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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good evening, we are with you with a special program regarding the meeting of the supreme leader of the revolution with the kar and to community today. which was held on the occasion of labor day and labor week. first, let's see parts of the supreme leader of the revolution. god willing, we will be at your service and we will have a conversation with the esteemed guest. we said production jump with the participation of people. how is people's participation? this is another question. now imagine a person who wants
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to participate in the jump in production, how to participate, you have to teach him, this is one of the important duties of the officials. it is to sit down and explain the fields of people's presence and participation in production in the production work and prepare the fields. now , one is cooperative, for example, the creation of cooperative production companies , one is help with household chores, one is help with manual work, and one is help to create knowledge-based companies. they can provide many other ways that
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people can participate in industrial issues , household issues, handicrafts, agricultural issues, etc. livestock farming, people can participate in all these , the way should be shown to the people, the field of people's participation should be provided, the discussion of people's participation should be made easier, and of course i have another point. it is related to the government, now bank credits should be directed towards production today, of course, this is not the case , most of the bank credits and bank facilities should be directed towards production, which the bank officials should pay attention to. well, we saw and heard parts of the supreme leader's speech in today's meeting. he is with the work and production community that
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was held on the occasion of labor day and labor week the guests and attendees of this meeting are mostly respected workers of this honorable and hardworking society of the islamic republic of iran, as well as some of the officials of the ministry of labor cooperative and social welfare and some of the respected entrepreneurs and employers. dear mr. d. dr. karime biranvand , mr. dr. mujaddid, hello, i would like to say that you are very welcome. you yourself were present at today's meeting . let's start by presenting numbers and figures to make it more tangible. the discussion is about how the employment situation in our country is now. what is the unemployment rate? if it is possible to have a comparison with the previous years , well, in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, i would like to say hello to your honorable colleagues and all the viewers. dear, i would like to congratulate
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you on labor and labor week to all the hard workers in the field of work and production, especially the noble and dear workers of our country, who said today that the backbone of production is actually the worker, and everything we have comes from economic growth and from the positive events that in the area of ​​the market, the work is the result of the efforts of these loved ones and respected lords. it is good to mention the 5 main indicators of the labor market , that is, from the time the government took over the end of the year 1402, documented by the statistics of iran statistics center , i present these statistics. the first is that the
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total unemployment rate has reached a record low of 8 percent, and this is the lowest unemployment rate that the country has recorded in recent years. when was it, how much was the government, its number at the end of 2019 9. the end of 1402 was 1402% , but the second half of 1402 was again the fault of this government. in fact, the unemployment rate of 15 to 24-year-olds has decreased to almost 2.5% and reached 21% , which is still high. one of the main concerns and questions of last year's leadership exam was the points that the minister it was true that the unemployment rate of graduates and graduates has decreased by almost two and a half percent , and now it has reached 118, and
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we have the incomplete employment index, which is around 8 percent of the total unemployment rate, and all this happened while . it is given that the economic participation rate means that if the unemployment rates are decreasing, the participation rate is also decreasing. the decrease in the unemployment rate does not have much analytical value. the work and production community are active in the labor market and they hope to find a job. this number is 40.9 , which means that the population can be divided. active to the population of working age, which has increased from 449% to 41%, the net employment created in 1402 was 775 thousand people, which is the lowest number
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recorded in 1402 . sharif, with the strict system and field monitoring system that the ministry of labor really has on all the executive bodies in the field of employment , we were almost able to achieve the number of one million jobs that we are committed to last year, like in 1401 in 1402 , thanks to the grace of god and this too from your side. insurance statistics the number of compulsory insured persons of the social security organization shows the number of approximately 99 thousand people, which means 99 thousand new compulsory insured people in 1402, a 10% decrease. there has been a reduction in the labor force adjustment rate , that is, in 1402 , there was a 10% decrease in the labor force adjustment, so all this shows that the signs of these events that have happened in the labor market are tangible, and the events that have occurred may
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be close to at least 7 thousand. the unit is stagnant and semi-active throughout. the last two years and two and a half years have returned to the production cycle. yes, in the whole country, this number is up to 10,000 units , according to various indicators of stagnant units and there is a semi-active, strict supervision and strict and scientific supervision on the field of employment, one of the main factors that happened today, sir , you also mentioned the topic of home production, which you broadcasted . he said that one of the ways to attract people's participation is that production home developments well , the field of home businesses in this government has really taken a different approach, and in the field of facilities, the amount of facilities paid to home businesses and home productions, the licenses
