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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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we wanted the government to make all their efforts to reduce costs, not to increase the cost of a house , so the slave should earn money from somewhere. we all tried to do this first, let's look at our resources and see how much money we have, then look at our expenses and see how much we need. we have always intended to spend the budget that we have set, and we have clearly stated that the budget deficit is an interpretation. the wise leader of the islamic revolution from umm al-khabaisah creates all the problems for the country. this was an effort of the government . we have a budget, but the cost of this work is borne by the people, whether they know it or not, this is a factor of inflation , so the government has controlled it so that it does not happen, the second way and
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the second factor for inflation is the growth of liquidity. liquidity growth, which is now a so-called economic discussion. but when the government took over, the liquidity growth was high. but today, in the presence of you , my respected families and revolutionary loved ones, we announce that what we have set as a goal is the growth of liquidity. it means that the growth of liquidity in the government is controlled and according to all economists, this is the basic work that has been done, which is the reason for the rush of liquidity. inflation happens. it means that you are buying a product in the market, but you don't know the reason, where did it come from? the one that was found is liquidity , which the government has, and i call it economy from this speaker.
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do you hear that the central bank of the budget organization has officially announced that the government has succeeded in controlling the growth of liquidity to 24 days and, god willing , to 23. this is also the second point as an inflation factor . the third point is banking institutions, banking institutions that have overdrafts from banks. these also cause swelling . in the past year, we have dissolved three institutions, 3 violators and 3 institutions that do not pay attention to the law. in the presence of the blessed leader farzaneh of my revolution, i said at the beginning of the year that it is the government's building, banks that do not comply with the regulations will be liquidated.
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it's not like i don't know what is going on in the lives of some of our dear honorable people. before i came to you, i first went to abu dhar mosque and sat in the company of our own officials to solve the problem like the provinces. let's see what is the problem of region 17 and 18? we sat down for health and treatment issues, we listed the hospitals and centers , what should be done, and we scheduled the time until now time should reach the result . the dilapidated texture is a problem, but for the dear people, an incentive package should be put in place for cooperation . let's say that if someone comes to convert his house, the solution is that he can
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take advantage of this incentive package. we sat in the meeting with the cooperation of tehran municipality , dear ones, we have already examined this issue. i have told you many times, dear people, that our government will not pass by the potholes unless it takes care of the potholes . by god, it is very easy to say that such and such thing has not happened in such and such a year. now why are we in such a hurry? no, we do whatever we feel is in the interest of the people and what is necessary for the benefit of the people of the country's economy is to solve the problems of our dear people . i know that tomorrow someone may
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lose your popularity. your popularity is in the hands of god, but in the evening, popularity is not about these things. if someone sincerely serves the people throughout the country , and then tells the people that, sir, i have done these four things. i didn't get a job for some reason, either there was no money or it was possible. our people are intelligent people , they understand, they understand, and you must know that god almighty will bless this honesty. know. dear sirs and madams, i am a servant of you, people, honesty with people. what we recognize is that if something is done for any reason , it will be told to our dear people along with the work done, but the concern
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of our dear people is that i will not forget what i promised . we want to be true to our promises, fight against corruption. . know and be aware that i have announced to all officials, not once, not only, i have announced that i have taken action, both myself and various officials everywhere in the country, wherever corruption is seen, there will be absolutely no mercy for corruption. know that in this government as i said many times i say to the administrations in all provinces , i say to the administrative councils, i said in the government and i repeated many times so that
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you know that we are against any unhealthy relationship, discrimination, party play, bribery in all the offices of the country's organizations. now it is possible that no one has corruption at all. but putting it in a place where this efficiency is not necessary. he is not corrupt, he is not a bad person, he is a respectable family. one of the points that i emphasized in the government, according to you, dear people , if it is checked that someone has the required efficiency in that job , in that job, but this person may be an effective person in another place, he may be an effective person in another place. in that position, it is not for us to say , ``i left a person now, what will happen tomorrow, he may be upset
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, someone else may be worried about me, no , this is our foundation. efficient section. it is not necessary to be efficient . it is not necessary to be efficient. the purpose of the government is not to wait. it must be replaced by an efficient person who can create change. we have taken 90 cases in the government so far . it is not possible to announce this, but you should know that the government is taking action. the foundation of the government is that there are figures in this transformation to solve the problems of our beloved people may they be able to be efficient and follow up the work, dear people, these bright hearts of yours , these epics that you created, this vitality and
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cheerfulness of you, dear people, in the action of the honest promise. for all the people of the world, this action was an action that showed that the islamic republic of iran has a message for all the enemies of the islamic revolution, if it has not been decided for them yet, they should know that the foundation of the holy system of the islamic republic and the great nation of iran is resistance. and standing against all enemies. allahu akbar!
