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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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it has been done and it is moving forward. we are also relatively satisfied with this matter, that is, work is progressing for the time being, but i said that the problems and inadequacies that exist in relation to the councils in terms of structure and decision-making issues, this requires serious determination. and we are looking for it to see these issues one by one and solve them once , that is, if these issues are solved, i am sure that it will be fine. in increasing people's satisfaction, it can be effective for you to find your real position in the administrative and political structure of the country . in my opinion, something more important should happen. i said that one of them is the management of tuition fees , for example, or the sustainable income law of the municipality came and was approved, but there are problems, look where the municipalities are now in the whole world.
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they get their financial resources either from public taxes or from local taxes. now this is also the case in our country, but can you believe that, for example, in total, the total amount of assistance that we receive or the stable income that we have is a maximum of 10-15% of the total income of the municipality and the total budget of the municipality. it means that the rest of the income is unearned income. despite the passing of this law , i am not saying that helping us now was bad, but helping us was good but it's not enough, it means that a series of laws are needed, if you remember, during the war, the government didn't have money, it said that the cities should be self-sufficient , we are a municipality, well, the tehran municipality has started , and other municipalities are following it, and now some of them are sold with building permits to a certain extent. i can too i say
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shahroroshi, well, to find income, well , after two years, a law was supposed to be passed and approved in this regard, where the financial resources of the municipality will come from , it was forgotten until recently that this bill on sustainable municipal income was approved, but this is the same bill on sustainable municipal income. you read more don't do this, don't do that, it creates limitations. now, some places have defined financial resources, but it is not what it should be , the one that exists all over the world, it does not exist here, that's why you see that, for example, municipalities go to generate income through article 100, saying , for example, well, maybe somewhere, for example, or permission the body, or if there is not enough care , a construction violation will happen through the supervising engineer or someone else .
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ataya, who came and went several times, finally it was completed , can't you present this to the parliament in the form of a plan? my work was done, but in the end it wasn't what we wanted. what is the problem? the problem is that we don't want to limit our budget and income. for example, let's finally do this . of course, this has nothing to do with this current government. finally, in
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the general structure here, finally, it means the right definition that should be and the right law that should be passed. that we are applying the supervisory role that we should have, now from through the map of nazar, for example, how many cities have been violated so far. it has been done in many places, of course, not only because of violations, sometimes also because of inefficiency, for example, these were different issues, while i said that urban management is really a very stable and good management, but at the same time, everywhere it has been observed that there are problems. we can warn, we can ask questions, we can
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conduct research, we can criticize the mayor , we can visit the mayor through the commissions, that is, every year we ask them to report and check. we will do it and it will be done and the supervisory role of the councils is being done effectively , and in many places, if necessary, the municipalities will count on you for legal action. let's criticize the mayors, because finally, if there is no stability in the management , it will harm the affairs of the municipality. these few months may not work well when it is closed, but in the end , great work has been done in order to make things transparent, to reform the structure, to prevent the occurrence of violations. maybe we haven't reached that ideal point
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, there are still problems , there are violations in the service sector or some other places, but a significant progress has been made. how old is it? it's four years old. it's four years old. and the president is one year old. it means that in all councils it's every one year. that means that every year the election of the board of directors is held. of course, in my opinion, if it's for example 2 years old , maybe it's better because, for example, a few times and it takes the time of the councils and the focus of the councils, which means that they focus on the elections. well , how is your management course in the councils right now? it is not very stable, but you mentioned that we can create more stable administrations in municipalities, for example, than even the government. no, look , in terms of election, there is stability, that is, you will be elected for 4 years, and you are 4 years old, so
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these 4 years it cannot be called very stable . well, this is because you said that you have more stability with the government. it is true that i said more stability . let's assume that for example we are elected this term, we elect a mayor , we have been there for 4 years, now in the next term, either we or several other people will be elected, and keep the same mayor again. do you know what is the guarantee that this happened? for example, we had a mayor for 8 years. now, for example, in tehran , for example, there was a municipality that had a mayor for 12 years. well, this shows that there is a management stability in the municipality complex. have been created with the supervision of the councils, i would like to inform you that it was not the case that the councils expressed here and when they say that now we are the people's representatives moment by moment, for example , we want to change the city, this is your approach in this term. that we, for example, in terms of
