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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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as the relevant technical department, we did that part of the task we had to continue . by the way, ms. engineer's colleagues should follow up and not follow up, which in fact should be followed up so that it is approved and notified , even if it is an executive engineer. as long as that law has not actually been approved by the legal authority of the previous law, mr. doctor , the last relationship between the veterinary medicine system and the veterinary medicine system is in 2008.
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write down the distances and give it to a government board. it's right. well, it hasn't arrived yet. what do you have? if the previous one is in its place, then what is the previous one? every 886, until the new law is promulgated, it is very unlikely that you, who sit in one place and implement the law, should note that in 2007
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, the same minister came in the same position in 2008 , made a series of reforms, and unfortunately, the position of veterinary medicine system and veterinary medicine. it didn't work, well, my reforms were limited to a few specific cases, which were obvious, now the problem is, see, we are talking about adjustment, now there may even be an increase in some places, that's the expert opinion of veterinary medicine, see, we don't say no. you want to talk about the ancestral chicken and its sensitivity there is a time when you want to talk about mother hens , but most of our requests now
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are in cases such as light livestock, heavy livestock, to say the least, the experience of other countries has shown that it can be easily reached and monitored. we see that a livestock farm in there is another livestock farm next to it. we see that there is a greenhouse next to another livestock farm. in most of our cases, you can see, for example, the netherlands , for example, sweden, well, the countries that now.
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with greetings, courtesy and respect, i would like to say to you, dear guests of the program and dear viewers , that as you expect, in recent years , we have had a lot of capacities from the light livestock population. especially, we lost, and now we need to return these capacities to their place and to be able to increase the production, considering the sensitivities that the issue of red meat has in the country now, which friends say, we need a jump, not a single one. increase, and for this reason, in my opinion, we should now at least in the field of livestock where it is not allergenic and it is possible. my experience is in the country . if we reduce these distances, we can increase the production conditions and production capacities . there are many complexes. now
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we have a lot of fattening in the country, far from these and only there is one blade, one blade is to put a soffali block or a cement block and put them next to each other. in dairy farms , the best example we have now is the fashafuye complex. in recent years , it has been a long time now that, alhamdulillah, the animal medicine organization of the nobles has a very good management on the issue of disease control and even some in some places, some diseases have been eradicated, so we can make decisions about these distances with a little more latitude in view of the very good management that is being applied. of course, as i said, in the places where the sensitivities are less, if we want to say next to a eugenics center, reduce the distance
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, well here we don't agree with this and we don't accept this, or as the engineer said in from where, after where, you should consider that the distances should be reduced.
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where there are sensitivities in terms of disease transmission. it is less and we can increase the capacities . you asked, for example, if you had an investment that wanted to come and enter, but because of this haram , you could not do it. well, you see , we now have many units in the industry that have come. they wanted to invest, but they could n't establish their units , they are now producing, but they are not given the necessary permits to be within the scope of this haram. some of them are working there, but because
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they don't have the relevant permits , they are currently deprived of the support that should be provided, naturally, they don't benefit from the supervision that should be in place, which means they can't be supervised because of the permit. where did these distances come from and is it possible to review them instead of all the sanitary loads
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let's turn the distances, let's help each other raise that standard and these health standards of our production units. if we say that the distance between the milk units you had and the units you had is 300 meters , why not 299, what is the reason , is there a scientific reason? that even though the business improvement center has written to them many times, it has not been presented to them, but now we are in the process of contacting them. the issue is that we now have a unit. you can come and interview this lady in this program . she comes in front of my table and people like this lady ziyadana is producing 7 tons daily in fars province . they take the milk to test. yes, they take the milk to test. they go to the packaging unit . then they come
