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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm IRST

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there is no god, there is no god , there is no god, there is no god, there is no god, there is no god, there is no god, there is no god, there is no god. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. greetings to you, dear and respected compatriots . welcome to the news section at 19:00. the world food program warned that after more than 200 days have passed since the war in gaza
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, half of the residents of this time are starving. they suffer the world food program called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, stressing that the amount of judicial aid provided to gaza does not meet the dire needs of the residents of this region. one of the clauses of the initial judgment of the international court of justice in february of last year were to completely remove the obstacles to sending humanitarian aid to gaza. in its resolution a month ago, the un security council asked the zionist regime to remove these obstacles. despite the warnings of international organizations, the zionists' obstruction in the transfer of humanitarian aid to gaza continues. the european union's foreign policy official has informed the zionist regime of the security council's resolution on providing aid to the gaza strip.
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stepped on south africa calls for an urgent and comprehensive investigation by the international community about the discovery of mass graves the people of the gaza strip demanded. south africa's ministry of foreign affairs announced. following the discovery of mass graves in nasser and shafa hospitals after the withdrawal of the zionist regime, evidence related to the mass killing of civilians as a war crime. according to reports, the number of bodies discovered in the collective group of nasser khanyounes hospital has reached 324. according to the gaza city defense organization , there are three mass graves in this hospital and the number of martyrs is estimated to be hundreds. well, we reach the horizon of tehran at the moment of maghrib call to prayer. we hear the maghrib call to prayer and
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then we are at your service with the continuation of the news . in the name of god, light of light. in the name of god , light of god is great. god is great . god is
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great. allah is the witness of the highest hajjah of allah , may god bless him, may god bless him. hai ali al-falah
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hai ali al -falah hai ali khair al-amal hai ali ali khair al- amal god is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. 31 new units of
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farhangian university will be launched in the country by the end of this year to be the president of farhangian university said: this year, the number of students admitted to this university will increase by 20% to 30,000. mr. barzowi also announced the recruitment of teachers with doctorate degrees in the faculty of this university. 8,000 doctors and teachers have applied to change their status and become faculty members at farhangianu university . 900 people met the requirements in the interview and obtained the conditions in the general specialized interviews. this year, there will be 300 people in our recruitment team, god willing.
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the ministry of health has set up mental and social health centers in 40 universities of medical sciences in 25 provinces informed. moslehi said: providing services to patients who are referred to siraj centers based on the diagnosis of psychologists of the health network is free. the implementation of various programs to maintain and promote mental health is an issue that has been on the agenda of the ministry of health since last year. as far as the spaces that we know under the name of seraj, these centers are discussed for their increase and expansion at the country level, we did this, we increased our seraj centers by three times, that is, each seraj center
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has at least three psychologists . we tried to increase people's participation in the centers. community connection and strengthen psychologist experts. although previously in the field of mental health, individual treatment was the priority of the programs of the ministry of health, but now with the increase of people's participation, attention to social health has been included in these programs more than before. actually, we used to diagnose two disorders during the past years, one is anxiety disorders and the other is mood disorders, i.e. depression. we according to in these indicators that we have, 12% of our index should have been completed, and so far 84% have been completed in both disorders. currently, there are 60 mental and social health centers across the country. the number of which is supposed
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to increase to 100 centers by the end of the year. the most important part of it is to bring together the local trustees to participate in the work of this government. he cares a lot about it, that is, people should talk about the problems of the neighborhood and solve the area together, find a solution, partly by us , partly by other institutions, god willing , now, according to the officials of mental health services , they are covered by insurance. last year , we had a reason from the board of ministers and with the proposal of the supreme council of insurance that a part of psychological services was covered by basic insurance. we have introduced the system and under the existing conditions , we are covering those six services, but to complete them, in order to have more services, a resolution in the supreme council of insurance. it is being edited. currently, 300 psychologists
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are serving in community health service centers. fatemeh hasanpour , sed and broadcasting news agency. director general of isfahan province crisis staff said: following heavy rains in 6 cities of isfahan province, some infrastructures of these areas have been damaged. several river basins, including gezergah and kashan rivers, were activated, causing the flood volume enter the city, imam reza boulevard , amirkati industrial city, jafarabad, and the housing areas of mehr, fin, and yazdabad, kashan. damage to several residential units in zavareh, mahabad , central sector. there is ardestan , some cars were flooded in these areas.
