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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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yes, let's start the discussion, mr. mirzaei , let's be at your service first. you are against the mandatory pricing of lasik for cars. what is your argument in this regard ? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service, dear guests, and also dear viewers. i also want to serve all the dear workers of our country, who with their efforts keep it like this and god willing, this year we will be able to make this leap in production, which i think is the supreme leader's position. i want the field of aircraft industry let me tell you that he created a rent for a group that neither our dear people benefited from nor the producers, and he set the production conditions in such a way that
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he took away the opportunities for production and development. this was not in the interest of the country. naturally, continuing this process will not benefit the country. we have about 10 domestic producers in the tire industry, and as you know , imports are being carried out according to the opinion of the samand ministry. we don't have it, and there is competition in the country, as a rule, we should
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, dear guest and all honorable people of iran, here we are in the case of pricing that we are talking about, the main issue is that the very word mandated pricing has a negative psychological charge. mandatory pricing, which may be intended for people, is not such that a price is set that is beyond the facts. there is an institutional argument, and yes, the price is this institution. it is pricing based on the realities of the industry and the characteristics of the industry , when the price of your energy is controlled, the price of your production inputs, the price of your supply, all of these are controlled prices and in some way it is a subsidized price, you expect the price of the final product. be free, free with what in front prescriptive pricing is what we say about price release and price based pricing.
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let's also explain the market, which means dollarization means making it more expensive based on a rate that does not match the conditions of our economy. we were discussing a report ready regarding the latest conditions of the lasik market . let's see this together . we will come back and talk more about the program. problems that have caused price fluctuations since march 1401 3 million 400 3 million 500 for what car, for the same 45, for 206, for samand, it doesn't matter. the sellers' union knows the problems in the supply of some products, male sex.
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he didn't put the requirement in his basket, it is a bestseller. this happened on the sizes of the bikes that the factory needed. the manufacturers knew the reason for this was the increase in production costs and wanted to change the price. the materials are constantly becoming more expensive and our prices are stable we say a price that the competitive market at the end of the supply chain creates motivation for us to raise the volume of production , the market regulation accepted that one twenty. our percentage before eid, let's increase the price for these production units to get out of losses and find an incentive to produce more. however, as promised, the conditions were not favorable. the companies still do not load tires and do not explain to the tire representative either. it didn't come to the market again, not only did it go back to the next situation, but because of this, the prices are going up .
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they said that the reason for the decrease in production was that the process of supplying our currency was drip-fed, which resulted in our production decreasing by at least 30% at that time. consider. it caused a difference between the market price and the production price, causing a lack of inventory in the market. now there are two views about balancing the tire market. if we want to make it right, the best solution is to free the value, free the sale, and the pricing will be done by the production units themselves under the supervision of the union and their guild. this space should be created with a platform so that the government itself will come to monitor. let him see how much is the supply , how much is the demand, does the production match the consumption or not? we have created the space for him , we want to give him the pricing. can you actually supply the consumption, if you can't, the governments should step in immediately
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. mehdi anari, sed and sima news agency. according to mr. mirzaei, the last conversation we had with mr. hasanlui was that what mechanism should be in place for pricing, that is exactly what you are saying about how the pricing of lasik should be done . you may know that we have preferred currency since last year it has been removed from taye industry and we sell all our materials at nima's land price, so you are alone. it is known that we buy official items recognized by the country and the central bank , and on the other hand, many domestic raw materials are unfortunately being traded at unofficial exchange
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rates. it is calculated freely and we do not attract the subsidy that friends say, naturally we expect to be able to compete in the competitive market. let's do this pricing that is being done, the chain is not under control, that is, the chain is free. see, we are the first materials or we are getting most of it from the stock market , which every day they are providing us with a new rate based on the data that is recorded there , and i am telling you that some of my materials are being procured from the open market at an unofficial dollar rate. there is a deal, and on the other hand , we can also import the materials from foreign countries.
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the association should monitor based on the same guidelines it has. unfortunately, you can see the performance of 1400d and 1401. what was the state of the industry? well , what harm did this directive criticism bring to the industry? also, the profit of our industry in 141. you can look at the companies below. well, we have below 5% profit. well, this is not the condition that the tire industry should stop all the development of the tire industry in 1400-1401.
