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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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the hopeful news of the president about the state of the country's economy , from the decrease in cash growth to 25% until the unemployment rate reaches 5% in some parts of the country. there will be absolutely no mercy for corruption. we are against any unhealthy relationship, discrimination, partying, bribery, in all offices and organizations of the country. after the end of the three-day trip to pakistan and
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sri lanka, the president set a goal to increase trade exchanges to 10 billion dollars and export technical and engineering services , the most important achievements of this trip. the american police entered the universities to suppress the uprising of students protesting against sterilization in gaza. netanyahu's anger and student protests in america should stop after the head of military intelligence , the commander of the ashpa unit in the zionist army, resigned and the beginning of the biggest competition. the country is holding
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a nationwide test of technical mathematics and humanities. those who are in need of experimental sciences are taking the test today, in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful. 24 welcome, the president visited several construction projects while visiting the 17th and 18th districts of tehran, while meeting with the people of these districts. this expansion plan of the hospital was visited by the president in the field from the 17th and 18th districts of the capital, there are almost 50 beds, now the percentage of progress is about 50%. if the credit
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is guaranteed, it can be used in 6 months. what happens? the credit is guaranteed. will the credit be guaranteed? inshallah , he will promise on the 22nd of bahman. dear sir, inshallah , sir, how are you? hello , god bless you. how many days are you in the hospital? we are grateful to you, mr. ainullah, the hospital , the people, most importantly , the people are grateful to you.
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with the presence of some government ministers, the mayor and master of tehran and the officials of this region. the oldest and the most dilapidated areas of tehran are in these two areas. our proposal is about 400 billion tomans for these 3-4 hospitals over two years. it will be allocated by the program organization and the ministry of health by dividing the work we do, god willing. after raising problems in three areas, the president issued an order. first, the field of health and treatment. mr. ainullah follows. and mr. mansouri is also ordering the work in the presidential headquarters so that , god willing, he will be able to build shahadai hospital in aftab. create an opening in people's lives . of course. we hope someone is at work in the hospital
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it didn't happen, but in this case, this is a service that should be given to people as healthcare. compared to the other hospital that was discussed here , the hospital. i would like to ask you that there has been a proposal that the land or park that is next to the hospital should be used to solve the problems of the hospital . mr. zakani himself and his colleagues who are present at the meeting should check this. i don't want it now. i should say because the park is one of the necessities of people's lives. and the other order of mr. raisi was in the field of population density and educational facilities of schools. it requires that centers let us develop and expand the education. mr. sahrai's proposal was actually five schools, with
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a minimum of three and a maximum of five schools. mr. zakani's opinion was that it would be better if it was done in a complex manner. i don't deny it, that is, if it can be built in the form of a land complex, it must be a priority, that is , an educational complex can be created, and the next issue of worn-out structures, worn-out structures, needs an encouragement, we must create comforts for the families themselves. these should be promoted to go and rebuild so that these easts are not placed with the department name and the order of action on the sidelines of the meeting became an opportunity to ask the president this question, an administrative meeting and solving the problems and problems of the people. why was this place and mosque chosen
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? may god protect them, they have been attacked by the enemy . now we sat in this mosque and discussed them . we made decisions. it was decided that both the governor of tehran, the executive vice president and the officials of the relevant departments should follow the work until a definite result is reached. ned and mr. president after the end of this the president attended a public meeting in imamzadeh hassan district of tehran , referring to the government's promise to reduce unemployment , and said that we are not behind on our promise, as the unemployment rate is decreasing in many provinces. the president also considered the issue of housing as important and said that the government is not behind the plans of its announcement and now 2 million four hundred thousand housings are being built in the country. referring to the people's concern
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about the peat, mr. raisi said that the government is trying to control and reduce inflation by producing and generating income. president referring to the budget deficit of 480 thousand. a billion tomans left from the previous government said that this budget deficit was resolved by producing and generating income in 1400. the second way and the second factor for inflation is the growth of liquidity from what we have targeted, that is , the growth of liquidity should reach 25 %. and we are going towards 23%, which means growth. liquidity in the controlled government the president stressed the need to deal with overdrafts of banking institutions and said that banks that do not comply with the regulations will be dissolved. mr. raisi continued by referring to the holding of meetings to solve
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the problems of this region and said: everything is for the benefit of the people and the economy of the country, we will do it. our government from the pits. it will not pass unless he solves the potholes. and what is necessary for the benefit of the people, the country's economy, to solve the problems of our dear people, let them know that we are on the agenda, even if some people oppose it, but some people say that i can't, sir, tomorrow someone may lose popularity. popularity is in the hands of god. hazrat wali asreh, mr. raisi mentioned the fight against corruption as one of the promises of the government and said that corruption will not be shown any mercy.
