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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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appliances that are not used means they are ready to work or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers , tea makers, microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. these are electrical appliances that consume electricity when they are turned off and must be unplugged when we do not need them. sometimes we pay attention to the bathroom and toilet lamps , but we leave the air conditioner on for hours , which usually consumes much more than the lamp, if you get used to it and unplug electrical appliances that are not in use, and be very careful when buying them. in the end, you see that not only you have done your pocket a great favor, but we have also taken a big step in the direction of preserving the environment and vital resources of the country.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. news sources tell about the unprecedented suppression of anti-zionist student gatherings at the university of texas, usa, and the students' clash with the police, who arrested at least 20 pro-palestinian students. student protests in the united states in support of the people of gaza and the end of the israeli war have reached the university of texas after harvard brown and southern california universities, and the campus of the university of texas has become the scene of police clashes with students. following the university of texas student rally against crime regime.
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but he did not provide a timeline for the attack. some analysts consider these airstrikes to be a prelude to a ground attack on rafah. in a joint press conference with his sri lankan counterpart, the president announced iran's readiness to export technical and engineering services to sri lanka and said: there is no obstacle to the development of political, economic, commercial and cultural relations between the two countries. sure. the economic development and
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progress of sri lanka, the islamic republic of iran can participate by exporting technical and engineering services , like what happened in this big dam and project , financing from you, technical and engineering services and transfer technology from the islamic republic of iran, as an example of this project , can help the development of our friend sri lanka in various fields. referring to the issue of the zionist regime's crime in palestine, mr. raisi said that the solution to this problem is one vote for each palestinian and said: "the solution to deal with the usurper is not to give him the square, but the usurper should be expelled from the usurped land and punished." the way to deal with the usurper and oppressor. it is not to give him a field, but the solution
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is that the usurper should be expelled from the settled land , secondly, he should pay damages, thirdly, we should punish the usurper, president. sri lanka is also in this appreciating the president's visit to sri lanka, the ceremony thanked iran for supporting his country against economic crises and said: iran's support has brought economic stability to sri lanka. the all-iranian umayya sadd project and power plant in sri lanka were inaugurated at the same time as the president's visit to this country. the value of this project is more than half a billion dollars. sri lanka is a country surrounded by the waters of
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the indian ocean. for many years, silasa rains created problems in the field of water resource management and electricity supply in this country. it has a lot of monsoon rains, but the areas that have stable water in 2007, the contract for the development of uma oya dam and power plant was signed between iran and sri lanka . the implementation of this project began in 2008 and now it was inaugurated today with the presence of the president. the islamic republic is ready to partner in the development of sri lanka. and share with you all my experiences, which are the result of 45 years of effort of iranian men and women
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. this project includes the construction of 200 water transmission tunnels, power plants and electricity transmission lines. this complex project has been designed and implemented with special goals , including the production of 120 megawatts of electricity , the construction of two hundred with the use of inter-water transfer. providing drinking water for a part of the people and providing water for 5 thousand hectares of agricultural land, and the uma oya electric power plant in sri lanka is a symbol of trust in the technical and executive ability of iranian engineers , iranian experts can really achieve this ability in the field of
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20 million dollars by the government of sri lanka , a large offer of technical and engineering service exports to the country has been made. nahid khodadadi, sed and broadcasting news agency. the head of the judiciary said that it is not possible to deal with matters with an orderly approach. mr. mohseni ijaei said in the ritual of honoring and inducting the first deputy of the judiciary: judicial officials should be more than others for good character and pay attention to the client. god has given us the opportunity that we have responsibility in the important institution of this system today, that is, the judiciary. therefore , on the one hand, we should be very grateful to god, on
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the other hand, our duty is very heavy, we must be very careful, be very careful, try hard , consult a lot. . we should ask god for help a lot , sometimes we are forced to boast, we should avoid it. head of central election monitoring center hayat said that after the issuance of credentials, two-thirds of the elected members of the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts will be invited to participate in the opening ceremony. to be the date of formation, god willing, is the first of khordad , 1403, the place where the former building of the islamic council was formed. the domino of resignations in the army of the
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zionist regime. the zionist newspaper yedud aharnot wrote: the head of the shabak internal security organization and the head of the joint army staff of this regime. joined the resignation page. al-istkhbarat al-askiyah aharon haliva , the head of the military intelligence department of the zionist regime , put this regime in a new situation, which is caused by the al-aqsa storm operation, and will include all those responsible for the defeat of the 7th of october. zionist circles believe that the resignation of zionist officials in the form of the domino war will continue and include a number of military and security officials who failed to anticipate hamas' plans and prevent their operations. in his resignation letter, haliva called for the formation of an official fact-finding committee to investigate the extent of responsibility of individuals in intelligence and military failures. the resignation of this
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high-ranking military official opens the way for subsequent resignations . many generals of the army and the security apparatus will also join the wave of resignations. commander judah fox. the resignation of the head of the military intelligence department was predictable, we should keep an eye on the next wave of resignations.
