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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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goodbye, no, ma'am, i don't want a checkbook . will you be my guarantor? i don't want to be a guarantor. i don't want a prepayment. i don't want a prepayment. a special purchase for the dear retirees of social security from the city of household appliances .
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the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold , your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you, on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , greetings and offering good night to the presence of the esteemed viewers of the khabar network and the dear ones who watch the program on the first page. selection. tonight we are at your service with another conversation and we hope that this is about one the hour of conversation that can be offered for your presence will be used by you. we are on the eve of the 9th of may, and the 9th of may is called the day of councils, as you know that councils are a symbol of people's participation in the administration of cities and villages, and its main goal is to eliminate discrimination and achieve justice. in any case, councils
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are public, social, cultural and service institutions, and most of their work is public and social-cultural work , but in any case , it cannot be far from political activities, but it seems that the biggest political work that happens in the council this is what happened people should do the right service no matter what. tonight, we are hosting mr. dr. debiri , the honorable chairman of the provincial supreme council, and this is the first appearance of mr. dr. debiri on the first page of the program . i would like to say hello to my interview about the provincial supreme council and the performance of this council and the programs that are coming up this year. welcome, especially since you are my first time, welcome . thank you, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful. i also say hello to you and the viewer. dear john,
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i would like to congratulate the general public on the day of the councils, especially the council community of the country. thank you, first of all, if you agree. let's see the report, mr. doctor. yes, let's go back and then start the conversation. it was the 9th of may 1358, when imam khomeini decreed the revolutionary council , the largest council institution in the structure of the islamic republic of iran, was founded. in order to establish the people's government in iran and the sovereignty of the people over their own destiny, which is one of the necessities of the islamic republic, the supreme council of the provinces, i consider it necessary to immediately prepare the executive bylaws of the councils for the administration of local affairs of cities and villages throughout iran , and after approval notify the government so that the government can immediately implement it in the months
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it was the end of the first period of islamic city and village councils, which was formed in accordance with article 101 of the constitution and in order to prevent discrimination and attract cooperation in the preparation of development and welfare programs of the province and to supervise their coordinated implementation, the supreme council of provinces was formed. the members of this council consist of council representatives of each province, who are chosen from city and village representatives. the supreme council, in a sense , is the highest manifestation of this process of electing councils from the village to the district, city, and provincial level. here, this is the most important manifestation of the development of democracy in the islamic republic. chapter seven of the constitution of the republic islamic iran is dedicated to councils. in this season's position. the supreme council of provinces
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is the highest council envisaged in iran's legal system, which has the right to prepare a plan within its duties and propose it directly or through the government to the islamic council. surely, the supreme council of provinces can provide this platform with a close relationship with the islamic parliament. this is not the way you think that it should be between the chairman of the supreme council of provinces and the speaker of the parliament. it should be a completely comprehensive and all-inclusive communication ie. the supreme council of provinces with the islamic council must to make their communication clear, article 10d and iii of the constitution also
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requires governors, governors, prefects and other officials of the country who are appointed by the government to comply with their decisions. one of the most important issues that we are going to pursue is the issue related to the management of a single urban fabric . let's implement it gradually in all cities. nasser ashkgriz of sed and broadcasting agency. very well, dr. farrat from what is reported. it was said that regarding the supreme council of the provinces, if there is another explanation that will make people more familiar with this institution, please tell me how many members of the council are there now, in terms of education, what level of education they have, and how many are male or female in terms of gender. there are members and statistical issues like this, if
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possible, so that people can get more knowledge , i would like to thank you. as we have seen in the report, councils have a very high position. in the constitution, which is an independent chapter of the constitution, it is related to councils and somehow we can say that these are considered one of the pillars of the system , and well, one of the principles of the constitution, the seventh principle, says that the councils are among the decision-making and administration of the country's affairs, and the first principle of sodam also says that the councils are for the rapid advancement of affairs. social, cultural , economic welfare, the formation of the society, and now the council includes village councils, up to the district, up to the city and