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according to the law, elections are held once every four years, and according to the law, for the board of directors, whether for councils or for the assembly, it is one year. now, i suggest that it may be two years. or the parliament itself is thinking that we should hold the elections, elect the president, the board of presidents, and the rest . they will start voting and maybe they will focus less on other issues. it seems like doing it again for a year my opinion is back. because the parliament itself is facing the same issue, maybe this issue should be prioritized, of course, this is my personal opinion. now
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, from the point of view of your expertise, you should sit until then and give the next delivery, if this is also an issue, but finally, the will. the purpose of the election is that the people and elected officials vote and this is done with their votes . for example, suppose they don't want to elect a president or they may be unhappy with him after a year or two, for example , they have to endure it. this is one of the disadvantages of this case , of course two years. it doesn't take a lot of patience, which means they have to be very impatient, because two years is their whole life how many years have you been in these 4 years and how is your interaction with the people? how much participation do the people have? after all, this is an institution that was formed with the participation of the people. how much role can the people themselves play
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? what we asked is a very good and important question. we have people's meetings, people come to us regularly, and we try to solve their problems, but not all people may have full access to us. we have a good relationship with the people , they attend our council meetings and i will return to you again public meetings in different places raise their issues and problems in writing and verbally . let's see if the series is successful or not. in my opinion, for example, we want a municipality. in my opinion, the civil performance
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, for example, cultural, service, etc., is not very important . what is important is people's participation. if the municipality does something , people participate in the municipality's activities , stand by its side, that is, what should be done about it? for example, all the decisions he makes in connection with cultural issues, for example, things that are participative , he invites the people, for example, if the people participate in the activities of the municipality, in my opinion, that group is successful, that is, any group that involves the participation of the people. in his activities, he should take people's opinions into account and involve the people in his work. in his work, my people express the work of that group. it is successful . it is the same in this council. now some councils are more successful, some municipalities are more successful, and some of them
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are no, now you have something to say for example, which councils are more successful, people's participation , we have started this work on an annual basis , that is , we conduct an evaluation of the performance of the councils, both the provincial councils, the city councils, the city councils, the district councils , and the ten councils. we select the most active and the best shures and honor them . this month, god willing, is a program we are inviting the elected councilors , we appreciate them, this is finally a good competition. i believe that the councils should try to attract the opinion of the people with more activity and
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finally be elected as the top councils, but in terms of, for example, it should be something structured that there is a system where the people can interact or communicate with the systems. there are provinces, not the supreme council of provinces, there are also provincial councils and city councils. these are the systems where people call and raise their problems and express their opinions, but some of them are through it is also possible to conduct a survey, for example, we poll people to find out which one of the councils they are more satisfied with, and we have not done this so far. more, for example, the herds that people have are more than shari.
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if you want to get a building permit in the permitted density , it is free. we do not charge them money, that is , we try not to cause problems to the vulnerable groups. we also try to increase the others according to the inflation rate , the definition of local taxes and those taxes that people want to pay, which are no longer satisfied.
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this problem exists now in the whole complex and in my opinion, all of us, all the officials, should focus on controlling inflation . he is in all his work , even the existing policies of the government. for example, among the villagers, they solve them , if they have a crisis, they follow up, that is, all on the side
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these are the villagers to solve their problems. now , if we can give them more facilities and powers, of course, this will be done through the organization of municipalities and villages , but still more, it means giving a role to the councils, for example , village or city. let's make the people of our village or city happy with the government and the system, sir, one thing is enough for me . the rest of the members of the council are busy in the same way if their concentration in the provincial councils is less, it means that they will have less opportunities and the fact that this is basically not their main job, maybe this is also influential because many of them do not have the position they should have in the political and administrative structure, this is not effective in your opinion.