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to get a license. in front of us , their work is about their livelihood. we must support them. it is also in our interest . it will come out of the underground state and become controllable. they don't have unlicensed units, these same units are available in many places arriving at the time when there was a long line of people in march of the past few years to get chickens, the same units from which chickens were taken, maybe the units that were banned from issuing poultry licenses for several years, these are actually coming to build and produce by themselves. help was received, now you check for each of these adjustments that you mention. for example, if you mention 300 meters, why not 299 meters? for example, you had a review that here, if it is reduced to 200 meters
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, it will decrease. you determine the units of the ancestors, for example , the ones that should be more, the ones that you think should be, how much should be, but it should be fleshy, but some of the units are really illogical. we say the greenhouse as a green industry considering that the environment is controlled , does it really need to be at a distance from the permanent unit? he made zero, but well, veterinary medicine friends say 150 meters is 150 meters, but the existence of each of us is also a series of strange taboos we already have, for example, harim with qasalkhan and cemetery and these things, we have harim with the unit, for example
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, we have the production unit of the solar electricity production unit, if the experience of other countries has shown that they use the same production unit , they also have their cattle and produce energy from they use that space. the distance between our aquariums is 100 meters. well, if we can , in some places where their water source is not from the river , the source is separate, and in compliance with many conditions and, in fact, sanitary regulations, we can reduce the distances. let's make all this flexible, we can come even for those units that are planning to export , let's put a series of stricter regulations and monitor a series of more important conditions for them
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. we have the category of transmitted agents , there are a series of living agents, a series of inanimate agents , their living agents are from different animals, including you, from free-flying birds. there are servants like mice . we can give an example of carnivorous animals like foxes . we can give examples of even arthropod insects. the name of the biological agent can also be a physical agent. the biological agent means a cycle of that bacteria virus or that parasite in the body of that animal . in fact, it is a cycle. the physical agent means no. this animal actually infects its body with that agent
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of the pathogen. can you convey it very clearly and clearly? now , i will present to them the article they want, mrs. engineer, which has been studied about free-flying birds, such as the treasure, like the pigeon , like the crow. turn to the fertilizer that is actually stored in it livestock farming is now a source of food for these birds, because parasites actually grow in these manures, such as max larvae, etc. these are a source of food from this livestock farm to the nearest livestock farm, if it is within its flight range. 1 gram of faeces can transmit 10 million particles of the influenza virus. this is my experience. it is ours. i was actually the disease director of tehran province for 10 years and
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we saw this first hand in several flu epidemics that came to this country. a question now, for example, there is no distance in the village. now , you asked a very nice question, why do we not leave a distance in the village, mrs. engineer, you can tell me one thing, i want you to see the article , so please let me know. now answer the question later , i'll tell you, see, we have a rural livestock, we have an industrial livestock, the difference between industrial and rural livestock is in its resistance breed. in order to provide food for its growing population, mankind cannot use traditional methods to produce animal protein, now in the broiler industry of mr. bozur nasr, we have been working for almost 40 years from the 1960s to here, you
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said the growth of a broiler that took 120 days, chicken, bird, etc. you see, a broiler chicken that has been eugenicized in 70-80 years, a 40-gram chicken will gain 40 times its weight in 40 days. well, this means that humans have done eugenics for the benefit of producing the protein they need, but the world of genetics is not that simple. you bring a gene, you bring it up, so to speak, and you express it. resistance to diseases in this category of animals that undergo genetic modification , so to speak, it is defeated , this gene is no longer a template gene, so we have it in birds or our industrial cattle are much more susceptible to disease than traditional cattle. now, our sarabi or sistani cattle are much
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less sensitive to the disease compared to holstein cattle, which is a modified breed. industrial towns now , for example, a cow that stays in the town does not get sick, it does not transmit disease, but a cow that is not inside the town is not like this? mr. dr. management unit management unit.
