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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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china lost today, also minus 70 mohsen mohammad seifi, minus 75 sohail mousavi, minus 80 ali soharri and minus 90 seyed moin taqavi , they will face their rivals, and with the announcement of the head of the afc professional licensing committee, he confirmed the handing over of the club's ownership. esteghlal and presplis to the private sector today.
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with the coordination that we will make with the respected private organization and the ministry of finance, and with the consultations that we will do with the loved ones before it is approved , the route of 5% handing over will be done soon, god willing, which will completely replace the ministry of sports. stay away from your team. now the most important problem of these two clubs to get a professional license has been solved. one of the most important problems that we always had in the matter of club license for the club was solved and checked with my pc. thank you for your attention
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to the news of this section. today is wednesday, the fifth of may, the fifteenth of shawwal and the 24th of april. in tehran, sunset is at 18:00 to 45:00, maghrib azan at 19:40 and midnight. dear and respected viewers of the higher program , we are at your service with another debate on the topic of improving the sanitary distances of ariane's agricultural businesses. permits are about four. the business license
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is pending the issue of the license because of what i am about to present to you, the instructions for sanitary distances between production units are pending. this issue has different critics and supporters. the critics agree that there should be a significant distance between production units in each sector. there are different fisheries and animal husbandry, but some critics believe that these distances should be reduced so that we can use the capacity between these productions. we will have a debate on this topic , i invite experts in this field until the end accompany me thank you. iranian coach, sharaf iran. telegram channel is playing across the country . why are you pricing this month? your question is an interesting question. we don't want to be a football manager. we do not agree with any kind of treatment. above
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, above, above both, wherever we are today , say that here in our studio, mr. karmi , the representative of the veterinary medicine organization of the country, is present , and ms. mohammad zamani, the director of licensing, is present on the other side of them. from the organization of the agricultural engineering system, which will have a debate together, i invite you to join us until the end of this discussion if you are interested. please follow us on the news network. thank you. yes. as i told you, we want
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to have a debate about the reform of sanitary distances in agricultural businesses, and we would like to invite you to attend . let's know what we are going to talk about, my colleague in the agricultural group, prepare a report , review the opinions of the supporters and opponents of these health distances, which i invite. regulation in provinces, we have reliable information that manufacturers have been producing and supplying products to domestic and foreign markets for years, but according to the rules and... golpayegani, deputy technical director of the animal medical system organization of the country , it is very simplistic to say that he lives in a certain village or district next to his animals and
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produces products but does not get sick. we must ask why all our products are not allowed to be exported. do therefore hygiene intervals. essential standards and it is necessary for the health of livestock and the production of healthy and hygienic products. safari, an expert at the business environment monitoring and improvement center. just as we do not believe in the distances in the recipe, we do not believe in removing all the hygienic distances of production facilities. but we believe that unnecessary distances should be removed so that people can participate in more production. ehtihadzadeh, technical and health deputy of the country's animal medicine organization, these distances have been reduced and minimized in several sectors over the years. we must keep in mind that the existence of these intervals is for the stability of employment, that is, regardless
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taking sanitary distances, the risk of disease outbreak can damage the entire livestock production, which cannot be compensated. alireza shaukati, sed and sima news agency. yes , we saw the report together, mr. karmi, please tell me how much you agree with this criticism of the animal and medical organization regarding the correction of distances, which they say has prevented the development of agricultural and related businesses. yes, in the name of allah. al-rahim, first of all, i would like to say hello to his highness and your respected colleagues, as well as the dear viewers of this program. let me give you a very short introduction. see, we are talking about control diseases do not differ, animal diseases or human diseases , there are three solutions or strategies, either we are looking for prevention, or we are trying to control the disease
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, or we have an eradication plan. let's not allow the cause of the disease to circulate among the sensitive population . there are several tools. we can very briefly mention the issue of health that is applied in that complex or that farm or that farm , the issue of quarantine that is actually applied at the entrance and exit. people and supplies to that farm are discussed vaccination is one of the prevention tools. in fact, density means that we should be able to use the reduction of density in such a way that we can use the reduction of density in order to
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get the opportunity for the disease agent to enter the susceptible population and multiply and spread it. the topic of prevention of the category of density reduction, how to use it in the form of existence or requirement, in fact, the distance between the units that are actually active in raising livestock, we can actually provide three reasons why there should be a distance, one from our reasons in general means that we want to talk about scientific findings and research articles. and in fact, the scientific debates that have been done in this field , both domestically and internationally, is another case that we can actually argue as part of the debates, in fact, our past
