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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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by providing original assumptions with identity in a unique variety of roles, designs and colors, after providing comfortable conditions and well-being for the customers at pa pa pa festival, we are your kind hosts at pa pa pa festival in addition to all the privileges of the special discounts of this festival. you will also benefit. this is an advertisement to inform you so that you can choose the best. iran is ready.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. it became possible to perform aortic valve surgery without open surgery in the west of the country. patients from western provinces can use this facility in kermanshah. this work in the west of the country, it was done for the first time in a hospital in kermanshah. with artificial valve implantation without deep anesthesia and surgery, the patient is discharged from the hospital after 24 to 48 hours. this operation is actually performed as a closed angiography method and in this method we enter the groin through the artery and actually replace the valve in the location of the damaged and narrow valve and the patient's problem is solved and this work the reality is that this is being done for the first time in the west of the country, and we are among the 10 provinces in the country, and we are the 10th province to do this. cancer cases
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among people under the age of 50 have increased in france . a report from french tv channel 2 on this issue has been 12 months since emilitron was diagnosed with colon cancer. even though he is only 39 years old. like him, many young patients were diagnosed with cancer. this process.
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treatment is to improve his condition. 10 years ago , the presence of patients as young as him was rare in the cancer center. but now doctors like this oncologist are witnessing a large number of such patients. in this gastrointestinal oncology center, one third of hospitalized patients is less than 50 years old. according to a european study between 2004 and 2016, intestinal cancers. among young people , it has increased by 79% per year. to solve this mystery , researchers have started an unprecedented study . they are going to collect cancerous mass samples of blood, fat tissue and hair from thousands of young patients to comment on them. for example, they they will check the presence of chemicals in their surroundings. the toxic ingredients pie of anything that
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can be in food packaging, as well as the amount of people being exposed to antibiotics we will examine which are not pollutants and are necessary to treat the infection, but they can affect the organisms. this extensive study is supposed to determine the cause of the disease so that it can be better prevented and treated after treatment. the recipe for geographical distance between agricultural businesses is revised. the director of the licensing of the agricultural engineering system organization says in the khabar network's higher debate program, that in the last 5 years, more than 30% of the applications of agricultural business applicants have been rejected due to the so-called sanitary distance. ms. mohammad zamani he added: according to the law on facilitating the export of magistrates and
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work, these distances are adjusted with the aim of attracting investment in the agricultural sector and optimal use of the production resources of the agricultural sector. the sanitary distance is a certain distance between agricultural production units, which has made it more difficult for some people to get a license for livestock. in fact, this distance should be observed between the units that are active in breeding and production, according to the instructions related to this. first time intervals it was compiled in 1350, but its revision was not implemented . in 1988, the minister announced the time. unfortunately , this work has not been reviewed by the medical organizer and went to the government board. now
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the government board has undergone changes. the next government has come. it's different . some of the units are really illogical. we say that the greenhouse is a controlled environment. does it really need to be far from the livestock unit? in addition to the unnecessary distances, the license of rocket units is also one of the business obstacles. a new unit that wants to come and get a license in production we say no, you can't because there are two other units near you and they came before you. of course, according to the law , sanitary distances are not applied in rural productions. the difference between industrial and rural livestock is in its resistance breed. in order to provide food for its growing population, mankind cannot use traditional methods to produce animal protein. if we reduce these distances, we can
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increase production conditions and production capacities. let me give you my examples , which are many. we have many fattening complexes in the country. space. these are just one blade there is a piece of soffal block or a cement block , the units are next to each other in the dameh shiri complexes, in the same way, the best example we have now of the dameh shiri complexes is the fashafoye complex. how many years have they localized the restoration profile of old windows? in order to save costs , old windows are converted into double-glazed windows without destruction. profiles that had defects in the process of reconstruction were only covered from the inside of this old profile, and from on the outside, an iron or wooden frame could be seen
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, which was both in terms of iran's layout, and in terms of appearance, to solve these challenges, the molds were needed for the production of reconstruction profiles. which does not lose the efficiency of double windows and preserves the beauty. we designed the community reconstruction frame for these buildings. double-glazed windows have approximately 40 decibels and triple-glazed windows have 70-75 decibels . one of the bottlenecks in the production of imported raw materials was that with the acquisition of technical knowledge, it must meet the conditions. the climate was also adapted. to in order to be able to offer this product to all regions of our country , we localized the formula and produced local products for this industry. a product for all old and environmentally friendly windows designed so that
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it can be connected to all old profiles. sab, which is completely harmful to the environment as well as to humans, was removed from our system and replaced with environmentally friendly materials. now the localized profile can be customized and is wide. requests from customers in different countries, with different cultures and with climatic needs and conditions different climates. we were able to export to 3 countries first. and after that, we are now exporting to 15 countries in the world.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram channel playing with the whole country, why are you setting prices this month? your question is an interesting question, you are a football manager, we don't want any kind of treatment . regarding the issue of correcting the sanitary distances
