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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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i think that the changes in the past 6 months have greatly benefited our country and changed the conditions inside pakistan . very well, thank you very much, mr. dr. safari. if you agree, we are going to leave pakistan and go to sri lanka during this trip. mr. president, one day in sri lanka has passed. anyway, last year, the volume of our trade with silanka was about 200 million dollars. what is the goal for the future? trade exchange with this country, taking into account the iranian delegation and what measures should be taken to achieve this goal, see i will say a word about pakistan before we go to sri lanka. their trip was to karachi, karachi is the economic and commercial center of pakistan, now lahore is the center of culture and agriculture , well, there they have official meetings. i had a meeting with businessmen and
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entrepreneurs, of course, with the clerical department in that meeting. the speech they gave was about economic political policies , various policies, as well as the politics of political policy issues . the program was for one hour and was broadcast on two television channels. pakistan was spread all over the country, that is, this is due to the many policies that he said about the so-called trade , economy, knowledge cooperation. you see, the islamic republic of iran, with these sanctions, has turned these problems into an opportunity and has become the owner of technology . as a superpower, we
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used to export pistachios and carpets, but today we have the latest technology that is competing with the world. now let's go to sri lanka . sri lanka is a country with a population of 2 million . my position is specific in the chila sector in different sectors, but what the islamic republic of iran has done there and mr. president visited and inaugurated. doing it was a super project, about now i say the combination was a project to build 100 power plants it was a combined construction and it was done with the latest technology and design in the world. the two water reservoirs, which are lakes of the islamic republic of iran, i.e. its private companies , got 260 megawatts of these 260 megawatts from those tunnels. and tunnels are the latest technology. well, this
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shows that the islamic republic of iran is talking , but for the future, our presence in the service delivery systems of tunnels, dams, power plants, road constructions, this is our presence. now we buy tea from them and other goods in the energy sector of its refinery in it was built there by us a few years ago. requesting this parsonage again should be rebuilt. well, what does this show that the islamic republic of iran is the owner of the technology, with all these details, the goal is now 500 million dollars, with the increase of the trade with sri lanka , it can be formed in many ways. be it a country next to the indian ocean, in addition to food , you can go to this country. it should be explained in the region that one of
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the important factors that we have with sri lanka is our membership in the so-called indian ocean organization, of which these people are a part, and how our presence there is strategically important. engineering services and this is to remind you and dear viewers to issue many engineering services. it is more important than business. thank you very much, mr. dr. safari , and also mr. marandi , i thank both guests and thank you, dear viewers , for staying with us until the end of this conversation. have a good night and god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri , and i will accompany you in this program for about an hour. tonight we are hosting a researcher who has lived in america for about 21 years and believes that we do not know americans and that's it the concern made him write. let's see a relatively short introduction about this. well, mr. mirlohi has written about 21 books, 14 of which i am editing. he
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has 21 years of experience living in america, and as you can see , he has two famous sayings. and they narrate based on their own documents , and this is a collection of books published by them, and you can see them in the picture. well, to start the discussion with mr. mirlohi, let's first see a report on the continued suppression of anti -zionist protests in america. police protestors are facing excuses the fact that they had anti-jewish movements was severely suppressed in america, while many students were arrested. let's see a report about this as an introduction to the discussion with mr. mirlohi.
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opponents of the zionist regime continue to be suppressed in america. in brooklyn, new york, the police arrested the jews who had gathered in front of the house of chakshmer, the leader of the democratic majority of the senate , to protest against the support of the crimes of the zionist regime. people have been arrested. in many universities face-to-face classes are closed and held virtually. meanwhile, 25 senators have asked joe biden in a letter for
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now we see that in american universities they suppress peaceful protests and do not allow students to express their views . it is strange that we are not allowed to criticize a foreign government in our own university and they send the police to suppress it. as a jew, i always i knew that being a jew means supporting the oppressed people, because in this way the security of our lives is also provided, that's why in the anti-s rallies
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, we show the program with a news that these days there are student protests in most american universities against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and the killings in gaza . why do you use this interpretation and if you want to explain this interpretation about the analysis of the events these days in america, was it expected that these protests would reach here and that the students
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would express this amount of dissatisfaction against the american government ? first of all, look at the link even though iranian people do not know america. at all, this is only dedicated to iran's people don't like the zionist regime of america . hats have been put on the heads of the people of the world in various fields, economic, political, cultural, social, etc. and they don't know. i saw how the situation is in iran, i saw it in the university and so on. i saw it in the street and in the market. now, who was responsible that this information did not reach the people of iran? this in itself is a matter for debate and you say to the people of the rest of the world that the
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iranian people are shorthand, a significant part of the iranian people , for example, in connection with democracy, the freedom of the guardian council and many other issues, people imagine that in america there is democracy and freedom, while this is not the case. there is a book called america , the cradle of democracy and freedom. first of all, all the books i have written are based on the sources and references of the americans, the british, the israelis, and nothing about the islamic republic. it is not like this. if you look at the list of objections, it is all on its own
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. if there is a part that is difficult for the reader to believe , i even put the english text in the footnote so that they know that i had no interference even in its translation. well, a question arises here, mr. mirlohi , that you say that the americans did not let that people of the picture world. a hand from history, the problem now is the issues that govern the world and especially the history of the west. so how did these get leaked? did you put the pieces together and an image that they wanted to be hidden came out? well, look, there are educated people in america and there are many people who can save america at least partially. no permission at all. they don't see that people recognize them, because
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the american mass media is in the hands of the zionists , the american economy, the main economic arteries of the united states are in the hands of the zionists, talking about the federal reserve. it becomes the central bank of america, but people think that because they say the federal reserve is affiliated with the federal government, when it is not, it is a private company. now this itself has a separate discussion. now this thing that the dear reporter broadcasted . from student protests in america. this is nothing new. the vietnam war, how many lies to the people. preparing people to send their children to war. and then realizing the lie . america's president the things that were said as lies reached a certain point, for example, in connection with an
