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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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today, wednesday, the fifth of may, the fifteenth of shawwal and the twenty-fourth of april, the noon azan in tehran will be at 12:00 and the maghrib azan will be at 194:00. thank you very much for your cooperation, while saying goodbye , i invite you to watch the latest capital market news from khabar network. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the capital market news with the approval of the parliament.
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the transfer of real estate, cars, gold and currency for non- commercial persons is subject to capital id tax. during the review of the objections of the guardian council to the tax plan on speculation and gambling, the members of the parliament amended article 12 of this plan. according to this the capital id resulting from the transfer of securities or goods traded in the stock exchange and commodity funds, real estate and independent funds and gold coin deposit certificates are not subject to the tax subject of this chapter. the head of the privatization organization said today that the contract for the transfer of the headboards will be held today, wednesday, with the final transfer of 85 percent of the shares of esteghlal and presplis teams and the receipt of the first installment. according to mr. bazian, the shares of sarkhavais
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were given to two banking and petrochemical consortia in a competitive and transparent arena. in fact, on the day before the offering, the base price of each share of preslice club is 357 rials in fact, it was announced that this share was offered with a significant increase of 3,580 rials on the day of the offering, i.e. approximately 9 billion tomans higher than the base price of the ad and the figure of 320 billion tomans, the final figure of this club will reach 570,570 billion tomans. esteghlal club's billion tomans per share, in fact, the daily price is 306 rials, 2800 billion. tomans
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were offered, and with that period , the price will be 538 billion tomans. according to this account, we have almost 11 hemat or 11 thousand billion tomans for these two clubs in fact, we calculate on the final day of receipt of payments. on the fourth trading day of this week, the total index took a step in the negative direction of the fluctuation range. on this day 53. the percentage of market indicators were negative. however, real money continued to enter the glass hall. the total and weight indices of the glass hall moved in the opposite direction on the fourth trading day of this week. on this day , the main index of the stock market experienced a decrease of more than 13,421 points, with a negative return of 58 percent at the level of 2,330 million. 82 units were placed to
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trades of stock market branch makers after 4 days the upward trend will take a downward trend this time. homoz index, which represents the trading price of small and medium market stocks, on this day, contrary to the general index, took a step in the positive direction of the fluctuation range and with a positive yield of 17 hundred percent, equivalent to 1,321 units , it was at the level of 759 units until now. shihra witnessed more than 8 billion and 900 million shares and financial bonds change hands in 385 thousand times with a value of 5 thousand billion tomans. folad, femli, shapna and nouri symbols had the most negative impact on the total index, and in contrast , wamid, khazamia, bo ali and fayra symbols prevented the decrease. most of the total index. the capital inflow and outflow index was positive at the end of trading on tuesday, saturday, for the fourth consecutive day, and more than 60 billion tomans of
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real money entered into shares and preemptive rights. during tuesday's trading, the largest amount of real money entered the automotive parts manufacturing, investment and production of falzai products. was allocated and the largest withdrawal of real money was made from the groups of basic metals, mass production and several industrial fields. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 369 symbols were positive and 413 symbols were negative so that the market witnessed a negative 53% of its symbols. also 91 the icon was facing the buy page and 33 icons were facing the sell page. the total value of buying pages is 301 billion tomans, the total value of selling pages is 147 billion tomans. ghazal arab gol, sed and sima news agency, more than 484 thousand tons of products were traded on the commodity exchange on tuesday, the value of these transactions was more than 11,900 billion tomans. 177 thousand tons of bloom ingots and others
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were sold in the export hall. industrial and mineral products hall also hosted the transaction of 75,700 tons of various goods. petrochemical and petroleum products hall and 110,000 tons of polymer and chemical materials . 16 thousand tons in the auction hall all kinds of products were sold. 17 thousand tons of cement were also traded in the cement hall. 30 faw tractors will be offered in the car hall of the commodity exchange next sunday. according to the commodity exchange, the base price of this product is 4 billion. the federal reserve's policies in increasing interest rates and its continuation for a long time caused the fall of oil, gold and gold.