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experiences . in fact, the events that have happened over the years and have been narrated from chest to chest or in books, and this as human experience , is actually the light of his path, and the third argument is the international patterns that actually exist in the discussion of control. how do diseases work in other countries ? we are actually somehow following a single policy that is being implemented at the international level. we can add to this topic the international requirements that we actually produce in the discussion. we have exports. if we believe that our country has the capacity to produce and export, then it does. whether in the field of farming, aquaculture or livestock , if this capacity is to be actualized, it must
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be subject to international terms and conditions . what is defined at the international level is actually a requirement for the exporting country, which is one of the the requirements in the existing definitions are about the distance between the units, which is actually required to be a minimum distance. in fact, this distance should be observed between the units that are active in the discussion of breeding and production. please tell me, mrs. mohammadi, that the most important reason that mr. kerami mentioned now, which is for prevention, so that we can have production and export, is the most important. in the name of allah, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you and the dear viewers who are watching from the glass of the tv. regarding the entrance gate people are interested in investing in the agricultural sector. well, we can
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say that issuing licenses is one of the important parts of this issue. without a license, any business in the agricultural sector may not be able to start growing and flourishing . and it is based and analyzed according to the requests that come to us, as the executive organization for issuing part of the licenses in the agricultural sector , we can say, for example, in the last 5 years, around 4800 requests, which is something around 30% of the requests. the registration was actually due to haram. that between the distances and the distances between the production units
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it was not possible to start it at all. on the other hand, we have a series of units that are doing business . we had up to 4,800 investors who wanted to start the business, but something around 30% of the requests were not actually approved due to haraim. and this is a high figure, right? we can say that there are many problems in the licensing department, now the araman department comes as a stop and highlights this issue, now these harams are actually different, some of these harams go back to the harams related to livestock places harim departments with other roads and units we are having a discussion today because we are focusing more on the damiya places. you see, we have a large number of requests that do not start from this chapter. on the other hand, we
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can say that because the contractor has to provide land, in some cases, if he comes to cover these harams, he unconsciously increases the production costs when the initial capital of the initial estimate is high on the meat that is on the table. there is also a consumer and it affects us, and our most important problem is that a large number of many hectares of our land goes out of use because of this. now, mr. karme points out that this is for the prevention of disease, that is, it is a necessity, that if these production units are close to each other, it can be dangerous in terms of the spread of disease
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. is there an answer for this? you see, we can have several views on this issue. i borrow from the words of the former and current heads of our engineering system. let's try to help each other. and after that, well vaccine technology made us sit next to each other now. it shows the progress of the health care sector. during this time , we have used the science and technology that has been there, and according to the technology , we have moved a little away from this most convenient way. it means that the distance no longer
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makes sense. our grandmothers and grandfathers' houses are the distance from the bathroom to the house where they live now. maybe it was 50 meters in old houses now, yes , building technology and architectural technology have brought toilets into the bedrooms in a hidden way well, this is another technology, so we can say that in the field of medicine, which many experts have been working hard for all these years, let's see how we can get away from distance as the most convenient way and let technology, science and health take care of this. now, this can be checked at different stages. well, for sure, one part will go back to before the construction. before a unit is built , the concerns of veterinary medicine friends should also be taken into account . then they should come to an agreement and release
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the engineering system in this. the field cooperates with the experts who prepare such and such a plan structure for a certain year. it should be in this way , the heater should be in this direction, in some other things, just another issue, because i swear, in fact, the second part is the issue of some, and in fact, this control returns during our production, all of our units are almost loved ones from the medical field under the title of responsible. health technicians are present, we can use them to control the health of that production unit . by the way, it's a very good point to mention the corona issue in human society. see, corona is a virus from the corona virus family by the way, in the medical field, we also have a disease called infectious bronchitis in birds, and the cause of that disease is also from the same family of the corona virus . how does the ministry of health say when it says, ladies and gentlemen
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, keep your distance from each other when it comes to the corona disease , even you broadcast it in your news in the countries like in china, in italy, people did not leave their homes. at one point , there was basically a ban on leaving the house. you see, this is the nature of egyptian and contagious diseases, which can be transmitted in different ways. and you presented the factors and tools one by one, not just the discussion the only tool, one of our tools is the issue of reducing density , just as we in human society were able to
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reduce the spread of disease to a large extent by reducing density. if there is an effective vaccine that gives us a 100% guarantee that the animal will not be infected and will not get sick in the face of the disease agent, we can reduce the distance to zero, but there is no guarantee, that is, we are still at your service today, despite human discoveries. despite the development and progress of a vaccine that can there is no reason to create 100 safe , because the pathogenic factors are constantly changing. influenza virus has been one of the concerns of medical science and veterinary medicine since 100 years ago. this virus has not yet been developed an effective vaccine against it because its antigenic structure is constantly changing.
