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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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calling pro-palestinian students mobs , he described these protests as horrible. what is happening in america's universities is appalling and must be stopped. zionist war minister gallant and netanyahu's opposition leader yair lapid both called the demonstrations of supporters of palestine in american universities terrorist. demonstrations organized in american universities are not only against jews, but also encourage and promote terrorism. what is happening in american universities is anti-semitism and support for terrorism. zionists are worried about the spread of anti-zionist demonstrations in universities america, an expert on political issues explains the reason as follows. according to the polls , the university uprising means that the gap between the young generation and the american officials has widened. the gap between the american youth and their officials, that is , the main supporters of the zionists, which
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was shown by harvard university's survey results a few years ago. 51 percent of americans aged 18 to 24 support a solution that ends the jewish state and replaces it with a palestinian entity ruled by hamas. 6 out of 10 young americans believe that jews are oppressors. mojtaba shah sony broadcasting agency. good morning, dear viewers. as we have seen in the report , the widespread wave of support for the palestinian people continues in american universities, and the police suppressed these demonstrations . i am talking about this issue with mr. ismaili, an international law expert. hi, your analysis as an international law expert of the police violence against palestinian supporters in more than 10 universities.
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what is the american doing? greetings to the dear viewers and respected host of the program in accordance with paragraph two of article 19 of the international covenant on civil and political rights. freedom of speech is considered a human right, and according to article 21 of the charter, the right to peaceful assembly should be recognized and should not be restricted except by law. in order to maintain national security or public order and morals or the rights and freedoms of others and the attitudes of human rights towards freedoms, there is a maximalist attitude, that is, freedoms should be interpreted maximally, and prohibitions and restrictions should be minimal, and freedom of expression and freedom of holding societies are not exempted from this, and another point is that these freedoms are related and interdependent, that is, if the restrictions if freedom of speech and freedom of assembly
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are created arbitrarily, other freedoms will be influenced and affected, and it is interesting that among different governments, americans are usually considered the most claimant of freedom of speech, and sometimes it is said that freedom of speech is the least restricted in america. however, it has become clear about israel how true this attitude is, and amnesty international has also criticized america for suppressing protests, and concepts such as anti-semitism and support for terrorism are actually labels. use interpretable and ambiguous concepts for restrictions on freedom of expression is a behavior that can be observed in governments, and this ambiguity and the fact that these concepts can be interpreted lay the groundwork for arbitrary restrictions on freedom of expression .
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yes, mr. esmaili , the international criminal court recently announced that they will issue an arrest warrant for the leaders of the zionist regime in the next few days. it is that this arrest warrant is not issued, tell us about this issue. yes about this issue of mediation, well, what will actually happen in practice? this is not necessarily a legal analysis. a lawyer can say what the rule is . in reality, something else may happen. the international criminal court must fulfill its legal duty and should not be influenced by political considerations. according to article 70 of the statute of the court, clause d of any creation of morals. and deviating from the duties of the court
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is a crime, that is, whether by applying pressure or influencing, or by coercion or bribery. in fact, this clause is not limited to threatening ways , it is not even limited to intimidation and threats. it includes even the seemingly peaceful ways of any attempt to create a deviation in the path of justice , whether it is by paying a bribe or not . both germany and england have approved the statute of the court, and what is called mediation at first glance can be included in clause d. ok, and should it be considered a crime at all, mr. esmaili? please be very brief, will this temporary order be issued according to this zionist lobby , or should we not witness this temporary order being issued by the international court of justice in the coming days? see the pre-conditions of jurisdiction
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in short, the court is that the states that are members of the court's statute, either the crime must have occurred in their territory or the accused must have. be one of their subjects. the palestinian government has also approved the statute of the court. in order to arrest the accused , it is not necessary for the crime to be completely proven , but for there to be reasonable evidence to show that there is a possibility of someone committing a crime, well, the genocide in gaza has been proven for almost all the people of the world, the reasons even it is more than convincing, that is , at this stage, the reasons are less than this, which can justify the arrest and prosecution than the reasons now much more than this, and especially according to paragraph one of article 58, one of the reasons that justify the necessity of arrest is to prevent the accused from committing a crime , which seems to be a very serious risk for the israeli authorities, according to article 86 of the constitution of the member states. in the investigation and prosecution of crimes
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, they must cooperate with the court. according to article 89, the court can also request the arrest and surrender of the accused from the governments in whose territory the accused was found. yes, but all these are rules on paper that must be implemented. what happens in practice depends on other factors. which are sometimes not even legal, very well, thank you very much , mr. esmaili, i bid you farewell, mr. shah sonin, until we are in the section of support for the oppressed people of gaza and palestine, now international support and also the legal support that is being provided to the oppressed people of gaza this is for dear viewers. let me tell you that in my own country , islamic iran, according to rabal, demonstrations and marches are held in support of the people of gaza. these provinces
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a media opportunity will be held . come to the battlefield of khyber, come to the battlefield of khyber.
