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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. the leader of the revolution emphasized on the key role of the labor community in the leap of production and improvement of the country's economic situation. ayatollah khamenei the good state of the working community also makes the state of the nation good. the great nation of iran will achieve a bright horizon of the future by turning sanctions into an opportunity for prosperity.
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make an opportunity for yourself from the enemy's hostility. now, an example of this is the issue of the advanced weapons of the enemies. the signing of five cooperation documents between iran and sri lanka in the fields of culture, cinema, tourism, science and technology, the president's emphasis on iran's readiness. ir he is ready to participate in the development of sri lanka. the domino of resignations in the army of the zionist regime. zionist newspaper.
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iran's active presence at the st. petersburg security summit by presenting 5 proposals in the field of information security to the security officials of 16 countries will be discussed in a special news interview tonight. regional and global . and iran's national futsal team became a passenger in the 2024 world cup by advancing to the semi-finals of the asian nations cup. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon
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muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten the dawn, good night , dear and respected viewers, i invite you to pay attention to the legitimate news of the supreme leader of the revolution in a meeting with thousands of workers this morning, islami explained the key role of the labor community in the jump in production and improving the country's economic situation, and explained the duties of the officials to solve the problems of the satisfied and noble class of workers and said that the good condition of the labor community will also improve the condition of the nation. he also called the real goal of america and the west to impose sanctions and pressure on iran on submission and pure obedience of the nation and the islamic system and emphasized the great and deep-rooted nation of iran. the
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islamic republic will not give up in the face of tyranny and excesses, and by turning sanctions into opportunities for progress and prosperity, it will achieve a bright future. found. ayatollah khamenei, sincerely thanking the efforts of the labor community for their decency and efforts, kissing the hands of the prophet , may god bless him and grant him peace, on the pin-bound hands of a worker, is the highest recognition of the work and the work of islam , and considers work and action to have inherent value and respect, and based on qur'anic teachings and narrations, each person's efforts to earn sustenance and halal bread are considered as acts of worship. he considered the public opinion's attention to islam's view of work and labor to be an important necessity and foundation for the country's progress and added: the material world for the laborer is merely a title. the means of
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producing wealth is important, but islam is the cause he considers the basic value of a worker to be an intrinsic value, and according to the words of the prophet , may god bless him and grant him peace, god loves anyone who does his work properly and firmly . the leader of the revolution called the reliance on economic sensitive points in the naming of recent years as a result of the importance of the economic issue and emphasized that a skilled worker with spirit and motivation is the pillar of the leap in production. realization of this year's slogan, based on the opinion of experts and experts, requires people's participation , in this case, the problems will be reduced and with the strengthening of the country's economy, the hands of the workers will be filled. he
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listed the worker and the entrepreneur as the two frontline colleagues of the economic war imposed by the enemies on the iranian nation and added: these two main elements of the fight against america , the better the effort. and the more the field of effective effort is provided for them, the more success the nation will have. ayatollah khamenei cited the statistics of the working community and their respectable families as about half of the country's population and emphasized to the authorities that if the condition of the working community improves, at least half of the people will improve and that is a lot. the authorities considered guaranteeing job security to be one of the most important issues for the workers' community and they added that a worker who works with the contentment of decency should be confident about his future career. pointing to the closure of
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production units and even large factories in a region, the leader of the revolution said: thousands of factories have been closed in the last one or two years due to the efforts of the authorities. has been revived or partially closed, that this important work should continue. he called the issue of insurances important for the working community and criticizing the non-implementation of general social security policies, he said: these policies were announced a long time ago and the president also ordered the preparation of the regulations. but in practice, things have not progressed policies have not been implemented. the safety of the workforce and the improvement of job skills were two other needs of the labor community that the leader of the revolution mentioned and added that increasing the skills and knowledge of the workforce helps the progress of the country and increase the quality of work and is beneficial to workers and employers.