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this is a point. see, we have a point in the discussion of my production. i say that we have a term called sustainable production. when we talk about production , our goal is not to start a unit with all the effort and expense of following up this unit after which reached production, in a short period of time , it will be completely out of production because it has health problems , including diseases. in fact
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, there is a factor in preventing production . please tell me what action has been taken or not taken in order to make these things happen now why don't we find the license to establish bayan and bring them to production? we have, and by the way, one of the factors that has led to the fact that the distances prevent new licenses are the same units that have an establishment license, that is
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, these units that have an establishment license are themselves a big factor in getting a license for a new unit that wants to come. no, you cannot get a license to establish two other units near you and they are ahead of you. in fact, the trustees of the matter are now 16 years old, and the proposed regulations for revoking the license now, for whatever reason , there are many requests from mr. bigur. we really have to pay attention to it to see if there is really an intention to produce it or not. i am looking for the added value of the land. i have a question for the engineer
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. they were able to take around 1.3 million hectares of our lands out of use. well, how many discussions can we have? look, maintaining the stability of production is certainly one of the priorities, but in a place where and in a year when the supreme leader's office called the production jump. with the participation of people, they actually call the mutation factor something more than the mutation rate jihadi thought wants jihadi management wants far beyond the increase according to the programs that
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are actually for development , according to the population and all the things ahead, we need to invest in the agricultural sector from one side or the other. hey fellow applicants, considering that investing in the agricultural sector is easier for them than investing in the industry and other sectors, maybe it will give them a better return on their investment, so they will go in this direction first , or we should come and absorb this. direct the funds that you want, in fact, towards the mall is productive investment going or well, naturally , capital goes towards false non-productive capital
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, capital, coins, currency and other things. do you think that in the 3 northern provinces of gilan, mazandaran and golestan, something around 180,000 hectares of our land is actually out of productivity, why do we say that our productivity is one step? to benefit more from that land than the previous cultivation of the previous use. but
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when we see that as much as 3 of our northern provinces, as much as one, in fact one of the countries of europe, the scandinavian countries cannot do anything at all because the other party is exploiting, so the person who is exploiting can comply with the health regulations. he can continue to produce it under the control of the medical animal organization, but the person who wants to invest is not known. after that, it is not clear where the money he wants to come from the investment will go in the market. we have another discussion. you see, we say adjustment intervals well, in some places, adjustment may mean increase . you are an expert. now, i don't know these intervals that have passed. look at the intervals, maybe a decade since the last one. in fact, it has been announced in 2088. the minister
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announced it in 2019. in fact, the intervals under the title of dawat came and were announced . unfortunately, it has not been revised until now. however , according to article 6 of the livestock breeding system law, the same announcement should have been approved by the ministers' office, and it was actually implemented. in 2018, the minister came and i'll say this a little, i'll just say this in 2018, the minister of time came. and in two or three he made a series of reforms and announced that, see, my reforms were mostly related to, for example, the greenhouse as a green industry with animal husbandry units . you know that the greenhouse is a controlled , closed environment. by the way, this person who wants to use fertilizer in the greenhouse may reduce your risks a lot. of course, it can be used many times in the open air, in the fields
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, in the gardens. fertilizer is being used next to the chicken farm, can we tell the gardener not to use fertilizer, but from the side of the veterinary medicine organization, unfortunately , the notification of the minister in 2018 did not implement some amendments, and we are still waiting for an amendment. kerami, first of all, can you please provide the legal standard that has been created for these intervals. see , our legal standard is the law of 1350. now, friends , some people say that the law of 50 years of work has been assigned to the government board, which was done on june 24 , in the same law of the regulations of the livestock system of 1357. this regulation was approved by the government board and notified
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. a revision was made in 1369 under the title of animal husbandry system regulations again in 137. friends who criticize it is good to refer to the records to see if these reforms that are being criticized now have been made or not. and the last thing that he is in charge of the social welfare system law, which was passed in the parliament in 2008. in that law , it was required that the regulations related to observation intervals be prepared and given to the government board. this work was done by the medical system and went to the board. the government has now undergone changes in the government board, the next government has come, the next government has different tastes, this
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is not our fault, the medical examiner's organization, which actually wants to be questioned . incidentally, the colleagues of the engineer should have gone and followed up and not doing it, which actually should have been followed up so that it would be approved and communicated, now even if i didn't, even if i didn't, the executive engineering of my colleagues in the system. as long as that law is not actually approved by the legal authority of the previous law, it has its own validity . the system of veterinary medicine and veterinary medicine is being implemented in 2088.


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