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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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get a gift by sending the number 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers of the news section. join us at 5 am . the israeli warplanes targeted the residence of a number of residents of al-nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip, in which at least four palestinian citizens were martyred. according to witnesses, many people were martyred or injured in this attack, most of them children.
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so far, three members of a martyred family were also injured in hawai'i, and the operation to remove the bodies and the wounded is still ongoing. resistance forces in response to the occupation's crimes against the palestinian people it targeted the zakim military base with 17 missiles . following this attack. a number of
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zionist soldiers were wounded or killed. at the same time, hebrew sources reported the death of another zionist soldier in the battles of beit hanoun in northern gaza strip. lebanon's hezbollah also targeted a garrison in the north of the occupied territories in a combined attack. hezbollah announced that the attack, which was carried out by attack drones, was successful. this military target was targeted for the first time on the northern coast of occupied palestine. cloud sources announced that more than 20,000 israelis were killed in the north due to this attack occupied lands went to shelters. in the gathering of the elites of karachi, the president stressed that we have no doubt that a just order will replace the current world order and added the will of the muslim nations and freedom lovers of the world under the banner of unity and unity for freedom. and the victory
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of palestine will definitely be realized. also , mr. raisi was awarded an honorary doctorate degree from the university of karachi in a ceremony attended by state officials. thank you very much for your welcome. mr. raisi first went to lahore. cultural aleppo of pakistan and at the very beginning he appeared at the tomb of allama iqbal lahori. persian-speaking philosopher and poet. a pakistani whom the president of iran introduced as a common heritage of the nation of iran and pakistan. mr. iqbal lahori is respected by all of us because he had an anti-colonial character. he was an independent personality. he loves his people and his religion. mr. raisi went to the enthusiastic gathering of lahore university students. hello. in this 160
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-year-old university of iran and pakistan, the president said that the common point of view between us and the people of pakistan is that we are both defenders of the oppressed palestinian nation, and we continue to defend the resistance and the oppressed palestinian nation with pride. we will give the president supports the people of gaza. he considered it a symbol of standing against the oppression and corruption ruling the world and said about the victory of the resistance: we have no doubt that the resistance of the heroic nation of palestine and gaza will liberate palestine and quds sharif and the end of the zionist regime is certain. mr. raisi referring to the operation. if he makes a mistake and attacks
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the holy land of the islamic republic, the situation and: the end of mr. raisi's plans in lahore was to attend the banquet of the local officials of punjab state with the presence of hundreds of scientific, cultural and religious elites of this state. karachi port is the economic and commercial center of pakistan next destination.
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they taught in the field of private law in their doctorates in islamic jurisprudence in the field of studying in the school and university. they also wrote books and articles on the principles of islamic jurisprudence and also did many activities on issues related to economic jurisprudence and religion. they had deepening economic relations and increasing exchange.
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in tonight's special news talk, we would like to talk about the different aspects of the sadiq operation , vahdat. nation , i hope you will plan and accompany us in this conversation in the studio until the proof of the defense capability of the islamic republic of iran we are hosting mr. dr. masoud asadullah, a senior expert on west asian issues, and during the conversation another guest will be added to our group. dr. asadullah, today's talks of abu obeidah. the spokesman of the qassam battalions, regarding the response of the islamic republic of iran to the aggression
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of the zionist regime, pointed out to our consulate in damascus that the punishment response of the islamic republic of iran created new rules and the enemy's calculations were messed up. may god bless you, may god bless you, that he is referring to the issue that since the beginning of the formation of the zionist regime, a military strategy was designed by ben gurion, which had several principles, and the army of this regime always implemented this strategy. it must take its enemies by surprise and not be taken unawares, because israel must quickly set goals in short-term wars. in fact, it is possible
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to escape from long and long-term wars and not get involved in them in any way, and another argument is that israel should transfer the war to the enemy's territory in any way. do not allow any kind of war to be transferred to the territory of this regime, because this regime has no strategic depth, its area is very small and very much. ad, when the wars were classic wars between the israeli army and the arab armies, not even once did an arab military plane manage to reach the sky of palestine, that is, in those air wars, it was always the arab planes that were shot down in the sky of their own country. and even the artillery fire is not through.