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in pakistan, i sent a message to the people of pakistan and said that i am representing you. to the people of pakistan i said that we have a message to the enemy, a message that the martyrs taught us and the proud leaders and generals of rashid islam to us. they learned and the wise leader of the revolution and imam azim al-shan taught us the message of resistance against hostility and i have a message for the friends and loved ones of pakistan . we shake his hands with affection and our foundation is cooperation and interaction with all countries
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that want to have healthy and constructive relations with the islamic republic. and what can i say about gaza? the tableau is drawn in front of the eyes of all the people of the world. in this painting, there is lightness, standing, resistance, passion in the way of god. this page is the bright page of gaza that we should be proud of that mother who lost all her children and cries out for her life: hasbna allah naam al-wakil and to that child who speaks the quran in the ruins of gaza. this is the bright and proud page of gaza.
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it has a criminal page and a dark page. that page is the unique crimes committed in gaza. infanticide, genocide and crime against humanity, which is here, man feel ashamed that the people who commit these crimes are in human form, even if it is amir. believers say that their heart is an animal's heart, no , it is not an animal, maybe the animals will protest against us tomorrow , they will say in mahshar, why were we so predatory, no , these are the unique criminals in history , see what has become clear to everyone in gaza, the situation and conditions, not only the zionist regime of america and supporters of the zionist regime. ladies and gentlemen , their demand for human rights turned a deaf ear, but today
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it turned out that they are the biggest violators of human rights. and we respect the university. did you see in the news how the police attacked university centers and students whose only crime was supporting palestine and gaza and the oppressed ? why are there students who want to support gaza and support palestine? today , perhaps there was no clearer reason for the people of the world to see and observe those who claim to be students. dosti university, how
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do they kill students just for speaking the truth and asking for the right? this is the western face and the face the americans made it clear to everyone. this was the words that the people of the 17th and 18th districts of tehran were shouting in the streets 45 years ago: the defense of palestine , the defense of jerusalem, and its destruction. i am grateful to the scholars , dear students, especially the young ones. young people, girls, boys, local workers,
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imamzadeh hasan area, i would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of them, know that what our dear ones wrote will definitely be taken into account, and in this problem solving meeting that we had in abu dhar mosque. , to a significant part of your desired points such as dilapidated schools that decided. get to work dilapidated schools that we feel are dangerous, we need to build a school and build an educational complex as soon as possible . sports halls for our dear youths in this region, where a sports hall is one of the most important necessities in this region, god willing, it will happen. i made a commitment from my colleagues and from the responsible departments in the meeting that we had, that the work will be done in a revolutionary and fast manner. start in this area.
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and but, but the last word is that our relationship with you , dear people , will not be limited to this meeting, which has a symbolic precedent. that in every responsibility i had, sitting with the people, listening to the market, being a farmer, laborer, this is one of our honors. i can see him or be informed by phone, but it is not enough to hear who it was like
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to see. in this going, in this coming , being with the people in the mosque, coming to the imamzadeh , surely a person can be better and superior and more direct in the flow of the wishes of the dear people, and the last words of the dear people of this region, region 17 and 18 tehran, that you are tehran's pride, know in the martyrs and veterans that you presented. know that we have kept our promise with you and we will keep it . peace be upon you and may god's mercy be upon our president.
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tek macaron is only at the peak of this year's price. how can you buy this year at last year's price? have you heard that this year is at last year's price
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? they say this year is at last year's price . everywhere is filled with big motorcycles. dad , don't buy such big bikes. big bikes with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facilities . i told you that we should have come sooner to buy carpets.