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city of the province and the supreme council of the provinces. . well, being a member of the council is not considered a job. in fact , it is an honorable thing that we do. for example, it is my job i am not from the council, i have another job , i am doing my own work, but as a representative of the people , i am with the people to make decisions on issues related to the people. now there are people from all walks of life in the council, doctors , engineers, lawyers, teachers, workers, all kinds of people can be elected in the council by the people's choice and expression, and the most important thing they want to do for
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the people is to make a decision for managing the affairs of that city or village, this is one of our most important activities, and now there are a lot of problems. later formation, for example, from the beginning of our system, we finally had the parliament, the government, the other parts were the judiciary , but the councils began to operate with a delay , and this delay caused some structural problems in some councils, especially in the far-right councils. ok, but it seems that we are evolving over time. and people try to choose people very carefully and we also try to create a managerial stability, that is, suppose you see that the mayors we choose are many who have been mayors for, for example, 4 years, 6 years, 8 years, 10 years, or 12 years. to be
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you may not see this management stability even in the government body during these years of service, and well. after all, since we are with the people, even our main duty is to investigate the problems of the people , find solutions and seek to solve these problems . even the members of the islamic council have no duty directly in their constituencies, most of the members' duty is to legislate and supervise, but now we are trying to use the capacity of the representatives, but the duty of the councils is to serve the people and because from people can be chosen very well check people's problems and for. find a solution and finally increase satisfaction in the society
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. do you think this increase in our satisfaction has happened now? it happened, but look , there are a series of economic issues and problems in the society, which people may blame all the officials. now they have nothing to do with the municipal council or anything. after all, if you pay. employees should not increase in line with inflation. well , people's purchasing power is decreasing day by day, and these economic problems and some other problems cause some dissatisfaction. regarding the mission of the councils, well, in general, i can say that satisfaction has increased, that is , from where do you measure, well, from the point of contact that we have with the people. the opinions of the people and the fact that the people re-elect those people, finally
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suppose that for example, i have been in the city council for 16 years now, so if the people are not satisfied with me , they will not re-elect me. this re-election means that they have expectations that they want to fulfill. okay, well , we will try our best , we will do this to the extent that we have authority, but if a little more help is given to the councils, the role of the councils will increase. satisfaction and creating hope in the society can be more. where does the help come from? yes, help from which side should we help? supposedly, the law assigns a series of duties and powers to the council, but for some of them, the implementation tools are not defined. we are not saying that, for example, there was no support , but there are some places where the perception in the law
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was different, and if in my opinion this cooperation is strengthened a little more, it can be a lot because i think it is one of the rarest cases in the law. the fact that the supreme council of provinces can directly submit proposals to the parliament means that it has a lot of special legislative tools at its disposal, which also shows its dignity. you don't have the tools for implementation . through these plans, you can implement them . has n't this capacity been used in a good way before? ina is 5 years old. it is written in the law that the government must submit these every year, of course, the budget planning organization is obliged to
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submit these to the provincial supreme council and it is good for the provinces to present their own points of view and suggestions. this has not been done before. now we are not at all interested in you . we have started this since last year. we are looking to fully implement this task and participate in it beforehand. i even suggested that if we could participate in the formulation of that budget program from the beginning , because after it is prepared, changes and corrections may be a problem. ok, this is my suggestion we will take this forward and maybe we can do this . another thing i would like to tell you is that one of our duties in the supreme council is that we
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can do those tasks and affairs that are under the responsibility of the government and municipalities. let's do it, let's take it and let it be approved in the parliament and be given to the municipality and the councils, which is actually the management of a single urban fabric that is being implemented in the whole world. now, we got a promise from the parliament that, god willing, this year, in this period of the parliament, they will make this a priority you should know that after all, the city management must be a unified fabric, for example, water, electricity, gas, and many other service organizations can't operate independently, for example, you can see that they get budgets, for example, we are just digging or digging in a place where we have asphalted. they do, well, these are the costs again, if these are in the hands of the council and the municipality , more coordination will be done in this field and