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he considered education to be very effective in helping to improve skills in the country and said: schools, high schools and universities can provide technical and professional training in addition to theoretical training and by giving a skill certificate to proper employment. and it is easy for young people to help. discover the brilliant talents among the workers and provide another advice of ayatollah khamenei to officials , employers, and entrepreneurs was to bring the field of opportunity for variety and creativity to them. after explaining the duties of the officials, the leader of the revolution. the labor community addressed issues such as trusting the work, doing the work firmly and confidently, and
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discipline and sense of responsibility in the work environment. is created he made the work become a value in the public opinion, increasing the desire and passion for work. they knew and said in this way every worker becomes a valuable human being in the eyes of the people, and young people play a better role in the production process, while today, unfortunately, some young people do not want to work, nor are they looking for it, and some only consider sitting behind a desk as work. referring to the slogan of the year, ayatollah khamenei said: we said: production leap with people's participation. how is people's participation? this is another question. now imagine a person who wants to participate in the production jump. how to participate? who should
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teach him? this is what i mean. one of the important duties of officials is to sit. fields of presence explain people and people's participation in production in production work and prepare the fields. now , one is cooperative, for example, the creation of cooperative production companies , one is help with household chores, one is help with manual work, and the other is help to create knowledge-based companies. it can be used in many ways. present another one that involves people's participation in industrial issues
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, household issues, handicraft issues, agriculture issues, animal husbandry issues , people can participate in all of these. it should be shown to the people that the field of people's participation should be provided, it should be made easier. in another part of his speech, the leader of the revolution considered it impossible to talk about economic issues without paying attention to the unprecedented sanctions, which the americans and europeans said, and said that the westerners lied about the purpose of imposing sanctions against iran , such as nuclear weapons, human rights and protection it raises terrorism. he points to the example of gaza in explaining the contradictions and false excuses of the westerners
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they did and added that in their opinion, the people under the bombing of gaza are terrorists, but the wicked, fake, and ruthless zionist government, which has massacred nearly 40,000 people, including several thousand children, in 6 months , is not a terrorist. hazrat ayatollah khamenei revealed the real purpose of iran's ill-wishers for sanctions. they considered not allowing the islamic republic to follow the colonial lines of arrogance and submission to their coercion and added that now some benevolent thinkers are benevolent. oh talk
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in a public speech, i said that the americans should specify the extent of nuclear withdrawal if they are satisfied. i am not ready to specify . until they reach the point that happened in an african country in north africa, that is, to collect all the nuclear devices, a country needs nuclear energy, nuclear treatment , nuclear treatment, from these nuclear developments , hundreds of necessary things are done in the country. all this should be closed, they expect this in the political fields, in the economic fields, in the general policies of the country, they want pure compliance, they say, at all
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surrender to us, the same situation that some governments have, which you see, you know, their wealth is in their hands, their prestige is in their hands, their politics are looking for a lord from them, they want this. well, it is clear that the islamic system. is it impossible for the islamic zeal of a great nation with an islamic history to submit to such tyranny? he called the sanctions as causing damage to the country's economy and causing economic problems , but he added that these sanctions have also caused the flourishing of talents and the emergence of capacities inside the country . one. a living nation
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creates an opportunity for itself from the enemy's hostility. this is our constant recommendation our dear young people, to our respected officials, to our zealous and pious men and women, make a chance for yourselves from the hostility of the enemy. now, an example is the issue of advanced weapons. iran's weapons surprised the enemies during the sanctions. can he create an advanced weapon with this number ? yes, he can do more than this
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. . the leader of the islamic revolution added, of course , we are behind in some areas, which if we put in effort and effort in them we will also progress. he considered the sanctions to be less effective and added: recently, in one of the reports of international sources , it was mentioned that the increase of the gross national product of iran, which means that more and better work is being done in the country. the heart is not closed to help from outside the borders and the sanctions have failed. destroyed iran and this spirit should be strengthened in the country. ayatollah khamenei accused the islamic republic of iran of supporting terrorism under the pretext of pointing to the reconciliation and demonstrations of the nations in support of palestine and the raising of palestinian and hezbollah flags in the streets of europe and america.
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they called the support of the oppressed people of gaza a disgrace to the accusers and added that now not only the nation. iran, but all nations support palestine . they asked: is that palestinian who stands up against the oppression of the kasab settler for his home town a terrorist? is the anti-oppression front and zealous resistance terrorists, or are they creating disasters with the masses of people, and of course they did not get anywhere and will not get anywhere. in summing up this part of his speech, he said that it should be clear to the people of iran, and it is also clear that the reason for the enmity of bullies with them is the lies they tell. it is not, but it is that an independent iran does not fall under the burden of their coercion and is not willing to follow the failed, backward, failed policies that are against their divine values ​​and human nature, policies
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that, according to some western analysts, it is destroying the 200-year credibility of america. the leader of the revolution emphasized that it is futile to expect the long-standing and deep-rooted iranian nation to follow these failed policies and said: the iranian nation stood and is firm, but of course we must show our standing in our action, work, research and national unity, which in this face and with the condition of avoiding laziness and laziness hard heart and the difficulties imposed by ill-wishers will create more opportunities and openings for progress . the iranian nation will reach a bright horizon of the future by god's grace. at the beginning of this meeting, the minister of labor, cooperation and social welfare in the report of reducing the unemployment rate to 8 and 10th and the actual realization of one million jobs