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the question is, who will be the next to resign ? will this issue reach other generals and military intelligence officials as well as the sole head of 820? we ask politicians to take responsibility for failures while learning lessons. the failures are not limited to military officials. early elections should be held and those who were involved in the failure of october 7 should not be held responsible. netanyahu is trying to blame the failure of october 7 on the military and security authorities. he started a big political war inside the zionist regime to pave the way for his withdrawal close the power have a happy and full day
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naming the fourth day of health week to the topic of mental and social health for the first time with the aim of attention. giving the society and the authorities the importance of mental health, now not us in the world , they consider psychological phenomena to be the cause of many physical disorders, and if we can have a healthy society in terms of discussing mental health issues, many of the problems that we see in society now, especially in young people with effective walking interventions. in general, in
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the world, the risk factors and damage to mental health are increasing, and iran is no exception to this rule, but sometimes statistics of mental health the society is raised that does not have a correct basis. in the past months, you have seen this widespread news coverage that 99 people of iran are depressed. well, this is definitely not a correct analysis, but it got a very wide news coverage. after that publishing body makes a correction, that correction does not have a serious impact , or you look at different reports , 30, 40, 25%. these have an important point that i must emphasize, at the same time, our situation is like the situation of others. the countries of the world need serious intervention and serious entry, and we emphasize this. that's why i emphasize on the report of the world health organization. people in developed or high-income countries suffer from
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mental disorders or disorders, and in countries that are assessed as middle-income, of which our country is one , 12.5 tenths or 12.14 percent of us have these disorders, according to mental health experts. it prevented psychosocial health risk factors at four levels: first, the governance level with balanced distribution and elimination of discrimination, second, the public level with active participation in preventing risk factors, and the third at the family level, by teaching life skills and children. purity and fourth, individual level with preventive choices instead of high-risk choices. today , rather than emphasizing the role of the government or even the health system, more emphasis and reliance is placed on the fact that the people themselves are the members of the circle of friends of the small society in which we live. let's do it, it can help us , maybe the question will be raised , what can a citizen family member do
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, surprisingly, in many cases, just saying a sentence like this for a while, i feel sadness, for a while, you say disappointing words. you don't have that old vitality for a while, i feel that there is something you can do with it i spoke and gave the person the opportunity to speak freely, not to judge, not to give advice, but to be able to speak freely, he can help. in its new approach, the ministry of health has paid attention to the importance of mental health and putting the services of this field under the insurance coverage, and has increased the resources of this field and the programs of this field by 5 times. it increased. we had a program called siraj psychosocial health program, which are centers that provide free long-term psychosocial health services. there were 23 centers in the past. in the last 6 months, we committed to creating 100 centers we had the ministry of health, which, alhamdulillah , has increased by 3 times and, god willing,
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all 100 centers will be opened in the coming months. on the occasion of the day of family health and psychosocial health of several centers. siraj was opened in the country. a large national plan is underway in the country, which is called the siraj plan. the complete service package will cover various issues. people can benefit from these services to psychologists centers refer to the city health service community. morteza azani sed and sima news agency has been saving energy to some extent by using the internet of things in smart buildings. this time, sharif university researchers designed an intelligent system that
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increases this possibility significantly. similar technologies, for example, by determining the offices in which there is traffic. they do not have and through the application of turning off the heating and cooling devices of these rooms , they reduce energy consumption by 20% in the technology that we recommended, in addition to implementing this feature of through the unique optimization algorithm that is solved every five minutes by our devices, we create a condition that, in addition to the temperature of all the offices , the temperature of the building's boiler is set to the user's desired value. it should be set at the lowest possible value continuously in the winter season and similarly in the summer season, the temperature of the chille should be set at the highest possible temperature according to the needs of the offices of our building , taking into account the weather conditions and forecasting the weather conditions. and heat exchange between offices and outside environments, so by using this algorithm basically, in addition to the 20%
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reduction in energy consumption that we have, by identifying offices where there is no traffic and turning off their heating and cooling systems, we can reduce them by 30 to 40 percent thanks to this unique algorithm for optimizing fuel consumption for heating. let's lower the cooling of our building. the environmental indicators of temperature, humidity, light intensity , traffic can be monitored online and remotely . a wide range of air conditioning systems, from fan oil heating to water cooler packages , split gas coolers can be implemented in this system. he did because the calculations are done therefore, the computing load of the server is significantly reduced, and this makes it easy for us to equip many buildings with this system without the need to use a very powerful server. our server , where our application is now special, can be hacked
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, nothing special will happen to all our smart devices, on the other hand , the implementation cost is very low, which is powerful due to the fact that we do not need a server. this system is the first example of cyber-physical systems for optimal heating and cooling. there is a building, you said that only it is not wasteful, it can also generate income . open it for more offices for us. since 1402, the energy exchange market has been launched. now , a place like sharif university of technology has been able to use this technology to reduce gas consumption by 50% in the winter season that we measured. it can lower the heating direction of the building. this optimization will reduce the fuel consumption and be reviewed in the energy exchange market. please take care of us. our estimate of gas consumption in the winter season for the sharif faculty of electrical engineering is 50 thousand cubic meters , which is due to the use of this system in these 6 in recent months, this has decreased to 25,000 cubic meters , so now this 25,000 cubic meters reduction in