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it is said that the most rain fell in the areas of kah bayyah, which blocked six main roads and closed schools in taft city. the highest rainfall so far was our city of taft with 52 mm, which is the main river of this city both yesterday and today the flow rate was 50 to 70 cubic meters per second due to these rains. the month and the flow of water into the 6 main roads of the province
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are blocked due to the safety of the citizens with the presence of traffic police agents. a special problem was solved in the shortest time. we did not have any special incidents in the province. in the continuation of the activity of the rain system tonight and tomorrow, the rains are more concentrated in the southeast of the country, mr. zarabi, and the latest weather report of the country. please, please, mr. zahra, in the name of god , i greet you, dear viewers , as you can see in the picture , the coverage is from the central areas of the eastern half. it has covered our country and today it continued to rain and it
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was more in the eastern half of our country, although it rained in isfahan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, in the north of fars province, yazd , kerman, especially in the east of the coast of mazandaran, in the eastern regions of golestan province, semnan, north khorasan, parts of south razavi khorasan and sistan baluchistan. the intensity of the rains tonight will be more in the southeast of our country. we expect this for tomorrow the rains will affect most parts of the eastern half of the country. the intensity of tomorrow's rains will completely prepare the ground for floods and flooding of seasonal rivers in kerman province as well as in sistan baluchistan and south khorasan, although in yazd, khorasan, razavi will also have rain
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, the eastern regions of fars province will also be affected by the activity of this system. prepare according to the slider the surface of the roads makes it doubly necessary to be cautious . tomorrow, the conditions will not be favorable for going to the heights, especially the southeast and eastern regions of our country. according to rod and mr. agha, we should avoid the possibility of isolated thunderstorms, because tomorrow the rains will be weak, but still in parts of the eastern and southeastern regions of our country, especially in the northern kerman province. sistan baluchistan , south khorasan, parts of razavi khorasan , eastern regions of the province, the conditions for rainfall are suitable for this door meanwhile, in parts of the western regions of our country , we will have a clear, sunny sky during the day, and the air temperature
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will increase in these areas. ok especially its eastern parts will not be suitable for the traffic of light vessels and pleasure boats. in the south-east of the country , the rising temperature will be delayed by one day until the day after tomorrow, so other parts of the country, especially the western half , are still expecting the rising temperature for tomorrow. i am at your service, mr. zorian thank you very much, mr. zarabi, meteorologist. the first iranian yellow deer calf in the new year has recently arrived at the base. arsanjan was born. 25 more yellow deer are expected to be born in the calving season. their number was a handful on the first day. in 1390 , it has practically started to operate with the number of yellow farts in the area of ​​300 hectares. their population is now noticeable. the output of this site from
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the beginning of 1990 until now is 118. it was a yellow deer. the increase of the iranian yellow deer in the site of arsanjan city is due to the tips that were the result of the efforts of the environmentalists of this city. we during the day two we monitor it one or three times. by motorcycle, by car and on foot. in spring, we do most of our walking on foot. because we want it to be clear if the calf is born under a bush, we try to follow it more on foot. now as you see. can you make a few cabbages stand here in complete peace? one of the most important factors that must be done at the site level is checking the water troughs and the amount of water in the troughs for the moose . the reason for our report
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was a little guest who was just born 3 814 8 the first yellow fart calf was born at the arseljan site, and this was not the end of the work of this site, and in the past years, several calves of this rare species were able to be transferred to other sites. in the life stage , a total of 26 calves with yellow weight were sent to fars provinces. and khuzestan province has been transferred to revive the generation of this species. it is becoming extinct and releasing to its original habitats is one of the objectives of breeding the iranian yellow fart in the site of arsanjan city. according to experts, 25 new calves will be added to this site in the calving season. ebrahim eskandari of goz site news agency arsanjan city. environmental protection organization's slogan for
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this year's earth week. pak has announced the participation of the iranian people against plastic and saving the earth. in this special week, many programs for children and teenagers will be held in the country. environmental pollution and the future of the earth is one of the most important issues in the world today, and plastic pollution is at the top of them. the amount of plastic consumption has increased 20 times in the last 50 years, and according to reports, iran is the fifth consumer of plastic in the world. the slogan of this year's clean earth week is the participation of the iranian people