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in 1402 is one of the most important achievements of the government. he studied in the field of employment. the development of universal insurances, the electronic product plan with the welcome of more than 50 million people, the payment of pensions to retirees without borrowing from banks, the payment of 160 thousand billion tomans of facilities to the field of production and the formation of about 300 the worker housing cooperative across the country was one of the other topics that mr. seyyed solt mortazavi mentioned in his report. during the president's visit to sri lanka, several memorandums of understanding and cooperation documents were signed in the presence of high delegations from both sides. official welcome to
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the president of iran in sri lanka. mr. raisi, who traveled to this country on the official invitation of his sri lankan counterpart , was officially welcomed at the sri lankan presidential headquarters. in the last 16 years , mr. raisi is the first islamic president of iran to be officially welcomed in sri lanka . sri lanka is the southernmost country in asia located in south india, it is considered a good market for the export of iranian technical engineering services. for this reason , one of the main axes of the consultations in this trip is the development of economic cooperation. we agreed with sri lankan officials to hold a joint commission as soon as possible. this commission had not actually been held for many years. during the last two years
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, our relationship has become very active and we have many meetings. in the fields of water, water transfer, water containment, irrigation networks in the field of refinery construction, in the field of infrastructure projects, requests. that we are negotiating, we are ready to implement the project on the other hand, we should buy the goods and products that they have . another important area for cooperation between iran and sri lanka is agriculture. we consume about 110,000 to 120,000 tons of chai per year. there is tea, which we are trying to
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supply more than sri lanka in 403 with regard to the financial resources we have. the needs of the two countries, along with the development of political and economic relations , are also pursuing the development of cultural cooperation. extensive cultural and artistic collaborations are foreseen in the field the topics of making joint movies in the field. holding cultural weeks and cultural days of the islamic republic of iran and sri lanka. iran. on the sidelines of this trip, mr. raisi appeared at the 120-year-old community mosque in colombo. considered it in the interest of the nations of the two countries and called for the unity and cohesion of muslims. the enemies of islam seek to create
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division, but you must pursue unity and cohesion. referring to the issue of gaza, the president considered the crimes of the zionist regime to be the result of differences and divisions among muslims and spoke of an important indicator in today's world. today. today there is an index for the world are countries and nations defenders of honor or defenders of evil? mr. raisi also said about the universalization of the discourse of resistance, and referring to the divine promise , he considered this discourse to be the final victory. in the continuation of this trip , five cooperation documents
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were signed in different fields between the two countries. amir shamar is a senior reporter of the sri lanka broadcasting agency. in a joint press conference with his sri lankan counterpart, the president announced iran's readiness to export technical and engineering services to sri lanka and said: "there is no obstacle to the development of political, economic and commercial relations." and there is no culture between the two countries. definitely in economic development and improvements sri lanka, the islamic republic of iran can participate by exporting technical and engineering services. like what happened in this big dam and project, financing from you for technical and engineering services and transfer of technology from the islamic republic of iran. the example of this project can help the progress of dostanka country in various fields.
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referring to the zionist regime's crimes in palestine, mr. raisi considered the solution to this problem as one vote for each palestinian and said: "the solution to deal with the usurper is not to give him the square, but the usurper should be driven out of the usurped land and punished." the way to deal with the usurper and oppressor is to give a field it is not him, but the way is now that the usurper should be expelled from the usurped land. two, he must pay damages, and third, we must punish the usurper. the president of sri lanka also attended this ceremony with appreciation for the president's visit to sri lanka from
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iran. he thanked for his country's support against economic crises and said: iran's support has brought economic stability in sri lanka. the head of the central election monitoring board said: after the issuance of credentials of two/thirds of the elected members of the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts, they will be invited to participate in the opening ceremony. date: place of formation the former building of the islamic council, the head of the judiciary, said that it is not possible to deal with matters with an orderly approach. mr. mohseni, in the ritual of honoring and introducing the first deputy of the judiciary, said that the judicial officials should be more good-natured than others. god
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has given us the opportunity that we have responsibility in the important institution of this system today, that is, the judiciary. therefore , on the one hand, we should be very grateful to god, on the other hand, our duty is very heavy, we must be very careful, be very attentive, and work hard. let's consult a lot. let's ask god for help. many times, sometimes we are forced to boast let's avoid the support of the french people for iran's punitive operation against the zionist regime. the french say that iran's response will put the aggressor in place.
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at the same time as your anti-iranian action. it was important for iran not to attack the aggressor and to show solidarity with palestine. in response to the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus on april 13, 1403 , iran targeted several military centers, including navatim air base in the south of the occupied territories, with hundreds of missiles and drones in the evening of april 26.
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israelis who can deal with the palestinians, the party god, lebanon does not have the resistance of iraq and yemen, now it has become an angel and wants to fight with iran. the people of france and the public opinion of the west strongly support and are happy with the punitive response of the islamic republic of iran to israel. shaheswar hosseini, radio and television news agency, paris. the domino of resignations in the zionist regime's army, the zionist newspaper utaharnot wrote that the head of the shabak internal security organization and the head of the joint chiefs of staff of the regime joined the line of resignations. according to al-manar network , zionist circles believe that the resignation of aharon haliva, the head of the military intelligence department of the zionist regime, is imminent.


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