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a curse on the coward today's cruelty , tomorrow's pleasure because of your ancestors, our destruction from the generation of our devil's conquest, when did we fear the enemy, here are the tears of a victorious child. here, khawl is victorious over rockets , my soldier, and my role model is haj qasim, the one
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who said, "i will become one of my own, my oppressor, my oppressor." you are your opponent.
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after the international pressure and the defeat of the zionists in the gaza war and especially after the punitive operation , the serial resignation of the zionist officials started last week, one of the senior officials of the army commander. a zionist has resigned and it has been said that the newspapers arts have announced that
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several senior zionist military officials will also resign in the coming days. if you allow me , i will talk to mr. cheraghi, an expert on west asian issues. mr. cheraghi, hello, good morning . it turns out that the zionist newspaper harith continues to talk about this issue. hint i have done your analysis of these internal disputes which are becoming more and more widespread day by day . israel is now raising the issue that the officials
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may raise the issue of their resignation, and they will also resign after the chief of staff, in fact, the head of the intelligence department of the army. also, at a lower level , the issue of the resignation of the senior commanders of the zionist regime's units in gaza, such as the 0.82 unit is mentioned and one of the reasons that exacerbates this issue the subject of this trial is the international criminal court, which has turned into a nightmare for israel's commanders and military political officials. in addition to the discovery of mass graves that have taken place in the gaza strip in recent days, the issue of the need to pursue israeli crimes in the gaza strip
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has intensified, on the other hand, the issue of the islamic resistance and the operations it has carried out , especially the meeting that recently, yahya sanwar, the head of hamas , in the gaza strip, in a completely public and open space with the commanders of the units, discussed the issue of applying internal pressure to the regime. zionism has escalated and as a result , the zionist authorities are actually thinking of withdrawing for this reason in order to avoid atiche's punishments both domestically and internationally. supporter of palestine. they hold demonstrations every day and it seems that
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there is a strange concern among the leaders of the zionist regime regarding these demonstrations and these zionist leaders are mobbing these demonstrators . what is your analysis about this and why are the zionists so worried? the spread of these demonstrations in well, america is one of the reasons why zionist senior officials are worried about this issue. is that these demonstrations and mass gatherings, especially in america and american students and american universities , will put pressure on the american authorities. as a result, the zionists will lose their support from washington , and on the other hand, the pressure of public opinion on international institutions will cause the international court of justice and the international criminal court to change their determination to punish. and
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bringing the zionist officials to the trial table to insist, and this is why they are worried , and because of this, mr. netanyahu described these students as thugs and mobs who , according to his claim, are actually acting against the jews , and it is reminiscent of the 90s. this is the reason why we see that the zionists are very panicked today, and on the other hand , a delegation from egypt is supposed to arrive today. it is expected that the zionists will agree to a ceasefire for a few weeks and actually surrender to the demands of hamas. okay, thank you very much, sir cheraghi, i say goodbye to you, just as mr. cheraghi pointed out, the zionists' concern about the spread
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of demonstrations in america, especially among american students, is because, as the harvard survey also pointed out , there is a gap between the young american generation and american officials, and many palestinian youth and american youth believe that a government with hamas should be established in palestine, and they are against the opinion of the american authorities. mrs. hajipour, this was international news . thank you very much, mr. shas soni, reporter. radio news agency, be with us. well, let's go to east azerbaijan, let's join my journalist colleague mrs. mohammadian regarding construction