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psychiatry as a part of the ministry of agricultural jihad has been issued by the settlement complex years ago. i didn't let me finish my speech. you spoke to me. you spoke to me. i listened. yes
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, i listened to you. no , that's all. the rules of distances in the same rules also say that there is no need for distance in the village, why didn't anyone protest there, because it has a scientific basis , because it says that there is a small h , because there is a disease-resistant breed, we have disease-sensitive breeds in industrial livestock farming. a very weak virus can also infect a veterinary patient , but i will get help from your veterinary friends and colleagues which has been registered , can be found in the article that was issued by the research center of the islamic council in 2009 with the title of examining how the burpeki method of medicine was issued in the country , controlling the entry of livestock into the country, using vaccines with new strains, controlling the movement of smuggled livestock, complying with regulations health in the quarantine posts and the control of the movement
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of live animals in the country are mentioned as factors that are involved in this issue. it is interesting that the captives of the distance were not mentioned in that article in 2015. actually by mr. saeed moqiseh, all of these are there. read the titles and you can see the determining factors related to the occurrence of pre-paki medicine at the level of iran's cattle farms. there is a significant relationship between , for example, units such as meydan dam slaughterhouse. considering the type as a low percentage, all this shows that your poultry is full of poultry. i mentioned some cases, well, maybe there is a need to adjust even the type of eugenic materials . we have come
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to put all the responsibility of health regulations on the shoulders of the applicant and interest this has an effect on farmers from a social point of view, and from a technical and health point of view, this can be revised. see, for the discussion of livestock and almond livestock , the complexes that have been given a license and are now producing it, and other cases in our country , show all this. if that factor of the importance and effect of observing health regulations can be much more effective, let's not just put all the burdens . justification and i say that the health technical officials who are now for renewal, in fact, they have a license, they sign a contract
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, the operators can somehow help in this field , in sanitary materials, now what does the law tell us , the law on issuing business licenses for sanitary distances, see the last distance that is being observed, the last law that it has in fact, it is cited. i had seen that he said that these intervals will be corrected by the end of april. it was also rejected at the end of april . now please tell me at which stage we are in the correction of the intervals. yes, look, now this is an issue that
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actually has a lot of money. only the veterinary medicine organization is not involved. see, we are the material of opinions. organizations are also needed finally, let's take a part of the manuscripts. yes , they are one of them. yes, there are many organizations in this. after a while, an inquiry was made from the organizations whose opinions are related to increasing or decreasing or actually keeping these intervals constant . in fact, it should not be reduced, but it should be added. i am talking about how
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we have reached this conclusion by reducing, in fact, increasing the distance between the experts in the ministry of health. we can load the virus between people . look below. now, in the field of distances, if you believe that the veterinary medicine organization is in charge of this matter and has an opinion in this connection, let the organization do its work, which will be done in the next two days. you will see that mr. now , my petitions were not paid attention to at the beginning of the discussion by mrs. engineer .
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it was the first solution, but it was not the last solution. well , regarding my organizations, now see if these distances are going to be received on a scientific basis, if they are going to be scientific basis. ok, well, most of the experts' opinion is important, and those who are working in this field , organizations, well, many of them are sympathetic, many of them are certainly in the direction of production, it is possible, for example, i don't want to assume that there will be more hands in my work. let's look at it professionally and finally , since you understand, two minutes is not more time. i am actually writing a recipe , i am writing a series of rules so that it does not happen to me. after
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that year, if i want to invest after 30 years, i will come to the agriculture sector with the same laws that i have enacted myself, come and tie my hands and feet, or after all, i am speaking in general, i am speaking of laws that every law that is enacted is ultimately only for others. it is not used by the family of my sister, brother and myself as three guests of the program. from all the good viewers of the higher program who have accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you or ali.
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how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price , well done, have you heard that they say this year at last year's price , this year buy at last year's price, children say this year for last year's price, they say that this year's purchase from shahr farsh and shahr home appliances at last year's price is very great . it is a great news to buy this year at last year's price.
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we made a single macaron only at the top of sarad for you until you come to see it. this is called installment purchase. they come to sarad however you want. different accessories of each model and name are shown. don't worry about buying. their prices are different. come to sarad. sarad has a lot of discounts for anywhere you like. cool stuff, so what happened ? installment purchase, whatever you want. big iranian house in tehran, qom and isfahan. we will host you until 2:00 am in tehran.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most respected viewers, have a good day. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, rejecting the white house's accusation against iranian individuals and companies active in the cyber field , advised the us government instead of making accusations. baseless accusations to other countries to end all-round support to the zionist apartheid regime. mr. kanani also asked washington to review its interventionist and threatening policies against human rights, international law, and international peace and security. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs reminded the american leaders that they cannot use baseless labels
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iran moj


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