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issued, that is, the facilitation of the licenses issued for home businesses has also been at least four times. 200 has grown in this government. well, this has caused a significant number of people who are our main audience in the field of home business, 80 of our audience are women. it comes to the same point that you mentioned about home businesses, cooperatives and the like . one of the important issues that should be followed in this field is the discussion of skill and knowledge. afzaye means that a person who wants to enter work and production definitely needs a training, otherwise if he enters the market, if he is a person who can already he didn't have it and now he doesn't have the possibility and he doesn't have a job , he might even get some facilities, he might get a loan
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, and now he will be an unemployed person in debt. there is a technical and vocational training organization that is under the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare . the government has really taken significant measures in the last two and a half years. and the ministry of education did the employability of 500,000 people from different communities is between the ages of 18 and 35, and a significant part of it was done in the summer. one of the points, please forgive me . just recently, in the last day or two, during the meeting of mr. mokhbar, these students were discussing employment. in the relief committee, it was the same as the conservatories next to the work centers. and the factory and these are our formation, this plan, this plan that conservatories and skill workshops
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should be active right now in companies, is actually being implemented right now , there is a plan in the vocational technical education organization called the plan of schools adjacent to workshops, that is, a a technical and vocational school is formed in the workshop itself , the workforce is trained there, and then it goes to the production wheel. another project, which the vocational training organization is currently implementing and developing, is the implementation plan of the training centers plan. technical and professional courses are in the universities themselves, which means that students can learn a skill appropriate to their field at the same time as studying their own field in these schools. by the way , this was one of the points that hazrat agha said today , that is, he pointed out that one of the tasks a good thing that should be done and of course developed. this means that students
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should study in theoretical fields at the same time as studying in skill fields. i will give you two or three good statistics for your information and for the information of other dignitaries . we had the technical and professional skills, which means a lot. we were able to attract skilled learners to the labor market by facilitating the issuance of licenses that the vocational technical education organization started at the beginning of the government . workshop and inter-workshop prices have grown by 60% in this government, and these are all while the total is 60%. it is being done with the participation of the private sector and the participation of the people themselves, and one of the very good measures
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is that last year , we had about 2 million 280 thousand students, which is equivalent to 33% of our growth in the field of education in the public and non-governmental sectors. well, all this shows that the movement towards development. it is, but as you said today, we will definitely put the development of skill training, especially in universities, among the priorities of our programs in the ministry of labor. that this connection between studying and getting a job that is suitable for that field can reach its goal, god willing. well, mr. dr. shamma, the deputy of employment development of the ministry of labor, entrepreneurship and employment development.
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people's participation in the leap of production, which our cooperative department specifically planned very good programs in the field of cooperative cooperation, among which i can point out that one of the main programs of the cooperation deputy in 1403 was to realize the motto of the year of cooperation. economic in providing financial resources other than cooperatives, that is, with other methods that
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actually have fewer problems in the banking sector we want to develop the society. revival of stagnant and inactive cooperatives. today, hazrat agha said that the issue of reviving the racket units, which has started , is a good action and should be continued. our main focus is in the field of cooperatives, which will be followed in a special way this year, god willing, and increasing the capital of cooperatives in the capital market is also one of the main plans. in the field of jump production of our group of economic enterprises in the ministry of labor, a plan was put in the vice economic department and 9 main areas that can be included in them. if the leap has happened, today, hazrat agha said a precise point that we did not say production growth, we said
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leap in production, growth leap is possible, for example, 12 including leap growth, which means a lot should be done in the field of pharmaceutical products, petrochemical industry, cement products, types of rubber, metal industry and mining and steel products, dairy products, electronic industries, hotel industry and passenger rail industry are among the main programs that the ministry of labor will implement this year in the field of production jump, in the field of employment.
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there are graduates who, god willing, we can take action. i want two more axes i would like to ask you, doctor, but let us see another part of your speech, god willing , we will be back, we are at your service. job security means that the worker has confidence in his future work . at one time, we were affected by the closure of large factories, perhaps a precedent. well, a big factory that closes down, sometimes a few thousand workers become unemployed, it doesn't matter much . now, thank god, in the past one or two years
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, many of the closed workshops have been reopened. as they reported to me, about 10,000 or 10,000 factories were closed it was half-closed, this was revived, this work should continue. all kinds of methods for job security should be provided for the workers. one point is, therefore, the issue of job security is one of the duties. which is the responsibility of the person in charge. yes, well, one point that hazrat agha repeatedly addressed, and that is the important issue of job security, is one of the axes that i want to ask mr. dr. karimi biranvand, mr. doctor.