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and housing plans that are going to be opened and unveiled today in this province. please explain mrs. mohammadian , hello reporter in the name of god. good morning. today , mr. badrapash, the minister of roads and urbanization , arrived at shahid madani international airport in tabriz an hour ago . after arriving in tabriz, mr. minister visited the 6th section of tabriz azadrah, urmia, and sahand road in tabriz. they prioritized their work. it is also supposed that today in sahand, in the new city of sahand, 575 residential units will be built by mr the minister should be inaugurated. of course, today, a total of 844 residential units
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are given to the people of the province in the form of the national housing investment plan, both in the urban and rural areas. 6 construction plans including the first school. exceptionally intelligent children of east azarbaijan, baran commercial complex, golshahr villa koi, sahand south bypass, the plan to complete the defects of sahand sidewalks and asphalt of topka azadrah sahand will be put into operation today with the presence of mr. bezarpash. today , also, in the contract of residential plots, the youth plan of the population and the self-sacrificing society will be handed over to the applicants. in addition, today, the executive operations will be delivered. the construction of 1,221 new units of the national housing development plan is actually being implemented in the province. in addition to this, the grand mosque of the new city of sahand and a 12 -class school, that is, four schools
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, will also be implemented with the presence of mr. bezbash. in different cities of the province. that is, sarab, azarshahr and ahar will either be put into operation with the presence of mr. badrapash's deputies , or their executive operations will begin, which will include the first residential settlement and the first urban village, as well as the urban regeneration plan . face i see, iran, incomparably tall and glorious, we are at the height of our civilization, you will become the limit of civilization one day.
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i will make you together with love, you are the heart of the world, the foot of the world.
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it is possible that with our zeal, your sky will be better than any other sky, tomorrow, tomorrow, they will see the same iranian as we said, the same day that has not left a stain on our map.
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with the same love day that abadi is beautiful with freedom. our soul, our soul, we build you together with love , the heart of the world, the foot of the world, our iran , our soul, we build you with our love, the heart of the world, the foot of the world, love. good morning, thank you very much for watching hello reporter today today, the second day of the first round
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of the 1403 national entrance exam is being held in the exam areas across the country , we wish success to all entrance exams this year . taking their own test , god willing, the second round will be held in july. thank you , may god keep us together until tomorrow at 6:30 with. with a flag of our hearts, we closed the homeland, we are not the world, when we are us
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, god gives everything, children. when i called you, you told me something that was very valuable to me, because they say that the document is now registered. i 'm writing this. i didn't believe it at all. it might be like a story, that is, something very short and concise. for example, he did not pass the success test. was it funny or god forbid it failed, could you understand their feelings? my daughter informed me and said that i would like to tell you this news, how did i tell you? or a
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i remembered that it was funny and he used to repeat it many times at home for the sake of your children, that's why he said with a smile, well, think about friday, not saturday.
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bashland prize draw festival. congratulations on your new home. the first prize is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. bashland is a land full of prizes.
7:59 am
mom, dad, where are you, how are you? i'm fine , don't worry, we came to irani sarai to buy an air conditioner . it's this time of the year, with this rush, the special sale of gas air conditioners in irani sarai begins with exceptional conditions. apartments for sale without advance payment without guarantor in a large iranian mansion until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host!
8:00 am
hello and welcome to the 8 am news, providing credit. shahadai yaftabad hospital development plan during the visit of the president from the south to the west of tehran , mr. raisi, the unemployment rate decreased to 5% and the liquidity growth decreased to about 25%. conducting the national exam for experimental science group candidates, the first round of the national exam for mathematics, humanities, art and foreign languages ​​groups.


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