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according to experts, investors are waiting for the release of consumer spending data for transparency in the direction of monetary policies. america's personal march is on friday. possibilities for the adoption of an accommodative policy by the federal reserve in some markets brought the world closer. brent oil after reaching the $90 range from the beginning to the middle of the week decreased by about 5% and reached the $87 range. binini's policy of the federal reserve regarding the increase of interest rates also changed the trend of the gold and silver markets. gold, which
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had rejected the $200 per ounce range for the first time due to the expansionary policies of the united states and the storage of gold by some central banks, has now reached its lowest level in three weeks with the change of policies towards increasing interest rates to control inflation. the recent arrival and a decrease of about one and a half percent. with the withdrawal of gold and silver, the same level as 28 the dollar lost per ounce and the interest rate increase policy also reduced the attractiveness of this metal and reached the range of 27 and a half dollars per ounce. unlike other markets, the steel industry not only did not improve , but reached more than 3060 yuan per ton. the latest customs data shows that steel exports outside of china compared to the previous year in. in march , it increased by more than 25% and reached about 10 million tons. maryam fadaei, sed and sima news agency. end of capital market news, god guard.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you setting prices this month? your question is an interesting question . we don't want to be a football manager. we don't agree with any kind of treatment . as
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i said to you dear and respected viewers, the topic of today's higher program is the discussion of modifying the educational calendar of our country's schools. there are different opinions in this regard. some people believe that vacations should remain in the summer, some people believe that now, for various reasons , we should have these vacations between two academic years in the winter, or that these vacations should be divided into different seasons of the year, and they believe that this amendment can improve the results. bring better for them the studio is at the service of mr. dr. abdullahi, director of the education department of the majlis research center , as a supporter of the reform of the educational calendar, and mrs. dr. belous, a former member of the supreme council of education , as an opponent of the reform. educational calendar of schools, mr. dr. shar, greetings, good times, and welcome to your service
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, i am at your service, dear viewers, and also mrs. dr. belous, greetings to you, dr. shar, greetings, good times, and welcome, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, my servant. i also say hello and thank you, god willing, we can have a good discussion, check its dimensions and so on finally, we came to the conclusion that it is better to keep the holidays as they are, or should the educational calendar be modified. mr. dr. abdallahi, let 's start with his excellency. first of all , i think for the viewers, how many times was this issue of changing the calendar raised? yes, the educational calendar was raised many times. please give us a history of this for the viewers. how many times was this raised, and for what reasons? it didn't work and what was the purpose of this reform of the calendar in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. yes, as you said, the educational calendar has many ups and downs, that is, when we look at history. of course from the qajars until then, just as we are moving forward, we have always had ups and downs
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, sometimes it was very minor, sometimes it was general, sometimes it was a change of approaches that happened , for example, let's suppose that during the time of dar al-fan, we have a letter from the management of dar al-fan to naseruddin shah , now the text of the letter is very interesting, if you have the chance , for example, read a few lines of the text of the letter. obviously, this is very interesting. at that time , mondays were closed, and on fridays , the king was asked to agree to allow schools to be open on mondays. after this holiday, he would go to in the summer, when the weather is warmer, for example, students can travel to eilat with their parents and in any case get a fresh air and then come back , for example, to have an expression to continue their education, and their argument was that, for example, the holiday in the middle of seven mondays causes a break in continuity. it will be taught, and
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this will be an educational loss, and now the same debates that we are having today , whether it has a financial burden or not, how much difference is there in the financial burden , which he argues in the letter, he says, sir, this financial burden is not harmful either. education does not impose or later like this, like this we have many tips, for example, when giving authority to schools, if the principal of the school feels this, it is the temperature of the shadow. it is more than 30 degrees , for example, he can declare that day as a holiday, and in short, in recent years , something has happened since 1376 in our parliament because of a series of discussions between the teacher and the then minister. and from these talks, the parliament entered a specific law and closed the beginning and the end of the academic year, that is, it said the beginning of the academic year at the beginning of mehr, the end of the academic year at the end of ardi behesht, and exams in june. it is held that the law of reopening schools at the beginning of october every year is the point in