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everything is expensive now, look at this carpet, what a good design it has, i'm sure the price has gone up, of course. the price of the carpet has not changed. now machine carpets aside. what are your handmade carpets? isn't it expensive? the price of my handwoven carpets is not expensive. does this mean that the price of none of the carpets has gone up? no, the prices have not increased yet in mr. farsh , sorry. isn't the price of installments too expensive? no, it is not expensive. the prices for cash and installment purchases have not changed yet. excuse me, mr. faresh. carpet at the previous price. mr. farsh nature is sometimes the host of this type of happiness, where it is both a place for entertainment and a place to earn a living. earn a living in nature is sometimes accompanied by additional sounds. sounds
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that announce the change of nature. we are facing a significant and stunning volume of all kinds of mineral waste in the environment. these are not against mineral extraction and development. but you should actually. there should be a balance, this soil is destroying our lives, because these mines raise the soil , the wind blows into our gardens, and the crops, agricultural lands, and plants around our friends have all been destroyed, as you can see. as a result of dumping waste, harim rodakhone has not been respected and the aqueducts here have been filled it is 600 years old and the aqueduct has been destroyed for 100 years, so the remaining water is being released into the aqueduct . it closed the mines next to the mines so that the environment is not endangered
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and these destructions cannot be ignored. the law says that if nature is damaged by mining, it must be compensated. according to the mining law and executive regulations. the discoverer and the mineral operator should only pay the royalties and government rights, therefore, according to the mining law, we do not have anything under the title of pollution, etc., but according to article 29 of the mining law, we are not allowed to incur such costs in the production process. let's fix it in other parts of the world, but the mining laws are different. it is more in the international experiences, nowhere in the world, governments are not obliged to restore and rebuild, this is basically a duty of the operator, and these are the obligations, and these are a
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series of so-called protocols, a series of standards , a series of trends and procedures. and to approve that these things should be taken to the benefit of the program, sir, from the first year of your program to work for, for example, 20 to 30 years, because the program that has been used to work for, for example, 20 to 30 years, then, for example , one year do it, then there is a plan here, too, the solution of the problem depends on the amendment of the law . we think there is a flaw in the law, the existence of this law does not allow you to expect more from the mine worker, that is, you are saying here that the mine worker should pay a percentage for these cases when the worker does this work. you can't legally expect anything else from him, we said our opinions, we made a proposal, but until the law is amended , there is not much possibility of changing the procedures. with the start of the 12th parliament, we can expect the representatives to amend the mining law in order to restore nature. injured in his agenda
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put elahe rostamnia, sed and sima news agency. by carrying out karbala operation 5. parts of shalamcheh azad basra were also surrounded, but the objectives of the operation were not fully realized. after this operation, additional operations of karbala 5 and karbala 8 were also carried out. but the bess army, which knew iran's operational directions, did its utmost to prevent iranian forces from reaching the east of basra. the army's pressure on the southern areas and the existence of areas occupied by the opposition in iraqi kurdistan, opening a front. had made the new in the north inevitable and a desirable goal. in fact, the beginning in 1966, we
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are facing a change in iran's military strategy. it means, in fact, moving from the south to the western fronts, which of course did not mean paying less attention to the southern fronts. the idea of ​​the commanders was that by carrying out this operation and opening a major crossing, it will be possible to cross the border on both sides, and this large area will be removed from the control of the iraqi regime. of course, the islamic republic of iran also had a history of conducting joint operations with iraqi kurds. and in the fatah operation , he had moved a military equipment 150 kilometers deep into iraqi territory and attacked kirkuk's oil facilities and military bases. the operation conquering a fire operation. baris took place in the oil-rich areas of northern iraq with the cooperation of kurdish opposition groups . cooperation with both barzani and the taliban
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, namely the patriotic union of kurdistan and the iraqi kurdistan democratic party, was the ruling logic of these operations in these areas. finally , karbala operation 10 started on 25 april 136 with the presence of four bases of irgc ground forces and advance units of the iraqi kurdistan patriotic union party. three main camps were included in this operation. najaf camp, najaf. in addition to these, their camps under the title of karbala 10 also act as ramadan camps the use of three units operated from the depths of iraq , the 14th army of imam hossein under the command of martyr ali zahidieh
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, the 41st army under the command of martyr qasim soleimanieh, the 25th army of karbala under the command of mr. mortazai ghorbanieh, and the political army of al-mahdi under the command of mr. jafar asad the main ones are in the south, but in this operation , the patriotic union forces of kurdistan are playing a role, which were supposed to come into action from the heights of northern sulaymaniyah and establish the connection between the two sides in 11 days of the operation. the forces of kurdistan camp, najaf and hamza entered the territory of iraq from ban sardasht axis and went towards the city of mawood advanced, and the forces of ramadan camp and the patriotic union also advanced from the heights of gujjar and qomish towards iran. in the first hour , we were able to push back the bakhsiya party and take possession of these high communication grains. we actually crossed the 10th karbala operation. from
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the border, an iraqi city named maut was conquered, which should have been one of the capture objectives in the karbalad operation, that is, the border line that the regular forces of the islamic revolutionary guards corps must cross includes a series of border heights that are part of the towering heights of zagrossa at the junction of the border. iran and iraq that this height. it was captured, but it was supposed that the forces inside the territory of iraq would advance towards the border and this annexation would take place in an area called surghlat, the capture of 250 square kilometers of sulaymaniyah province of iraq and the opening of a new front in front of the bes army is one of the most important the achievements of this operation were considered as our opinion. it
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was also predicted in the operation plan that this will strengthen iraqi forces, and the very strong concentration that iraq had in the shalamche region will affect this in the military sector. it seems that a significant percentage of the military objectives of the operation were achieved the expected annexes that we expected to gain access to the depth of the soil of sulaymaniyah province did not materialize. the ultimate goal of the karbala 10 operation, which is to connect the northern front to the areas under the control of the patriotic union of iraqi kurdistan , was pursued and partially achieved in the operations of nasr chahar, nasr 8, bait al-maqdis 2 and wal fajr 10, which according to experts are considered major victories in the final months of the war. was comming.
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there is no god but allah, no god, no god, no god but allah, yes, we have you , we have you, we have you, we have no people, no people, no people, no people.


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