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satisfaction will increase . we are persistent that it will be implemented, god willing, and with this determination and determination we see the government of the parliament and we hope that this work will be realized in this period. what obstacles do you think have been there before that have not been implemented? i would like to tell you that there is some resistance at the level of the ministries in this matter of managing a city fabric, so they don't want to hand over the tasks that are in their hands. after that, they should hand over my budget, and it should be given to the councils with its budget. now, in order for this to be done, we suggest that a number of these tasks be handed over on a trial basis in some big cities. the results are good, let's develop this, that is , we don't want to say that from the beginning
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, we should bring all these things to the hands of the municipalities and shouras and then, for example, have problems like this. it should start and progress with the percentage of success, and the rest of the tasks should be taken over by them, and i think that it will make the government more agile, and the council will be able to perform their duties better. that they should solve this at the level of the ministry of housing and that now we are going to go to the parliament , so far it has gone to the parliament in the form of a plan and a bill, but still it has not been approved. now the members of the parliament have prepared this plan. we have also prepared it. god willing, together we will try to do a good expert work and make it operational. if this work becomes operational , it is one of the biggest steps in the direction of improving the position of the shuras and in the direction of creating satisfaction in the village community last year, mr. doctor, what important approvals
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did you have in the supreme council of provinces that you can now point to as the achievements of the supreme council of provinces in the past year ? we started it for the councils themselves because it is a problem there is something in the councils that if the councils are not well trained and are not well aware of their duties, they may make mistakes in some places that will harm the society and themselves . we started this training program from pars. this year, we hope to do it on a large scale for all councils, and we have made about 19 plans in the supreme council, which have been sent to the parliament. two of these have been proposed in the parliament . go ahead and be able
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to be effective, but the most important project that we are pursuing now the same plan. it is related to the management of an urban fabric , and god willing, if this plan is approved in the parliament, i think it is a very big step. it is now your most important plan for the current year, which means it is your priority. it means that we have approved this in the shuvra and we hope that it will be approved in the senate. the parliament should propose it, approve it and be able to implement it as a law in the country , but in the past year, it has 19 proposals. how many of these 19 have we reached? out of these 19 proposals that we presented to the parliament, two have been proposed in the parliament, but none of them have been approved yet, so practically nothing has happened. yes, it has not happened. in the parliament, these are in the queue , there are many plans and bills, they put them in the queue and take turns, for example , they review the two that you say
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have reached a conclusion in the parliament, they have been reviewed and reviewed, but the final vote has not yet been reached, now this is the end. it is not one of our duties, we will follow up, but no one in the parliament should question that the supreme council of provinces in the past year, apart from the fact that you fulfilled your duty in your mission, this is one of your duties , that is, it is not our only duty that we it is one of our duties to present a plan and bill to the parliament we raised 19 topics, sent two of them and reviewed them. it has not been approved yet. we are also following up on some of these plans . there are people who have been raised through the representatives and we are following them, but after all , the work schedule of the parliament is a bit tight and dense, and
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i have not done anything in this field yet, but they have given us a promise now that if this new parliament is formed, god willing, that layer at least put our guests first now, so i'll ask like this, apart from now the approvals that you send in your form as a draft bill are billed. training was conducted in this connection and then we held various conferences in different parts of the supreme council of provinces. its role
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is mostly supervision and coordination between the rest of the group, and one of them is related to the presentation of the bill, but the rest of the country's councils are a bit more executive in their work. now let me tell you this from a structural point of view. even now, i don't want to discuss this too much, not even mr. sorori, who once said the same thing before you, that the definition is still correct, i will still give you the definition that we are still a construction. we don't have one for ourselves, now tehran municipality has given us a building with the shura cistern , we had it for 4 years, now they are writing that they have given us 3 months to vacate here , at that time you want to help with this situation, for example, to the cities. may this work be done. i told you this because the councils started
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working late. the city councils, those that are directly related to the municipality, do not have a problem in terms of structure because they use the municipal budget directly. supreme provincial council they have problems in this regard, of course, planning is done, work is done, meetings are held , but the structure and the facilities that should be there are not there. how do you want to monitor your own property, given the government of the tehran parliament , and then, for example, if there is a violation, you will be arrested, mr. malek and khali. a report was also presented, for example, governors, governors and many officials in the area of ​​authority of the council