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of arya agricultural businesses, you know that according to the latest statistics of the national permits portal are about 4,400 person and work permits. due to the fact that the order for sanitary distances between production units is being discussed in your presence, the issuance of permits is pending . this issue has different critics and supporters . the supporters believe that there should there is a very significant distance between the production units in each different sector of fisheries and animal husbandry, but some critics believe that these distances should be reduced so that we can use the capacity between these production units . we will have a debate on the same issue with two tons of experts of this i invite you to accompany us until the end. here in our studio, mr. karmi , the representative of the animal medical organization of the country, is present , and ms. mohammad zamani, the export manager, is present on the other side. please tell me how much you agree with the criticism
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of the animal medicine organization regarding the correction of distances , which they say has prevented the development of agricultural and related businesses . yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful. and your respected colleagues as well as dear viewers. program, let me give you a very short introduction when it comes to disease control, it doesn't matter whether it is animal disease or human disease , there are three solutions or strategies, either we are looking for prevention , or we are trying to control the disease, or we have an eradication plan. from the disease, it means not allowing the cause of the disease
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to circulate among the sensitive population. and the departure of people and supplies to that farm it is about vaccination, which means that it is one of the tools, that is, in fact , it is enough for us to fight in such a way that we can use the reduction of density in order to get the opportunity for the disease agent to enter the susceptible population and multiply and spread it accordingly. everywhere in the world, in fact, for the topic of prevention. how to use the category of reduction of density in
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the majority of the existence or requirement. in fact, there is a distance between the units that are actually active in raising livestock. we can actually provide three reasons why there should be a distance, one of our reasons for wanting to talk in general are scientific findings. the research articles and actually the scientific debates that have been done in this field , both domestically and internationally, another thing that we can actually argue about is our past experiences . it is, in fact, the events that have happened and been narrated over the years. breast to breast or in the book and this as human experience
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is actually the light of the way and the third argument of the international patterns that actually exist in the discussion of control how do diseases work in other countries ? we are actually somehow following a single policy that is being implemented at the international level. it can be added that the international requirements that we actually have in the discussion of production and export, if we believe that our country's production capacity and what is actually defined at the international level are requirements for the exporting country, which is one of
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the requirements in the definitions that there is a discussion of the distance between the units, which is actually required. that there should be a minimum distance between the actual units involved in breeding and production please respect this distance. thank you , mrs. mohammad, when you tell me the most important reason that mr. kerami mentioned now, which is for prevention , so that we can have production and export. and i have the courtesy and respect to serve you and dear viewers who are watching tv from the glass frame. we are looking at them regarding the entry gate of people to invest in the agricultural sector , well, we can say that issuing licenses is one of the most important parts of this issue, without a license, no business in the agricultural sector may be able to start legally.
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may it grow and prosper, one of the issues in the issue. it was not possible to start it at all because of the gaps between the production units. on the other hand, we have a number of units that are doing business. we had about 4800 investors who wanted to start the business, but
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because 30% of applications are not approved due to haram, and this is a high number. well, in the licensing department, we can say that there are many problems. now our arham department comes as a stop and highlights this issue. now these harams actually it's different, some of these things will come back to the shrines related to livestock places, well, we have this issue in the shrines sections with roads and other units. now, today's discussion is about livestock places, so the focus is on that. we are discussing, you see , the number of requests that do not start from this point is large, on the other hand, we can say that because the contractor has to prepare the land , in some cases, if he comes to cover these harams , he unconsciously takes the production costs. high
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when the initial capital of the initial estimate is high on that meat. which affects the consumer's table, the most important issue for us is the number many hectares of our land are out of use because of this, now mr. kalmeh points out that this is to prevent disease , which means it is a necessity that if these production units are now livestock and fishery farms. it can be dangerous in terms of the spread of disease in your presence or if any of your animals are close to each other. there is an answer from your side. we can have several views on this issue. i borrow from the words of the previous and current presidents. our engineering system, we passed the corona virus, the easiest
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way to prevent the corona virus epidemic was that it was the easiest way to start the disease well, let's respect the distances, try not to touch each other's hands, and after that, the vaccine technology caused us to sit next to each other, on the other hand , this shows the progress of the healthcare sector. and due to technology , we have moved away from this most manual way. it means that the distance no longer has any meaning. the next discussion is, well, if we can now say the distance between the houses of our grandmothers and grandfathers, the distance between the toilet and the house. the house that was inhabited now was maybe 50 meters in the old houses, now yes, now the building technology and the architectural technology of the bathroom has been brought into
