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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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right now, get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. the new unit of farhangian university will be launched in the country by the end of this year. the president of farhangian university said: this year, the number of students admitted to this university will increase by 20% to 30,000. mr. borzoi also informed about the attraction of teachers with doctorate degrees in the faculty of this university. 8,000 doctors and teachers request to change their status and become faculty members in the university.
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the educators have given 900 people the conditions to meet the requirements in the interview and to obtain the conditions in the general specialized interviews this year in the recruitment board. from this number, 300 of us, god willing , will join the university as faculty members by october of this year. we hope that by the end of the year , we will be able to increase our capacity to 3,000 of this capacity. to take and let's bring the ratio of our faculty in at least over 50% of our fields to the ratio that was actually approved, 1:30, god willing. the environmental protection organization has announced the slogan of this year's clean earth week, the participation of the iranian people against plastic and saving the earth. in this special week, there are many programs for children and teenagers are held in the country.
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environmental pollution and the future of the earth is one of the most important issues in the world today, and plastic pollution is at the top of them. the amount of plastic consumption has increased 20 times in the last 50 years, and according to reports, iran is the fifth consumer of plastic in the world. in our normal tabs near tehran, i am telling you that in tehran there are about 5,000 to 6,000 tons of garbage. the most important part is acute. the slogan of this year's clean earth week is the participation of the iranian people against plastic, saving the environment, which was announced by the environmental protection organization . we have a land that is full of resources. these are things that maybe many countries don't have, and they are trying to take it away from us, and in my opinion, we should take care of this. let's learn about the human
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environment that we have this year. our teacher is very concerned about this issue and especially about the discussion of waste and the separation of our waste. this environment that we have is an environment that has been created for thousands of years before us and for thousands of years after. it is going to remain for us, we must protect and take care of our environment so much that we have these trees and this green space for ourselves forever because it produces an energy for us. don't do this anymore. we can't get this energy through anything. save the trees . special programs are held for children and teenagers throughout the country during the clean earth week. i drew an earth that is polluted with factory and i drew another earth that is populated with trees and flowers, when the plants are destroyed there is no oxygen. let us
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breathe and tell people not to throw this garbage in the nature. this is for the people. people should throw anything in any garbage. we must tell the people that throw their garbage in the garbage area and don't throw it here. these special programs help to improve the environmental literacy of children and teenagers in our country . ahmed aminfard, sed and radio news agency, director general of the office of mental health, ministry of health, via andanda , mental and social health centers in 40 universities of medical sciences. reported in 25 provinces. moslehi said: providing services to patients who are referred to siraj centers based on the diagnosis of psychologists of the health network is free. the implementation of various programs to maintain and promote mental health is an issue that has been on the agenda of the ministry of health since last year. the spaces that we know under the name of seraj, these
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centers are discussed for their increase and expansion at the level of the country. we did this, we increased our seraj centers by 3 times. each center in sarajmun has at least 3 psychologists . we have increased public participation. we have tried to strengthen the relationship between the community and psychologists in sarajmun centers. people's participation, paying attention to social health, is included in these programs more than before .