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it is competitive, and if the government gives this authority to the association , there will not be a queue at the dealerships. we believe that enough tires are being produced, especially in our field of riding. we do not have production , while imports have increased significantly compared to previous years, while we know that consumption has not increased, yes, and we expect that we, as an association or snaf, as a party people can play a role in pricing . yes, mr. hasnali and mr. mirzaei say that the industry does not receive special subsidies. on the other hand, the market is competitive. the association itself can enter and set the price now with the defined profit. so, let
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me tell you about the pricing first. what is our problem with the current pricing, to define the lack of market or loss. producer, if there is a lack of market, the solution is something else, but if it is a producer's loss , let's talk about why the industry could not attract its supporters, when the entire chain from top to bottom should be monitored and recorded. that is, what do i provide at the unofficial market rate or at the smuggling rate, how do i provide it, how does our producer invoice and document this and come to the regulatory bodies to explain , how do you tell your tax organization that i , for example, at the first rate i bought tomans, we don't have a price on the raw materials, the price is based on the commodity exchange, and
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with this increase and the loss numbers that are announced
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, the manufacturer will not buy. sanat taye is providing for its repairs and side issues it is calculated with the free exchange rate . in any case, what kind of subsidy is given? if there is none , please tell us how you can tell us about the rate. we receive a subsidy, mr. azaryogha. look, we are all the industries where we have this discussion, there is a cross-sectional discussion , they are unhappy with the price, they say there is a process in the market , there is a bad school in the market, the rule of the government, the rule of law, there are cases, they should make this clear , set a rule for it, but the players of this industry are not willing to these four. they say you are the rate you have determined the price of the petrochemical exchange center, it
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is working with this rate, the rate of space, which does not have it , is playing with this rate, with this rate and in the commodity exchange, there is a price tolerance, an increase and decrease , there is a quorum. i can supply in the open market in the official and transparent market of the country, and i don't want to play in this space, so the price should be free. now, i really have a question, what will
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happen after that? the issue that needs to be investigated is because of the price of
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my raw materials from oil and everything that i consume it has not increased, go and see how much the raw materials industry has grown since the last 6 years and how much we have grown in the industry . we do not have an order, there is no price. there is no pricing. now, according to everything they are calculating, they are determining cash, then they will determine cash for me when it reaches the end of the chain. policy making is expedient in that instead of for example, let's give you 20% of 50%. well, let me tell you, first of all, every chain from upstream to downstream has a basis for pricing . petrochemical itself, its feed rate is determined by pricing , and its output is also based on pricing and its width
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is based on the commodity exchange. there is a basis for discovering the price of all this. all the manufacturers say that the above is not met and it should be corrected, but what is the ideal situation? we are not in the rubber industry, but it is the whole industry . now let's have gold or something like the width of a table in all industries, jamshid's spot price, in the name of god, let him announce the above four price bases at noon, the basis of action.
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consider the inputs to be floating, then say in the output, i was fine whenever i gave the license, so i thought it was expedient to give you a rate, so it is not true that you are destroying the industry by doing this , i am saying that we have the experience, so look at our companies. can you see how their profits have been? we , being listed companies, work very transparently , that is, when there is a price reduction, this price reduction is reflected. this is exactly what happens to us. unlike the automobile industry, the tire industry competes with tire imports, which means that if we don't regulate ourselves , we will lose the market and leave it to the importers. as a result, because that area has been our target for many times, the natural price of the tire has dropped, and the global price of tires has dropped. we had to bring it down. if we didn't do this , we would have left the market to imports. you
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see the market as competitive. you know the arguments of the honorable people about pricing . so the manufacturer is a major part of the limited and famous hand production it's the market and the issue that the product that we compete with or have a major problem with is rim tires 13, 14 and 15. these are 6 manufacturers in total . in the case where we have a problem , there are no fewer than 10 manufacturers, so first of all , i do not accept the number of producers and the number of actors to be much less for you, that is, the clothing market , if we have more than 10 thousand producers, it means that competition based on the volume of your market value is not correct. we should not
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increase the number of producers, we are 10 producers, all production cycles are available they are present and active, each brand has its own. by the way, when the market is competitive, the prices are also different. this shows that the market is not competitive, the competitive market is a market where the number of producers, suppliers and buyers has the power to comb, and their numbers are armored. ok , that's the definition of a supplier. i dare not accept your idea, because the competitive market is what i am economically stable. competition arises when we have a price difference, companies compete with each other, we don't have raw materials in the country right now, so the manufacturing company now has these with they can help each other, you can't help each other , they have a meeting of the association, they give me a supply rate, i am a tire maker , they go with each other whenever they want, the high price is because there is no competition, you
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see, we say that we have competition in the tire industry, if you set the price free us , get rid of the tire. by the way, we think that there is competition. why is it there? i say that we are 10 producers. i have a feeling of import and now there is a spoon of tire. i say that if i want to, i will reduce if the price is unfair, the importer will come and fill my place, but not you look, for example, in 2013-2014, this happened . the price of the aircraft industry has dropped. look , see how much the price was in 1993. how much was the price in 2016? when there is competition, it is for the benefit of the people that we allow the people to choose our brand. you have sacrificed the brand with this pricing. we sacrificed the quality. i am a special producer . i cannot produce 2 special tires
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. i can say that this tire is, for example, a green tire. this is a normal tire. compete, the importer can be the importer with the smuggling that you said, there is smuggling. i said that you put a price on a product of mine, the producer, and you took the production from me and the conditions. you have created in the market, i say that you should allow us, we are producing with 10 companies, thank god, and our production is so much that we claim to meet the needs of the country, and we import from that side. we are competing together, we will reach a balance somewhere , and this is you, the people, there is no shortage of production, we do not have a shortage of production , you do not have a shortage of passengers, you do not have a shortage of busses, and you we don't have a ride.