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individual, an officer who ordered an attack in 1969. vietnam had issued a part called hamburger hill to us soldiers offering a $10,000 reward for the person who kills it. between 1969 and 1971 , there were 730 cases of attacks on american officers in the vietnam war, with grenades, 73,730 cases , which were written in this book, america without a mask, this year, 1,37,8,79. between the vietnam war and
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the protests that are now in america, well, when the american soldiers fled from the war in vietnam and they were not welcomed, people used to insult them, then the government. america saw that if things want to go this way. then they will lose many issues in the american society by trying to control the media and the mass media. it would have been possible at that time , it would have been years ago, but now it is not possible, but look at it now, the american mass media do not cover many issues, they are the main stream , social media, etc., among a series of issues . in this way, they are getting information
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about the protests of american students . this made even the police and the national guard america entered and killed some american students in the university grounds. in any case, there is a possibility that these cases will be dragged there , and in your opinion, last night we had a conversation on the same program with a student who was in the anti-protest. a zionist was involved in america, he was not of arab origin , he was not a palestinian, he was not a muslim, but he used words that maybe i did not imagine that a young american would use today, and he said that if they do not surrender to us, these protests will go to higher places. we push it higher and involve other institutions. you have been in america for 21 years without retouching
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you were there and narrated that you imagined america like this. look at the anti-zionist movement from the heart of america, from the universities that are preparing cadres for the future of america. you are looking at the history of america. and their examples in some places, because they
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are the power, they should be thrown out with this uprising that happened now. in your opinion, how close is this , how long will it take for these protests to reach much higher places, and you once mentioned that the zionist regime of america is the root of this regime. zionism, you know, may raise so many protests
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that we will see changes in this field and at this level. when it is very easy for the zionist regime of america to overthrow governments outside of america that are dependent on america at all, that is, close to america , then it will be much easier for american society to achieve the goals it wants, that is, its leaders easily. etc. to overthrow and stop that movement from progressing . i was killed, i became a martyr
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, you are not on the side. the continuation of their education in the best american universities is in danger, but they don't care if they are beaten , there is a real risk of being killed, just like george floyd. well, why don't they go away from their ideals under the influence of money, threats or wanting to live in peace
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? look where that wall street movement led to , where did it lead to a series of tent-camping and staying, like the terrorist organization of the national security agency. you are referring to the collection of american intelligence agencies it should not be seen that in a short period of time , the national security agency of the united states recorded 125 billion telephone conversations of a part of europe, including the german chancellor, german leaders such as schmidt and merkel, and at the same time
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recorded 1 billion and 73 million telephone conversations of iran. well, german chancellor merkel is in your hands, why are you recording her phone anyway? different when he says through movies etc. and easily all your currents are changed. it was really a great blessing that god blessed us and provided us with. you are referring to which blessing and that leadership of imam rehmatullah ali. it was for the people of the islamic republic, for the people of iran. this land please understand what i mean . if during the history of this frontier , many people rose up but could not do anything
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. the martyrdom of the revolution, that is, the islamic revolution in iran , which was led by the imam, was truly a blessing from god, which was nothing. that is , it was something that god wanted . can you tell the connection between this issue you are raising and the issue of america's dominance over the world by creating a narrative and creating a discourse? new world order is a new world order that is more than 100 years old and cold. the government of a world government, which
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the americans say they have been looking for for 300 years . the american jodh says, "jo jodh , i will bind you ". i do not know. they are jews many real jews don't accept them . now, in any case, in this book, pages 16 and 167 of this
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book show the same camera. you face it. yes, israel and zionism . you say to the american , where are you? he says, "where is israel, israel? what is israel?" he says that america is under the grip of zionist forces and you should not say united state of america, you should say united state of israel, you should not say united states of america, you should say united states of israel . i have 16 pages with this discussion 166 this book was written in 2008, the plan
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of the zionist fighters to dominate the whole world is on that page 16 167 this book is written, this is not what we say, the americans used to say that this is a one-chapter from the title genisdel, which means smooth persian meaning. genocidal plan for total domination. jews over the whole world, the whole world, you, the whole world, i can introduce you to various american books , which say the same thing about the world's population, which
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is 8 billion now. be the world below 500 million if i want to talk about it myself , it will take time, in any case, who said what, and in 1950, james, i will tell you that the son of paul warburg, paul warburg, america, they call him the father of the federal government. we will have that world government. either by
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conquering you or surrendering to you. when was 1950 ad, two years before the august 28 coup in iran and almost at the same time as the establishment of israel, which was about 7 years of occupation , and the united nations recognized israel now. in any case, when we talk about world government, etc., when we talk about hollywood, etc the americans say that when talking about rothschild, it becomes rothschild . you see, i will tell you in history that 1923, december 3rd, 1923. what is my index
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, that is, 4 years after the british killed more than 9 million people of iran? an american newspaper that it was william hearst who wrote in the name of chicago evening americans that the rothschilds can call any war. they can start and end any war they like . who are you referring to? the capital of the rochildo family . jodh i asked you to
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define the meaning of jodh, because some people used to say jodh to a jew in the persian language, but when you, i asked you to explain the meaning of jodh and its connection with zionism and those who have the same idea of ​​government. they are proposing generational cleansing and ethnic cleansing on the world. you explained this, so you mean jodh and now the roschild family are those who claim to be jews but with zionist tendencies. yes, look at the sentence. the second , written by the same newspaper on december 3, 1923 , says that rochilda can build any empire and they can destroy any empire you want . it was and is the same reality. look at the history . who started world war i, zionist jordan?


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