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social mental health center or siraj dar all over the country the number of centers is expected to increase to 100 by the end of the year. the most important part of it is to gather the local trustees under the partnership house. the house of partnership, which is very important in this government, means that the people should sit down and talk about the problems of the neighborhood and solve the problems of that area together. now according to health service officials. they are covered by insurance. last year , we had a proposal from the board of ministers and with the proposal of the supreme council of insurance that part of the psychological services covered by insurance health insurance has been introduced into the system , and with the current conditions, we
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are covering those six services, but to complete it, in order to provide more services, a resolution is being drafted in the supreme council of insurance. currently, there are 30,300 psychologists in the centers. community health services are serving. fatemeh hasanpour, sed and broadcasting news agency. the first iranian yellow deer calf was born in harsanjan base in the new year. their number was a handful on the first day. in 2010 , with 7 yellow fart clays in the area of ​​300 hectares. it has actually started to operate. their population now it is noticeable. the output of this site since the beginning of 1990 has been 18 yellow deer clays. the increase of the iranian yellow deer in the site of arsanjan city is due to the tips that
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were the result of the efforts of the environmentalists of this city. we monitor it twice or twice a day. by motorcycle, by car and on foot. most of our feet in the spring season. we remember because we want it to be clear if a calf has been born under a bush, we try to follow it more on foot. one of the most important factors that must be done at the site level is to check the water troughs and the amount of water inside the troughs for farts, and now that we have come there is a little water, it must be filled up. but the reason for our report was the little guest who was just born. 8. 8 1403 the first yellow fart calf was born in arsanjan site. and this
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is not the end of the work of this site, and during several stages in the past years , he was able to transfer some heads of this rare species to other sites in the stage of life. a total of 26 have been transferred from goz zard to fars and khuzestan provinces. revival of this species with the extinction value and release to its original habitats is one of the objectives of breeding the iranian yellow fart in the site of arsanjan city. according to experts , 25 new calves will be added to this site during the calving season. ibrahim eskandari of go site news agency from arsanjan city, the next section at 6 o'clock.
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thank you very much for coming with each and every one of you, dear viewers , as i mentioned , we want to talk about the russian security summit, the capacity goals and also the achievements. the practitioners hello, thank you very much sir.
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see, our world is changing, in fact, the power in the world is shifting from western civilization to. with the gradual decline of america and western countries as well, and the current situation, power shifts over time . this is not an overnight one-year event. it may take a decade or more , which is how many years we are in this decade. in fact, we can see the initial symptoms and its development. well, on the other hand, when we say that power will shift to the east, we
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do not mean one country or two countries, the world of tomorrow is the world of the year we will see in the future , it will not be a unipolar or bipolar world of two countries , it will be a world of international regional coalitions, because now we are facing a challenge between the west and the east, which means that the one who has the power is as simple as that. it does not lose its power , it is creating military security challenges and combined wars against the powers that will be influential in the future. in fact, you will see more and more of these challenges in the coming years
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the form of tension will increase day by day, but as i said, this will not happen once, it will not happen once , we are currently forming this new order, this order needs its own pillars and institutions, that is, if in the world after world war ii america and the west are actually establishing a security dialogue, the best form of which you can see at the munich conference, and it is the place because it was there from the beginning, so that you can better understand that kind of discourse and security plans and strategies of the west, now that it is no longer sadr this is because it used to be another function
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it was relatively good until recent years , the fact that the rivals would gather together , learn about each other's security concerns , exchange views, sometimes on the issues of third countries, which are challenges for these hostile powers, for example , afghanistan is a challenge. it was twenty or so years ago for iran, china, russia, and the rest of the neighbors, for the united states, so they used to gather here to find a solution to common problems, if not, at least to understand each other's concerns. you see , russia and iran are present at the security conference they don't have, and it is very one-sided about iran, to bring the opposition of the opposition, who are not very valuable now, to satisfy them means to draw the sword. when you have a series of institutions in the fields
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of economic security and so on for the previous order, for this new order, this new bloc and new coalitions need a series of institutions , the political institutions, the economic security of shanghai , the shanghai pact, the political security of moscow, or what is happening now in we are at the end of st. petersburg in terms of security. but many other countries are also present, from
