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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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our game is actually out of productivity. why do we say productivity? we have a discussion about supporting agriculture. they do something in the open , maybe from the farmer's point of view, there is support for domestic production. self-sufficiency is also possible in some productions, but on the other hand, we also need the support of the farmer. certainly, whoever invests in the agricultural sector wants to benefit more from the land he owns than the previous cultivation. ok, but when we see that the size of our three northern provinces is the size of one, in fact one of the countries of europe, the scandinavian countries, in general
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, in which direction should the investment go ? we are saying that you have passed the intervals, perhaps a decade since the last specialist, now i don't know that these intervals that were actually notified have passed in 2088, the time minister announced in 2019, now, in fact, the intervals under the title of dawat have been established and have been notified, unfortunately until now. it has not been revised. according to article 6
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the law of the jamidan proveri system, the same notification should have been approved by the cabinet and was actually implemented . he made a series of reforms and announced, see my reforms mostly with, for example, the greenhouse as a green industry with livestock units. you know that the greenhouse as a controlled environment, the closed environment, by the way, may reduce your risks a lot, this person who wants to use fertilizer in the greenhouse, surely uses many times more fertilizer in the open space, in the fields, in the gardens. can we tell the gardener not to use fertilizer in addition to the chicken farm? thank you, but from the side of the animal medical organization, unfortunately, the minister's announcement in 2018 is the same. the amendment was not implemented and we
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are still waiting for the amendment. kerami, first of all, can you check the legal standard that was created in these intervals, please see our legal standard is law 135. now, friends, some people say that the law of 50 years ago is not a reason because it is an old law that has never been used. you can see that our civil liability law is from 100 years ago, but after this we are. 350, which is approved by the veterinary medicine organization law in the same law the letter of animal husbandry system regulations was assigned to the government board, which was approved by the government board on june 24, 1998, and a revision was made in 1999, under the title of animal
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husbandry system regulations. it would be good to refer to the records to see if these reforms that are now being criticized have been implemented or not, and the last case related to the law on the livestock breeding society, which was passed in the parliament in 2008, was mandated in that law. in fact, the regulations related to viewing distances should be prepared board. let the government do this, this work was done by the medical veterinary organization and went to the government board. now the government board has undergone changes . the next government board has come. the next government has different tastes. this is not our fault. the medical veterinary organization is not the one to be questioned. as the relevant technical department , we did that part of the task we had to continue the matter. by the way
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, ms. engineer's colleagues should go and follow up. actually, they should follow up so that it is approved and communicated to s. now even if i say something. . executive engineering system my colleagues in the executive engineering system of mr. d have not been assigned to me. mr. bozor, the previous law has been installed in its place . can you forgive the country? this is how we pass a law after the previous law and suspend it until that law is actually approved by the legal authority of the previous law. it has its own validity.
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give the agricultural jihad that you have to write the interval system to the government board, well, it hasn't come yet , see what you have, whatever, whatever, whatever until the new law is promulgated .
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and unfortunately from the side of veterinary medicine and veterinary medicine it was not done, well, my reforms were limited to a few specific cases, which were obvious, now the problem is , see, we are talking about adjustment, now there may even be an increase in some places, that is the expert opinion of veterinary medicine. do you want to talk about the ancestor's hen, and the sensitivity is there at one time, you want to talk about the mother hen. let's talk, but most of our requests now are in cases where light or heavy livestock can be minimized, let's say the experience of other countries has shown that it can even be easily reached and monitored. we see that a livestock farm next to
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there is another livestock farm, we see that there is a greenhouse next to another livestock farm, see most of our cases. but these intervals have created challenges for you, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i
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offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you, dear guests of the program and dear viewers. we lost style especially and now we need to return these capacities to their place and to be able to increase the production. according to the sensitivities that the red meat issue has in the country now, the engineers said we need a leap, not an increase, and that's why, in my opinion, we should now at least cover the yam area , where it is not allergenic, and it is possible . my experience is in the country. there are many. we have many fattening complexes in the country. the distance between them is only one blade. one blade is to put a sofal block or a cement block. the units are next to each other in
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dairy farming communities. similarly, the best example we have now is dairy farming complexes. fashafoye complex is in recent years now long well, alhamdulillah , the noble veterinary medicine organization has implemented very good management on the issue of disease control and even eradication of some diseases in some places, so we can, considering the very good management that is being applied in this issue, with some amount more people should decide about these distances , of course, as i said, the places where there are some sensitivities are less. suppose, if we want to say next to a eugenics center, reduce this distance . well, here we do not agree with this and we do not accept this.
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it is possible to reduce the distance even if if it is possible, then how much depends on the opinion of the animal medicine organization and the honorable vice president of affairs and the system engineering organization. how many examples can you give us for the viewers to know that this haram we are talking about is between two units, for example. how much is the production and how much are you, for example, unfortunately, i don't have the number of figures in my mind right now, but the distances can be reduced.
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it is important to note that the places where the sensitivities are less in terms of disease transmission and we can increase the capacity . because of this haram, you could not do this work . well, you see, we have many units in the industry that came and wanted to invest but could not and leaving affected their units. to do. now they are producing, but they are not given the necessary permits because it is forbidden in this area. well, this is also a capacity that is currently working as the so-called production capacity . some are working there. but because he does not have the relevant permits , he is currently deprived of the support that should be provided.