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it caused the reverse spooning to be done in our country at a time when in 1401 between burj 3 and burj 10 , tires were exported from the country in reverse. it happened that there was less air traffic in the country, and these problems started from there, from burj 10 in 1401, and then wrong policies came behind me. this story was published and the country's problem was not solved in the field of tires. otherwise, i would say that we do not have much shortage in the field of tires. for example,
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now , there is a difference between our statistics and the statistics of our consumption statistics, if we accept the ministry of information's side, because the rate that they give for consumption , the consumption coefficient that they give, from our point of view , they give a high number, if we accept it, they are 10 correct.
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there must be other cases where smugglers and importers can sell in this market , but our producers cannot. overhead costs, unreasonable costs of the producers must be that they can't compete. now, when you say other things, it's not true at all. we didn't discuss competition. now everyone likes iranian tires. why should the market be balanced? you say today , for example, the color 13 is not available in the market. go to the market for the price i promise. the shop we go to can get the tiles for the same price . there is only one problem. do you know where you are? the customer wants a special brand. if he chooses, he says
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, "i want a certain brand, for example, an iranian one, i want it, otherwise you should go for the appropriate price of imported tires and the tires that have entered the country with the width of nima, and sometimes the width is preferred, but, masha'allah, there is one, every shop you go to, there is one, you don't want this tire because expensive tires for the customer. do you know why we got it? tires are now imported for two and a half to 3 million tomans , some of them are unbranded chinese tires, it's not like you can say that the quality of iranian tires is better than the many tires that enter the country. sometimes it is not available for sale . you have to buy this tire for 2 million 700, 2 million 800, then for a tire, for example, a special iranian brand that has a lot of demand. production, if i want to pre-sell for the next 3 months, cash if i want to get money now, everyone is pouring money, the reason is that
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the price is so high. it is priced so low that we canceled the feeling that if you buy it now , you can buy an airplane under the title of government airplane . you made a profit of one million tomans. yes, mr. hassan, you say that there is competition. you can compete with smuggling and imports. we used to work in the old days , and we are working now, now we are talking about other subsidies and other prices, we are talking about energy, which is an important discussion, mr. hasanli, mr. meizai says that because the price is low, now, especially in the sizes 13 and 14 of this market, that now in we have also seen the report that this shortage has arisen, after all, it is a false demand that actually causes this shortage to occur in the market. mr. mirzai, the producer , we do not have a problem with production, so where is our problem
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after a short period of time, you limit it, if the width is right for you, right now, if you buy the tire at the current government rate, go to the open market and sell it at a profit. in which market can i go directly to the buyer? to sell how many rings can i sell? when we go, a warehouse will be found. there will be news that a warehouse will be found. another 4,000 rings. this is not a question of pricing . this chain leaked from somewhere . why does the representative reset so many things? a seller does so many things. he is hoarding 4,000 rings under these conditions. well, hoarding is a disgusting thing that we don't approve of. it's really ugly, but why is he doing all this except that
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he wants to make an unknown profit. well, this shows that our pricing was not correct, now either he wants to take it out of the country or he wants it out of the country he wants to take it out of the country. look, i was selling tires. at the approved price of $16 , he gave me a kilo of tires. it was a v6, which they say was from the year 1400, and the system was a bit weaker, and they could have done this more easily . how much was 6 tenths of dollars outside the border? it was 3 dollars. each kilo was 3 dollars. so, what is there that you can control, hey , increase your surveillance forces, anyway , there is this desire to sell expensively, there is a desire for profit for everyone. price we are not dealing with pricing, all our criticisms are about the process and the way of monitoring the market, that is, we regulate the market.


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