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fuel consumption can go to sharif university and get an energy saving certificate for it and go to the energy exchange market at the real price of gas, which is 7,000 tomans. it is not 300 tomans that sharif university is paying for its water, so what should it do to review it, and this will make the income of this system for sharif university in the winter season, in addition to the water itself, now from 32 million to 16 million, it can be 25 1000 cubic meters, saving 7 thousand tomans for 7 years now considering the inflation, this system will be sold from four parts of thermostat. smart, portal or gateway, cloud computing is composed of application software. for more information, those interested can contact the faculty of electrical engineering of sharif university. afrooz islam. for several years, sed and sima news agency has been renovating old windows without destroying them into double-glazed windows to save costs. profiles
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that had defects in the process of renovation were only covered from the inside of this old profile. from the outside of that iron or wooden frame it could be seen that this had iran's style and appearance in order to solve these challenges, there was a need for the production of reconstruction profiles that would not lose the efficiency of the double windows and preserve the beauty. in order for the old buildings to have energy conservation and energy saving and to create sound and thermal insulation for them , we designed the community reconstruction frame for these buildings. doge windows have approximately 40 decibels and three windows. they take the sound of the environment and do not transmit it inside. one of the bottlenecks of material production it was originally an import that had to
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be adapted to the climatic conditions with the acquisition of technical knowledge. the upv profile as well as the formula of this product had entered our country from neighboring and foreign countries , but they are not suitable for all regions of our country, as our country has four. it is the season, it has all climates, some places have high humidity and some places are deserts . because we can offer this product to all regions of our country , we have localized the formula and produced local products for this industry, which is available in all regions of our country, especially desert regions. which is facing many problems usability profile without any problems. it is a product for all old and environmentally friendly windows designed in such a way that it can be connected to all old profiles
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. remove the environment from our products, and in this regard, the morning. we have removed from our system that which is completely harmful for the environment and also for humans, and we have used environmentally friendly materials instead. now the localized profile has the ability to customize and width is a bringer one of those products is universal products, which are intended for different architectures. product design is based on internal knowledge. it has been a product that has been for requests in our eastern countries in pakistan and other countries
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, and because of the product , we can do this with our own profile without the need for some items. some of these products have answered our internal needs and caused us to create appropriate orders and requests for the product. ok, the improvements of this profile have made us able to export to neighboring countries and the persian gulf region we were able to export to 3 countries first, and after that we continue to export to 15 countries in the world continuously. vahid zakir , sed and sima news agency, sir, your gathering is warm and gathered, everyone, yes, your place is empty, we went to a different jama. warm, be healthy today
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, sir, have you turned my hair white? yes , we are on the verge of 40 years old, we are getting old, are there efforts, sir and ma'am, or not, even more than men in some places, women are doing more of the work in frooz company? no, most of them are women. yes, this year. u know for labor day, how many iranian workers should be chosen , how many workers can be iranian workers, how can we work in such a way that we are self-sufficient, we don't need foreigners , are our young workers the basis of iran's work or not? but fortunately , they are young people, they are working with one heart and one soul , they are all working, there is no problem, what can a worker prove that he is an iranian worker , what if everyone uses his father , he should provide for the needs of his country in the field of workers. how come the field of workers is not very interesting alhamdulillah, it's over
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, it's over, yes, sir, what about you, 100 housing, all housing, housing , of course, the minister of labor came to the workers with good news in the field of housing. the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare is trying to coordinate with the respected employers in the provincial working group to change the use of the body for workers' housing. that
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housing should be provided near nejat bozor factory , they should help to solve this problem for worker housing in addition to the privileges that the government has created we are trying to provide a series of concessions for our dear workers with the participation of employers , so that the housing problem of our dear workers will be solved. from the description of a martyred mother about her child, mrs. shariat, who is a resident of isfahank community mosque. the diploma he received was a soldier, he was a soldier in the 77th army of khorasan. there are also fathers here whose children's bravery brought tears of joy to their eyes. abbas ali, we swear by the blood of the martyrs if they
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do not act. the iraqi armored column was coming in among the martyrs of khorramshahr region and this neighborhood, the name of seyyed mahdi jaladati is also visible . he was one of the seven people who were martyred in the attack of the zionist regime on the consular section of iran on 13 april 1403 in damascus. jaladati, during my primary and secondary school years, i was blessed to be the principal of the school. be honest, then i remember that from the same time, their religious nationalism was very high, but they were always there, but mostly the delegation of the fans of the base came, and they told me that mr. mivandar spent 99% of his life as a musician. other.
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