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that is, it is not specific to iran, in the whole world, councils are not considered as jobs because they are temporarily elected for a period of time, but these councils themselves are facing many problems. now, for example , there are many of our councils that do not have insurance, and they still have major problems in this field. we are actions we started to take welfare measures for the council, but still we were not as successful as we should have been. there are many councils in the village who have no rights or hardship at the end of their term. for example , those who don't get it are very small amounts of money compared to what they earn , it's a very small amount, but after all , it's like this in the whole world that the shures are not considered a job and it's an honorable job as a representative of the people in the middle of the decision. urban and rural elections are done for
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the provinces, not the entire councils, for example, look at the village council, the city council, the council, for example, the city. the province, the supreme council of the provinces, look at it this way, it is like this that we the people choose either for the village or for the district and the city , then the city council is formed among the city and village councils. 75 members are elected for the provincial council, then another is elected from among the provincial councils from the whole country. there are 4 people in the supreme council of provinces, tehran has 4 people, most of the provinces have 3 people , some provinces with less population have 10 people, these 75 people are finally gathered in communication, that is, they are the highest authority of the country council. these are collected in connection with the work of the councils , planning very well and how much the
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supreme council of the provinces connected to the elite and scientific body of the country. for example, similar to what we have in the research center in the parliament, where the plans are hammered, hammered, and basically baked. or this connection is established. we have our own research center . our research center has been activated and is doing this work . it has compiled a two-year plan for the council. while god willing, now we are going to take this and surrender, and recently we signed a memorandum of understanding with the majlis research center in this field, that is, we started a joint work together to use each other's expert and scientific capacity. let's do it to move things forward, because you know that nothing can go forward without a plan, and we are trying
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to do this planning through these , of course, in connection with naqba. bagan, we have other plans now, and also in connection with the slogan of the year, we have another visa program, which if there is a chance, i will share it with you. please, because it is the last minutes of the program, if you can make it short, yes, our slogan this year is production leap with the participation of the people. defined that planning for people's participation. in social, economic, civil, etc. activities , it means planning people's participation in these
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economic activities. this is exactly the slogan of the year. that is, we have an important task in my opinion, in this connection, in this connection with the slogan of the year, this task what the law has defined for us means that we have to do this. and we also started planning in this field, god willing. in our meeting, maybe a practical action will be defined to be carried out by all the councils and municipalities in order to realize the slogan of the year, that is, in this regard, we made a good plan because we looked and saw in the law exactly what is defined for us, that is, we have to do this. it is one of our duties to do the work and , god willing, we will try to do this task well and present my report to the people at the end of the year. and officials and a little about the problems related to the administrative position of some elected councilors, such as the villagers, did
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you have a discussion with the employment agency in this regard, for example , did you get any results or not? well, in relation to the villagers and the rest, because they are elected from different places, they enter the collection, some of them are ministry forces. some of them are at home, some of them are not, for example , they may not have an employment relationship with another place. well, the problems of my village are among our duties and we are looking for this. now we are looking for the fact that the same thing is true in relation to the mayors, for example, a municipality is elected from somewhere, it comes from somewhere , it leaves after 4 years, and now it has no employment relationship, nothing, for example, no insurance , no support, in the future we have to plan for this, now our specialized commissions are active, you are an expert in this field. they present programs both in connection with the councils themselves and in connection with our mayors and villagers
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, who after all are working there , they are working hard for the people in the future . especially in your financial field, from the capacities of, for example, dave calculations and this, you also get help for this supervision because it is a complicated task, i don't know how much monitoring capacity you have in this area, considering the high financial turnover that usually exists in municipalities, well, that part of the budget given by the government goes to the accounts court. he can and can check, but the rest of the parts where the municipalities themselves have some income, this is no longer directly related to the accounts court and the rest. now, we ourselves , the municipalities, do this every year. auditing is done, budget deductions are done, and reports are made to the council and approved yes, it is one of our duties to do this, while
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we also use the viewpoints of the supervisory institutions in this matter, which is the country's inspection organization, and in some parts , the audit court and other collections , we take their opinions very much. we have 3 seconds, what happened when you became the ambassador of the environment, mr. d. now, it is one of the council's duties in this regard, and since we had a memorandum of understanding , we signed it with the honorable vice president and the head of the environmental protection organization. considering that the field is clean this week and so are we we said that we are ready to participate in this field, finally they said that now we should do this as a symbol. then the rest of the members of the supreme council of the province and the rest of the councils should be ambassadors in this regard. thank you very much, mr. dr. doiri, for your presence in the first page program
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. i wish you success and thank you for watching . have a good night. my daughter informed me that i would like to tell you this news, how did i tell you, mom , what you wanted, this drawing and this way of life had been opened for me from the beginning, i didn't want to hinder their work, finally we hit it off. israel
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8:29 pm
up to 300 million tomans, he doesn't want real estate collateral , he doesn't want to block the guarantor's deposit. up to 50 million, my guarantor doesn't want to repay. wait for 5 years. i'll ask about rome's rights. i'm sorry, the roof conditions for individuals. with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees. did you hear? yes, i heard that you will be my guarantor. go, go, go, go, go, go, get out , please, please, don't be a servant, city of household appliances , do you want a guarantor
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? please, in the city of home appliances , count in any way, you are the winner of this in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. dear viewers , hello shabtoon, at 230:00 , i am at your service with some news. the director of the department of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of mashhad university of medical sciences said that since the beginning of this year, 44 doses of measles vaccine have been injected to non-iranians. ms. neh bandandani added last year in a total of 183 doses of vaccine to the population of non-nationals


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