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i announced that i have taken action, both myself and various officials everywhere in the country, wherever corruption is seen, there will be absolutely no mercy for corrupt corruption. the president called the use of efficient and transformative managers as the foundation of the government and said that if someone does not have the necessary efficiency in that job, he must be replaced by an efficient person and someone who can bring about transformation . mr. raisi also considered the operation of sadiq's promise as a message of resistance and standing of the islamic republic to the enemies and said: our foundation is cooperation with all countries that want to interact and cooperate with the islamic republic. the president attended
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parts of the 17th and 18th districts of tehran and hearing the priority problems of the residents of these areas in the fields of treatment and education of worn tissue in the follow-up meeting of special issues issued orders to solve these problems as soon as possible. the members of the government attended the mosques of these areas and met and talked closely with the people. hosting the residents of the 17th and 18th districts of tehran from the president. mr. raisi , in line with his provincial trips, and in the first program of the series of visits to the neighborhoods of tehran , went to the southwest of the capital and met and talked with the people of these areas. what facilities and context. exist it is being explained in the country based on justice. opportunities,
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facilities and capacities should be based on the implementation of justice. a number of government ministers accompanied the president in these areas. mosques are always considered religious and worship centers and places to solve people's problems. today, the ministers were hosted for. the minister of health also followed up on the issues in the field of treatment. mr. ainullah considered meeting people and talking face to face with them to solve some of their problems. this child has a cough, no. now, from the point of view of an initial examination , see what the problem is, where does it go? write to him yourself , go see him, see if he wants medical help, come
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write to him, these will finally make us firstly get to know people's problems directly, and definitely when we face problems, definitely to the relevant official, for example, in this case, we may come to the conclusion that a manager is not working well or a course is not explained well. or a center needs to be provided more. definitely, these meetings are for us. it is something that we must look for and solve. also, for two months, the minister of roads and urban development closely followed the concerns of the residents of these areas in the area of ​​railways, the renovation of the worn-out structure and the construction of a stadium for the youth. one of the topics the railway track is forbidden, which is considered a 17-meter, a 30-meter, and even more than 70-meter boundary . well, it is one of the serious problems of our compatriots in piran. either they are doing business or they are commuting. this is one of
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those areas in tehran's 17th district, where people have been waiting for years for decisions to renew the worn-out fabric. the problem of overcrowding in schools was another issue that opened the eyes of the minister of education to the people of these areas . zahra alfapaei, sed and cima news agency. after returning from a three-day trip to pakistan, sri lanka, the president said the message of this trip in the passage now the authority and honor of iran and the development of relations with compatriots and independent countries were aligned. referring to the signing of several cooperation documents with pakistani authorities, mr. raisi said that with these agreements, the value of trade and economic relations between tehran and islamabad will reach 10 billion dollars a year. in the field of
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commercial and economic work , we set a target of 10 billion dollars as the first step, which was agreed upon by both countries. efforts of economic activists in the meeting i had with economic activists , they are determined businessmen and economic activists. to follow the work in a way that we can in a short time let's reach this goal. expansion of trade and economic relations with sri lanka on the other hand. another focus of the trip was that the president announced the establishment of a platform for the export of technical and engineering services to this country. one of the very good facilities that exist in the islamic republic today is the export of technical and engineering services, which is why we can have a very good cooperation with neighboring countries and asian countries. at
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the end of the three-day trip of the president. the president told pakistan and sri lanka the media of the indian subcontinent and other parts of the world about the results of this trip. economic achievements that despite the direct influence the united states reached the authorities in islamabad and colombo. let me say in general. we advise anyone considering doing business with iran to be aware of the potential risk of sanctions. this is the warning of the ministry of foreign affairs. right in the middle of our country's president's visit to the eastern neighbor, america is addressing the pakistani authorities of sri lanka that they have already warned many times and say again that trade with iran carries the risk of secondary sanctions. despite this line , the media that closely witnessed the talks between the officials of the two countries
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, such as the times of india, wrote that islamabad without heed the warnings of the white house. it finalizes the free trade agreement with iran. this indian news agency said that tehran and islamabad stressed on the faster finalization of the free trade agreement right after the us warned about the dangers of trade with iran. al-jazeera wrote in a report titled "cost of trade with iran" that the us warned pakistan about the iran-pakistan agreement to increase trade relations fivefold in the next 5 years. he said about reaching the index of 10 billion dollars. reuters, however, specifically addressed bilateral cooperation in the field of energy in the shadow of american sanctions and said: "the two countries are in the final joint statement emphasized the importance of expanding cooperation in the field of energy, including electricity transmission and gas transmission line projects. reuters, in addition to
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reflecting the signing of 8 documents of bilateral cooperation between tehran and islamabad, to the economic results of the two. the second destination of our country's president's trip in the indian subcontinent , sri lanka, was also discussed and written by mr. raisi , he opened a 514 million dollar hydropower plant with iranian engineering in silanka, and the authorities of tehran and colombo signed 5 cooperation agreements. at the end of the one-day visit of the president of our country to sri lanka, the local news agency tamil guardian published an article under title sri lanka us sanctions against. it challenges iran, wrote the president of iran just one hour after the warning of the us state department to impose sanctions against the countries that do business with iran, the multi-purpose project and the umayya hydropower plant in sri lanka were inaugurated. mohammad hassan nikbeen, sed and cima news agency. the warplanes of the
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zionist regime heavily bombarded the south of the center and the east of rafah. dozens of people, most of whom are women and children, were martyred in these attacks. a five-month-old palestinian girl was also martyred by our heat. gaza ministry of health announced that in in the past 24 hours, the zionist occupation committed 5 massacres in the gaza strip and martyred 43 people. 64 palestinians were injured in these attacks.