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the education policy of our educational calendar that the approach has changed and the approach has been changed from giving authority to the provinces and regions to a centralism in the capital, that is, we are in the law for all. the country made policies without looking at the demands of this side and that side , this is what the parliament wants to do now. again , the change of approach is towards the same assignment of authority to the provinces and cities that the plan is now written. well , in the education commission, the basic plan of the plan was prepared in the majlis research center, and the studies that were carried out the name of our report is the need to revise the educational calendar of schools. this was approved by the education commission. it was also approved by the supreme council of education with the reference made by the head of the education commission and now it is the turn of the parliament. now that this plan will come to fruition in the 11th parliament
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, we should discuss the plan together to see what reforms are going to be made. we have a logical educational calendar and see what kind of educational calendar it can be. time is one of the important components in education, and in fact, it is traditionally a part of the time involved. there are management discussions that actually require larger decisions of the social system because it is involved with human resources, cost and budget issues, but the most important point from the point of view of education is the time of the curriculum, that is, the program that you want to teach. a program that
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we are trying to achieve its goals and it seems that it is actually time to talk. the final one must be planned , the plan can be from that side, the time you mean, the duration of the training, the time of the training, the time regarding the calendar you are talking about education, only the issue of holidays does not come up , it means that we should think that, for example, the educational calendar means summer or winter holidays, no, you have a time, you have a time container that sometimes has no ability to develop, this is the time you have at your disposal 24 in one you have a day at your disposal , you make a plan for those 24 hours. for example , where is the planning authority and the decision-making authority
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it is about the educational time of the program and the requirements of the program. and education is responsible for educational policy making. it is responsible for saying, sir , what are you looking for at this time of your education? we have so many discussions now that the council has closed the ceiling for the first
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secondary period, the second secondary period, for the secondary period , for the teaching hours, now you say winter vacation or summer vacation or vacation due to crises like where with the natural crisis of facing has nothing to do with the time , how much we take, this time that is lost for the education of the student, this time must be compensated, i.e. education. in the field of educational policy, he says, these headings, these goals , this time, these training sessions, 925 training sessions for elementary school students must be planned in these 925 hours, it must be realized, it must be realized, now the debate is whether this calendar who should we let the management system decide on its own
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without taking into account the conditions and requirements? in many countries, these decisions are regional, that is, even in the field of curriculum, it is the same as the discussion of authority, the allocation of authority, the discussion of decentralization , the discussion of conditions, the discussion of conditions, the discussion of geography, the discussion of ecology, the discussion of even the goals of societies, for example , in a society like theirs, they may point like your rural community, if we want to, for example, during the planting season or to bring in students, the student will drop out of education, so you have to adapt your education to the conditions of the student, culturally , culturally, culturally, even, for example, whether it is a boy or a girl, gender, it's all about this. your table is affected let's just come and do it. this is actually not a correct plan. now, with
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the title you mentioned in the program, reducing summer vacations, not at all, maybe you will come to the conclusion that you have to teach all summer. this authority and this flexibility in the program and in the conditions and in all fields should be provided both in the field of human resources and in the field of decision making and in the field of curriculum. you are one of the professors in the field of education. do you have a lot of experience with this the educational calendar is currently being fulfilled according to the educational system or does it need to be corrected? of course, it needs to be modified, but it is more important to consider the challenges of implementing the programs, one of the challenges can be this calendar. one of the other challenges can. anyway, let's go back to many other issues, but it is definitely a discussion because my opinion was that you are against the reform of educational acceleration
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. you can't see that you were against the reform . yes, yes, you agree with it . see this plan. in fact, his words are that the parliament should cancel the 1976 law, that is, the cancellation of the 1976 law can be very complicated, but not making it conditional, this authority should be given to the field of education, that is, education, and where in the plan was it given to, in the plan, do some things. supreme council of education. seeing education, for example, in the first article, they say that he should come and manage his time, but there is no need to approve it, which means that this authority should be given to education and
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education itself, and this should be explained to the regions , so far, about 13 changes have been made. it has been found that various reasons have always been raised, the discussion being about energy it was air pollution. now, even i remember once they brought up the economic and tourism discussion. now you are on your new plan. what were the most important reasons why you went to change the educational calendar? there is a discussion about the beginning and the end of this policy . now, mrs. doctor also said that we must achieve 925 hours in elementary school. for now, this 925 hours is what we say. the class has 50 hours of activities outside of school, according to the national program, 50 hours of activities. he is out of school according to the conditions.
