes he was a student for a few days after that. the next thing is how to make up for those holidays that have become routine or hidden. well, see, for example, i told
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you, sometimes we know that, sir, at this time, at this time. harvest holiday, holiday of everything, we have to predict this in advance, let's say, sir, we already announced this holiday, on this date, the school is closed, now , with those 925 hours, for example, in the elementary school , how many days of holidays do you think? for example , it is specified here for schools, i don't have to specify it here now the provincial councils themselves determine that you have 37 weeks of education, 52 weeks a year. explain this . the power should be in our hands. our view at the center is that education should give whatever authority it can to the provinces, even for example in a macro view. what we are saying is that we are the general departments of education in every province, there is a general director of education, a general director of modernization, a literacy movement, a discussion of the center of education, all of these
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should be consolidated. have an office so that the minister can have peace of mind in addition to constantly looking for routine issues , the result of your plan is to devolve authority to the provinces, mrs. doctor, if this devolution of authority is done to the provinces, then, for example, the example of shiraz , for example, the vacation of its primary schools in one month
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, for example, the example of sari, for example, in one month on the other hand, this does not cause any problems in coordination and planning, even in the field of education, such as holding entrance exams or such. of course, you can see , for example, some of our problems are the transfer of students and families. these must be managed gradually, that is, sometimes if necessary. let's do it in each province according to its climate, according to which it is written in the city, which is authorized by the supreme council of education, that is, the supreme council should announce in advance that this year, my educational year will start from 15 september, for example, until 15 june, gentlemen of the province. plan in this period. my final exams will be held on this date . planning like this makes no difference. why are you
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announcing a 12-month period? you say 12 open discussions, for example , 15 september this year until 15 september next year. for example , sir, this is 12 months. the 12th month of my education , my academic year, everything that the supreme council said is not my year now i am currently in 12th grade . well, let's see if some things will be achieved through experience and inter-departmental coordination. until this happens, we cannot say, for example
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, that there are solutions for all these problems that can be worked on. regarding the final discussion, yes, it is final. it can cause problems, but does the final necessarily, for example , have to be executed at one time? does the final, for example, like the experience we had in the virtual training, cannot be online, cannot be repeated many times. these are questions that can be answered . you have seen these damages, this fragmentation and lack of coordination in every province and every city. we are not like this, now many other countries are like this. for example, i was looking at india. it is completely like this. there is a dispersion because you do not live in a flat country. you now have different sunsets, sunrises and sunsets in asan. how can you do this? it was that if we do this option in every province, now that summer vacation, for example , is now more or less in a different season, in another province, in another season, this will not cause a problem, why should it cause a problem, for example, let's say that now i am in tehran, let me say that
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there are two weeks in january when the air pollution is at its peak after the holiday, the students, for example , should take one week of these two weeks in september, or one more week in june, so what problem does this cause for us, for example, in the issue of inter-departmental problems? no, it's just a new case , we're just starting to say, maybe you should sit down and check this lack of coordination is very difficult, yes , it creates problems, but you have to find a way to solve it , and then we have to wait for more than a minute. you said it was predicted, that means the way of work was said by the council the ministry of education should solve the problem like this by announcing in advance by announcing like this. the problem is that we shouldn't be afraid of assigning authority, we must assign authority. when authority was assigned , we no longer planned centrally, then we can
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use that experience the following year. therefore, let's implement it until we see if it works. it doesn't work. he did an experiment , for example, gradually, for example, one country did it . in the end, the possibility is all equal to one yes or no. do you think that this reduction in the duration of the summer vacation is due to the increase in quality? education can help no, you are not alone in this plan. vacations
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will be reduced and authorities will be given. now it is also included in the law of education councils, which means that we approved it twice and said that we will do this work , god willing, god willing.
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majlis also mrs. dr. belous, former member of the supreme council of education of the country, and special thanks for your cooperation with today's higher program, god bless me or higher.
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2:00 am
in the name of god. hello , dear viewers. be with us with the morning news section. referring to the adherence of the islamic republic of iran to the poems and ideals of the islamic revolution, the president said in the gathering of the elites of karachi: "despite the fact that 45 years have passed since the victory of the revolution, the problem is quds and the rights of the palestinian people continue to be emphasized by the people of iran. mr. raisi emphasized that occupation and aggression do not create legitimacy and ownership for the occupier and aggressor based on any international system. does not.


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