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we heard that it was one of their most important demands to address, what did you do for job security in what situation now, what indicators do you have in order to be able to evaluate this job security in the country? you see, job security is actually directly related to the country's economic situation , that is, it includes components in which both the macro economy is involved, the micro economy, and the components of the work environment in which workers and employers work. from a macroeconomic point of view, if to. we want to have an analysis of whether job security has improved during these two and a half to three years since the 13th people's government, so that when the economic growth of the season let's have a positive season, macro-economic indicators have a positive direction, like you
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, let's assume that the producer inflation rate itself reached its lowest level in recent years at the end of march and in april 1402. the inflation index itself entered channel 30. the total mesh rate of the economic growth rate is above 55. well, this shows that the macro indicators of job security are effective and positive and are moving forward from the point that the worker feels safe in his work environment. the type of contracts that i sign are long-term contracts. less leads to multiplication. i will give you the number do. in 1402 compared to 1401, 10% of labor adjustment decreased. in 1401 compared to 1400, there were about 88 adjustments, so this shows that this issue is included in the main agenda
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, even though the inspectors of the ministry of labor at the level of workshops or, for example, the implementation of the job classification plan in a thousand workshops happened last year. boards for resolving disputes between workers and employers are increasing in number and speed. employment should be followed up by which institutions apart from the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare, which is responsible for the issue of employment? they take the problem of employment both in the literature
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of conventional economics and in the literature of islamic economics as indicators and variables that almost all cultural, economic, political and social components have an effect on. it means that they play a direct role. now, assume that if the university does not prepare the graduate student for the job market, then no matter how much the ministry of labor takes its own measures . if the university trains the student to be ready for work , then the ministry of labor will take the measures, so you can see that if we are the number, it means all of them together. helper, for example, in the field financing institutions such as the ministry of affairs. like the program organization like the central bank, they play a central role in the field of education and culture, the ministry of guidance, the ministry of science , the ministry of education, and the vocational technical organization
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play a major role in the field of labor protection , our labor relations vice president, in the field of the presence of cooperative people, i would like to summarize that this is in the form of an institution called the supreme council of employment, the supreme council of employment is an institution that divides work and makes policies and rules. it happens in different areas of employment. by the grace of god, in this government, there have been seven meetings of the supreme council of employment under the chairmanship of the president. mr. president, apart from the meetings that we had, honorable first vice president, apart from the meetings that were held at the level of the ministers, it must have been held in 1402 , considering that it is part of the government's main plans , we are engaged in continuous and continuous meetings and following up on the implementation of the discussions. god willing , at the end of 1403
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, we will be able to create a brighter year for the people than 42. god willing, it will reduce some of the problems. last year it was them, one was the issue of graduates shaqli's discussion of security is correct, god willing, salghilan will supervise. god willing, next year, when this meeting will be held, you will have good promises and events that will happen in the year that will actually meet with hazrat agha, a complete society report of good events that have happened in the field of work and production. thank you, mr. doctor. thank you very much, dear viewers, for accompanying us. thank you very much. regarding the discussion of the labor and production society and today's meeting of the supreme leader revolution, we talked with this honorable society. good day, god bless you.
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so, by god, we have nothing but to say, o lord , is the best of god, and the best of the al-wakil, and with all unity, come to us. it is not
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haram, haram, nor is it haram, and by god, it is not enough, or the world is not enough, or arabs, the cases of injury due to the filth of the israeli raids, and also the medical teams, here you are trying to deal with the enormous number of injuries that have not been found. asra, especially in the east of the da'wah region, the martyrs are scattered in a dirty way and the piles are dirty, that is, it is close to nasser hospital. currently, the citizens of badawat are trying to dig and remove these martyrs from this tomb in an attempt to honor them and bury them in the tombs.
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this is where you did the food or hajja on the fire , oh god, of course, i will be aware of the food that you did. i will go to the place of peace. by god, by god , by god, by god, by god, by god, i told you that we should come sooner to buy carpets.
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everything is expensive now. now look at this carpet, what a good design it has. i'm sure the price has gone up. of course, the price of the carpet has not changed. now the car carpet aside. what is your handwoven carpet? isn't it expensive? the price of handwoven carpets is not expensive. does that mean that the price of none of the carpets has gone up? no, there was no increase in mr. farsh's price yet. sorry. isn't the price of installments too expensive? no, it is not expensive. still the price has not changed for cash and installment purchases. excuse me mr. mr. farsh , mr. farsh, mr. farsh, ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city , buy household goods, buy the floor, well, well, well, well, i don't have a check. goodbye, everyone. curtain
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also, they are getting old, so let's go and see them. don't worry too much about choosing new carpets. when you visit irani sarai , renew the old carpets of your home in irani sarai with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable purchase. until 2:00 am in the city tehran is your host.
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with greetings , we present the news of 17:00. the deputy of the trade development organization announced the presence of businessmen and government officials of more than 34 african countries in the second iran-africa economic cooperation summit hosted by tehran. according to mr. qanadzadeh, this meeting will be opened on the seventh friday of ardebehesht. more than 34 countries have been invited and are participating at the business level. more than half of the countries are at the level of high-ranking officials, and we have a very good amount of ministers in the african continent. the prime minister will work. deputy


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