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against plastic to save the environment, which is organized by the organization environmental protection we have declared a land that is full of resources, full of things that many countries don't have, and they are trying to take it from us, and in my opinion, we should take care of these. being concerned about this issue, and especially about waste and waste separation , is very much on the agenda of this environment that we have, an environment that has existed for thousands of years before us. it has come and it is going to remain for thousands of years after us . we must protect and care for our environment so that these trees and green spaces to have forever for ourselves because they produce an energy for us that we can't get this energy through anything else . let me feel the trees. specially, many programs
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are held for children and teenagers all over the country during clean earth week. for the clean earth celebration , we tried to collect garbage to clean the environment . don't throw this garbage in the nature. people should do anything for the sake of the people we should tell people to throw their garbage in the trash and not here. these special programs help to improve the environmental literacy of children and teenagers in our country. ahmad amin fard of sed and sima news agency . thank you for your attention and i bid you farewell. be a viewer of the news of the domain. good night. in
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the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. dear and respected viewers. hello , good time. the secretary general of the ahl al-bayt world assembly said: rationality, spirituality and justice are the three aspects of shia thinking that arose from education. is ahl al-bayt. ayatollah ramadani on his trip to venezuela to meet nicholas referring to the need to respect human rights, the president of this country, maduro, said: there are oppressions in the world by some governments, which can be considered modern slavery and it must be dismantled. he pointed out that oppression and .. condemnation of oppression is based on the foundations of our religion, and on the other hand, dignity and justice are emphasized. in this meeting, the president of venezuela
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emphasized on the expansion of relations by pointing out that the friendship between iran and venezuela is not political and temporary but real and strategic and said: we always use the guidelines of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution of iran and he an intelligent person who analyzes carefully and deeply. of the world and its changes. the gathering of friday imams of one country region was hosted by golestan province. the message of the regional summit is the message of unity. gathering of friday imams of golestan, mazandaran and north khorasan provinces. we hope, god willing, a regional agreement will be formed and a synergistic thought. friday prayer should be a factor of unity. friday prayer should be such
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that everyone feels that they belong there. all the tastes of all must be expressed, all must be. the imams of friday are three , the northern province of gazi avoids stirring up the developments in the region and the operation of sadiq's promise. by the grace of god, we will see with this happy event, people all over the world. freedom seekers, those who have a pure nature, feeling proud. the people of the islamic world all became hopeful. they were happy. feeling that the islamic republic of iran will stand firmly against the zionist regime. more than 90 friday imams from three northern provinces participated in this conference. ismail al-barzi , radio and television news agency, ramyan. and the 65th anniversary of the passing away of the supreme marja qadr ayatollah. azma boroujerdi was held in the grand mosque of qom. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin ansarian said in this ceremony: ayatollah boroujerdi has many students in tarbiat seminary
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some of them were imitated from contemporary authorities and some were sent to the world. he added: during the 16 years that this religious scholar was present in the seminary of qom, many measures were taken in order to spread the religion of islam inside. he did to iran and different countries, and one of those lasting services was sending missionaries abroad. thank you for being with us. have a good time, god bless you. trust, expertise, effort! with the support of
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thousands of years of knowledge of iranians in water engineering, one of iran's biggest international projects was carried out in distant lands. but the implementation of the multi-purpose plan oya in sri lanka. this huge project includes the construction of 20 there are water transmission tunnels, power plants and electricity transmission lines that irrigate 5 thousand hectares of agricultural land. the 530 million dollar construction cost of this project was provided and paid by the sri lankan government , and it is a complex and unique iranian project across the borders. construction of 24 km tunnel in the heart of saab al-abour mountain with
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high pressure underground water. construction of one of the longest vertical tunnels in the world, 618 meters long. construction of a 120 mw power plant at a depth of 750 meters. this project was put into operation with follow-up in the 13th government rasche is a symbol of friendship and economic cooperation between iran and sri lanka. people's government, strong iran. ministry
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of power.
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easy train ticket to sar tasar iran on flytoday , will you be my guarantor? i don't know what's going on , go out, go, go, go out, go out, go out, please, please, don't take home appliances, do you want a guarantor ? no matter how you calculate it , you are the winner. avila started the movement and it was effective. ila's movement does not stop. they continue. and balance, the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are streamers. avila
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the first row, the first row, the first row, the row of service, the row of humanity, your stronghold is your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, your eyes are martyrs, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. peace be upon you.


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