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in normal wars, inside this society and this usurped territory will no longer be safe. well, this was an attack by hezbollah with rockets and such was doing in the al-aqsa storm operation, hamas went one step higher and was able to find a ground entry into this land that was occupied in 1948, and this was also unique in history after the unique work done by hezbollah. the islamic republic came one step higher. from this, as a government, it managed to break this principle, that is, as a government, it was able
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to firstly show the will of this attack, and secondly , it showed its ability to defend that multi-layered air defense with its own weapons and technologies that it invented. break it and then attack the desired targets, see us in the war, now the famous azad. saddam launched a series of missiles at the zionist regime, which some people who are very upset that iran has shown this ability point to, while saddam's attack was a blind attack, that is , they hit civilian areas with scud missiles. and it was of no use, but it happened to strengthen an international community against itself, but iran showed that it acted very responsibly and as it had done, we do not want to attack civilian targets, even the infrastructure in this
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the stage was not attacked by the power plants and i don't know if the telecommunication systems and water and electricity systems are correct at all, but exactly the two targets of the two military bases from which israeli planes take off and arrive at the border of lebanon with syria or the golan border with syria, the occupied golan, there are missiles. kari was shooting at iranian targets, we lost a number of martyrs in this regard, it was because of these two bases that were attacked and one base. he heard that in the area of ​​mount jabal al-sheikh, which is the highest mountain located in the border area between the 3 countries of lebanon, syria and palestine, shari attacked there as well. this is that this ability that the islamic republic has shown is really a new rule that has been passed at
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a time when the israelis think they have military support and whatever happens inside here. this red line was broken by iran and it has created a new situation that now the zionists themselves are investigating this new situation . compared to before iran's attack , a mess has been created because of this situation, the power and strength of hezbollah is the power and strength of hamas. the strength and power of the islamic republic of iran in response to the aggression of the zionist regime. if we want to examine the response of the punishment of the islamic republic of iran in terms of time, it happened when we saw a lack of action from the arab world and some countries in the region in response to the aggression of the regime.
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we see the zionist killing of children and women in gaza and many others. it has a message both for the countries of the region and in the international arena. well, let me explain with one point . look at the axis of resistance formed by iran, the syrian government and the resistance movements in lebanon and palestine. yemen, iraq, some parts of an accusation that always to iran was being attacked by these arab regimes who themselves are not doing anything but betraying the cause of palestine by using these resistance groups as mercenary militias. they introduced iran that they entered the war for iran's interests, iran's national interests, and sacrificed their own nations for iran's sake. well, this was an accusation that has always existed and is still being repeated . roshan was clear about this accusation, first of all, the decision that
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was made in the islamic republic, which perhaps i did not see in many people, i must say here that a decision has been made. done it was that this operation was an iranian operation only , meaning that hezbollah did not come to the scene at the same time and other resistance groups did not take action. iran wanted to show its power and its will to fight because in the israeli analysis, iran's response would be a multi-front response. hezbollah ansarullah comes from yemen, some iraqi factions, as well as palestinian groups, not coincidentally iran had this operation. let there be an operation of 100 iranians without any doubts and show later that iran has both the right weapons and the will to do so . sir, in the first part of his speech and his command, the supreme leader pointed out that the most important thing
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is the will to carry out this operation, rather than how many missiles have gone, how many have been hit, and how many have been folded. . i would like to point out one thing to the friends who hear the petitions, you see, in iran, some people use the term proxy war without paying attention, thinking that it is a scientific term. proxy war is an insult. insulting in the sense that one's side does not want to fight, it is afraid, it puts others in front on its behalf. fight what we are doing in palestine is not a proxy war. at all, what we are doing is not a proxy war. they have justice-seeking ideals, the islamic republic is defending them, supporting them, supporting them , they are the subject of their own issue, the liberation of palestine is the palestinian aspiration, the expulsion of the israeli army from southern lebanon was the aspiration of the lebanese people, and iran is supporting these. in order to defend itself, the powerful country of iran does not need to
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tell hizbullah to show up, or for example , ansarullah, if they do so at some point. the decision that they made themselves, not that they want iran to make such a demand from them , and we saw it in this scene, so we must be careful that at a time when we see the worst political situation in the arab world, that is, the arab countries themselves, arab analysts. they say that throughout the history of the arab world, it has never been so thorny that there is no right leadership in this world . if there is a resistance movement and a movement to defend the arab nations, there is treason. this was also clarified in this. from here, there is another discussion that is not mentioned much, i would like to see it some of the shia currents in the shia world are now taking issue with the islamic republic of iran in supporting the story of palestine, saying that this story is not our story
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, it is not our issue. the first and most dangerous enemy of the believer. my experience in lebanon, syria and the arab world is that the best issue that can prove the authenticity of shiism is the story of palestine .