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the balkan region, from south america, from africa asia is present because the fact that the world is understanding that these countries do not necessarily mean that they are rivals of the west, but they are understanding what tomorrow's world will be like, so this security summit in st. petersburg or moscow has become very important, especially for the main countries such as china, russia, and iran. which this year had a special meaning for iran, of course it was multi-dimensional for iran. we will be at your service later, god willing, we will talk about it, but the important thing is that this is a security institution that is taking shape more and more every day. this summit is still in the same sense as institutions like brics and shanghai, but it is gaining an increasing role , and definitely in the next decade, you
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will see the security arrangements of the global region in the output here, that is, a decisive role. in the world of tomorrow, it will have, and it is very important, i will give one more small explanation, and then i will finish, so that you can see the world of tomorrow, the world of international regional alliances, because now this order is just taking shape, well , it is at the beginning of the work, it is not established when it is finished. let it be the situation and the format of this and the power of the eastern powers, then it can be said that we are slowly moving towards stability we want to go now, it has not been stabilized . during this decade, at the beginning of the work, until it is stabilized , the countries that are members of various coalitions may change their position in different coalitions depending on their interests, that is, your interests in the persian gulf are one thing in southeast asia. a thing
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here in a waste, there in a waste, in an international waste, it is also possible to change your partner. change your coalition, change your presence in an organization and maybe institutions like this summit will make your bonds stronger and stronger and make tomorrow's joint game. i, those who are present at this summit, especially those of us who were invited twice, the secretary of the supreme national security council was invited by the russians once, i think it was astana, at the shanghai summit, mr. patershov once in moscow, i think they were invited specially. our presence in such a summit will make the other influential countries , as well as in the future of the world, in the arrangements that want to be established in terms of security in the region and the world
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, must have considerations related to us, our wishes and interests. we can be seen in them, so both this event itself is important and our presence is very important okay , we will talk more about the presence of the islamic republic of iran, which is also an active presence , and the importance you mentioned. looking to the future of active countries in the issues that were emphasized. now , the 12th summit has more distinctive points compared to the past in the current situation, if we want to look in more detail . the 12th security conference of st. petersburg , russia, has very different conditions with the previous sessions in four topics, and we can
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replacing the munich security conference by independent countries. the international system, with russia's initiative in the security aspect and the st. petersburg economic conference , should replace the western davos economic forum . well, the first agenda was the agenda of the summit. the agenda of the summit was very important and special in four areas . and traditional values ​​as an integral element in maintaining security, stability and peace in the international system of this issue. it is very important that now i will explain a part of it. d. ensuring the security of information in the new world order. 3. illegal immigration. 4. protecting the people. in military conflicts and natural and unnatural conditions , abnormal conditions mean biological laboratories that americans and westerners in
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the region of creating these four axes were specially noted in this meeting, which happened to be the speech of the secretary of the national security council. iran was also on the third axis of information security and cyber security, as you know that fortunately, in december of this year, the islamic council of iran passed the bill on cooperation in cyber information security and cyber protection between iran and russia, which is a very important achievement for us. the next point is international regional developments the crisis in ukraine, the continuation of the crime of the zionist regime in gaza and the change of conditions after the operation of the sincere promise of the islamic republic of iran based on article 51 of the united nations charter and the fourth issue of mr. putin's message to this conference. in the message of this conference, mr. putin has two axes. he specifically pointed out that the first axis of the discussion is international organized terrorism with the support of western intelligence services
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. we are talking to you, minister british foreign affairs on a boycott trip. nik ameez is moving to the central asia region, he is visiting, today he arrived in kazakhstan, yesterday he talked with the mongolian side, we have dangerous movements, he even met with tajikistan , we have dangerous movements from britain in central asia and the south caucasus , we see that this is a part of axes by the way, it was discussed in today's meeting that the west is planning to cause a crisis in the coalition of independents and we have to find a solution in this regard, very well , we want to talk about the role and presence of the islamic republic of iran in this meeting. let's see the report, let's go back and