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we are among 58 countries that participated in these studies . for example, suppose the first country here there is a filipina with 1225 hours, which means the ratio of the first and the last , or for example, countries like japan that have 904 hours of education, how much is 5 days and 627 hours? that means it will be 40 rounds, so i will serve now. i would like to tell you, look at our holidays , this air pollution is closed once , classes go for a week or two, or for example, i just came this year , i counted the days of education, the parliament said, sir, the first
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school year is at the beginning of october, it ends in may, i counted to see how many days the school and children are open. they go 157-day class, if we count 5 hours a day, it will be 785 hours, that is, if the children go every day, it will be 785 hours. they don't go. now, what is the example of not going? let's assume that this period of nowruz eid means delivery of the year, usually two or three days. just this year, the last three days of the week were closed. on my side, it was the 14th and 15th . it was tuesday, wednesday, and it was also closed, which means it was 5 days. hidden holidays. therefore, one of the reasons for this is the reduction of training time. when we see it hard, we say stop at the beginning and end of the school year, then if there is a day off. the children could not go to school, we have no place to compensate for this this is the second reason. the second reason is the discussion of the holiday itself . see, this is a long discussion
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. there is a magazine that has been published since the 40s. in that magazine that you are looking at, almost every issue has someone writing about the summer vacation, one of the top professors. i took a printout of two or three models and brought them with me. for example, some of us said, sir, you are good at summer. they say that no, this is the reason for the interruption, that this interruption is serious. now , he had taken a test in education last year. two years ago, at the beginning of mehr, every child was voluntary. they like to give that test. almost 20 % of the content of the last academic year was in the minds of those participants. what does this mean? first , when it starts, our teacher should spend his time on rereading, reminding, reminding, then i came to study. match. we also did it to see how other countries are now. only iran and turkey have a continuous holiday and this holiday
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is during the academic year. you can see if, for example, the camera can show this, you can see that in iran, the academic year is completely continuous, a holiday. nowruz is a summer holiday, depending on the countries you are looking at, the entire holiday is divided throughout the year, usually summer holidays, for example , something average around 2 months. last point. the issue is the implementation of the school itself. now , if you calculate with what they approved for 925 hours, it means that there should be 5 sessions in length for elementary school. now it is different again. on average , the children should go to school for 5 days every day, 25 hours per week , 25 hours in 35 37 training weeks, this means hours my school starts at 7:45 and ends at 12:45. now
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when you enter. well, first of all , the school usually starts at 7:45 a.m., then we have a quarter of an hour in the morning , and the school closes at 12:00 . now those schools that are in love with each other again, this atmosphere intensifies. the structure of the school does not allow those 9 hours of 25 hours to be implemented daily in secondary school, which is worse in secondary school because the number of teaching hours is more and he said, for example, in first secondary school, 110 hours in secondary theory. provincial councils of education, which is also in the law of councils of education yes, one of their duties is to determine the educational calendar. yes , after that, they themselves must be obliged to say, sir, we must achieve 925 hours.
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we already predicted that the pollution holiday should be closed at all . later, in june, for example, the children will be away from school for a week, or if it is the harvest season, the children will not come. you can do this later , for example, in september, you can start a week earlier. very well, the manager is only obliged. ok, give us a report, that is , tell the department of education, sir, i achieved 925 hours in this way, very well, these are the three reasons. madam, what do you think about hazrat adi's opinion with these three reasons? it is necessary to modify the calendar, you agree with it, the necessity of modifying the calendar, even though you only put all the problems on the time of summer vacation or winter vacation, i think this is a bit naive, for example, by adding two weeks or subtracting two weeks in winter, you can't say that the program will be implemented
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. it will definitely be implemented well. one of the most important issues of the department is actually the lack of monitoring and self-execution. many issues are caused by unsuccessful implementation. see right now the resolution is completely clear. we have a resolution that the duration of a lesson should be 45 minutes. in the first and second secondary schools, it should be 50 minutes. when this is not implemented , you may think that you have reduced the summer holidays and increased the winter holidays. the problem of education may be broader than this discussion of holidays. the issue is the program itself
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. it is the issue of human resources. you actually design this structure you say that the 37-session system is a centralized system. as a rule , if you look at the history of the supreme council, in one session, the supreme council of education only gave the title , not even the time, and told you to teach mathematics. teach these things in mathematics. browsing yes to browsing indeed nawaq. focus, reduce focus, let's go back, go back to focus, because we cannot organize the performance well, until this existing style in the performance, whether it is a legal style, a cultural style, or any kind of defect that causes it.


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