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it exists now, it needs to be added, there is no problem to add it. they said that there is no basis in fact there is no science for these distances. i am really sorry that without reading and questioning these talks, you can see that we have two types of transmitted agents in the transmission of diseases. a series of living agents and a series of inanimate agents. the living agents themselves are from different animals. i am your sentence of birds. there is flight , there are rodents like mice
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, there are carnivorous animals like foxes, wolves , we can give examples of even arthropod insects, these can be biological agents , they can be physical agents, biological agents are a cycle of bacteria, viruses or other parasites in the body of that carrier animal is actually the so-called rotation. the physical factor means no, this animal can actually transmit the pathogen by infecting its body to that agent in a very clear and specific way. pigeons like crows, they have territory, they have a flight range, they have a flight range of between 500 and 700 meters. these birds feed on the manure that is actually deposited in the livestock farm, now either
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the livestock farm or the poultry farm is a source of food for these birds because parasites in these fertilizers actually grow. they do things like larb max, etc. these are a source of food from this livestock farm to the nearest livestock farm , if it is in flight, they will move. one gram of feces can transmit 10 million particles of the influenza virus. it is our own experience. i was actually the director of diseases in tehran province for 10 years, and we saw this first hand in several influenza epidemics that came to this country and... we suffered severe losses. one question, for example, there is no distance in the village. now you asked a very nice question why we don't leave a distance to the village, ms. engineer, you can let me tell you something. say this because i want to continue talking. it's not my turn . so answer the question later. i 'll tell you. we have a rural livestock and an
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industrial livestock. the difference between industrial and rural livestock. it is in the breed and its resistance. mankind cannot use traditional methods to provide food for its growing population. now in the broiler chicken industry tour, mr. bigor, we have been installing it for almost 40 years since the 60s. meat that lasted 120 days. look at a broiler that has been bred in 70-80 years a 40-gram chicken will gain 40 times its weight in 40 days. well, this means that humans have come and done breeding for the benefit of producing the protein they need, but
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the world of genetics is not that simple. when you bring a gene, you bring it up, so to speak. and you bring it, you express it, a series of gena comes down. the disease resistance gene in this category of animals that undergo genetic modification , so to speak, is overcome, this gene is no longer a dominant gene, so we have birds or industrial livestock , our susceptibility to disease is much higher than traditional livestock , now the mirabi cattle or our sistani cow compared to b which is a modified breed, its sensitivity to the disease is far lower. do you want to tell the management
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of your unit? if you are not in the news, i will tell you that one of
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us in industrial dentistry has a breed that is susceptible to the disease
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, even with a very weak virus. i need help. the articles that have been registered are accessible. the article is about the research center in 2009, the islamic council issued a report on how to control the entry of livestock into the country, the use of vaccines with new strains, the control of the movement of smuggled animals, the observance of health regulations at quarantine posts, and the control of the movement of live animals in the country. as the factors that are involved in this matter, it is interesting. there is no mention of the effect of distances in that article of 2015. in fact, mr. saeed compares all of these . you can read the titles and see them. there is a significant relationship between the determining factors related to the occurrence of pre-peck disease at the level of iran's cattle farms for example, units such as meydan dom slaughterhouse
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have come and checked this, but in the case of livestock units of one type, the percentage is low, all this shows that you have enough poultry. material increase we have come to put the full responsibility of the health regulations on the shoulders of the applicants and operators , this has an impact from a social point of view, and from a technical and health point of view, this can be revised. see for the discussion of livestock and almond livestock, the complexes that have been given the license to produce they do and other things in our country all this shows that if the factor
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of importance and effect of compliance with health regulations can be much more effective, let's not just put all the burdens on distance method . it can be compensated by taking into account many of the issues in the justification plan, and i say that the health technical officials who now have the license to renew actually sign a contract with the user, they can help in this field in some way. business license for sanitary distances, see the latest distance the latest law that is actually being invoked is observed in 1988 and now in 1991. from 1988 until now
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, there are two situations or no progress and no studies have been done to improve these conditions, which i think . i don't want it to be like this. certainly, veterinary medicine as an organization and its experts think that we have four minutes, two minutes for your summation , two minutes to correct the intervals. we can't see that we have to get the materials and opinions of the organizations finally, a part of the manuscripts, yes, they are one of them, yes, there are many of them. during this period of time, an inquiry was made from the organizations whose opinions are related to increasing or decreasing or
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actually keeping these intervals constant. only this, in fact, should not be reduced, but should be added. i am talking about how in corona, whatever the ministry had, was recognized in relation to keeping the distance like this, schools should be closed , buses should be in one direction, the stadium should be closed. we all agreed, why did we agree that this was extra-criminal? after two years, it was a specialized issue, because the specialists in the ministry of health had come to the conclusion that by reducing , in fact, increasing the distance between people, we can bring down the virus. look below now. in the field distances if we believe that the veterinary veterinary organization is in charge of this matter and has an opinion in this connection
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, let the organization do its work, which will be done in the next two days. didn't we in a few the cross-section of this is actually the adjusted intervals for the benefit of the manufacturer. if it is going to be on a scientific basis, then the opinion of the experts is important, and those who are working in this field , organizations, well, many of them are compassionate, many of them
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are certainly in the direction of production, maybe, for example, i don't want to assume that there will be more hands in my work , so we have this. let's take a technical look at it, and in the end, since you said that two minutes is not more time, yes, i will just say one sentence , let's think that maybe i want to come over there after my service, after retirement , i will come over here sometime a series of instructions i will write a series of rules. don't let it happen that after that year, if i want to go and invest in the agricultural sector after 30 years , the same laws that i myself have put in place will bind me, or at the end of the day, the same laws . after all, the law that is enacted is not only for others, it is used for the family of my brothers and sisters and myself
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, thank you. we are stronger than both or above, wherever you are today.
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