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if we say that our qiblah is the same, they will say no, you want it destroy the kaaba, build a kaaba in qom, because the people spread one of these ridiculous accusations , but they have nothing to say about the palestinian issue, because now the arab people are seeing eye to eye where arabia is, where egypt is. here, even you can see jordan, which means the most movement we have seen in the nation of jordan this time among the arab nations. well, you can see that his army is coming to defend israel in this iranian attack and is actually participating in the defense. well , this is for both the jordanian nation and for arab nations, this has discredited these regimes, so this iranian operation is an operation with different dimensions let's talk together. now in the response of the islamic republic
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of iran, we saw a unity and a disunity among the different strata of our people when this response was done. in the matter of our national authority, let us talk about our national interests. well, one of our problems in iran has been that we bring foreign policy issues into factional fights, issues that are really governed by the principles of the islamic revolution and are a matter of course, including the issue of struggle. with this occupying regime and the liberation of quds and the discussions of resistance from a long time ago, this is a political trend now, the so-called analysts are claiming that there is no longer that national unity on the issue of fighting against the zionist regime. i
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heard this point that i am saying in meetings from people that i did not expect at all. they even accused me that you lebanese and you were in syria , you don't know from inside iran, the views of the iranian people have changed , they no longer believe in fighting israel, some of them came to cyberspace and said these things, by the way , one of the blessings of this iranian operation was that just as different political currents came and exactly confirmed their support. it was shown that all these claims are false. do you remember that in 2008, after the sedition that occurred after the elections, during the month of ramadan that year, on quds day, some people came to the street and chanted, "no gaza, no lebanon, my life is sacrificed for iran. " arabi turned this into a very big propaganda story to see the people of iran, now they are a very small number and basically without influence
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in iranian society. it has now been completely proven in this story that not only the masses of the people but also the political currents that did not think that, for example , one day recently, it looked like this in take a definite position on the palestinian issue, now we have seen that everyone has come of age and confirmed it. it has a very good message for foreign countries not to rely on this type of rumors from countries like america and israel. now, in a practical test, it was proven that the national unity is still strong and this is very valuable, mr. doctor, in the simple promise operation. we see this operation with military dimensions with everything that the analysts and official officials of the islamic republic of iran are talking about. in other cases, hair leads to crisis and challenge, and vice
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versa. in a few months, 1400 israelis discovered a new method he started targeting the irgc brothers in syria . before that, he used to hit iranian targets, but he did it in such a way that no one would suffer human casualties
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because he knew that iran would respond. corps brothers. i was lucky enough to be there and mentioned the same incident . after i gave this answer , i immediately sent a message to the days that this time we hit golaneh, if our children are martyred next time, we will hit tel aviv . attacked take it because mr. sada suleiman was a critic that the equipment can be compensated, it was that at that
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time we were involved with they are very strict and take any kind of lack of response as a sign of weakness. it was after that for two years, even after the martyrdom. sardar soleimani was this marketing, but due to the change of developments, which is not the time to talk about it here , there was a perception for the israelis that the policies of the islamic republic of iran in syria have changed, and they are coming to test us in the month of march, 1400 of the irgc brothers in one place. it was clear that these iranians were established, which means they could not make a mistake and kill these two people arriving well at that time, we don't answer. 3 months
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later, we assassinated the martyr siad khodayi in tehran , who had a great influence in syria, but we did not respond again. then, this was in the summer of 1401. then in the fall, when those conflicts started, we saw that the martyr jafari was dawood jafari, who was a member of the irgc air force. we did not respond to his martyrdom again on eid. nowruz 1402, 2 more people attacked the irgc brothers in another place and they were also martyred . according to an analysis, this answer was not given. this analysis is debatable. in my opinion, it is a strategic mistake. it happened, there was a confusion between two issues, one is the issue of deterrence, the other is the zionist regime's warmongering. well , when there was no answer
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as to why we did not answer, it was said that netanyahu is seeking to engage iran with the united states and wants a war. let us get involved in the region, let america come to support israel , and what happened in iraq, the overthrow of saddam, will somehow be repeated in iran. well, yes, this is true. at least before this operation. which embroils america with iran tick but this topic is different from the topic of deterrence. deterrence means an image of you in the enemy's mind. if the enemy has an image of a powerful country in his mind, this will make him never attack you. even if you are weak. and finally iran's response and the issue of market identity. at this point, we have a bit of a burden, now i believe it is not.


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