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are obliged to implement the council's functions, but from a on my side, for example, see that the governor and, for example , the implementation board, how many other people supervise the affairs of the council, finally, there are some problems in this field, but now the work is progressing, that is , we have mentioned the problems, but we are not disappointed. it has been given to us, that's what i wanted, that finally, in terms of the structure of the regional councils, they should be helped, but for example , maybe now the village council, the district council and the city council do not have these problems, but the regional councils have these problems, we are looking for that , god willing, this period problems once forever. in the field of supervision , what issues do you supervise and
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have your supervisions produced results so far? regarding the councils , if we look now, for example, even we want to start from the village council rather than the night council. and so on , for example, the village councils do a great job and we also help them, for example , the recent flood that happened in sistan baluchistan, those 3 members of the provincial council who the supreme council of provinces are members from sistan baluchistan. from the very first moments, they have been on the job looking for solutions to problems, and this is one of their duties . it is written in the law that if a crisis arises , you must follow up until this problem is solved, so come and contact us. we also referred to the ministry of interior, municipalities and rural organizations, and
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the housing foundation of the ministry of roads, many things were resolved, and that crisis in its first phase was finally resolved with the participation and follow-up of the councils, now in its second phase, now , for example, they are finally looking for the access to the villages has been cut off, we are still following up we will make sure that it is solved, that is, the problems of the people are brought up through those village and city councils , we follow up, and in solving these problems, we ask the speaker of the parliament. he says that the councils are still not very established in the political and social structure of the country. the clear and straightforward question is whether the executive bodies with which you are closely related or even the councils that are defined as your sub-committee will listen to you without hesitation. or not? no, we do not have any communication problems in the council. it means that
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our provincial councils also help them in this field let's do it. they tell us their problems. we monitor their work. let me give you an example, for example, we are assigned 34 tasks in the city council. we can elect the mayor , we can impeach the mayor , we approve the city budget , we approve the definitions of local taxes in connection with detailed plans and community plans. we comment and approve this we do a lot of monitoring work. now , for example, as a member of the article 5 commission, we want
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to give an opinion on the change of use. the law and the understanding that the guardian council now has of the law say that you can be a member, but you do not have the right to vote in the provincial planning council. before , we were not invited at all. now we are invited, but we don't have a vote. well, this is something that needs to be resolved . why, for example, the law, for example, takes this to mean that, for example, maybe now the honorable guardian council , for example, thinks this way. now, to a certain extent, our role is only monitoring. but i said the seventh principle the constitution says that the councils are one of the pillars of decision-making and administration of the country's affairs. after all, the guardian council is the interpreter of the constitution, that is, the only pillar that can interpret the law. it used to be interpreted like this . now we are looking to interpret and change it. after all, what did the imam say, say the councils as soon as possible to manage city and village affairs
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, not to say supervision. the administration of city and rural affairs is like this all over the world. i have already told you that it is your duty to define all these tasks. this is only supervision, the election of the mayor is supervision, the influence of the budget is supervision, that is, for example. well, this is the election of the mayor of the budget . you are involved in the implementation . you are involved in the implementation. i will say it. there are some problems there that we hope to follow up and solve, or mr. president has already talked about the readiness of the government to interact with the supreme council and even suggested that a working group be formed with the government. advanced this was formed this work this work is done and we are satisfied.
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we have a relative view of this issue, which means that work is progressing for now, but i said that the problems and inadequacies that exist in connection with the councils in terms of structure and decision-making issues, this requires serious determination and we are also looking for it to see these cases. let's raise them one by one and solve them once, that is, if these issues are solved, i am sure that it can increase people's satisfaction . for you to find your real place in the administrative and political structure of the country, i think something more important should happen. one of them is the management of tuition fees, for example, or the law on the sustainable income of municipalities came and was approved , but there are problems, look at the municipalities all over the world.


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