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talk more about the importance of the presence of the islamic republic of iran in the russian security summit, the 12th international security summit of russia and the meeting of the secretaries of the national security council of the brics countries in st. petersburg. this meeting is one of the few with a history of more than a decade. the islamic republic of iran has a special view on both the brics summit and the summit of the security officials of the countries because there is a common part in both of them and that. strengthening the multilateralist view and confronting the western monopoly that governs these fields. this
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conference is held while the war in gaza more than 6 months have passed and there have been developments in the region, from the zionist regime's encroachment on iranian soil in damascus to iran's response in missile and drone operations due to the special security conditions of the region. and the events that are happening in the world today, the events in palestine, the oppression that is inflicted on the people of muzhe, the aggressions that the zionist regime has committed against various countries, including the embassy of the islamic republic of iran. we have a special view on these two summits, the conditions for the realization of the rights of the palestinian people and the islamic republic, tehran and moscow in the fight against terrorism, the creation of a security model in the persian gulf, the fight against organized crime and narcotics have discussed that this
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security convergence can move to broader models in order to reach a defense coalition. this issue has caused serious concern for the officials of buckingham and the white house. after operation sadiq's promise, the islamic republic of iran based on the charter of nations. article 51 ally against the crimes of the zionist regime , mr. putin, the russian president, officially called the zionist regime an aggressor and supported this iranian operation, and this is considered an important step to create a defense alliance between tehran and moscow in the new world order. russian international security summit this year they are pursuing these four goals ensuring information security in the emerging polycentric world. threats and opportunities, preservation of national identity and traditional values ​​to maintain international security, peace and stability, international cooperation to deal with
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illegal immigration were mentioned in addition to the discussion of cyber security and preserving the individual identity of people, which you know that in regarding cyber security, we have three significant issues: hard threat and soft threat, hard threat and hard threat, semi-hard , soft, hard, which is a semi-hard military issue
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. the soft threat is that people's intellectual identity will change, well what is happening today it is very important to reach the discussion of security cooperation. after the operation of the true promise and in the conversation between mr. raisi and mr. putin , for the first time we saw a very special reaction from the kremlin against the zionist regime, and mr. putin called israel an aggressor. it is a very important issue, whether it is the conversation and the cases that whether patershov, lavrov or other russian officials in the discussion of israel and supporting iran in the operation of the honest promise , or the plan that was put forward in the meeting of the security council and accused the permanent representative of russia in the security council of the zionist regime hypocrisy and turn away from the westerners the word "hypocrite" was used by them. this shows that in the new world order, tehran and moscow are moving to reach a coalition of intentions against
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the conditions that you know, the munich conference, as mr. doctor pointed out, tehran was not invited in the meeting of the last 2 years, and moscow was not invited. there, the origin of sedition against the international system was designed. i want to go back to an extremely important issue. you know that tehran and moscow are cooperating in two very important dimensions , one space, two south poles, and the third one is the issue of trans-ocean security and well, you know, we have a meeting of birx and the authorities brics security was also at the side of this summit, the most important issue is brics transit, and its security is hoped that if tehran moves as a main pole in the discussion of maritime security and presence in the oceans in this coalition , its unbreakable position will reach a special position. we understand that america and the west are trying very hard to keep tehran from getting closer to moscow, one security, two economic, and political, so
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you know the issue of security compromise. this year , the chairmanship of the collective security treaty, which is the commonwealth of independent states, is with russia. we were invited to the exercise in belarus, if our presence in this pact becomes stronger and we reach a space for special security exchanges, we will be able to operate this route much more strongly in the new world order against the threats that are created for us, mr. dr. khosh. . the presence of the islamic republic of iran has been brought up in the path of stability of security issues , and of course, at a time when we are witnessing the implementation of operation promise sadiq in response to the aggression of the zionist regime, well, see, our presence in this meeting or in this conference is very important from two perspectives
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, the first is that this emerging powers that the new order they will shape the world or the emerging world order. of course, as i said, tomorrow's world will not be a world of one country, one pole, two countries, three countries , conflicts, but the main players in conflicts are, in addition to these three, of course india is also there, then the other brics members. of course they are. however, india now has no problem with the western side, we talk more about these three, namely china, iran, because these are the targets of america's erosion plans, no matter how similar they are to each other in bilateral exchanges.


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