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the bedrooms in a hidden way. well, this is another technology, so we can say that the medical profession, which has been working hard for many specialists over the years , then let's see how the distance is the most convenient way. let's move away and leave this to technology, science and health. now , this can be checked at different stages. well , for sure, one part will go back to before the construction . before a unit is built, the concerns of veterinary friends must be taken into account. they should come to an agreement and release this to the system engineering also cooperates in this field , the experts prepare plans. a certain structure for a certain hall should be like this , the heater should be in this direction, in some and other things, just another issue, because i swear, in fact, the second part
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of the issue of some of them, in fact, this control returns during production, all of our units are almost loved ones from the farm. a doctor is present under the title of health technical officer. we can use this name to control the health of that production unit. thank you very much, mr. karmi, how convincing the explanation is. see, corona is a virus from the corona virus family by the way, in the field of medicine, we also have a disease called infectious bronchitis in birds, which is caused by the same family of coronaviruses . stay away from each other about the corona virus disease . you even broadcast it in your news. in countries like china and italy, people
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were not allowed to leave their homes. through it can be transferred in different ways, and we have discussed the factors and tools one by one, not just the discussion the only tool, one of our tools is the issue of reducing density , just as we in human society were able to prevent the spread of disease to a large extent by reducing density. the same is the case with medical animals, if there is an effective vaccine that gives us a 100% guarantee that when faced with the disease agent, the animal will not be infected and
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will not get sick. despite human discoveries, despite the development and progress, there is still a vaccine that can be 100% safe it does not exist, why does it not exist , because the pathogenic factors and diseases are constantly changing, influenza virus has been one of the concerns of medical science and veterinary medicine since 100 years ago. this virus has not yet been developed an effective vaccine against it because its antigenic structure is constantly changing. see this point in our discussion. my production. let me tell you something . we have a term called sustainable production . when we talk about production, our goal is not
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to start a unit with all the effort and expense of following up on this unit after it reaches production. in a short period of time, it will be completely out of production because it has health problems, including diseases , but we are looking for sustainable production. if we act in such a way that instead of these funds coming as a sustainable production , they are actually a factor in preventing our production, you see, we have gone the wrong way. in the discussion , i would like to ask you that the request and the units are the ones that are requesting. i would like to say something. now , i am an engineer, answer this. now, mr. bozur
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, 48,000 establishment permits have been issued in the hands of people , and about 1,700 have been issued. oh too the license of that department is 1,700, and there is also an establishment license in the poultry department. please tell me what action has been taken or not taken in order for those who have now obtained an establishment license to be able to produce. and by the way, one of the factors that has led to the fact that the distances prevent new licenses are the same units that have an establishment license, that is, these units that have an establishment license are themselves a big factor that a new unit that wants to come to get a license in production, we say no. you can't get another license because it is near you getting established and they came ahead of you.
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as the trustees of the matter, which is now 16 years old , the proposed regulations for revoking the establishment licenses that the applicant does not come for any reason, now, for whatever reason , many requests are being made by mr. bigur, we really have to pay attention to it to see if there is really an intention to produce it, looking for value. i have a question for mrs. engineer. please tell me that
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they themselves were able to remove around 1.3 million hectares of our land from non-utility . well, we can have a few discussions about how to maintain the stability of production. well, it is certainly one of the priorities. but in the place and in the year that the supreme leader's office called the production leap with the participation of the people, in fact, the name. and the leap is something beyond the increase of the leap. well , jihadist thought wants, jihadist management wants much more than the increase according to the programs that we need for actually the programs that are for development according to the population and all the things ahead of us. to invest in the agricultural sector from the side of the applicants, considering that the
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investment in the agricultural sector. compared to investing in the industry sector and other sectors, it is more understandable for them, maybe it will have a better return on investment for them. first, they move this direction, or we have to come and attract these funds that want to go towards productive investment, or, naturally, capital goes towards non-productive capital.
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why do we say productivity? we have a discussion about supporting agriculture. i am explaining. you see, we have a section that supports farmers and there is a section that supports agriculture. well, in fact, we have traditional farming activities, and they do something in the open, maybe. from the farmer's point of view , there is support for domestic production, maybe it will lead to self-sufficiency in some products, but from our side, we also support the farmer. we need, of course, those who come to invest in the agricultural sector want to benefit from the land they have more than the previous cultivation, but when we see that the size of 3 of our northern provinces is the size of one, in fact, one of the european countries. scandinavians can't do anything at all.


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