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made west galilee the target of a missile attack. the eu foreign policy official said at the european parliament meeting about the situation in gaza: gaza cities were destroyed more than german cities during world war ii. according to joseph brill, more than 34,000 people died in gaza, most of them
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civilians, women and children. 75% of the population of ghazm were displaced and are in astana. that was the only image he had of him. shroud in front of the door the arms of a palestinian mother. he started painting that picture on a wall in their city in dublin , ireland. he didn't know the name of the wrapped child . he knew the woman who was holding the child. sameeh, the same woman who was holding the shrouded child, sameeh revealed the ambiguity of the image in the same virtual space. he began to describe his two nephews, two
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-year-old masai and his four-year-old sister, lina banbaran , the aerial rains had taken both of their lives . a bridge between sami from gaza, amirin from ireland.
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he announced that the nahal brigade has left this narrow zone after 6 months of war in the gaza strip. according to the announcement of the zionist army, two reserve brigades of the reserve brigade will replace the nahal brigade. at the beginning of last december, the golani brigade, one of the main brigades of the zionist army , withdrew from the gaza strip after losing a quarter of its soldiers. after golani , the paratrooper brigade of the zionist regime is also from gaza. retreated it is said that the withdrawal to the nahal brigade was done in order to prepare the zionist army for a ground attack on rifa. the commander
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the ishbah unit in the zionist army resigned. this is the second resignation of high-ranking officials of the israeli army in the last week. the head of the military intelligence department of the zionist regime resigned a few days ago. zionist sources announced that the commander of the army's central region has announced his intention to resign. the zionist ha'art newspaper considered the intelligence failures and the surprise of the zionist regime in the al-aqsa storm operation and the failure in the gaza war as the reason for these resignations. hamas announced that if the war in gaza does not stop, it will release asra. we don't do it, the vice-chairman of the political office of hamas said this the movement
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does not shy away from its legitimate demands, i.e. the complete cessation of war and the withdrawal of the occupying forces from the gaza strip. khalil aliyeh emphasized that we do not accept the existence of any non-palestinian forces in gaza, either on land or at sea, and we will treat any military force in this area as occupying forces. the american police announced the arrest of 30 students of the university of texas. the american security forces arrested a number of them minutes after the students of princeton university started their sit-in in protest of the gaza sterilization . johnson is the speaker of the us house of representatives who came to columbia university. it has been a week
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more than ten universities. it is the scene of a sit-in in support of gaza, and the sound of the slogan from the river to the sea, which is familiar to palestinian ears with the name of the river to the sea , is loud. the american police entered the university campus and arrested dozens of students. the jewish professor of the university of texas talks about the situation these days. in my opinion, the presidents of the universities, including the university president. texas where i work is scared. they fear being criticized and condemned by politicians, the governor of texas, and members of congress. the president of columbia university in the united states has been threatened with dismissal because he cannot stop the protest take the students repression of non-believers, just like the anti-war movements of the 1970s, only increased in
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correlation. student revolution is a familiar keyword for the history of america and europe. if the dealings with these students continue, we will move to higher places. we remember
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how many students there were 54 years ago. they lost their lives for protesting the war in vietnam or cambodia. saeeda zanganeh, sed and sima news agency. secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement and referring to the suppression of anti-zionist protests by students in the united states, said the american government's universities in this country has turned it into a garrison and does not even adhere to its slogans about democracy and freedom. syed abdullah malik badr al-din stated that there is no place in the world more heinous than the crime committed by the zionist regime against the residents of the gaza strip and said that the zionist enemy has turned the hospitals of the gaza strip into mass graves and is using all means to kill the palestinian people. uses. simultaneously with macron's presence at the sorbonne university in paris , a group of students from this university
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entered the university in protest against 30 protesting students. meeting of deputy ministers of foreign affairs and senior representatives of member states the group of emerging economies in time for brics was held in moscow with the agenda of examining the developments in west asia and north africa. the representatives of 9 countries present in this meeting demanded an immediate stop to the genocidal crimes in gaza. last review. developments in west asia and
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north africa a meeting was held in moscow with the presence of deputy ministers of foreign affairs and special representatives of the brics member countries, one of the agendas of which was the issue of palestine and the continuation of the zionist regime's crime of genocide. in my opinion, the most important feature of this meeting was that all members unanimously emphasized on stopping the zionist regime's genocidal crime in gaza. this meeting that deputy foreign ministers and senior representatives of russia, china, brazil, south africa, india, egypt, ethiopia and the united arab emirates were also present. ali bagheri called iran's punitive operation against the zionist regime a legitimate right of the islamic republic of iran within the framework of the united nations charter. . we emphasized in this meeting that


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